Monday, February 1, 2021

The Tzavaah of Harav YItzchock Scheiner Zatzal

 At the levaya of Harav Ytzchok Scheiner ZT'L they read a Tzavaah that he wrote 2 months ago to his family. He instructed them to continue studying  and learning Torah in the derech of HaRav Baruch Ber Lebowitz zatzal  with Iyun and toiling in learning. He also told them to stay away from improper communication devices in any way, even though this is very difficult as one who is connected to them can not be connected to Torah.


  1. Meaning stay off the internet !
    Stay away from The Hefkervelt !
    Stay away from the Lakewood scoop !!

  2. Halevai i could but...
    Raboisai, eitzos please?

    1. Start slowly. Take it one step at a time. Hashem doesn't expect his beloved children to become Angels overnight.

      Start by staying away from any extras while still on the technology including whattsup and games etc.... Then work on removing yourself from smartphones and can still have a kosher cell phone. Noone said you can't still have a cell phone to keep in touch with your family and workers etc....

  3. what about the letter he wrote urging people to be makpid on masks and social distancing? Why ignore that message that was intended for the klal?

    1. With your reply you're mekayem both
      שואל שלא כענין ומשיב שלא כהלכה

      We're discussing Rav Scheiner's tzava'ah and you somehow manage to come in grumbling your favorite gripes.

    2. I’m not sure about gripes. But I do know Rav Schneiner Zatzal was nifter from Covid.....

    3. Right. We are still talking about his tzavaa

  4. lets stay on topic please. everyone should work on it slowly. It'll work and you will be a happier person in the end! It works for real!!
