Sunday, January 3, 2021

Sunday January 3 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Periods of rain. High 46F. Winds ENE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 100%. 

 - 71 new covid cases in Lakewood  + 1 deaths totals 8366/231

-Critics call out Murphy's NJ vaccine rollout, NJ  has the same population and similar in size as Israel yet the country already vaccinated 10% of its  citizens and  According to,  Gov. Phil Murphy said he hopes that vaccine doses for the general public will be available by April or May. Additionally 70% of the Vaccines delivered to NJ has not been administered yet.

Matzav: Lakewood: Rental Market Out of Control – What Does the Future Hold? more here
-Tehillim for Harav Dovid Soleveitchik shlita condition has worsened משולם דוד בן אלטע הנדל בתושח''י
- Tomorrow at 9:00 AM, frontline health care workers at  Newark hospital  will receive their second doses of the Pfizer vaccine
- Basement rentals hit $1800 in some developments
-Trump: The Swing States did not even come close to following the dictates of their State Legislatures. These States  “election laws” were made up by local judges & politicians, not by their Legislatures, & are therefore, before even getting to irregularities & fraud, UNCONSTITUTIONAL!
-Trump: The vaccines are being delivered to the states by the Federal Government far faster than they can be administered! 
- Trump: Something how Dr. Fauci is revered by the LameStream Media as such a great professional, having done, they say, such an incredible job, yet he works for me and the Trump Administration, and I am in no way given any credit for my work. Gee, could this just be more Fake News? 
-speed restrictions on the Garden State Parkway north of Exit 100 
-New York State has recorded more than a million positive COVID-19 cases since the pandemic began, according to figures released by Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Saturday.


  1. This Trump guy gets more and more unhinged, and the עם חכם ונבון still support him?!

    He cannot fire Fauci, and he didn't hire him. That is why Fauci is better at his job than the rest of the Bozos that he hired.

    Btw, how is the search for a brother to the Georgia Attorney General doing? Has he started existing yet?

  2. saw one in the Monmouth and 4th area asking $1800. it is simple supply and demand more couples less building and because of corona no one is moving to Israel for now

    1. There's also in Beacon area for 1800 but a 4 bdr basement

  3. I am an early follower of this site and I appreciate the local news and perspective that you bring without flashing out my eyes on ads that I would never click on and without making my close multiple pop ups. That said, is there really a need to post every pathetic tweet that Trump posts? Seriously, just what I was missing from my day, a 75 year man crying that he's not getting credit for anything. The election is not changing. We should be smarter than this.

    1. Trump is tweeting just to irk people like you and get you piping mad . And obviously it's working well.

    2. I don't mind Trump's tweets just like I don't mind the dementia induced ramblings of a nebach sick person in a nursing home. I just really wonder what this site finds in them of value to post every day.

  4. There is no question that election hanky panky occurred... it should bother every american democrat or republican.. every allegation of misdeeds that were supposedly on video must be answered by the people on the video. We must have 100% election integrity it’s all WE the people have left ...

    1. There is no question that there is no reason to believe any hanky panky happened. Every single claim, sworn affidavit, drunk fired dominion worker and other assorted nonsense has been easily and clearly debunked. The much touted 'kraken' has disappeared in the night.
      Anyone who has actually checked up on the claims, instead of vague 'thousands of sworn affidavits', can tell that the claims are bogus. Out of state rental trucks do not signify anything, neither do ballot boxes stored under a table where people won't trip over them. The dead did not vote in any significant numbers (the only proven ones were republican votes), and there were never more votes than registered voters.
      Stop whining and whinging and find a job.

  5. It is not Coveid it Is is not Israel the local Lakewood population is exploding and you have Thousands of Brooklyn and Monsey families poised to move into would need at least 700 new Basements built every year to keep up with demand ant that is not happening because many of the homes being purchased now are in Tom's River and Jackson and none of them come with Rentable Basements

  6. Watch this:
    הרב יובל הכהן אשרוב - חיסון קורונה - הידעת?

  7. The Zoning Board application for the 99 unit apartment complex + simcha hall + business offices on Route 88 (next to the train tracks) has been postponed to Monday, January 11th.

    1. It is still on the agenda for tomorrow

    2. The new date for the the hearing on appeal # 4115 will get changed tomorrow.

  8. The lockdown in Eretz Yisroel is one big joke. The yeshivos have thousand's of people in one room learning together (some have some tablecloth's hanging so the corono doesn't go through them, they call it capsules, joke of a century. So the only dif. between here and america is that in usa the politics just make you have to talk alot, and here they make you also say your doing something. By the way anyone can get vaccines here for already a week, just go at the end of the day to the Meuchedet and they'll give you one of the extra one's because onc'e it't tooken out of the freezer they can't put it back in.

  9. Help!! Where’s the Westgate lawyer???
