Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Lakewood Politicians Show support for Protest This Shabbos

Officials call on the protesters to behave and not do any acts of violence. Officials also addressed concerns (brought up by Harold Herskowitz) for having it on Saturday and the Jewish community can not attend, they say another march would be planned on a Thursday so everyone can join


  1. ברוך מחיה המתים After several weeks of silence AK (and the VAAD) were seen tonight at the BOE meeting supporting the opening of Lakewood Shuls and frum businesses. Thank you Lakewood Vaad and BMG for looking out for the Tzibur.

  2. How sick to hear the vaad spokesperson whose mouth called fellow orthodox Jews Bad Apples, a vaad that called frum candidates unqualified all of a sudden talk about how we feel for others and how heartwarming it is........

  3. If only the vaad cared about yidden this much.

  4. Some of Theses appointed community leaders are profiting financially off the hard working tax payers they have no right to any leadership position or to speak in the name of the Lakewood Jewish community.
