Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Erev Sukkos or Erev Pesach Which is Busier?

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There's a famous saying if Men had to clean for Pesach and ladies  had to build a sukkah they woukd both start on Erev Pesach.

Talk about Erev Pesach the pressure of getting ready for the Seder, making sure there is no chometz, turning over the kitchen, cooking the zeroa, making charoses etc. Men usually have easy chores when it comes to Erev Pesach its the Nashim tzidkaniyos that are the ones knocked out when we sit by the seder.

Its on Erev Sukkos when rolls are reversed that the men get to feel a bit what it is for the women on Erev Pesach. Talk about the stress of getting the sukkah up, making sure its sturdy, adding 2 new panels, last minute runs to the local hardware store- a screw and bolt here, a light fixture, oops need to run back for an adapter since its 3 prongs, Setting the shabbos clock, putting up the decorations. Then its back to the store for another 6x4 mat for the schach and a fold-able cot for the son in law who sleeps in the sukkah.
Then comes the Daled minim, checking the esrog one more time, placing it in the polished Esrog holder (Ladies job ) running out to get Aravos, a chinuch set, and of course putting it all together keeping it moist and ready to use. Oh, forgot the Lulav rings.. How do you make them?
 Finally on the way to shul a voice yells.. you forget to open the shlock!!

1 comment:

  1. Eruv tavshilkin
    Shut the light in the fridge (i have a new fridge, didn't know it has Shabbat mode, I'd rather not have it, but can't shut off the bulb, except for Shabbat mode.
