Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Wednesday September 4 Rosh Chodesh Elul News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 77° A mainly sunny sky
אם יתקע שופר בעיר ועם לא יחרד

- This year there will be 3  3 day yom tov Rosh Hashanah first days Sukkos and simchas Torah 
Moadim L'Simcha of Lakewood   Succos 5785-2024  Lakewood Order Deadline: Thursday, September 5th, 2024 order Here 

- First day of School Jackson LSTA busing has limited  stops in neighborhoods some kids have to walk up to 15 minutes for the bus. Parents were given short notice of the stops

- Rav Dovid Cohen shlita will deliver a Elul shmuz tonight 7pm at BMG in the Beren hall dining room

- Levaya of Reb Yisroel Schenkelowki ZL  in EY watch here 

-  The entire family of Kamala Harris running mate Tim Walz just endorsed Trump all dressed in a photo wearing Waltz's for Trump T shirt. This is the greatest troll of the 2024 election

- Some chasidishe schools delay opening due to financial hardships new satmar boys  school in Lkwd has postponed opening as did other schools in Brooklyn and Linden More Here

- School shooting in Georgia: At least 4 dead, up to 30 injured after suspect opens fire at Apalachee High School in Barrow County on Wednesday morning. The suspect is in custody.

- Boys schools begin expect bus traffic 

- Satmar giyus protest will take place tomorrow afternoon in NYC at the Manhattan center on 34th Street. Thoussnds expected

- Keren Olam Hatorah South America dundraiser  the gedolim will leave Etetz Yisrael on Motzei Shabbos first stopping in Brazil and afterwards in Mexico and Panama. Just like their New York trip  there will be a citywide kaabolas panim in all locations. They will travel back to EY before shabbos Ki Setzei.

- The new "Keren Klal yisrael" was founded yesterday at a ceremony in the home of Rav Yaakov Meir Schechter shlita with the attendance of admorim and roshei yeshiva of sefardi and litvish yeshivos. The organization was formed to combat the gezeiras giyus on all fronts that is facing yeshiva bochurim today as they will advocate on their behalf will provide assistance and a hasbara campaign. The mashpia Rav Tzvi Meir Zilberberg was also in attendance 

- Chevron Rosh Yeshiva Rav Dovid Cohen shlita arrived in Lakewood today on a week long trip to the uS on behalf of the Keren Olanm HaTorah, He will be in Monsey from Thursday to Sunday and than travel to Passaic, Miami and Toronto and then back in Lakewood on Wednesday where he is expected to deliver a shiur in BMG before heading back to Eretz Yisrael 

 The Garden State could get drenched with 1 to 2 inches of rain on Saturday, from a potential coastal storm

- Application at the Lakewood planning board next week to create 76 lots off Massachusets and Prospects st behind the highp[oint condominium the Township sold the 10 acre parcel a few years ago applicant is Keypoint Equity LLC Massachusetts Avenue Block 423, Lot 156.01

- Rt 9 construction underway  between Chestnut Street and Second Street for curb and sidewalk improvements.

- Tiger Woods: “Kamala’s fake black accent is embarrassing and extremely offensive.”

Trump assassination: Sen Josh Hawley reveals Most agents guarding Trump during assassination attempt were Homeland Security personnel who took "two-hour online webinar." Whistleblowers have revealed to Sen. Hawley that most agents guarding Trump were not Secret Service, but DHS agents who were trained for two hours on zoom

- RFK Jr. On Kamala: “I don't think that Vice President Harris is a worthy president of this country… I think we need to have a president who can give an interview, who can articulate a vision, who can put together an English sentence”

 - Trump held a meeting with black business owners at his Bedminster, New Jersey home, and one of the men said Trump will make history with black voters

- ISHTABACH - Bringing the Real Shuk Machne Yehuda Experience Live to Toms River! Watch Here 

- Agudah NJ director Rabbi Shlomo Schorr in a interview discusses the Tuition relief that was promised:
Rabbi Yitzchok Hisiger:
Do you feel that tuition relief isn’t a realistic ask at this time? I imagine you get asked this question all the time: "So, Rabbi Schorr, when is tuition relief coming to New Jersey residents?"

Rabbi Shlomo Schorr:

There's no doubt that tuition is the number one concern for Jewish parents, not just in New Jersey, but across the country. We've seen some success in other states, but here in New Jersey, it's a multi-year plan that we just kicked into high gear this past year. We hope that, be'ezras Hashem, we’ll see some progress on this front. How significant and how soon? That remains to be seen, but we're optimistic.

- Vivek Ramaswamy this morning: "Kamala Harris was one of the strongest proponents for a ban on fracking. So much so that when she was in California, she sued the Obama administration over granting fracking permits."
"She didn't just favor the abolition of private health insurance, she was a co-sponsor of the bill with Bernie Sanders for Medicare For All. She said she would end the filibuster in the Senate to ram through the Green New Deal."

- Lakewood Township taxpayers are on the hook to pay the legal fees for the Lakewood Township Police Department,  who have been slammed with a Civil Rights complaint over allegations of racism and retaliation. Full story on  


  1. how can anyone support the trefa medina when they cut funding to yeshivas and make the rabbanim travel to 3 different continents to get a few bucks, this is who the Young Israel crowd daven for, when will they do teshuva and realize the medina is a terrible entity?

    1. We need to do a better job counteracting them. How about we start with the answer to the question of: Why is it fair my child should risk his life, and not yours?

    2. Why would someone like you expect the trefa medina to give any funding to Yeshivas to begin with? I'm no Zionist but from their perspective it makes perfect sense to say that we think you should be in the army at your age and if you aren't we won't support the institution you are in.

    3. At this point can anyone explain what is the purpose of this latest trip??initially 107M needed to be raised for the entire year they claimed 84M raised then made a internet/phone campaign another 10M raised. Then a trip to the UK ,now back to the US and South America.......??.

    4. Are you perhaps either a BT; a teen;or pardon me, a troll?
      This should be small fry-If you were a supporter of the medina in spite of every fiat & everything that happened till now
      This,paradoxically, should be small fry also-if you were opposed to the medina till now

    5. Anon 11:15. Fundraising is a 24/6 job. Who said $107 is enough? Maybe it was too easy, they want more.

    6. The 107 M was a exact number as per campaign for one years worth of cuts of funding......Yes they obviously want more.......

  2. Yup. Terrible. You should never go there.

  3. Take a chill. It is not so pashut. The rosh yeshivas shlita are doing what they need to do. Nobody thinks 'the medina' is kodesh kodoshim. They (the court manadated)cut funding, the government at this point is handcuffed...

    1. The Gov't ignores the Court whenever enough of the public wishes them to.Generally the Court avoids such inconvenient scenarios

    2. It ain't a Court.There isn't a Constitutional Framework.
      The Court of Iran has more basis for which to base it's than them.
      But as long as the public you guys included fall for the bluff they keep at it.It's like cryptocurrency.

  4. The gashmiyus is spreading to Toms River a huge flat screen TV to watch ballgames. With a taste of machne yehuda

    1. Soon the whole world will have gashmius. Then all the malachim living here will be in a predicament.

    2. Why is KCL giving a hashgacha on this, but shut down a place for having Hookah at a private event?

    3. Okay tzadik, go open a restaurant with a old fashioned tv that isn't flat


  6. Tiger Williams is an embarrassment for other things

  7. Why all the Trump fanboy stuff? Takeh Hefkervelt

  8. Another tuna bagel entertainment stop in Toms River

  9. Gee , I wonder if Chevron Yeshiva will be getting a chelek of the 109 million dollars?

    1. מבזה גדולים אין לו חלק לעולם הבא

  10. Why would yeshivas take from the Tzionim money in the first place?

  11. Majority of this money should be given to yeshivas that NEVER took money from the medina

    1. Are you kidding?
      The money is going to those who raised the money.
      Why should they share?
      Would you share?

    2. You say that it 'should' be given to Yeshivos that NEVER took money from the medina. Is that a chiyuv de'oraysa? What is your source for this? Maybe it SHOULDN'T go to those Yeshivos?


    1. 1. An anonymous story is worthless.
      2. There is no heter to publicize Lashon Hara in this way. Even if it is already on a website.
      3. For some reason, these stories do not resonate with many of us.

    2. Dude, there are recordings with time stamps

    3. Did it say communicated content on the JCN sites did they say paid propaganda by hatzolah

  13. It's a sick journalism hit piece published by the frum affiliated content websites all it does is open the can of worms about botches that hatzolah had over the years it's not like there's never been any stories with them or other doctors or Ambulance companies.. unless a Rabbi publicly signs off on it after hearing both sides, these stories are fake news and another reason why people don't click on Ywn or affiliated garbage frum news sewer sites

    1. @2:56PM
      In my humble opinion, Your premise is correct. Everyone, and that includes all Health Care providers EMT’s etc.. (and for that matter all professionals) are entitled to not have his or her mistake plastered on websites when it is inadvertently done.

      However, b’mechila, this situation is entirely different. If what YW alleged is true that HN called 911 paramedics instead of HCJ, that was the first BIG Mistake. The second mistake was, in my opinion, worse. Once they heard according to YWN that “help would take a staggering 20 minutes to arrive” they should’ve immediately called HCJ.

      One of the main reasons we have our own Ambulance Corps is for the Time and Speed that our dedicated volunteers arrive. Therefore-
      Why Didn’t HN Call HCJ When They Saw The Situation Was Out Of Hand?
      (Who knows, maybe, if HN would’ve done what’s right, it might have even mended fences with HCJ)

      Instead, this almost ended up with tragic results. If all that was alleged is true, I understand why YWN chose to publish it. There should be no tolerance for ego and hubris in the critical care field.
      Just my opinion.

    2. Just the opposite
      HCJ put out a letter against them.and started up with HN had HCJ shown respect and work together with HN maybe things would be different

  14. It's ironic how HCJ had to up their game majorly because of HN by talking on new members and addressing justified criticism of response times and coverage yet they never publicly acknowledged that they were forced to shape up credit to competition from HN but somehow the hate propaganda is directed at HN

  15. Fact is that HN was on scene for 30 minutes before they even called 911 for their medics. Unfortunately a real shanda.

  16. I discovered something very interesting. Someone keeps commenting how Hatzolah took on new members because HN was opened, so I got curious and went on a certain website and did a search with the words “new members”. I noticed that in 2018 Hatzolah took in 11 new members. 2019- 18 new members
    2021 22 new members
    2022 16 new members
    2023 25 new members
    2024 12 new members.
    When exactly was HN formed? I don’t see that they caused Hatzolah to do anything. Seems like Hatzolah was expanding in all areas as they grew.
