Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Tuesday Sept 17 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather 75° Generally cloudy. High near 75

- Update on Atzeres Tefilah for Gezeiras Giyus organizers are still working on finding a suitable location for this Sunday but there's a slight chance the date may be pushed off, due to availability of the venue in New Jersey. Additionally it was decided that noted askan Reb Menashe Frankel of Lakewood will deliver remarks to the media in English at the conclusion of the maamad.

- Trump  visit to Williamsburg: Gottleib restaurant says store will be open for customers during Trump visit on Thursday.  

-Tonight: supermoon and lunar Eclipse 
On the evening of Sept. 17, a partial lunar eclipse will turn the moon a murky red-brown color when Earth's shadow descends upon the lunar surface. The September moon will officially reach its fullest phase at 10:34 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 17. But the eclipse will start about 20 minutes before that.

- DWD: is making an additional sale on this season's clothing robes hoodies socks tights 4 ladies girls & boys & men. yarmulkas. men & boys shirts.DWD3: All below wholesale pricing The sale is by appointment only to request an appointment for Wed. or Sun. call tonight Tues. night 8482611859 between the hours of 6-8 and 10-11 please do not leave any messages

- Atzeres tefilah for Gezeiras Giyus: Organizers are reportedly checking out some locations in NJ for the Asifa this Sunday, possibly at the Red Bull Arena in Harrison, NJ 1:15 drive from Lakewood seats 25k.

- Trump to address Jewish leaders in D.C. on Thursday - about fighting antisemitism to a group of prominent supporters, including Dr. Miriam Adelson"

- Air France cancels flights to Israel starting tomorrow 

- Atzeres tefillah on gezeiras Giyus will take place Sunday at a location in or close to New Jersey. at a meeting with Roshei yeshiva and the Satmar Rebbe it was decided there will be no drashos in English (in order to accommodate those who have a takkana not to have drashos in english)it in a public event. There will be 2 drashos in Yiddish by Rav Tzvi Meir Ziberberg and Rav Ephraim Wachsman shlita. Letters of support from gedolim in the US and Eretz Yisrael will be forthcoming. There will be statements prepared in English to address the media. 

- Moadim L'simcha yom tov distribution pick up orders today at Blue claws by scheduled appointment 

- Trump visit to williamsburg is now confirmed  he is expected to show up Thursday afternoon while in NYC will stop in at Gottlieb's restaurant bet 4-5 pm williamsburg 365 reports.there's security checks going on ahead of the visit 

-At the Township meeting Lakewood mayor ray Coles was asked why the town has yet to put a traffic officer at the Caranetta Central intersection blocking traffic at rt 9. The mayor said he will ask  the traffic and safety department to look into it. The mayor was also asked about the traffic in westgate near the shopping plaza, the same response was given.

- New traffic light is now active at the intersection of  Chestnut street and Vermont in Lakewood 

- Lakewood affordable chasuna halls on Oak street nearing completion with potential savings of 5-7k [er wedding

- Today, Jay L. Schottenstein, CEO & Chairman of American Eagle, celebrated 30 years on the New York Stock Exchange.Jay opened the market, by blowing the shofar something he does every day in Elul.

- The Trump campaign shared a comprehensive list of more than 50 quotes from Democrats, asserting that their inflammatory rhetoric directly led to the second assassination attempt on Trump. The campaign provided sources for each quote, blaming years of hostile language for inciting violence.

- Instagram will automatically put teens into private accounts with increased restrictions and parental controls (NBC)

- The Strategic Rebrand: Why Sugo Cafe in Toms River/Lakewood boprder Became Giddy's Pizza & Cafe Here  


  1. "Takana not to have speeches in English".

    Give me a break, they just know attendance will be low and are walking the thing back, especially if things escalate with Lebanon. I remember one time they made a Sephardi rov speak in Ashkenazi pronunciation in direct opposition to what Reb Yoel wrote in Maamar Lashon Hakodesh. They don't care about takanas.

  2. And the purpose of yet another rally?? Does anybody even dream that it will achieve anything of consequence? Besides pretending to ourselves that we care so much.

  3. How about a takana not to give drashot in goyish what you call Yiddish?

    2. Are they going to give Torah drashot, divrei torah?
    Or just speeches bashing the medina?
    I guess bashing the medina is a dvar torah.

  4. So sad that the young generation does not remember how much these public rallys have accomplished over the years.

    1. Right and it's just lately that they finally realized how much these rallies achieve and we end up having them like twice a month.... People remember know that the secular news is don't even report it, unless we have someone connected who actually gets them to report it on page 10. It's great for people living in their own bubble who enjoy these meaningless affairs. Praying is just a justification. As if these people have been praying for the last 3 months for the draft problem.....

  5. we must fight the Zionists shmad, the Zionists zchusim that we learn while they do their treyfa things and mechalel Shabbos bfarhesya. Oy mey hoyu lonu on Zionism. it is a kitrug on klal Yisroel the medina. How can anyone daven in a shul that blesses the medina?

  6. The Zionist establishment has been the biggest supporter of Torah since 1948. Billions and Billions of dollars. All those bashing the state of Israel- Have you ever heard of the concept of Hakaros Hatov

    1. What about you
      The French Gov't,the Polish Gov't,The Brit Mandate
      As famous journalist Sheinfeld put it : All that is in spite,rather than due to

    2. Good retort. All those Gov't have granted better deals than the State, where is zionist gratitude
      The italians or the mexicans have even been better

    3. Not only has the State of Israel supported Yeshivos and Kollelim, the superior level of learning in EY is quite unparalleled. Witness all the bochurim who yearn to savor Toras Eretz Yisroel.

    4. They haven't Supported Per se but used their superior talent for schnorring From the US And then supported. Essentially it's the non jews in Indiana etc which gets the thanks. As harav schach used to say " There flag stands for schnorr" How many billions over the years And the act as if they deserve it.

    5. If you think that the secular zionists, who shmad many thousands during the early years of the state and supported athiest kibbutzim, all of a sudden did teshuva and decided to support torah study, I have a bridge to sell you.
      All the money given to yeshivos was part of deal making between the government and the chareidi parties. None of it was לשמה. Will they get some zchusim for the torah they supported, probably, but they are not big tzaddikim

    6. Ditto.& It's the same families & agenda running the show now.
      They are by now so officially embedded,they are bit more capable being discreet about it.

  7. I have recently learned that in Lakewood daas torah is only applicable if it agrees with your emotions.

    1. Welcome to Lakewood. When did you move in?

  8. Any recommendations to get good quality black dress socks in Lakewood? I need something that breathes.. cotton or the like. Ty.

  9. How much are the wedding going to cost?
    What does it mean a saving of 6k? 6k from what? Lake Terrace?
