Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Tuesday Sep 3 Rosh Chodesh Elul Lakewood News Updates

Weather: 75° Sunny. High around 75F

- Tehillim: Skulener Rebbe from BP, condition has taken a drastic turn for the worse and is now extremely critical. Please daven for  YeShaya Yaakov ben Reizel.

-A Mezuzah was ripped from a Harvard dorm room late Monday night. Chabad of Harvard called on the university and law enforcement to immediately investigate this hate crime.

- BDE: Ptirah of R’ Yisroel Schenkowleski z”l, one of Lakewood’s earliest askanim and founder of Bais Kayla high school He was 80 years old. Levaya today in front of BMG Bais Yitzchok 4:30 pm with kevura in EY

- There are still over 20 girls in Lakewood not accepted yet into school for this year,  Unlike previous years, the start date for schools has not been pushed off. Additionally this year there are fewer girls going into high school than what is expected for next year.

- Chevron Rosh Yeshiva Rav Dovid Cohen shlita will visit the US this week on behalf of Keren Olam Hatorah he will be in Lakewood tomorrow, he will deliver a pesichas Hazman shiur in BMG possibly next Wednesday.

-Elul zman begins tonight in BMG, the yeshiva will be learning מסכת נדרים.

- Chasidei Kosov building a Bais medrash in Lakewood. Following the recent petirah of the kosover rebbe ztl, the chasidus announce they purchased of a large property in the center of a heimish community in Lakewood and will be building a bais medrash under the leadership of the current kosover rebbe shlita

- Giyus Update: Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlita trlls yeshiva bochurim who are getting called to enlist in IDF "Stand strong. Fight, we stand behind you and support you." 

- Keren Olam Hatorah gedolei yisroel will head out to South America on Sept 10-]11 visiting Mexico Brazil Panama among other destinations.

- New stores:
Bolo eats Now open in Gourmet Glatt South serving rice bowls, Chilli Bowls, appetizers, sandwiches under KCL hashgacha

Sadly Crunch time at Chestnut and Rt 9 has closed, thus comes after Nostalgia has temporarily closed.
Opening soon in Toms River
Artisanal gelato, Pizza
Ishtabach middle eastern 

- Assemblyman Sean Kean and Bob Singer sent letter to all Lakewood residents regarding the decreasing state aid to Lakewood despite it being the fourth largest municipality in New Jersey. They fought for a budget resolution that included 11 million more in state aid to Lakewood. an increase of 5,5 million from last year (despite the increase, local property taxes are going up this year an average of $700 just for municipal tax) Singer and Kean said the current state aid formula to Lakewood needs to be examined and reworked as it does not provide enough funding to the town. under Gov Murphy Lakewood has received inadequate and unfair state aid 
Lakewood has 140,000 residents and received $5.5 million last year thats $39 per person Newrak received $200 per person with 361,000 residents. 

- Bnos Bracha school in Lakewood sent a package with all necessary schools supplies for students tobease the back to school burden on parents

- Six Flags Great Adventure to ban unchaperoned kids under 16 at night
With bad behavior at theme parks on the rise, Six Flag Great Adventure will no longer allow children 15 or younger into the park after 5 p.m. without an adult, officials said.
Beginning Saturday, all guests who are not at least 16 must be accompanied by a chaperone who is at least 21 years old to be admitted to or remain in the theme park in Jackson, Six Flags said

- Grand opening specials at Nutmeg kosher 485 Locust Ave Lakewood
96 oz Grape Juice $4.99
milstein's sifted flour $2.99
Canola OIl $4.99
(Feder status)

- Hillary Clinton suddenly cancels appearance at Kamala fundraiser in the Hamptons

- A group of 32 armed Venezualans took over an apartment building in Chicago tonight. Here’s the audio of the 911 dispatch call.
First they did this in Aurora, CO and now Chicago

- Trump is reportedly eyeing a plan to involve prominent business executives, including Elon Musk , in auditing federal agencies to identify programs to cut.
Elon has already shown interest in taking on the role.

 - U.S. may provide Ukraine long-range precision-guided missiles to potentially strike deep into Russian territory, Reuters reports.

- Several Chasidinm were involved n a accident on the way back from Kerestir today they are expected to be ok one patient suffered a head injury and was evacuated by helicopter 
ישראל פנחס בן שרה
מאיר צבי בן שרה אסתר
ואברהם אליעזר בן טשארנע לאה.


  1. Bob Singer fought for an increase?!?!?

    Why didn't he help Lang's lawsuit, if he actually wanted an increase?

    He never wanted an increase, Murphy promised him some personal favor instead. Only force will get the state to cough up that which it owes. All 'favors' will do is give us pennies, and make us give up what we really deserve.

  2. Martin Handler cautions the community: Be Aware and Careful, or Face the Consequences Like I Did!"

  3. "Assemblyman Sean Kean and Bob Singer sent letter to all Lakewood residents...."

    Hey haters, thank Avi Schnall for bringing this issue to the forefront. Where were Kean and Singer until now?

    1. Where is Avi Schnall now? He told us that if he runs as a Democrat he will be able to bring in more money to Lakewood by being a part of the majority. Why didn't he?

    2. This money is peanuts and the only ones getting rich are the disgusting politicians who gave themselves a raise of 20k and raised taxes to pay for it.
      Where's Schnalls tuition relief
      It seems the whole schnall campaign was for the nursing home Chevra that NJ should not lower the medical payments

    3. We love this grand community too much to allow them to be lulled on by pied pipers or pythons to their slow but inevitable doom
      haters? We're lovers

    4. "They fought for a budget resolution that included 11 million more in state aid to Lakewood. an increase of 5,5 million from last year"

      That's a 100% increase as of now.

      Changing the formula will take work, especially with a fight from those benefitting from the current unfair formula.

      And yes, in a blue state, there is no hope for Republican politicans to change the formula without a Democrat (read: Scnall).

      Aguda Troll

    5. According to Lakewood Mayor Coles (a Democrat) half of the increase of money being given to Lakewood was the result of (Republican) Singer's efforts in the assembly (which the Democrats control) . So apparently you don't need to be a Democrat to get money for Lakewood

    6. Schnall was put in to get more get for the wealthy they fooled the olam with tuition to get the votes

    7. You are worried about Schnall or not to Schnall? Big deal. Five million dollars getting doubled.

      But there is a $100 million imbalance between cost and revenue of the BOE.

      Apparently last November, the Lakewood electorate chose R. Schnall over me, even though it was not a zero sum game. You could have gotten your assemblyman and a BOE that would work for fixing the formula. Instead, you elected the same people who sit at BOE meetings and don't say a word.

      Assemblyman Schnall, Mr. Inzelbuch Esq., and Rabbi Balsam made it clear to the Vaad that they oppose me. The Vaad made it clear that the governor opposes me. Like duh!

      What should have happened was electing friendly candidates for BOE and the governor should have been told that the township encourages settling the case, and our price, is ostensibly for an extra $80 million a year in state aid and forgiving the $250 million debt.

    8. Anonymous 3:29 PM:

      Singer is a senator, not an assemblyman.

      To suggest that republicans have power in a democratic run state is a joke.

    9. The NJ senate is also majority Democrats. Why do Republicans have power in the democrat run senate but not assembly?

    10. Anonymous 5:06 PM:

      They don't, just pointing out the amaratzus of anti Schnall commentator quoting Mayor Coles ostensibly giving singer credit for the increase

    11. 4:53,5:06
      Depends,as usual
      For a bucket of salamis ,even a minority member can bring that stuff,just play with the majority& they hand you a load for your constituents.easy.
      For real stuff they are obviously in opposition.Although there was a serious chance they could have gotten a chamber in election-our community helped ruin that chance
      Naturally Schnall & his string pullers can't deal with anything other than salami

  4. Which store is taking over breadberry?

  5. It's shameful and insulting for the Lakewood tzibbur to be publicly lied to by politicians and askonim and a frum media that peddles these lies. I know of 2 girls still waiting to get uniforms cuz they are not in a school yet but asskanim have no shame to lie and pat their backs with news articles for getting kids into school while there's girls suffering from not having a place yet.

    Our local assemblyman tell us how great they are and they got more money from Trento for lakewood yet it has not put a penny into anyone's pocket and taxes just go up

    We were lied to about tuition relief, well it's the beginning of the year and struggling lakewood parents are finding themselves at the mercy of school owners having to sign tuition contracts with increases for this year.

    Woe on to us that we as a community get treated like this woe onto us for this being taken advantage

    1. We do it to ourselves by continuing to support the incumbent politicians, askanim, and vaad.

    2. You can move to passaic/edison/cleveland/chicago/toronto to name a few

  6. Aaron Lang is doing all he can for us. The politicans and the current BOE has done nothing for us. Now we will have a large tax increase. It is time for change! Vote them all out. Dont listen to the nameless VAAD who only has their self interest.

    1. This increase is in the municipal levy, which is junior to the school levy. By virtue of my employment in the school district ( My company, my problem.) I identified the heart of matter, studied the law, sought out Professor Tractenberg as early as 2008, asked the mosdos, the CEO (superintendent), and the BOE to join with me, and after all the detraction, insults, and hopelessness of ever being given a hand as an executive of the organization in order to build an infrastructure of opportunity and create an engine of growth for Lakewood and posterity, I finally, as a private individual (I did not need the CEO, the lawyer or any of the bosses), filed on behalf of the parents and children of Lakewood public schools and nonpublic schools. Surviving two motions to dismiss, my work ultimately led to my demotion in 2019 and resignation this year. So for township matters, get the CEO, the municipal manager, on the case. It is his corporation. Let's see if the Township Committee dismisses him for trying to help the town survive. Public affairs in Lakewood are really bizarre. AL

    2. Hey AL,
      Honestly, no one in Lakewood knows who you are, except for a few people on Hefkervelt. Why don't you start writing a weekly column for the Lakewood Shopper.

    3. All the gedolai yeshiva know. I don’t need recognition, just cooperation to make sure the bosses don’t fumble. I don’t want future generations in Lakewood to be encumbered because the folly of hefker, which is good in BMG, let the truth win, but not in government. Truth will win but it takes longer,

  7. Too bad there are no neviim around today because otherwise all the askanim and politicians who put out articles and statements would bury their heads in shame for what they have done to the public with great deceit

  8. Bnos Bracha has been giving out the supplies to their students for many years. It’s their form of an admission card- beautiful and useful!

  9. How much do Lakewood (Jackson TR) residents and businesses pay in taxes?
    Or is it all Fulo
    to Newark Camden and (City of) Trenton? Jersey City (Mayor Fulop is a yeshiva graduate (but not shomer Shabbat) but he brings in much state funding and business development money, besides running for Governor)

  10. The reason why Lakewood does not get enough from Trenton is because the askanim in charge keep it for themselves besides taking money they use up all the zechusim of the rabim for personal projects and abuse the power of the Lakewood voting block for self interest

    Schnal was sent to help the nursing home guys protect the medical payment rates

  11. Sure we got funding . Do you know where it went? To helkp with the Private Way project and the Chambersbridge project. Of course that helps the oilam....
