Thursday, September 5, 2024

Thursday September 5 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 76° Lots of sunshine

- Robert F. Kennedy Jr responds to Candace Owen comments about Chabad that she termed "radical Judaism" and characterized the Lubavitcher Rebbe , as someone who "preached Jewish supremacism and hatred of all non-Jews." He said says his father considered the Lubavitcher rebbe a spiritual mentor and sought his advice on diverse issues of morality and ethics. He once visited the Rebbe at 2 o’clock in the morning! As Americans, we need to distance ourselves from the troubling rise in antisemitism. We need unity in our country, not divisiveness. That's what Rabbi Schneerson stood for.

- Giyus update: There are reports that the Gur  chasidim Reached Deal With Israeli Defense . In the framework of the agreement, 250 young members of the chasidic group will enlist in the police force and in return the rest of the chasidim will receive an exemption from IDF service, according to a Galei Tzahal report.  Other gur  rabbonim released a letter denying any such negotiations took place 

- First day of girls elementary school today. Buses showed up over an hour late  or more as parents ended up driving their kids to school at 10am

- There are still 8 girls not accepted into school as of this morning 

- Massive atzeres against gezeiras giyus taking place today at the Manhattan center in NYC with thousands of Chasidisha yidden led by Satmar rebbes 

- Vizhnitz Rebbe Rav Mendel shlita will make his first shabbos visit in Lakewood 2 weeks before  Chanukah time next year 

-Nightly maariv and Selichos  kminhag Sedardim at Kpshuto restaurant 12:30 am with cholent and drinks on the house

- Construcruon of 100 new homes on Cross Street near Massachusetts Avenue, FAA News has learned. More

- Moadim L'Simcha of Lakewood  Succos 5785-2024 Order Deadline tonight: Thursday, September 5th, 2024 order HERE  or call the  hotline at 732-415-4290 

- Grand opening sales at Nutmeg supermarket  Chicken cutlets white and dark $5.99,  chicken legs  Satmar and Belz $2.79 family pack 

-Two of Llakewood's busiest roadways, County Line Road and Kennedy Boulevard are slated for major traffic safety improvements due to increased accidents and a lack of sidewalks and bike lanes, officials said. But the actual upgrades will not occur for at least five years. Recent data found that more than 1,000 accidents had occurred along these stretches of road  between 2018 and 2022, above the county road average. Specifically, more than 31% of the crashes in the area are from left turns and rear-end collisions
Ocean county officials said in a recent report. “Lakewood’s community has a high number of residents who walk or bike along these corridors. The heavy vehicle volumes create safety concerns for pedestrians and cyclists.”
Officials also found that the two roadways will exceed their capacity for traffic and pedestrians by 2025 and suffer too from much “aggressive driving.”
 The county is now seeking public input on the countywebsite. (APP)

- Putin endorses Kamala Harris he says that Russia supports Harris, as Biden recommended. 
“If we can name a favorite candidate, it used to be Joe Biden, but now he’s not participating in the election campaign, and he recommended to all his allies to support Miss Harris. So, that is what we are

- Kamala Harris has finally accepted the rules to the ABC News debate against Trump according to CNN. Harris claims she will be "disadvantaged" by the debate format, which is the same format that was used for the CNN debate between Trump and Biden. "Vice President Harris, a former prosecutor, will be fundamentally disadvantaged by this format, which will serve to shield Donald Trump from direct exchanges with the Vice President," the Harris campaign said."Notwithstanding our concerns, we understand that Donald Trump is a risk to skip the debate altogether, as he has threatened to do previously, if we do not accede to his preferred format. We do not want to jeopardize the debate."

- Candace Owens hit a new low yesterday when she slandered the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, as someone who "preached Jewish supremacism and hatred of all non-Jews."

- Conservative pundits: Hearing lots of rumbling today that Harris camp regretting not picking Shapiro.

- Trump says he will create a "government efficiency commission," possibly headed by Elon Musk, "for drastic reforms" of the entire U.S. federal government.

- Pro- Hamas  crowd are currently harassing Jews outside  Mr Broadway kosher restaurant in NYC.It appears their new strategy is to directly target Jews at restaurants, synagogues, and Hillels. 

Video Yeshiva bochurim in EY return to learn for Elul zman


  1. How many boys aren’t accepted into schools this year i heard there are 3 that dont have schools

  2. An immediate improvement wooul be enforcement of NO LEFT turns our of the old Shoprite plaza, out of TD Bank and out of Shloimy's Plaza onto County Line Rd. When a bad driver decides to do a left turn there (there is a sign NO LEFT TURN) they snarl traffic and interrupt the flow.

  3. It would be amazing that Gur has worked this out. Seems like a reasonable and ideal way to move forward.

    1. Is the police much more pure than the IDF

  4. YWN pulled the fake news story about Hatzolas Nefashis so much for the fake frum media sewage sites

  5. Brilliant. Now that the paper street behind Wawa on Kennedy boulevard is under construction, instead of the street going through as the paper street on the map once hoped... Our great leadership will talk about gridlock. Poor joke

  6. Why would anyone allow construction on that paper street?

  7. Problem with RFK jr vs Candace Owens somehow is-both have elements that are somehow correct
