Thursday, September 26, 2024

Thursday September 26 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 78° Overcast, rain in the forecast for the weekend

Today 23 Elul is the Yartzeit for the victims of the 9 11 attacks on the World trade center 

- Hurricane Helene is now officially a CAT 4 with 130 Mph winds sustained in the eye

- Lakewood boy schools is already accepting applications for next year, Tashbar, Yeshiva Ktana, YTT etc,, while other schools will start right after Sukkos
President Trump announces a meeting with President Zelensky tomorrow morning.

- Trump on Eric Adams - "I watched about a year ago when he talked about how the illegal migrants are hurting our city...and I said, you know what, he'll be indicted within a year, and I was exactly right!"

-The Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah have issued  a kol korei, urging every member of Klal Yisroel to strengthen our faith, intensify our efforts in teshuvah, tefillah, and tzedakah, and reconnect with the values that define us as a nation. May our collective efforts bring a year of brachah, health, and shalom for us all. Therefore, we find it fitting to remind the community of several key points that we should all be diligent about at this time:
1.Each person should commit, during these Yemei Harachamim V’haratzon, to be vigilant about davening with a minyan
2. No part of Pesukei Dezimra should be skipped. 
3. Great care should be taken to avoid idle conversation during davening and the reading of the Torah, especially during chazaras hashatz
4. We must strengthen our faith in Hashem, It is appropriate for everyone to set aside time every morning to review the Thirteen Principles of Faith
5. We should accept upon ourselves practical commitments regarding modesty,

- Update from the National Hurricane center Helene has strengthened to a Cat3 with sustained winds of 120mph as of 225 pm EDT Thursday.

-Aisle 9 will be opening another location at the former breadberry store on E county LIne and Brook rd in Lakewood 

-Several kosher supermarkets in talk with taking over lease of the Stop m shop stores that are closing in Howell and Jackson.

- Lakewood township committee meeting today virtual only  5:30pm watch live stream Here see agenda Here
on the agenda township will vote to allow schools and residential apartment buildings on Cross street the planning board recommended changes for wider streets and height restrictions of 35 feet but the township may vote for the initial plan allowing height of 65 feet and narrower roadways. also adding 3 full time  police officers to the LPD

- Jersey Shore Boat Sale & Expo taking place this weekend at Blue claws stadium in Lakewood

- Iranian bochur: Unfortunately the appeal for Arvin Netanel ben Sonia that was filed 2.5 months ago to stop the execution was rejected this morning. He is need of major tefilah and rachamei shomyaim. The next few days are extremely crucial

- New book: "Miracle Baby" written by a talmid of Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky who was zoche to have his first  son at the age of 88

- The Toms River Zoning Board of Adjustment is set this Thursday to consider an application to convert an existing 2,873 square foot single-family home off Whitesville Road into a shul more at faanews

- New York City mayor Eric Adams issues a statement, says he is being targeted for standing his ground to protect the citizens of New York.

- January 6 committee: The transcripts prove President Trump ordered the National Guard to deploy days before J6 This explains why he didn't make the order on J6 but  The Pentagon ignored him

- The Art factory wedding hall in Paterson, NJ declared bankruptcy and closed  leaves couples, vendors scrambling with many weddings scheduled to take place there, it is  used for Jewish weddings too.

- Wonderland Pier on Ocean city on the jersey shore, known for its variety of rides and medieval castle facade, will close for good on Sunday, Oct. 13.


  1. Below is what I wrote in 1995 and gave to talmedai hayeshiva.. Rav Elyahu took me into Rav Malkiel and the Rosh Yeshiva said, "Do you want the acharius on yourself." I did not say yes.

    Even Aaron, then the boss of Lakewood, told me what I wrote was very good (but he too as late as 2015 could not challenge Inzelbuch). Somehow, in the end, I was put into the position that I told the Rosh Yeshiva I did not want. Here it is 1995:

    BS' D
    A Plea for Justice by Aaron Lang

    Madison wrote in The Federalist #10, "A faction is a number of citizens, whether accounting to a majority or minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adverse to the right; of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community...When a majority is included in a faction, it may sacrifice to its ruling passion or interests both the public good and the rights of other citizens."
    Voting is more than a right, it is the solemn duty of the citizen. America led the world in free public education simply to create a sophisticated electorate capable of comprehending the issues of the day. Constitutional and legal safeguards extricate a minority from its fears of prejudices. Our system depends on the invisible hand of "one man, one vote," just as capitalism depends on the "invisible hand" of supply and demand. Above all, political accountability necessitates a healthy two-party system offering an alternative between one administration or another, each equally capable of governing.
    Acting as a faction, fearing some unseen enemy, we have destroyed any possibility of efficient government in Lakewood. A majority, or a large minority need never to pool its votes simply because its has a common interest. No politician could oppose the basic interests of his constituency because people decide other differences at the polls. Even with the best intentions in mind, one leader or even one committee offering support to a candidate, cannot possibly make a wiser decision than the individual in November.
    This concern becomes utmost when the issue of spending is not the primary concern of the majority acting as a faction. Nowhere do we find a greater concern for the opinions of the taxpayer than in Choshen Mishpat 163.
    We cannot live within a political system and undermine it by disregarding its procedures that insure its survival. If we wish to discard the system altogether, then justice mandates that we follow the true outline of democracy, that in Shulchan Aruch. Ideally, taxpayers are shutfim. Those sitting on any committee must be koneh from legal homeowners, those who by the sweat of our brews honestly bear the burden for all residents of town.
    There is no "we" and "them" to the taxpayer. Nobody needs to speak for him. The present mistake of organizing the vote causes disenfranchisement of the one that both our Torah and the American political system strives so hard to preserve.

  2. I meant 2017. The point is that power is dispersed in Lakewood in such a way that nothing great, in everyone's interest, can be done. There is always a roadblock that everyone else thinks is unsurpassable, and thus they can't help, when it is surpassable simply because it is in the public interest.
