Monday, September 16, 2024

Monday September 16 News Updates Lakewood

Weather:  74° Cloudy. High 74F
Tuesday and Wed NJ possibillity of heavy rain as moisture from a potential tropical storm works its way north.

- Update on Massive atzeres Tefillah for gezeiras giyus: A meeting took place today at the home of the Satmar rebbe in Monroe with the attendance of Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel shlita and Rav Yaakov Horowitz shlita. The decision  was made to go ahead with the asifa in the form of tefillah betzibur with no drashos at all. It will take place in New Jersey so the Lakewood bnei Torah can attend. There will be a press release given out to media outlets explaining in detail what the event is about pertaining to the gezeiras giyus.

- Trump in Williamsburg?. The secret service was seen checking out the area of Gottliebs restaurant in Williamsburg sparking rumors that former president Donald Trump will be in the area this Thursday afternoon. This morning the sniper team was also seen in the area. (Kol mevaser)

- Rav Don Segal shlita will be speaking today in BMG Beren hall @7pm

- Hespedim tonight in Lakewood for Rav Avrohom Ausband ZTL at Kollel Nachlas Dovid 715 Park Avenue @9:15pm divrei Hesped by Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita, Rav Chaim Grossman shlita  Rosh Kollel, Rav Yaakov Rokach shlita Son in law

- Trump: The Rhetoric, Lies, as exemplified by the false statements made by Comrade Kamala Harris during the rigged and highly partisan ABC Debate, and all of the ridiculous lawsuits specifically designed to inflict damage on Joe’s, then Kamala’s, Political Opponent, ME, has taken politics in our Country to a whole new level of Hatred, Abuse, and Distrust. Because of this Communist Left Rhetoric, the bullets are flying, and it will only get worse! Allowing millions of people, from places unknown, to INVADE and take over our Country,

- Suspected Trump assassin Ryan Wesley Routh, "spent nearly 12 hours" near Trump's golf course before being confronted — ABC

- Elon Musk The incitement to hatred and violence against President Trump by the media and leading Democrats needs to stop.

- BMG to recieve $39 Million loan to finance housing project for 600 apt day care center and banquet hall at Georgian court property full story at faa.
Crews started clearing the trees

- Would-Be Trump Assassin, Ryan Wesley Routh has entered the Court Room at the Southern District of Florida Federal Court in West Palm Beach, for his First Appearance before a Judge. He was charged with possession of a firearm while a convicted felon, Possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number.
Routh is currently NOT facing any charges relating directly to the assassination attempt.
He is set to be formally arraigned in two weeks.

- Kashrus alert reportd of infestations in dry beans and barley sold at local stores.

- Yomim Noraim seating arrangements taking place in BMG where talmidim can confirm or choose their seat on one of the many minyanim

- JCP&L customers get sticker shock with soaring electric bills after the company was approved for a rate hike.

- Lakewood township clears forest off Cedarbridge ave next to the new Mesameach building to temporary allow Bais Faiga Elementey school of Jackson to place trailers and set up school at the location.

- BDE: Petirah of Rav Shmuel Rabar Zatzal Rosh Yeshiva of yeshivas Otzeros Hatorah in Yerushalayim after an illness he was 74. Leaves behind thousands of talmidim.

- The alleged gunman who  targeted former President Donald Trump while he golfed in Florida  previously declared on social media that “Democracy is on the ballot” this year and “we cannot lose” echoing the anti-Trump rhetoric used by Vice President Kamala Harris and President Biden. (NYP)

- Giyus: The massive  atzeres agains t Geziras Giyus and shmad next Sunday is still on schedule with the support of chasidishe Litvishe and Sefardi gedolim. The time and location has yet to be announced while the yiddish speaking newspapers had extensive articles explaining in detail what is at stake. Reports from Israel say the mashpiah Rav Tzvi Meir Zilberberg shlita will address the crowd. 

- Giyus news: Report: Netanyahu reportedly plans to dismiss Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and replace him with  Gideon Sa’ar potentially involving ministerial roles. This move aims to pass a new draft law favoring ultra-Orthodox exemptions, amid tensions with Gallant over Gaza and Hezboll*h policies.

- The negotiation between Bibi and Sa’ar’s party is at the final stage, and reports are that they almost agreed on all issues. The cabinet meeting was postponed to 21:00. If Sa’ar joins the government, this might be Galant’s last day as Defense minister.

-App reports on Hatzolas Nefashos org with a story Headline "Lakewood rescue squad attacks Riva urges opposition" 
"Conflict rages between Orthodox ambulance crew, competitor in Lakewood"
"Birnhack, who moved to Jackson from Brooklyn five years ago, said he sought to launch Hatzulas Nefashos after a neighbor had difficulty getting an ambulance in an emergency. He says Hatzolah’s campaign to oppose them has sparked prank calls and false information being spread on social media and elsewhere. “The last three months we have gotten phony calls and people telling us to shut down,” Birnhack said. “It is all about control, they want full control.” Birnhack said he has reached out to Hatzolah but has received no response. He also said he is considering legal action against the organization. “We try to reach out to them but no good. I think they do not like competition,” he said
Lakewood Vaad spokesman said
"The creation and continued operation of Hatzulas Nefashos is an unfortunate event,”  “The original Hatzolah has an extensive and constantly expanding service area, with dozens of highly trained EMTs… the arrival of Hatzulas Nefashos seems to be a service for which no need exists source

- Update on 3 killed in Tesla crash on Garden State Parkway victims were a Jewish family. : At approximately 11:55 p.m., 54-year-old David Dryerman of Woodcliff Lake, NJ, was driving a Tesla Model S northbound near milepost 131.1 when the vehicle veered off the road. According to the preliminary investigation, the car struck a sign, a guardrail, and a concrete bridge support before coming to a stop. 
David Dryerman, along with his 54-year-old passenger Michele Dryerman and a 17-year-old juvenile female, all from Woodcliff Lake, sustained fatal injuries as a result of the crash. CHabad of woodcliff lake ensured proper kavod Hames for the victims


  1. So 1500 gathered in a mixed concert violating halacha with kol Isha and taruvos a disgusting display against the Torah and no one says a word!!
    The videos showed frum chasidishe yidden in the crowds with ladies dancing around them singing along on top of their lungs
    Why is this acceptable on such a public display of a chilul shem shamayim

    1. Machahs were YES made.
      Check out
      As far as our people in Lakewood, they have no clue about concerts or attendees.
      They B'H sit and learn without phone or internet.
      B'H They do not have to be mevatel Torah in order to make a machah.

    2. Matzav advertised it and so did the frum papers. The machaa on Matzav is nothing more than clickbate part of their fake news inbox clickbate ro compete for clicks after cbn became the place for news. JCN advertised the Ribo concert so they must have had a heter from the anonymous daas Toorah.

    3. If you were watching the videos you aren't that different from those who went so save the maachas for others

    4. R'Shneider zt"l held that we must make a macha'ah

    5. Thus your implying that Matzav and others knew it would be mixes seating etc.
      Thus let’s post a Macau here and now for the these implications especially in Elul.
      The “Elul thing” to would be to give others the “ benefit of the doubt”, as in limud zechus, even if it was far fetched ‘kal vochomer’ if it’s not far fetched.
      I hope I’m wrong with this assumption and this Machah is only in theory.

    6. Better merit than from all the weak retorts is those who wish for public protest
      Public protest influences more people

  2. Oh how lovely for APP to report on the hatzolah infighting
    All thanks to the well publicized campaign against HN

  3. Will Hefkervelt again censor my comment asking why Rav Tzvi Meir remains silent when his brother is busy cutting deals to sell out the rest of the chassidim besides for Ger to "IDF shmad"?

  4. Can someone please tell me why you would want to start up with Hatzolah? Has Hatzolah ever bothered you? Can we please keep Hatzolah apolitical?

    1. Have you forgotten what happened during covid

  5. what about reporting the most important and sad news for lakewood today. the school Mayan bais yakov didnt open this year and closed its doors for good:( they had about 30 girls in the 9th and 10th last year together. with an incoming class.. who is taking responsibility for all this and where do they go from here????

    1. No Money No Honey.
      No Tuition No Classes
      Unless you go and teach these poor maidlach for free.
      You posted the issue you take responsibility.
      As Moshe Rabbienu instructed Pinchus.

    2. They closed because the vaad kept on sending them the bottom of the barrel girls, and they wanted to rebrand. He plans on reopening next year, without pressure from the vaad. The vaad buried this school.

    3. Not very nice to call girls, bottom of the barrel.

    4. Who has the chutzpah to call Bnos Yisroel 'bottom of the barrel'?

  6. the Zionists shmad is evil, we must fight them till the ends of the earth

    1. Who do you want to replace them? Hamas or Fatah?

    2. As an old style NK put it: both of are are bad. Replace with the King of Jordan

    3. Jordan? Here you go.
      Besides, Jordan isn't interested in EY anymore.

  7. Who's behind the Atzeres?
    What's it's purpose?
    How are they going to explain to the world that chareidim can't participate in the army while enjoying full rights as citizens when there's a draft for everyone else (ok besides for the Arabs)?
    I remember always hearing that the Satmar Rav Zatzal held not to organize a protest during wartime. What happened now? Is it Ok to protest Israel at such a sensitive time?

    1. The list of gedolim approving this will come out later this week the names behind it will surprise you.
      The Bagatz purposely pushed the draft law during war time knowing it will be hard to fight against public opinion that is why this atzeres is taking place specifically now

    2. I have a feeling that the names of those supporting the rally will NOT surprise me

  8. 1. I asked who's behind it, not who approved it. Which Yungeleit went to the gedolim to get their signatures?

    2. How does that justify organizing a protest when it could harm yidden?

    3. I still don't understand what the message of this atzeres is supposed to be, and who is it for.

    1. 1. I don't know which particular askanim are involved in organizing the event, but it's a pretty well known fact that there is extreme concern at every level of Chareidi velt, from the Gedolei hador to mothers of yeshiva bochurim about the danger of drafting the yeshiva bochurim and of the kiyum of the yeshivos in EY
      2. Not sure what you mean by getting harmed. The only harm that I see is the spiritual danger that Chareidi bochurim would face if drafted
      3. The message will probably be to bring the concern that is felt in Israel to the US and unite all Jews under the banner of anti shmad

    2. 1. Of course there is concern. The question is what to do about it.
      2.FYI there is a war now in EY. If such a large number of yidden get together to protest, it might affect public opinion about Israel which could harm the yidden living there.

    3. Heh,What has that stopped
      Has it stopped regular protesters blocking traffic in Israel
      Has it stopped Bagatz from sicking their fiats on the land

  9. So there will be this big asifa... Will there be any advise to how to get through this challenge? Any ideas for the israeli government? Any counter ideas? or just a 'micha'?

  10. So it's ok for everybody else.
    The Left is organizing anti govt anti everything protests every week.Half those dogs are anarchists.

  11. Since when is the Rabbi in Monroe the Satmar Rebbe. I thought the Satma6Re be lives in NY

  12. Why are you concerned with everyone else instead of what is correct and proper vs crooked and bankrupt

  13. Can you whine if it's normal course in that climate, similar to Gilet jaunes in France
    Should this be the issue to protest as opposed to graver seering issues is a larger question
