Monday, September 23, 2024

Monday Sept 23 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Weather 68° Cloudy. High 68F
Autumn began yesterday 

- Khal Hampshire Hills of Jackson Receives pproval to build New Bais Medrash

- Rebb Mottel Dick informed the bochurim in his shiur that next zman 4th year sukkos they can't remain in the Yeshiva and should go to learn at the many  yeshivos in Eretz Yisroel. This is following up a decision by some roshei yeshiva to have the bochurim leave earlier to EY in an effort to level the age gap in shidduchim. Other Roshei yeshiva are not on board with this and those bochurim stay until pesach of 4th year. Another component in bridging the gap was to have girls wait a year after seminary before entering shidduchim. 

Gridlock traffic this afternoon Cedarbridge Pine Central avenue, and LPD also ticketing cars.

- Stop & Shop Jackson location permanently closed. no word on who will be taking over the location The Howell Stop & Shop is also scheduled to close soon.

Atzeres Tefilah on Gezeiras Giyus: organizers working on events but no new updates or dates publicized yet.

- Emerson College/The Hill poll finds Trump with edge in most swing states, but race remains tight

-  Prime apartments tenants sued  for back rent more 

- Tax bills due now Lakewood residents hit with tax increase

- Tomorrow Lakewood planning board meeting will hear an application to create 76 lots off massachusetts and Prospect street on a empty parcel behind the high p[point condominium complex 
The planning board will have a closed session on the Besader application to build 9 homes on a cuddle sac off 14th street 

-  Car insurance coverage  some people are unaware but if there's another driver registered at the same address  they can be added to your policy without you knowing about it if you have auto pay and not paying attention. This  has happened to a few local residents who were paying more for car insurance when the company gets MVC records showing drivers at the same address without checking to see if they have coverage with another company.  

- B'tayavon chinese restaurant now opened in Jackson Prospect Plaza, 255 S New Prospect Rd # 6

- A new CBS News/YouGov poll asked voters whether the threat of political violence would be “greater” if former President Trump or Vice President Harris won the election in November. The poll found 58 percent of registered voters said it would be “greater” if Trump won in November, while 41 percent said the same of Harris.

- The U.S. Department of Justice released a chilling assassination letter today, written by attempted Trump assassin Ryan Wesley Routh. It was allegedly found in a box given to an unnamed witness by Routh, and remained unopened by the witness until after Routh’s arrest on Sept. 15.* A portion of the letter read, “This was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump but I failed you. I tried my best and gave it all the gumption I could muster. It is up to you now to finish the job; and I will offer $150,000 to whomever can complete the job.”
* Routh’s attorney did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

- Chabad of  greater Orlando fire building destroyed but sifrei Torah were saved, some seforim and taleisim were destroyed in the fire which started from the yartzeit electric board. 


  1. NEW! Check out for great deals and discounts!

  2. It's unconscionable that the town raised taxes and no one spoke up or cares. People can't afford to hold their homes chutzpah that those who make decisions don't pay taxes

  3. It's wonderful to see that after all said and done Justice has been served in the prime apartments case it's sad to see however how immature couples had to learn reality the hard way

    1. How has justice been served? Maybe look in the mirror for an immature look. Reality may set in

    2. The use of arkois is a severe Torah violation. Those who seek heterim often come to regret it such as in this case. If the plaintiff goes to arkois the defendant can use that venue.

  4. The use of Arkois is sad, however in this day and age its almost impossible to get justice done by bais din with one side claiming they want bais din but doing everything to get the other side to go to court........justice was served since the building does not belong to the tenants and whatever tenant protection laws exist are not based on torah but socialism. They're immature thinking that they can Maaser on the owner for illegal building and banking illegalities and win. They are immature not realizing That commercial properties have to be refinanced every few years and with the interest rates skyrocketing so does his costs and he needs to break even Shame on them a bunch of entitled brats!

    1. Your comment is quite embarrassing. The tenants went to court instead of a din torah. They ignored hazmanos from multiple batie dinim. They are considered "Merim yad btoras Moshe Rabenu". They have the chutzpah to consider themselves yeshavalite. That is the problem with the Prime tenants. Anything else is completely irrelevant.

    2. Who gave them the permission

  5. The couples were 1000% correct.

    1. All the landlord was asking for was market rate rents and all the tenants could argue isthat is we don't want to......and of course masser on him for Unrelated building violations And alleged banking fraud. Wow beautiful behavior by bnai torah!

  6. Tenant protection is human decency.Have a bit of that?

    1. My torah trumps your "decency". No landlord is required to lose money for you to have "decent" rent.

    2. Phony.Every source you may try,there are a half dozen actually the opposite

  7. Tenant protection taken too far is societal rot!

  8. Too far? Who should decide?
    The callous developer? Ruined countries & regions.
    <The other way has been pretty rare

  9. Lovely to see people's anti-socialist rants.

    I wonder how they would manage with the Gemaros Daf Yomi is currently learning. Socialism at its finest, with price controls and more.

    Did you know that the Beracha of ולמלשינים, against wicked people, was instituted against speculators, who buy things for cheap and wait for the price to rise to take advantage of people?

    What a socialist religion we have! Rush wouldn't approve of it.

    1. Where does it say that was the reason for velamshinim? My gemara says it was for the minim which Rashi says those whom don't believe in Torah min hashamyim. [Which incidentally is what those who go to arokois are compared to.]

    2. Megilah 17b

      ומה ראו לומר ברכת השנים בתשיעית אמר רבי אלכסנדרי כנגד מפקיעי שערים דכתיב שבור זרוע רשע ודוד כי אמרה בתשיעית אמרה

    3. Um are we talking about velamalshinim or vsen bracha?

  10. The entire takana of Pruzbul was because Chazal realized that socialism DOESN'T work.

    1. Fool.They enacted it as a bedi'eved, because the creditors were failing their mission,& we would have gotten worse.
      We went into exile for ignoring yovel
      Btw you seem to have little clue what is socialism

    2. I'm the fool? If you call people names you already lost the argument.
      Part of socialism is that we help others if if it means we lose profit. Example: not charging interest to lend money.
      It doesn't work, because if there is no profit, the lenders just won't lend. Hence, pruzbul.
      Socialism never worked.

    3. Excuse me, I know it is silly of me, but it seems that you were suggesting that pruzbul was a way to permit charging interest.

      For those who know something, Torah is clearly pro-socialism, telling us not to charge interest, along with many other laws. But some commenters have 'proof' that it doesn't work. Maybe if so many Yidden don't keep Torah that should also be a proof that socialism doesn't work. Then again, neither does keeping Shabbos.
      Or, we don't care about that, just keep Torah.

    4. Gosh.Socialism Means removal of private ownership & replacement with Gov't or collective.

    5. I think he meant heter iska. But the point is the same.

    6. Anon 8:11 - you seem to misunderstand the concept of socialism. Your extreme version is not the socialism we see nowadays.
      Most of the socialism pushed nowadays is protection of the helpless from the rich. Until Raegan ruined the country, a middle class worker was guaranteed a return on his work. He could live and retire on his daily job. When union protections were undermined by Raegan and his cohort of criminals, the distance between the rich and poor increased dramatically.


    7. Socialism means what was stated,that's it,irrespective of whatever media has bandied & you have absorbed
      Let's move on.

      Every Society in which possession was allowed to remain in private hands yet the ownership gave away that opportunity for lucrative gain whether willingly or often through coecion for the betterment of the larger society, were those societies which survived the longest & healthiest through the ages.

    8. 3:36, et al.
      You desperately need new nomenclature.Has little connection with socialism
      When moshiach comes that is how it is going be.Yes?Isn't that what you therefore want?Let's get going.

  11. It would have been nice if instead of debating here whether or not rent-control is kfi halacha we actually got a pesak from a Beis Din. But the Prime tenants dont care about halacha only the court of law. There was absolutely no justification whatsoever to go to arkois.

  12. Rent control in Lakewood was instituted at the behest of R' Shneur, and Rav Forscheimer paskens in his sefer that Rent Control in Lakewood has a din of dina demalchusa dina, especially because the rent control law was pushed by R' Shneur. Ayin sham b'arichus.

  13. With older respect there are many rabbonim, who disagree. Secondly the township statute provided for a rent control board specifically for landlords who are in a tight spot, that board has been abolished you cannot have enforced half the law without the other. Third, The onus is on the tenants to prove that the statute applies since they only have a year lease and the building does not belong to them. It's basically them forcing him to rent to them at a price which they want. Ridiculous. And then massering on him for unrelated activities. Shame
