Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Israel At War Wed Sept 11

Israel at war day 342

- 100 rockets from Lebanon batter northern border communitiestoday, IDF reservist injured by anti-tank missile from Lebanon 

IDF helicopter crashes in Rafah, two soldiers killed, 7 injures
An IDF helicopter crashed overnight as it landed in a still unexplained accident in Rafah, killing two soldiers, including the lead pilot, and wounding seven soldiers on board.
Daniel Alloush, 37, from Tel Aviv, and Tom Ish-Shalom, 38, from Ness Harim, both serving in Unit 669, were named as the soldiers killed in the crash. 

In addition, a female and male pilot, a mechanic from Squadron 123, a doctor, and a combat soldier in reserves serving in Unit 669 were seriously wounded. A combat doctor serving in Unit 669 and a mechanic from Squadron 123 in reserves were moderately wounded. 
The accident occurred after midnight in an attempt to rescue a wounded soldier in the field with Unit 669 forces. Further, the accident occurred as the helicopter was close to the ground.
IDF said that no enemy forces had hit the helicopter and that the reasons for the accident would be clarified in an ongoing probe.

- IDF confirms strike on 2 Hezbollah members this morning; one killed

- A terrorist attack in Givat Asaf, a truck hit a bus station. One was critically injured. The terrorist was killed

- Numerous units from the IDF and Shabak have begun operations in the Tubas area in Judea & Samaria. This will be targeting terrorist infrastructure in northern Samaria. As part of the operation so far, IDF aircraft struck a terrorist cell in the Tubas area.

- At debate, Harris backs Israel’s right to self defense; Trump says she ‘hates Israel’
VP says Gaza war ‘must end immediately,’ citing hostages and Palestinian civilian deaths, while former president reiterates his claim Oct. 7 wouldn’t have happened under his watch

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