Monday, September 30, 2024

Events Monday 28 Elul

 Tonight is the annual Lakewood reception for Yeshiva Torah Vodaas with the participation of the roshei Yeshiva Rav Yisroel Reisman Rav Yosef Savitzky Rav Yitzchok Lichtenstein at 227 Autumn rd 8:00 pm special chinuch presentation based on the Mashgiach Rav Moshe Wolfson ZTL delivered by Rav Efraim Glassman Shlita 

-Rav Yissochor Frand shlita will speak tonight at the Hashkafa in the work place series at Torah lInks followed by a Q&A

- Admor Bais Forshay will be at Oak And Vine in Bluzhev B"M 80 Bradhusrst Maariv 7:45pm followed by a sicha for Yomim Noraim and Kabolas Kahal

- For ladies: Shela-He evening of inspiration for ladies at TBY 613 Oak street 8:15  for post seminary girls and up words of inspiration Rabbi Nechemia Grama

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