Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Tuesday Aug 6 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 93° Thunderstorms developing this afternoon. Storms may contain strong gusty winds. High 93F. Chance of rain 90%.
Humidity 71%

- Former Senior Advisor to Donald Trump, Stephen Miller: "Buzz growing that Biden regrets caving to the coup after Kamala seismically botched the VP pick by surrendering to the Jew-haters. She showed tremendous cowardice exiling Shapiro for a socialist and Biden is fuming that he let donors extort him out by freezing his campaign funds.”

- Heavy flooding on many local roads. Brick Police are advising motorists to avoid Mantoloking Road between Trader’s Cove and the Mantoloking Bridge due to 10 inches of water on the roadway.

- CNN commentator Van Jones ex Obama official suggested Tuesday that antisemitism in the Democratic Party influenced Vice President Kamala Harris’ decision not to choose a Jewish running mate in Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro.

- Trump: This is the most Radical Left duo in American history. There has never been anything like it, and there never will be again. Crazy Kamabla is, indeed, CRAZY. I HEAR THERE IS A BIG MOVEMENT TO “BRING BACK CROOKED JOE

- NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Watch is in effect. Prepare to take shelter if necessary. 4:30pm

- Ground stops at NYC airports due to weather and storms Currently, there are 350 delays at JFK and 160 cancellations. LaGuardia has nearly 300 delays and 233 cancellations. Delays and Newark Airport too.

- New Sienna Poll of New York that has Trump up 1 with the Jewish vote? And that was before Kamala just bypassed Josh Shapiro

-Police Night out in Jackson is canceled due expecred rainy weather
-Donald Trump says he will be doing an interview with Elon Musk on Monday night.

-Vice President Kamala Harris has chosen Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her 2024 running mate

-Tropical Storm Debby could slam N.J. with up to 8 inches of rain this week. Latest forecast track. AccuWeather.com is calling for 4 to 8 inches of rain in the southern half of New Jersey between Wednesday evening and Saturday and 2 to 4 inches in the northern half of the state

- A video from a few weeks ago was posted on Twitter yesterday with the caption of  "A blatant anti semite gas station owner refused service to Jews in Lakewood, NJ, USA". has gone viral with close to 300k views with people calling to boycott while others encouraging muslims to patronize it 

- The mashgiach Rav Naftali Kaplan shlita of yeshiva Nesiv Hadaas in Yerushalayim will be in Lakewood today forst for speaking  in BMG and tonight at B"m Lutzk 9:30 pm

-Lakewood police sped trap enforcement continues today on the new Vine street ext pulling people over the speed limit is 25 mph going 10 over gets you pulled

- Mark Levin: Kamala Harris to Pennsylvania . Drop Dead.

- Lakewood planning board meeting today at 6:00 pm watch live stream Here 
see agenda Here 
applications for day care centers school buildings see more info at https://www.faanews.com/

- Giyus update: The first day of the ultra-Orthodox draft ended in reported failure, as only eight percent of all ultra-Orthodox youths who were summoned showed up to recruitment offices.

-Yoshon update: There are NO concerns about Chodosh in any manufactured products or grains until after Sukkos. An update is expected from the AKO (All Kashrus Organizations of the USA) in mid August. I will send it out when possible.(Guide to Chodos Y. Herman)

- The Admor of Kretchnif joined the protest today in from of the lishkat giyus in Ramat Gan

- Ben Shapiro On The Harris-Walz Ticket.
“As someone who wants Kamala to lose, picking Walz is wonderful! It's political malpractice! Why?
1. Not from a swing state.
2. Radical, underscoring her radicalism.
3. She rejected (((Shapiro))) to please the pro-Hamas caucus.
She's not competent. And this pick shows it.”

-Kamala really went with the ultra liberal, riot supporting governor of a historically blue state over the extremely popular governor of the most important swing state in the country just because picking a Jew would have ticked off their pro Hamas base.

- Josh Hawley: Whistleblowers tell me the lead site agent in charge of the Butler rally was known to be inexperienced, ineffective and not up to the job - and on the day failed to implement basic security protocols - yet this person is STILL on active duty. 

- JD Vance comments on Walz pick, says he and Harris make an "interesting tag team", because "Tim Walz allowed rioters to burn down Minneapolis", and the few that got caught, "she helped bail them out." Says the choice highlights how radical Harris is.

- Keren Olam Hatorah officials auditing  the numbers of  yeshivos who applied for funding according to Israel media report

Lakewood eateries extended 9 days hours
- Avocado in Seagull Square open 9am -9pm

-Rosemary in Jackson 7am -7pm

-Toast in Manchester 8am - 8pm

-Tuscany Cafe in Howell open until 10pm

-Panini Cafe Jackson is temporarily closed a sign on the door directs customers to the Lakewood location at 503 River Ave 

- Ottimo Cafe in Howell launches brand-new 9-Day Menu! 

- Kalamata Cafe is open till 10pm during the 9 days.

- A Story told by Reb Meilich Biderman about Avreich from kollel Ponovizh 50 years ago who worked at a Bakery in Bnei Brak and  ignored Rav Shachs instructions not to go since there was a black woman working there and he would violate yichud, he ended up divorced and married the worker, they had a son and he named him Shach with a tattoo of the words Zos Chukas Hatorah


  1. She rejected Shapiro not to please Hamas, but because she herself aligns with pro Hamas views.

    1. Harris has no opinions, she isn't an ideologue, she just wants to be elected. Politics is her only language.

      Which is why we have a better chance with her than with Trump.

    2. Is that satire?
      She sells herself (politically & actually) to whoever could help her laugh through a sentence.George Soros visited the White House #21 this administration.Give the country up already.

    3. Soot to be unburdened by what has been is on of the oldest Marxist phrases used by mao tsedong and Lenin

  2. If there was indeed such a tattoo, why didn't the Rabbi who told the story take a picture of it? From the story, it seems that the tattoo was very significant.

    1. Not everyone takes a picture of everything they do or eat.
      Besides, how do you know he didn't take a picture? Do you expect Rav Biderman to show it?

  3. This ticketing on Vine Street is a sham there is no one walking or living on that stretch. The cops are pulling you over for going 40 mph on a empty road
    Meanwhile lakewood dangerous roads continue with accidents and people getting injured or killed and the politicians do nothing about it while building dangerous developments continue getting approved with no sidewalks or places for pedestrians to walk.
    The cops are just filling quotes while the safety of Lakewood residents is not taken seriously

    1. They should higher the speed limit - Plenty of streets in Lakewood at 35mph +

    2. Such a waste of resources. They’d be much more helpful helping out at the Washington and pine intersection which is constantly an issue . So much money on a light at the Cedarbridge/vine intersection but they totally neglected the pine/vine disaster

  4. Lakewood PD is a sham!!

  5. I didn't know that it is a halachah to eat out later at night during the 9 days. Maybe it's a concept the tuna bagels brought to Lakewood

  6. Who gives a hoot wether or not some Rebbe joined the hafganos

    1. Next time just write "I am a misnagid." Its a lot quicker this way.
      Also you wont have to strain your mind trying to spell so many hard words.

    2. I am a misnagid

  7. Venezuela Timeline:

    1992 Venezuela became the 3rd richest country in the Western Hemisphere.

    2001 Venezuela voted for a Socialist President who promised “income equality”.

    2004 All private healthcare in Venezuela is completely socialized.

    2007 All higher education in Venezuela becomes “free”.

    2009 Venezuela’s Socialist government bans all private ownership of guns.

    2012 Bernie Sanders praises Venezuela’s “American Dream”.

    2014 Venezuela’s Socialist government imprisons its political opponents.

    2016 Food and healthcare shortages become widespread in Venezuela.

    2017 Venezuela’s Socialist government suspends their Constitution and elections.

    2019 Venezuela’s Socialist government massacres its unarmed citizens.

    2024 Venezuelan dictator Maduro blames Israel for civil unrest after he stole election.

    All of these things can also happen in the USA!

    All we need to do is vote for The Democratic Party,
    and the USA will become just like Venezuela,
    because the Socialists are now
    the leaders of The Democratic Party.

    1. Wake up and smell the coffee

      There’s only a short while longer that this beautiful free country of the USA will last before it becomes a complete communist country like China and all our freedoms are taken away. And you can see some of it happening already.

      Better be safe than sorry and make Aliya now to Israel before we are Chas Vshalom forced to like we have seen RECENTLY HAPPENING in France, Russia, Ukraine and many other countries sadly that just recently in the last few years has forced thousands of yidden to flee their country and make Aliya to Israel.

      Be safe and make Aliya today to Israel

    2. How sad that people have so little understanding of history that they think some cherry-picked details can prove anything,

      Here's the other Venezuela story.
      Venezuela decided to ignore the United States and sold their oil on their terms.
      US takes revenge, and Venezuela becomes a third world country.

      The end.

      Nothing to do with universal healthcare.

  8. This Venezuela guy is bored and sitting on the pot too long

  9. Why should candidate Harris be any different than a candidate who (sort of) promises no/lower tuition?

    At least with President Trump, you know what you're getting.
    I remember in 2017, people were shocked that President Trump was actually doing what he promised.
