Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sunday August 25 News Updates. Lakewood

 Weather: 85° Plenty of sunshine. High 85. Middle of week will be in mid 90's

- Tehillim: please daven for the Rosh Yeshiva of Ohr Yisroel in Flatbush, Rav Avraham Nesanel Ben Masha Leeba Zucker, who is undergoing surgery after he sustained a head injury in a serious car accident earlier today

- Couple and infant seriously injured earlier today from a scar accident on the I95 in Virginia
Names for Tehillim are:
Avraham Mordechai ben Rochel Tziporah
Chasya Bracha bas Rivka Shira Miriam
Chava Basya bas Chasya Bracha

- Lakewood township retaliation after the exposure of their abolishing the rent control Board??  SEE Here

-Parnassah podcast launched Here challenges not crisis.

- Trump on Twitter today:
Who is negotiating for us in the Middle East? Bombs are dropping all over the place! Sleepy Joe is sleeping on a Beach in California, viciously Exiled by the Democrats, and Comrade Kamala is doing a campaign bus tour with Tampon Tim, her really bad V.P. Pick. Let’s not have World War lll, because that’s where we’re heading!

- Nutmeg kosher market will open iyh Tuesday August 27

- Back to school shopping long lined at shoe stores, and busy at uniform stores.

- Shadchan meet today in Lakewood for looking for short term learning or working boys up to age 30 call  or gext to rsvp 9084146927

- Over 75 engagements b"H since end of summer zman

- Giyus update: Hisachdus harabonim of US and Canada joins the call to world Jewry to do all they can about the IDF draft of yeshiva students and the charedi community. The letter asks everyone to Daven against the general.

-One-third of non-Jewish college students in US are hostile to Jews or Israel – study
Brandeis U researcherfound that about 15 percent of students surveyed were hostile to Israel, with many believing, for example, that Israel has no right to exist. It also found that nearly a quarter of non-Jewish students overall said they did not want to be friends with people who support Israel’s existence as a Jewish state, a stance the survey said had the effect of “ostracizing nearly all of their Jewish peers.”

- Tonight at 12:01 am At 12:01 a.m. Monday morning, WCBS will become ESPN. Or rather, pending FCC approval, it will become WHSQ-AM — an ESPN station, the familiar anchors, news features, sports stories, "traffic and weather together" updates that were part of our lives and ou will be gone.

- Polls show RFK Jr. voters breaking towards Pres. Trump, says Trump campaign senior advisor. RFK says This is only the beginning. Wait till you see the next additions to President Trump’s Unity Government

- BDE: Petirah of Mrs. Esther Rivka Levenberg A"H of Lakewood wife of Ybl"c Hagaon Harav Yehuda Levenberg Shlita and daughter of Rav Mordechai Schwab Zatzal.She was in her 70"s Levaya will take place at BMG Bais Yitzchok Bais Medrash tomorrow Sunday 12:00pm with kevura in Lakewood.

- Why is Agudath Yisroel not making the fight for school funding in New Jersey as they made in New York. This is the very fight which R' Aron Lang has single-handedly and selflessly been fighting over the past decade with little to no fanfare. Curiously, Agudath Israel has not joined the bandwagon. They haven't even bothered to put out fancy press releases "urging the state to resolve the deficiency at its heart." Full story Here


  1. All hail King Arthur! Long live King Arthur!

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  2. No doubt these are not white men. Of course people of color are going to identify with the Palestinians. I have not met a single American that did not support Israel. Not a one.


    1. Quite a few Jews (jewesses) identify & march for the palestinians
      Ehh Are Jews white?

    2. Mameleh's daughter raised money for Gaza Palestinians.
      (Mameleh is VP Harris.)

  3. Aguda follows the guidance of the moetzes so we cannot question daas Torah

  4. Because Aguda is a non-entity has no members to speak of It is a shell organization with no power and no activists. The only people who follow are good are those who nostalgically pine for its former glory. It's former glory was based on the sacrifices the leaders of aguda have made in the past going against popular opinion not following it.

  5. "Why is Agudath Yisroel not making the fight for school funding in New Jersey as they made in New York"

    If they would,

    1) Anonymous Hefkervelt commentators would yell and scream that they are inviting a fight over the curriculum,

    2) Anonymous Hefkervelt commentators would protest that they are mixing into Lakewood's business.

  6. Who exactly is this moetzes today??Agudah US is bsnkrupt

    1. Rabbi Aharon Dovid Goldberg
      Rosh HaYeshiva of Telshe Yeshiva Cleveland

      Rabbi Aharon Feldman
      Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel

      Rabbi Elya Brudny
      Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Mir

      Rabbi Aryeh Malkiel Kotler
      Rosh HaYeshiva of Beis Medrash Govoha

      Rabbi Hillel David
      Mara D’asra of Kehillas Yeshiva Shaarei Torah

      Rabbi Yitzchok Sorotzkin
      Rosh HaYeshiva of Mesivta of Lakewood and Telshe

      Chacham Yosef Harari-Raful
      Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshivat Ateret Torah

      Rabbi Yosef Frankel
      Vyelipoler Rebbe

      Rabbi Yakov Horowitz
      Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshivas Beis Meir

      Rabbi Yeruchim Olshin
      Rosh HaYeshiva of Beis Medrash Govoha

      Rabbi Shlomo Eliyahu Miller
      Rosh Kollel and Av Beis Din of Kollel Avreichim Toronto

      Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky
      Rosh HaYeshiva of Talmudical Yeshiva of Philadelphia

      Rabbi Shimon Yehudah Svei
      Rosh HaYeshiva of Talmudical Yeshiva of Philadelphia

    2. They are financially lacking?

  7. Aguda power brokers chose to follow daas Torah when it fits their agenda.
    When they attacked Trump ,several moetzes .embers told people that were never consulted about it.

    Rav Aaron Feldman lost his keynote spot when he spoke up against eretz hakodesh and WZO

    Do you remember the Washington rally fiasco??

    1. Aguda as an organization never attacked Trump. A keynote speech at the convention should not be against Eretz Hakodesh and WZO (or any other controversial topic) without prior approval from all the other Moetzes members. I highly doubt Rabbi Feldman. None of the other member seem to feel like him about that topic. Certainly not as strongly even for those who do basically agree with him. I remember the Washington rally. I'm not sure what the fiasco was.

    2. He spoke also against nursing homes.That was makeh b'patish

    3. I remember when RabbI Feldman said that a person has to die not to go to the rally, and then he told a school that they can go if they have the busses waiting already.

      What a fiasco!

    4. Anon 12:28 you have no shame to lie. Agudah as an organization publicly attacked Trump a few times the first time in a official statement while he was president and the second attack was at their convention by the agudah president Rabbi Zwibel at the podium.

      Rav Feldman as a senior Rosh yeshiva can speak whatever is on his mind as all gedolim have done previously at Agudah conventions.
      Shame on you for the zilzul in gedolei Roshei Yeshiva

    5. ..then they delete the video

  8. Anyone know who is Lakewood VAAD? Why do people listen to 'them' when it is time to vote?

    1. The Vaad is defunct, in the past election the Roshei Yeshiva didn't even put out a letter endorsing their choice. Btw, the Vaad didn't endorse Schnall, it was UENJ (in other word Adirei Hatorah)

    2. The Vaad did endorse Schnall. Google it.

  9. Amazing how worked up people here get over an organization that they claim has no members and represent no one.

    1. They have accounts & lots of plutocrats on hire. How many people does Bill Gates or George Soros have?

    2. People get worked up because they would appreciate if they would be an organization which would be led with wide consensus of rabbis which would have the people's interest at heart and not just a few baalei battim going on a ego trip telling talmidei chachomim what to say or what not to say. Never in the history of aguda did anyone expect a rabbi to get up and speak only what everybody agreed to. It was always his podium and he spoke what he thought was right and correct.

    3. Should it matter really if it's an organization or if its family or mechutanim or gatekeepers guiding the TC what to speak about?

  10. I once again want to give tremendous thanks to R' Aaron Lang for selflessly fighting our fight all alone! Please don't give up in spite of all the hardship.

  11. If gedolim don't agree with the baalei batim of the agudah or the holy hefkerdige audience of the hefkervelt they are alienated!

    1. Even if they agree they are alienated.
      Either way the masses will be alienated.

  12. AAron Lang is unreal. Question is why is nobody helping hte cause, it would only help the oilam, the renters, taxpayers...

    1. The fact that no one is helping is l'zchus ha'oilam. When all is done, maybe we will have accountable government of the people rather than backslapping favor-givers. It just seems that is how it all turned out, and perhaps, had to turn out. I tried in 2014 and since then to deal with the power brokers but none of them have or had any real power over the others. There is no boss. No mayor. There is no Truman-like "here" for the buck to stop. I am told by talmedei chachomim that most bosses have their hands in the public purse but in reality, and I have been dealing with everything the. state can throw at us, there is no illegal activity other than placement of incompetent people who go with the flow into executive administrative positions. It then becomes the ridiculous scenario that because people think there is corruption, you can't rock the boat. It is all small time squirrel brain thinking. I just think the whole infrastructure of the township, perhaps its form of government, and the whole polity (relationship between the people and government) of the kehilla are not set up to deal with large city problems.

      Think of the bright side. When we get it right, and we soon we will, Lakewood will be a model good, efficient government for all of America. The first step is to establish stable public finances that can endure into the next few generations. ("Can endure," no guarantee, like Franklin said in outside Independence Hall in1787, that they gave America "A republic, if you can keep it.") . AL

  13. The agudah balei batim stacked the moetzes with new candidates to counter the right wing trio within of Rav Malkiel Rav Feldman and Rav Aaron Shechter at the time.
    They tried getting a daas Torah that's favorable to Agudah balei batim public opinion

    1. Even if your claim were true it would have made sense to do. Most people in more right wing circles don't care about what the Aguda Moetzes says. Their target audience is baaley batim. Therefore the people on it should be people who baaley batim relate and turn to for hadracha. Otherwise both groups will ignore them.

    2. Listen to or read some of the speeches given by Aguda conventions by Gedolim like Rav Moshe, Rav Yaakov, Rav Rudeman etc. They never spoke about controversial contemporary issues that would leave some people upset afterwards. On the flip side (about 25 years ago) there was an official maacha in BMG because a certain Gadol when speaking at the convention about honesty also criticized those in kollel who cheat on government programs. He did NOT single out kollel yungerleit, they were not the focus of his keynote speech. Even so there was a maaacha in BMG. The maacha did not disagree with what he said. If was exclusively about how the Aguda convention is not the place to criticize people in kollel. So don't pretend it is only Baaley Batim who think they should be telling the speakers at the convention what (not) to say

    3. As if the critics of Aguda on this thread also aren't trying to get a Daas Torah that's favorable to their opinion. As if a gadol's opinon about voting in WZO elections aren't a major if not the decisive factor whether he is daas torah or not.

    4. Widely disparate trio. About the only thing in common is viz a viz Israel

    5. Agudah went all in to support the WZO. Agudah went all in to seduce the frum community to actively support the WZO.

      That's very different than a 20 year-old speech about a topic which the Agudah was not involved in.

      Thanks for your red hearing.

    6. A person whenever they are annointed irrespective who they are don't just come into DT
      They have to have almost decades of grooming by the right groomers.& If they don't,they won't.
      & Anybody who attempted to raise the issue (going back as far eg an article in 1982 & since )were sidelined strong armed as inconvenient.
      Ironically those who were sidelined are more likely to have DT
      The aforementioned listed individuals however geshmack almost to a man never had that, couldn't have had it due to the preferred system.

    7. Cohen Y: Either you are being sarcastic or are saying that Daas Torah is just an issue of indoctrination. I'm old enough to remember when Daas Torah as a political and social concept first started making headway in the US. Back then it's proponents claimed Torah itself makes people have Daas Torah. Now they modified that, to Torah along with belonging to a group whose haskafa they approve of is required to have Daas Torah.

  14. The only things they have in common is foreign Israel affairs. A funny trio.

  15. Glad to have rav shmuel, Rav Elya to counter the right

  16. So much Motzei Shem Ra over here!! People should think many times, maybe even wait a day to think it over, before posting anything that can be interpreted as loshon hora.

    I was hoping that Mashiach would be here already but alas we are not united enough! :(

  17. Or we are united-towards the wrong goals

    1. Agree.There were some earlier generations where we were basically united- that obviously hasn't been enough.
