Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Motzei Tisha Bav 5784

Shkiah 7:55 
Maariv in BMG at 8:46 pm 
- Kiddush Levana 
- Daf Yomi
- One hour learning seder after the fast at BMG Herzka building Bais Yitzchok after  from 9:45pm - 11:15pm in memory if the Mashgiach Rav Mattisyahu Solomon Ztl. With divrei chizuk from Rav Yeruchom Olshin 11pm

- Due to backlog some local Friday night mikvaos are open in the developments inquire within

- All restrictions of the nine days continue until chatzos Wednesday afternoon  Therefore, one may not eat meat, drink wine, wash clothes, bathe, take a haircut or shave, or listen to music until midday after Tisha Bav.

- A total of 2958 Jews ascended the har habayis on Tisha Bav which most halachick authorities forbid.

At the kosel tonight motzei Tisha Bav

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