Sunday, August 18, 2024

Hashkafa Q&A

 Hashkafa with Rav Gershon Ribner shlita.

A Modox seeking to defect to Yeshiva lifestyle
Sharp clashes between Rav M. Feinstein and Satmer Rav Z”L Validating the practice of finding a mate on Tu Bav


  1. Masmash real ahavas yisrael. Being makish modern orthodox to the ovdei avoda zarah im the times of Avraham avinu.

    1. For many they are similar
      They both stuck to their zeitgeist.

  2. The depiction of R' Moshe and the Satmar Rav is reminiscent of the blind men feeling the elephant. But throw in a few jokes and the olam swallows it hook, line and sinker.

  3. RGR told me how this new gen are basically ignorant of everything .
    So on that premise he is giving an awful lot.

    1. They're ignorant cause the yeshivas don't teach about this "everything"

  4. 1. Ribner didn't have the same derech eretz hakdama for Rav Soloveitchik, even though Rebitzen Feinstein called Rav Soloveitchik when the Satmar hooligans attacked Rav Moshe.
    2. Rav Reuvain and Rav Leib Malin were dead when the major machlokes happened
    3. "fighting Lubavitch" but "yiddidi Hagon Rav mendel schneerson" the linguistic games seem funny
    4. Rav Moshe certainly paskened based on what was good for klal yisroel and what "people will think" (for example his assuring a 2 ring ceremony even if the man and woman knew the halacha) but based on Halacha not politics, and to insinuate differently is an insult to the gadol. Rabbi Ribner should go to Rav Moshe's kever and ask for mechila (he already has to go to Rav Soloveitchik's kevel)
    5. pretty sure those one of those 3 Hungarian rabbanim from Williamsburg included a non Hungarian rav from the Bronx who was a Musmach from RIETS

  5. Pedantic details my friend.Enjoyed them,but so sorry unfortunately.
    The audio remains in general much on target

    1. completely wrong the audio is ignoring the facts there is a major issur of migale panim bitorah shelo kihalacha, it is motze laz on Rav Moshe Feinstein in total am haratzus of his psak which is really torah, ignores the terrorism which is antithetical to torah. This nonsense might be true only from an anti torah point of view. Rav Moshe was different from others because he dealt with hashkafic matter in a torah way not a political way.

      In retrospect in areas of haskafick concerns for the future it clear that there too Rav Moshe was superior

    2. You so happen to be wrong in that era or just a team cheerleader,but nu nu
      There are worse things

    3. You are the mechutzaf if you're implying the other RY dealt with the world in 'a political way'. Go ask mechilah.

    4. In retrospect
      a.he wasn't( the only exception where he may have had an edge was with how to deal with modox rabbinate- which you are partisan for)
      b.The others in their grandeur would give him the credit for his aura even though they aware developments wasn't mainly due to him,& they would privately would relate that among themselves.They would also try mitigate any contretemps due to this modus operandi.
      That is how we operate

  6. Even if he were to be off by a little, these sort of stuff must be related to the next gen.Give him his worthy due.

    1. he is trying to kasher the krumkeit of Satmar and insluting Rav Moshe in the process. R YT Schwartz at least fought rav Moshe based on a machlokes in torah and acted more civil also in the dispute. I agree this must be retold to the next generation because we have to uproot this anti torah kanayus that not only is disatrus it destroys real areas on concern. Notice the 3 areas of importance to Ribner is college (which he knows nothing about to have a shita), Zionisim (which he also knows nothing about), and Lubavitch (which as I pointed out he was being disingenuous about)


    2. He is giving over the general pervasive atmosphere of youth more,far more, on target than anything your narrow agenda has to offer.Many of mashpiim then too.
      Is he off by a little?Is he overly influenced by the locale (which was the hub of the Jewish world) of his childhood? Indeed sort of
      Were there detractors of these views who held like yourself even back then?There were some ,but they were out of mainstream & on the sidelines

      How old are you?
