Friday, August 23, 2024

Friday August 23 News Updates Lakewood

 Friday, August 23, 2024 / י״ט אב תשפ״ד ערב שבת פרשת עקב
candle lighting 7:23 PM-'
Shkiah 7:41 pm
Weather 83° Sunny
shabbos day 85° Sunshine and clouds mixed.

- RFK just said he’s “throwing his support to President Trump”

- Price of eggs expected to spike next due to bird flu.

- Chabad of Jersey shore flies banner plane over lakewood  with candle lighting time. 

- Girls day camps finish second half today 

- WCBS 880 am will go off air midnight on Sunday

- Jackson officials gathered  Wednesday morning to address the 2024-2025 school bus routes and ensure the safety of students and residents to review bus stops throughout the township, with the Traffic Safety Unit actively assessing and adjusting locations to ensure they are placed in safe areas ahead of the school year.

- A prominent market analyst at Fundstrat, suggests that financial markets are beginning to believe in a higher probability of Donald Trump’s success in the 2024 presidential election than current polling might indicate. 

- Shabbos Kestenbaum: I didn’t want to say anything publicly until Friday, but as thousands of Jewish American students face unprecedented illegal discrimination by their universities, the Democratic National Convention deliberately chose not to platform a single one of them.

-More from the book "Tablets shattered" about visiting BMG" he  writes about visiting the famous Beth Medrash Govoha with his brother-in-law. Leifer is “jealous” of how close the students at the prestigious kollel feel to God, but what’s perhaps even more charming than what he finds in the study hall is what’s outside in the crowded parking lot. There, Leifer took note of the students’ dedication to communal living and their casual, but deep, implicit trust in one another. When he and his brother-in-law arrived and parked, they “blocked in several other cars and left the key in the ignition,"

- Amazon will hold a second Prime Day in 2024 marking the third time that it held the mega sale twice in one year.

- Rockland Cheveirim team leader Yossi Margareten recounts rescue of  missing boy
 Volunteers split up into groups and went into the woods, screaming Tzion’s name in the hopes that he would answer, while back in Monsey, Chaverim members gathered at the tzion of the Ribnitzer Rebbe and davened for the boy’s safe return. By Margaretten’s estimate, his members had been searching for an hour and forty minutes when Tzion heard their cries and answered them. The Chaverim team raced over to the boy, who was lying on the ground and weak, but otherwise in good health. Despite the many hours that had passed, Tzion was just over a half a mile from the entrance to the caves when he was found. “He told us that he thought he was following his father out to the parking lot and that his mother was behind him, but he missed a turn,” said Margaretten. “It was only a five minute walk to the parking lot, but he ended up in the woods. He was walking around, but didn’t know where to go. Eventually, he got tired and just lay down on the ground.”  There was a joyful family reunion as Chaverim brought Tzion out of the woods, with the Marons sharing hugs and tears.


  1. Is Joshua Leifer the one from עז והדר? His name is the same. And he writes lots of books.

    1. What kind of comparison! Really no shaychus!

  2. The parking at BMG is such a disgrace. Because the oilam can't park like normal human beings, it can take mamash half an hour at least till you can get your car out. Very BAD situation

    1. Troll.Stick with big issues that aren't getting solved.Was a nice attribute about ourselves.

    2. Aha like to kvetch oink.oink oink

  3. eggs are already $5.00 A DOZEN!!

  4. "Chabad of Jersey shore flies banner plane over lakewood with candle lighting time. "

    Why don't they don't fly a banner plane sharing the good news about their Rebbuh MH"M?
