Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Events Tuesday 2 Av

Weather tonight: thunderstorms likely. Potential for severe thunderstorms. Low 72F. Chance of rain 70%.

- Yeshiva gedolah of Clifton NJ R"Y Rav Yehuda Schwartz shlita Parlor meeting at 11 Tori CT Lakewood 

- Yeshiva Yagdil Yerushalayim shmooze and Hashkafa with the R"Y Rav Avrohom Teichman shlita on the topic  of Shabsai Tzvi at 65 Shady Lane 7pm, not a fundraiser.

- The mashgiach Rav Naftali Kaplan shlita of yeshiva Nesiv Hadaas in Yerushalayim will be in Lakewood today first  speaking in BMG and tonight at B"M Lutzk 9:30 pm

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