Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Tuesday July 9 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 93° Increasing clouds with periods of showers this afternoon. Hot and humid. High 93F.. Chance of rain 80%.

-Nikki Hailey:  The nominating convention is a time for Republican unity. Joe Biden is not competent to serve a second term and Kamala Harris would be a disaster for America. We need a president who will hold our enemies to account, secure our border, cut our debt, and get our economy back on track. I encourage my delegates to support Donald Trump next week in Milwaukee

- 3 Tamuz marks the 42nd yahrzeit of Rav Shneur Kotler ZTL there will be yartzeit shiur by HaRav Malkiel Kotler shlita at 12:45 and divrei zikaron today at BMG 6:20 pm by Harav Yeruchom Olshin shlita and Rav Uren Reich shlita

- The House Democratic Caucus meeting about Biden's future as the candidate was a disaster according to Jake Sherman who reported it “felt like a funeral.” The group of Democrats were not able to come to a consensus. While leaving the event, a somber Rep. Steve Cohen said Democrats were not only not on the same page, but they’re not even in the same book.

- Fox News’ Peter Doocy “[Biden’s] sharpest before 8:00 PM. So say that the Pentagon at some point picks up an incoming nuke. It's 11:00 PM. Who do you call? The first lady?” KJP: “He has a team that lets him know of any of any news that is pertinent and important to the American people.”

- Power outages in Lakewood Cedarbridge Ave, Industrial park  affecting 200 customers restoration time is 6pm

- New trial begins today for Rabbi Eiseman please continue davening for Osher ben Chana Frumet.

- 2 EMS ambulances with lights and sirens on were stuck on Cedarbridge Ave traffic going East  this afternoon as the newly installed divider took away the shoulders leaving no room for cars to move to the side.

- Saint Peter’s University Hospital,announces the expansion of its midwifery services to Lakewood and its nearby communities including Jackson and Toms River. at Saint Peter’s satellite midwifery practice  located at 500 River Avenue in Lakewood , the same location as Saint Peter’s Specialty Physicians APP reports on this catholic hospital expanding services to the ultra orthodox community of Lakewood, NJ.

- Fialkoff's pizza in Jackson to open next week

- BDE: Petirah of Rav Yehuda Deri, Chief Rabbi of Beer Sheva at the age of 66 following an illness. He is the brother of brother of Shas leader Aryeh Deri. Levaya today in Yerushalayim leaving from Yeshivas Porat yosef to Sanhedria bais olam

-Ocean County Mobile food Bankwill be at zichron Schneur today Tuesday 280 Oak Knoll between 2:30 and 4. They will distribute produce and non-perishables onions potatoes eggs peppers carrots apples eggplant corn etc

-Lakewood planning board meeting today 6 pm watch live stream Here 
see agenda Here  application for a major child care center on Spruce Street between Washington and Vine Ave,Chestnut Holdings to create 27 lots, Hatzolah new headquarters at Cedarbridge and America way,Bnos Devorah New school and daycare building

- LDC meeting today applies for a $500k grant to be used for marketing and advertising of Lakewood businesses on print web media and billboards.

- Lakewood route 9 intersection widening project could take 5 years, njdot admits full story on Faa 

- Last night, NBC had guest Parkinson's expert Dr. Tom Pitts, who said President Biden is clearly suffering from a neurodegenerative disease.(Belaaz)

- Chabad launches online PR campaign marking the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s 30th yahrzeit, with video clips of non chabad  Rabbonim that are joining a campaign to encourage the study of the Rebbe’s sichos

- Flies everywhere in the Lakewood area when summer comes. The main contributing factors are the breeding cycle of flies and the soaring temperatures. Lakewood township only picks up garbage once a week leaving garbage cans loaded with garbage baking in the sun whi h contribute to the bad smells and attracts the flies.


  1. Reminder, your swimming cover up is not a substitute for clothing.

  2. Reb Aaron held that wine from Lubavich is yayen nesach. We are not interested in anything about Lubavitch

    1. I gues Rav Yeruchim shlita does not hold of your Lakewood as he went to Lubavitch mesivta to visit the choshuveh bochurim. Please call Rav Yeruchem shlita and let him know your 'daas torah'

    2. No problem, Chabad don't make decent wine.
      For some reason, only Satmar chassidim can. Lubavitch can do nothing but sell their business to the Satmarer.
      Overseas wine is something else

    3. Malicious comments against Yidden are totally inappropriate. You can do as you wish and follow your conscience as you deem right. But you may not denigrate other frum groups or their affiliations.

    4. Rav Yeruchom is in no way promoting chabad, it is Chabad using him to promote themselves in a deceptive way as if learning gemara is something they do.

    5. Rav Yeruchom is in no way promoting chabad, it is Chabad using him to promote themselves in a deceptive way as if learning gemara is something they do.

  3. All the social media influencers pushing chabad propaganda
    Scoop is obsessed with the Ohel bus like a 5th grader trying to get back at his rebbe promoting chabad in Lakewood

    1. You out in an ad, they'll obsess with your business.

  4. You are a shakran. Rav Aaron didn't consider wine Yayin Nesach. All these shmuos about Rav Aaron and Lubavitch are sheker vchazav. Some of his greatest talmidim were Lubavitcher Chasidim. There was a bitter machlokes about vaad hatzoloh funds with gedolim on both side during the Holocaust. The Rayatz of Lubavitch, Rav Michael ber Weismndel and others were on one side. That was his machlokes with the Rayatz of Lubavitch during those years. It didn't continue after, and he never said a bad word about the Rebbe after 1950 and on the contrary as testified by those that sat in the meetings of Vaad Roshei Yeshivah.

    1. Torpid Sheker.Or blatant ignorance. But par for insidious propaganda
      He publicaly tried to push a resolution against chabad through the Agudah HaR' in the mid '50s

    2. His greatest talmidim? Can you name any besides for Carlebach.
      There are many stories of R Ahron being extremely vocal against Lubavitch
      The VH issue made it personal, it wasn't only a disagreement about how to allocate funds, there was something worse that R Ahron was upset about

    3. When I wrote talmidim I wasn't referring to Carlebach. From your response, you quiet obviously don't know who I'm referring to, and I won't say the names because then you will just make up some more lies as you and your kind do. How sad, that not only you dont know the history of Lakewood and R'Aharon, and the 40s 50s and 60s America with Agudas Harabonim Satmar Lubavitch Agudah etc. and you just repeat coffee room talk, you clearly aren't familiar or dont care about all the teachings of chazal we have that forbid the type of slander you so gleefully engage in.

    4. a.There were those who were there, b. & those who weren't
      a.There were those who are connected to the underlying sinews, b. & those wo still aren't
      You are of course-or choose to remain- from the latter.
      How vacously humorous then is the title you abrogated for yourself

  5. Don’t worry. Your swimming cover up is fine. Ignore the bored soul who keeps posting that it’s not clothing.

  6. Look what a mess they made out of his talmid Shlomoe Carlebach

  7. Why do they go to his never in Queens, I thought they hold he's still alive. Or like Korach, alive under the ground! Lol

    1. Lubavitchers who call themselves elokistim believe he never died, which is why they do not visit his kever. Many live in Tzfas.

  8. Modox Twitter all-in for lubavitch they are empty and grasping for straws

  9. Lubavitch today is mamash a mess, the shiluchim factor is way over rated. Besides for providing a place to have a minyan when vacationing at some exotic destination, most of todays shiluchim only learn 1-2 years in Kollel, rather then going as Bney Torah, they go with big chups, colored goyish clothes, big time amaratzim!!

    1. What type of chinuch did you have? Speaking against Hashem's children with such venom. Even if it's completely lshem shomayim, look in sefer resisay layla where Rav Tzaddok explains how not to be negative about another Yid even if mandated by the Ssnhedrin!

    2. An old fashioned chabadsker admitted nowadays many of those Chabad houses are barely different than a Conservative synagogue.

  10. Missionary alert
    Sparks nation and MKY all on the take with non stop posts on Chabad

  11. Ounce of preventionJuly 10, 2024 at 8:00 AM

    Someone take R. Yerucham to Crown Heights, let him see Chabbad HQ and the insanity there, lest he fall into their trap again, ch"v.
