Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Tuesday July 30 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 88° Partly to mostly cloudy. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 88F.

- Hamas leader Ismail Haniya Assassinated tonight in Teheran at 2am.
Taquito giving out free churros tonight to celebrate 

- Lakewood residents received in the mail what looked like a real bill from local doctors but it is a scam  check the bottom before calling to pay and double check with real doctors office.

- Atzeres tefillah in Bais Yitzchok for Reb Osher ben Chana Frumet as judge decides tomorrow if to dismiss case or send to a jury

-Tesla supercharger site is now operational in the Lakewood area, located at 535 Route 70 in Brick Township. This new site features 8 superchargers, each providing up to 250kW of power, and is available for use 24 hours a day.

-A federal judge struck down New Jersey's ban on the AR-15 style assault rifle. The state will appeal and the ban will remain in effect for now.

- Today Lakewood Police National night out at Blueclaws stadium parking lot  from 4-8pm free kosher food will be served  pizza and BBQ in separate areas. Giveaways free rides and BMX stunt show.

- Elon Musk: It sure looks like the FBI leadership engaged in perjury …

- FBI Deputy Director Abbate: There was NEVER a doubt that Trump got hit by a bullet… contradicting fbi director Chris Wray.

- The FBI is now claiming that the Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks had an unspecified "social media account" in 2019/2020 (when he was 14/15 years old) that posted "anti-immigrant and anti-semitic" content. However reports say the Gab account that the FBI requested after the shooting was pro-Biden and in particular pro-Biden's immigration policy. To the best of Gab's knowledge, as of 2021, Crooks was a pro-lockdown, pro-immigration, left-wing Joe Biden supporter.

- Aguda for ADL 
Agudath Israel of America tweet:
It is no secret that Agudath Israel America and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) are not ideologically aligned on a host of religious and societal themes, at times even finding ourselves on opposing sides of an issue. It is also no secret that antisemitism in the United States has been increasing in recent years -- precipitously so since October 7th -- and that the ADL has been an organization at the forefront of combating this. The ADL's comprehensive cataloguing of antisemitic incidents both on the street and online is used by many government agencies to formulate policy. Agudath Israel has made use of this data it in its own advocacy for the Orthodox Jewish community. Thus, the recent move by Wikipedia, arguably the most consulted reference work today, to delegitimize citing to the ADL in its characterization of Hamas' attacks, and potentially on antisemitism generally, marks a sad day in the increasingly uphill battle against antisemitism. We respectfully, but urgently, press for the reconsideration of this move. By delegitimizing those who combat antisemitism, Wikipedia is enabling those who perpetuate it.

- Gezeiras Giyus: The Badatz eiidah Hachareidis of Yerushalayim put out a letter for everyone to recite Tikkun Chatzos next Tuesday 2 Av as a way to counter the gezeira.

- Tefillos for rebbetzin Hendel Kaplan Wife of Rav Nechemia Kaplan daughter of Rav Dovid Soleveitchik who is in need of rachmei shamayim after she collapsed name is Hendel bas Yehudis

- Several frum supermarkets are in talks to take over the leases for the stop n shop stores in Howell and Jackson that are closing this fall.

- Lakewood township will have several road construction jobs take place over bein hazmanim. 7th street will be shut for a week at the rail road crossing for repairs.

- Gedolei Yisrael Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch and Rav Dov Landau signed a letter joining the call of Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman and previous gedolim on the dangers of setting up IDF army unit geared to the frum community by a Rabbi in Bnei Brak.

- Chasidishe story in Monroe,A bird perched itself on the kever of the Satmar Rebbetzin Alta Faiga Teitelbaum the second  wife of the Satamar arebbe Rav Yoel Teitelbaum ztl. The bird refused to move and stayed there. A minyan if chasidim came and said tehillim and were mochel the bird as a tikkun. The bird died an hour later at the kever.

Reports: Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear has gotten additional security detail protection.

- "I went to the roof of the AGR building where the assailant fired shots. I laid in a prone position to evaluate his line of sight. What I saw made me ashamed. As a 25-year veteran with Secret Service I cannot defend why that roof was not better secured." - Acting secret service Dir Ronald Rowe

- Synagogue in Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh vandalized with the red triangle, which historically is associated with Nazi concentration camps where political prisoners were identified and been repurposed by Ham*s in its propaganda to denote targets.

In Washington DC, the words “President Kamala Harris” used to be an inside joke. Last year, party kingmakers tried peeling her off the ticket. Kamala survived her coup and Joe didn’t, but Joe had the last laugh. Sources close to the Biden family say ..Biden backed the party into a corner and so what does the left do, when they’re about to lose? Lie. Now the left’s using the same special effects on Kamala, the pantsuit messiah, that they used on Biden and are calling it momentum. Democrats can try to rebrand Kamala, but voters are already realizing Kamala’s more radical than Biden ever was. Defund the police, abolish ICE, decriminalize border crossings, ban natural gas exploration, get rid of private health insurance, pro-reparations, and government-run daycare. We can’t afford Kamala Harris- a dangerous Marxist who wants to turn America into San Francisco. (Jesse Waters)


  1. The leftist lies seem to be working according to the polls. While we can knock Kamala, what the right doesn't understand is the leftist mindset. Name calling isn't working, as that tool has been deflected already.

  2. And we hear all day long that groceries aren't making money and can't lower prices, yet they clamor to open more stores. They are robbing us blind. No one invests 6 million dollars in a grocery as a chesed. Yes, that's what the new nutmeg allegedly invested. And he plans on making it back very quickly.

    1. Grocery stores are not non-profits. They aren't investing as a chesed, it is a business like any other.
      There are many communist countries you can move to if you so desire.

    2. So let them admit that they are ripping of the tzibur instead of hiding behind lies and blaming the food manufacturers and distributors.

    3. If they don't want me posting these things, let them pay me. I am also a business.

    4. Groceries make a mint on the takeout and bakery and sushi. Not the regular groceries.

    5. I think the tzibur should cut down on wasting money on excessive grocery shopping .Even the wealthy of 30/40 yrs ago didn't indulge as the poor yeshiva man does today . Sad.. Its better for ruchnius, health and your pocket . Let's start a trend ...

    6. Anon 2:42
      You are right, as we don't live in a communist country much to your chagrin: you can continue posting without anyone stopping you. However please be aware that doesn't mean your arguments have any validity or make sense to any bar daas.

  3. If the Aguda said that ADL is no longer treif despire their alternative lifestyle support we cannot doubt that the Moetzes who guides the Aguda said to do so.

    1. Nobody said ADL is no longer treif.
      Motzi laaz al chachmei yisroel.
      Nezem zahav b'af chazir.
      Just stop.

    2. Don't defend them, they're bad,going worse

    3. Agudah also supports alternate lifestyle.
      They make good money on it

    4. Chav V'chalila .Agudah may be horrid in many ways,but there's a limit.Nezem b'af chazir.

  4. Which is causing a ripple affect in many communities. Causing everything else to skyrocket in price starting with tuition ,playgroup , babysitters etc

    1. It wasn't the grocery stores alone that increased the prices of everything.
      There are other factors, including greed of developers, those that actively prevented other housing options from being established, and international inflation.

  5. How despicable of Agudah to vouch for the ADL a leftist hateful organization who went after friendly rpoliticians including Trump an ohev yisroel a organization that is pro LGBTQ and all hashchasah.

    Is this what the moetzes is busy with
    When there's a gezeiras giyus and Jews are getting killed in eretz yisroel
    What a far cry from what the founders of Agudah had in mind in Katowitz.

  6. It's not a UN peacekeeping force
    It's a UN Observer Force.
    They observe and that's it.
    Years ago, they were caught with videos they made of Israelis being kidnapped by Hezbollah, even Israeli government didn't know about it. They still didn't want to release the videos.
    Every few years when the UN has to reauthorize them, Israel tries to change their rules, but unsuccessful.

    2. Another job they do is rape the Arab women. Same with African women in Africa. Nobody cares. They know they can't do that with Israeli women (and men).

    1. Cut the foul insinuations. We USEd to avoid many important subjects, since we USEd to be people with clean language

  7. Agudah went bankrupt long time ago

  8. The Agudah should just stick to making the Siyum hashas
