Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Roshei Yeshiva call for a יום תפילה ותשובה

 Lakewood roshei Yeshiva and The Moetzes gedolei Hatorah of Agudas Yisroel in America call for a day of Tefillah and Teshuva tomorrow Erev Rosh chodesh Tamuz Mukdam Yom Kippur Katan in light of recent tragedies that has stricken the Lakewood community and the current matzav milchama in Eretz Yisrael with the Gezeiras Hagiyus to draft yeshiva bochurim into the IDF along with the recent petirah of traditional and manhigei yisroel.

Tefilas Yom Kippur Katan will be said  in Botei Medrashim of BMG at the end of 1st seder @1:35pm in Bais Yitzchok, Bais Sshalom, Forest, Princeton. The Maariv BM will say it at 1:45pm other Botei medrash will recite Tehillim @1:30

List of minyanim with Yom Kippur katan in Lakewood area shuls will be posted tomorrow.


  1. Why is AGUDAH so scared to translate this letter in English and put it on the official stationary with the Agudas Yisrael logo.
    Is a yom tefillah so political that they can't put the name Agudah on it?.

    1. What are YOU so scared of that you need to write your comment anonymously?
