Saturday, July 6, 2024

Motzei shabbos Rosh Chodesh Tamuz Lakewood

- New NHC forecast still says Beryl will make landfall in Texas as Category 1 hurricane but adds "there is a chance of rapid intensification if Beryl becomes better vertically aligned"-

- Tehillim for Rav Tzvi Feigenbaum shlita R"Y Kerem Menachem on Cross st who suffered a heart attack this shabbos on Friday night. He is Ina induced coma name is Tzvi Menachem ben Chana Yita. There will be a minyan for Tehillim at the yeshiva 12:00am tonight 

-High levels of ground level ozone will lead to an air quality alert in New Jersey from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sunday, July 7, according to the NWS
The region will be under a "Code Orange Air Quality Action Day" as breathing outdoors will become unhealthy for some vulnerable groups of people.

- Iran Elects President Who Wants to Revive Nuclear Talks With West. Masoud Pezeshkian, a 69-year-old heart surgeon who wants to restart talks with the US over the landmark nuclear deal, was voted president of Iran 
Pezeshkian beat hard-line Islamist Saeed Jalili, 58, by almost 3 million votes in a runoff where the turnout of 49.8% was only marginally better than last week’s first round, according to officials.

The Lakewood area experienced very hot and humid weather over shabbos despite a strong thunderstorms with heavy rains at 2 pm the weather did not cool down.

BDE: Petirah of Rav Shmaya Greenbaum Ztl of Satmar at the age of 77 after an illness he a renowned talmid chochom and mechaber sifrei Siyata Dishmaya on Mishnayos. Levaya in Williamsburg.

- Several minyanim with musical Hallel taking place tomorrow 2nd day Rosh chodesh Tamuz, in Lakewood,Toms River and Deal.

-Hawaii governor who participated in a recent meeting with Biden and other Democratic governors and whose family has known the president for years, says President Biden could make a decision within days whether to remain a candidate for reelection. (AP)

- An Israeli source with knowledge about the hostage negotiations has told Channel 14 that Israel has not agreed to pull its forces out of Gaza. Meanwhile a Hamas senior official, Hassam Badran, says that Hamas will not implement any provision of the proposed agreement unless the ceasefire is in effect. And CIA Director, William Burns, on his way to Doha says that several issues remain open and that even if solved the deal will take several weeks to begin.

- President Biden firmly reiterated on Friday his decision to remain in the presidential race, asserting “I’m the nominee” and “I’m running and going to win again.” Despite his confidence, he mistakenly referred to the election year as 2020, while fellow Democrats expressed concerns about his perceived mental sharpness.

- Top Parkinson’s disease specialist visited White House 10 times since 2022: Visitor logs


  1. These music minysnim are a disgraceful

    1. How about all of the jewish children who haven't been accepted to elementary school? We have enough really big issues to post about that we don't have to go looking for more.

  2. The musical hallel minyanim is what the haskalah and reform movement did allow choirs and organ accompanimens in shuls.

    1. The haskalah did it on Shabbos

    2. By alot of chasidishe rebbes they also allowed choirs! Nebach that your yiddishkeit is to fight the maskilim from the 1800s. This is an atzas hayetzer so you don't focus on your real tafkid!

    3. The issue of music was for Shabbos!!!!!

  3. Yup. Disgraceful!! Those Levites in the Temple playing harps and whatnot - horrible!

  4. I agree. There are other ways to make yidishkeit beautiful but during davening is not the time. It's making davening into a party when it should be a serious encounter with the Rebono shel olam

    1. Says the guy who rolls in by shma and disappears after shmone esre

  5. Yes, better these people avoid going to a minyan.
    You'd be surprised how many people prefer to daven at home. Now they have an excuse to daven in a minyan.
    Your close-minded attitude is why they prefer outside a minyan.

    By the way, Reform didn't start with musical hallel, it started with organ on Shabbat.

  6. I have a great solution. Close all the shuls in Lakewood, and make everyone daven in BMG. No 9AM minyan, only one gigantic 7AM minyan. And close all those other shuls. And close all those BMG satellite batei medrash.

  7. FYI BMG davens at 740

  8. The Chassidim h e chiors NOT musical instruments

  9. The mishna brurah brings down from the Chasam Sofer that it is אסור to have musical instruments at davening even during the weekday.

  10. After everything that has been going on both near and far. This is what catches your attentions musical hallel!!!???.

  11. These commentators really have nothing better to do than to attack musical hallel? Who cares? There are bigger tzaros facing klal yisroel

    - sincerely a guy who doesn’t go to musical hallel because he hates shlep

  12. This musical hallel s a serious threat to our ruchniyus and future of klal Yisroel. First it started with the selichos and nowbits become mainstream to have hallel on rosh chodesh and this will continue to decline exactly how reform Judaism came to be. Thus must be nipped in the bud and call out
    They are setting a new bar that simple davening can't go on and introducing new concepts and outside artificial ingredients to replace the standard davening.

    1. Slichot (and Kabbalat Shabbat) are not tfillah.
      Come to think about it, neither is Hallel.


  13. Some [or most] of these sort of posters are trolls who pick a strawman in order to demean worthy gauntlets to their comfortable corrupt edifice that are dropped forth on sites like this.

    1. some of these posters love word salads

    2. ....from yet another troll.

  14. It may not be the most important thing facing us, but the fact is that the MB paskens that it's ossur, and those organizing these things are just singers and askans, not poskim.

    Is that not cause for concern? (Along with children not in schools, long sheitels, zionism, war in Gaza, hunger in Biafra, global warming, and traffic on Route 9)

    1. What's cause for concern is that certain people here cherry pick certain issues to constantly complain about. And its unfortunate that you feel that all of these issues are of even remotely equivalent nature. The children getting into school is an issue going on right now. Which one are you more passionate about. And which issued do you think Hkb"h cares more about.

    2. Our lack of coherent drive crushing any avak of influence in any facet of the 3 chamuros
      After that ,chayevei kares

  15. Where is the mishna berurah?
