Friday, July 5, 2024

Lakewood Zmanim עש"ק פר" קרח שבת ר"ח תמוז תשפ"ד

  Friday July 5, 2024 /   כ"ט סיון ערב שבת פרשת קרח שבת ראש חודש תמוז תשפ"ד

Candle lighting 8:10pm
Shkiah/Sunset 8:28 pm
Weather:Shabbos day 92° scattered thunderstorms. Storms may contain strong gusty winds Chance of rain 60%.
אתה יצרת
פרקי אבות פרק ד

והנה פרח מטה אהרן לבית לוי ויצא פרח ויצץ ציץ ויגמל שקדים

חז"ל אומרים בפרקי אבות: "איזוהי מחלוקת לשם
שמים? זו מחלוקת הלל ושמאי; ושאינה לשם שמים - זו מחלוקת קֹרח וכל עדתו".לכאורה, מדויק יותר לנסח "זו מחלוקת קרח ומשה". כמו "הלל ושמאי". שני צדדים למחלוקת. אלא שזה בדיוק העניין: למחלוקת הזו לא היו שני צדדים. רק קרח נחלק. משה לא היה פרטנר. 


 התנערי מעפר קומי לבשי בגדי תפארתך עמי

בנים למקום

 R' Joey Newomb with the boys of Yeshiva Bais Dovid in E"Y at the kever of Rav Meir in Teveria

from The YouTube page: By Joey Newcomb - Bonim Lamakom
 Jun 15 2024. Last winter, I went on a ski trip with Reb Aryeh Weiss and the boys from Waterbury. While we were farbrengening in the mountains of Utah, Reb Aryeh shared a vort

Photos Week 1 at the Woodbourne Shul Summer 2024

 At the Klal Yisroel shul in the Catskills Woodbourne, NY under the leadership of Rabbi Mirdechi Jungreis the Nikolsbug rebbe

Friday July 5th News Updates Lakewood

 Friday, July 5, 2024 / כ״ט סיון תשפ״ד
ערב שבת פרשת קרח שבת ראש חודש תמוז
Candle lighting 8:10pm
Shkiah/Sunset 8:28pm
Rosh chodeshbis Shabbos & Sunday

Weather: 92° Partly cloudy early followed by scattered thunderstorms this afternoon.Chance of rain 60%.
Heat AdvisoryFrom Fri 10:00 am until Sat 8:00 pm ..Heat index values ranging from 100 to 103 degrees expected.
Shabbos day weather: 92° scattered thunderstorms. Storms may contain strong gusty winds Chance of rain 60%.

Biden says at a event in Wisconsin: I'll beat Trump "I’m staying in this race,”“I’m not letting one 90-minute debate wipe out three-and-a-half years of work.” 

- More musical Hallel minyanim for Sunday rosh chodesh Tamuz
Mordys shteible Sunday morning 9:15
Babad shul Toms River 9:30 am

 - Musical Hallel minyan outdoor davening at the Wave resort in Long Branch this coming Sunday morning Rosh chodesh  with R' Simcha Leiner baal tefilah overlooking the Ocean.

BDE: Perirah of Rabbi Dovid Adlin Z"L of Lakewood  Former principal at Shaarei Tzion  in Edison,NJ.  Levaya today 3:15pm  in Lakewood at the Chapel off 7th st.

- Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita will be hosting a bris at his home this shabbos for an einikel born to his son Rav Shneur shlita son in law of Rav Shmuel Baddoush shlita 

--168 influential political donors, civic leaders, and business leaders sent a letter to President Biden today, urging him to withdraw from the 2024 election to secure his legacy and protect the nation's future, the Washington Post reports.

- BDE: Petirah of Rav R’ Shia Hersh Brach U”h 67 years BP (Brachsoni Shirts) Brach ZS'L at age 67 from Boro Park he was a noted baal tzedak and chesed and the proprietor of the Brachsoni shirt which was worn by many yeshiva Bochurim 

- President Joe Biden says he is “not going anywhere” before rambling about how there is no traffic congestion anymore.

-Rabbonim and roshei yeshiva deliver divrei chizuk and mussar after a series of tragedies in the community. Rav Malkiel Kotler mentioned the Rambam hilchos Taanis that when tragedies occur we turn inward and improve our own actions he said we have to work on respecting ourselves and others every person has the shechina inside him. we also have to respect ourselves the R"Y spoke strongly about the tznius issues by both men and women how a lack of it is disrespectful to our tzelem elokim mentioning specifically the new trends by men  of tight closing and open buttons showing one's skin as well as the style of shaitles by women. the R"Y Referred to the geziras giyus against the Torah world in E"Y and said that if we are machsiv Torah here in The US it will have an effect on the Govt in E"Y. 
Rav Uri Deutsch followed with saying that the recent tragedy is beyond human comprehension and is a clear sign of hashgacha that is beyond our scope he quoted from the chazon ish in a similar matter that such an action by a parent to child is not a human occurrence. What we can be mechaze is to protect our children from any instance of Aveiros and Chet and to spend quality time giving them a life of Torah and MItzvos. 
Rav Sorotzkin spoke about the bitter golus how all these tragedies are a sign that the golus is ending but we have to rise to the challenge by not speaking lashon hora and to respect and uplift each other.

Recordings of kinus hisoirerus in Lakewood on Chayeinu hotline 732-301-4043 1#-2-1 for Rav Malkiel Kotler 358,Rav Uri Deutsch 357 Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin 356 

- New law in effect in NJ According to NJDOL, private households who pay a domestic worker for services in their home "are likely now considered an employer." It's up to households to inform the worker of their rights. .A "bill of rights" for domestic workers — such as individuals who clean homes, or provide care for children or the elderly — is in effect as of July 1. It's the product of a law signed by Gov. Phil Murphy in January.Whether the worker is hired by an agency or a household, the new protections include their right to breaks, as well as protection from discrimination and harassment, and coverage under programs such as unemployment insurance, workers' compensation, temporary disability, and family leave insurance.The protections are valid regardless of one's immigration status, officials say. re's a requirement of a written contract between worker and employer, as long as the individual is working at least five hours per month in the home.

-Shiva for R' Shloimy Lonner Z"L is at 11 Primrose Lakewood 

-Race and disability scandal rocks Lakewood township: new lawsuit alleges township officials engaged in discriminatory conduct, retaliation, and cover-up! a lawsuit just filed alleges that Lakewood township discriminated against an African American bus driver due to his disability and race. More at Faa 

- Giyus update: There's a real fear that the army is planning to immediately implement the high court ruling and starting  with drafting up to 4800 frum soldiers for this year according to Israeli media reports.

- The new Prime Minister in England Keir Starmer’s wife Victoria is Jewish, and hold Shabbat dinners every week. She was born to a Jewish father with Polish ancestry, and her mother converted to Judaism. The couple are now raising their children in the faith, and belong to the Liberal Jewish Synagogue in London. He said that Shabbos is a “rock in the week.” “Every week there’s a challah, and we say kiddush,” he said.

 - A fallen IDF  soldier who perished nearly four decades ago will finally have the words “Hashem Yikom Damo” inscribed on his kever after a recent decision to allow the phrase on military tombstones, after it was previously prohibited by the Defense Ministry for decades.

- Please continue to daven l’zchus refuah sheleima for Batsheva Esther bas Deena Zahava a 12 year old Lakewood girl hit by a car last week on Rt 9.

-Ivanka Trump discusses the concept of Lashon Hora how she’s handled the barrage of attacks aon her family.
There’s a concept in Judaism called Lashon Hara, which means evil speech. The idea is that speaking poorly of another is almost the  equivalent to murder, because you can’t really repair it. You can apologize, but you can’t repair it. Another component of that is that it does as much damage to the person saying the words than it does to the person receiving them. And I think about that a lot. I talk about this concept with my kids a lot, and I’m not willing to pay the price of that fleeting and momentary satisfaction of sort of swinging baאck because I think it would be too expensive for my soul. And that’s how I made peace with it, because I think that feels more true for me.”

Israel At War Friday July 5th

Israel at war day 273

- White house statement: "The Gaza war has led to a lot of suffering for a long time, and it is time for it to stop." No mention of hostages.

- Mossad head returns from Qatar. He reports that he believes the Israeli cabinet will approve the cease-fire proposal per the answer of Hamas.

- A top Hamas official tells AFP the terror group expects a swift Israeli response — “likely today or tomorrow morning” — to its new “ideas” for halting the Gaza war and freeing hostages.

Around 100 Hamas terrorists killed, over 100 terror sites destroyed during IDF op in Gaza City’s Shejaiya

Israel sends delegation to renewed hostage-truce talks in Doha on Hamas proposal

IDF conducts counterterrorism activity in Jenin area, 5 terrorists reported dead

Hezbollah says its leader meets Hamas delegation to discuss Gaza, ceasefire talks

Israel approved sending a team led by Mossad Director David Barnea to participate in further negotiations.Hamas has dropped its demand for an upfront pledge that Israel ends the war, a move that prompted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to send a team to participate in further negotiations IN DOHA for a deal, The Jerusalem Post has learned.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Oif Simchas/Shiurum Thurs night 29 Sivan

Fuerst - Lamm Bais Faiga
Tendler - Rosenberg Kesser Moshe Yehuda
Levin -  Silber Fountain Ballroom
Heinemann -  Eisenstein Cedar Palace
Solomon - Penstein Ateres Reva 

- Asifas chizuk in English tonight arranged by Agudas Yisroel on NJ will take place 8:30pm at B"M Lutzk in Lakewood. Speakers Rav Malkiel Kotler, Rav Yitzchock Sorotskin and Rav Uri Deutsch live call in number 712-432-4305 watch live stream Here 

-There will be an asifa tonight at the Satmar Bais Medrash in Lakewood at Forest Ave and 4th street. Divrei Hisoirerus by Rav Aaron Zuckerman shlita Rav of Zichron Linchas, Rav Moshe Reich shlita, Rav Torah Utefilah, @9:00pm.

- Chumash Shiur by Harav Yeruchom Olshin shlita 11:30 pm at B"M Ateres Bracha live 646-726-9977

Thursday July 4th News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 89° Sunshine and clouds mixed. High 89F. 

Independence day govt offices are closed  no mail or garbage pick up. Banks closed 

Weather forecasters say scattered showers and thunderstorms could disrupt parts of the July 4th holiday and the upcoming weekend in New Jersey. Areas that miss out on the rain will still be very hot and humid.

- Asifas chizuk in English tonight arranged by Agudas Yisroel on NJ will take place 8:30pm at B"M Lutzk in Lakewood. Speakers Rav Malkiel Kotler, Rav Yitzchock Sorotskin and Rav Uri Deutsch live call in number  712-432-4305 watch live stream Here 

- Atlantic city Prosecutor's  charge May's landing man with the murder of R' Shloimy Lonner ZLa resident in a home that was rented see more

-Putin says he supports former President Trump's plan to end the war with Ukraine.

-The UK Labour Party wins the general election, ending the 14-year Conservative rule.

- PSA: Jackson spray park is currently broken (Submitted)

- BDE: Levaya of Reb Shloimy Lonner Z"L will take place 5:30pm today at the Lakewood chapel off 7th street with kevura at the nearby bais olam.

- Lakewood township independence day fireworks show will take place Sunday night July 7 at Lake Carasaljo.

Blueclaws will have fireworks tonight

-Due to recent tragedies in Lakewood there will be a kinus chizuk and Hisoirerus in Bais Medrash Goviha divrei chizuk bybHarav Malkiel Kotler shlita, Harav Dovid Schustal shlita, and Rav Dovid  Bresslauer shlita. 6:30pm at Bais Yitzchok Bais Medrash 7th and private way listen Live on Conference number: 857-347-0100 access code 125005 - 125001 - 125002 - 125003 - 125004 - 125005 - 125006 additional Conference numbers: 347-202-0666, 732-645-9444

- Due to the recent tragedy There will be an asifa tonight at the Satmar Bais Medrash in Lakewood at Forest Ave and 4th street. Divrei Hisoirerus by Rav Aaron Zuckerman shlita Rav of Zichron Linchas, Rav Moshe Reich shlita, Rav Torah Utefilah, @9:00pm.

- Agudath Israel: On this 4th of July, we remember Gershom Mendes Seixas, an American Jewish patriot and fervent supporter of the American Revolution. When the British advanced on NY, Seixas led his congregation out of the city, ensuring the safety of Sifrei Torah and other religious objects. Throughout his life, he remained a staunch defender of religious #liberty, a prominent figure in NY's Jewish community, and an active participant in the American religious scene. Notably, Seixas was one of the 14 clergymen who participated in the inauguration of President George Washington. 

-The American flag flied outside yeshiva Torah Vodaas building in NY.

- July 4th revelers should be on high alert for possible lone wolf 'attacks' as they celebrate the holiday, the FBI and Homeland Security warned.* The security agencies said solo attackers and small extremist groups pose the biggest threat, cautioning that large crowds are often seen as 'attractive targets.'

- Biden accidentally admits he met with a doctor after the disastrous debate just hours after WH Press Sec Karine Jean-Pierre claimed he hadn't had a medical exam since February.

- Mark Levine: The Democrat Party and their media are split on whether to support a mentally impaired Biden or disenfranchise millions of primary voters and pick a replacement by a relative handful of political elites and activists.

- Hurricane Beryl, which ripped through the Caribbean as a Category 4 to 5 storm over the past couple of days, is on a path headed for Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, the National Hurricane Center said. Beryl, which has weakened to a Category 3 storm, left at least 10 people dead after hitting St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Venezuela, Grenada and Jamaica, according to Reuters. The wire service noted that the death toll is expected to rise as communications throughout the island nation are restored.

Minyanim: Mincha Yom Kippur Katan ער"ח תמוז תשפ"ד Lakewood

 Minyanim: Mincha/Yom Kippur Koton ער"ח . תמוז תשפ"ד Lakewood Thursday, July 4, 2024 / כ"ח סיון תשפ"ד
Please post additional minyanim or corrections in the comments section.

See more zmanim HERE

- Satmar Forest ave  1:40, 2:30, 3:30, 4:30, 5:30, 6:30 7:30

Israel At War Thursday July 4

 Israel at war day 272

-Another soldier killed in Gaza bringing death toll to 325
Eyal Mimran, 20, from Ness Ziona 

- PM Netanyahu speaks with President Biden, informs him of decision to send delegation for hostage negotiations, and reaffirms Israel's commitment to achieving its war goals before ending the conflict.

- IDF: Hezbollah launched some 200 rockets, 20 drones from Lebanon at north in earlier attack
some of the rockets and drones were shot down by air defense and fighter jets. Fires are raging across numerous locations in the north after the massive Hezbollah rocket and drone attack.

-Another soldier killed in Gaza bringing death toll to 324
Roy Miller, 21, from Herzliya.

-Only two or three people know the whereabouts of Hamas leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar, sources from the terror group told London-based newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat on Wednesday.

-Lebanese report: Hamas maintains demands for permanent ceasefire, full IDF withdrawal from Gaza

- Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to speak by phone with Joe Biden today, after Hamas sent Israel a response to the latest proposal for a hostage and ceasefire deal.(TOI)

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Roshei Yeshiva call for a יום תפילה ותשובה

 Lakewood roshei Yeshiva and The Moetzes gedolei Hatorah of Agudas Yisroel in America call for a day of Tefillah and Teshuva tomorrow Erev Rosh chodesh Tamuz Mukdam Yom Kippur Katan in light of recent tragedies that has stricken the Lakewood community and the current matzav milchama in Eretz Yisrael with the Gezeiras Hagiyus to draft yeshiva bochurim into the IDF along with the recent petirah of traditional and manhigei yisroel.

Tefilas Yom Kippur Katan will be said  in Botei Medrashim of BMG at the end of 1st seder @1:35pm in Bais Yitzchok, Bais Sshalom, Forest, Princeton. The Maariv BM will say it at 1:45pm other Botei medrash will recite Tehillim @1:30

List of minyanim with Yom Kippur katan in Lakewood area shuls will be posted tomorrow.

BDE reports on the petirah of Beloved Baal Chesed R’ Shloimy Lonner z”l  who was Stabbed to Death in Horrific Incident R"L
He was 49.

Update: Levaya of Reb Shloimy Lonner ZL will take place 5:30pm today at the Lakewood chapel off 7th street with kevura at the nearby bais olam.
 Zoom link Here passcode 95532

R’ Shloimy, a beloved resident of Primrose Drive in the New Central Avenue neighborhood of Lakewood, NJ, was a noted baal chesed and a true ben Torah. He was an outstanding individual, known for his unwavering kindness and dedication to helping others. Matzav reports

R’ Shloimy’s life was tragically cut short when he was stabbed to death today by an inmate at a mental health facility that he operated in South Jersey. This tragedy has plunged the Lakewood community into deep mourning once more after a spate of tzaros has stricken the

Oif Simchas Wed 27 Sivan

Ginsparg - Paler Bais Faiga
Dovek -  Weitman Ateres Reva 
Eidlitz -  Greenberg Lake Terrace
Sandler -  Affen Kesser Moshe Yehuda
 Halberstam - Bursztyn Eagle Ridge
Schonbrun -  Bergman Ne'emas Hachaim

Torah anytime yartzeit commemoration for Rav Dovid Trenk ZTL Here

Hashkafa Q&A

 Hashkafa with Rav Gershon Ribner shlita

Intellect must govern and dictate our emotional inspiration (Adirei Hatorah)   steep price a woman may pay by introducing her friends to her husband

 Share your wealth with your children

Wednesday July 3 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 83° A good deal of sunshine. High 83F. 
Today is the 13th yartzeit of Rav Chaim Stein Zatzal
Today marks the 5th yartzeit of Reb Dovid Trenk ZTL 

The July 4th fireworks show in Lakewood will take place Sunday July 7th

- Pete Buttigieg on Kamala's shortlist for VP, along with Gretchen Whitmer, per WH official

- Biden has wrapped up a campaign call with his team, saying: "Let me say this as clearly as I possibly can as simply and straightforward as I can: I am running…no one’s pushing me out. I’m not leaving. I’m in this race to the end and we’re going to win.”

- Biden told key ally he is weighing whether to continue in race after a disastrous debate performance last week — NYT

- VP Kamala Harris is top choice to replace Joe Biden according to democrat sources 

-Category 4 hurricane Beryl heads towards Jamaica then Mexico, and Texas is also in its path

- New wedding hall almost complete at Meoros Rochel Leah girls school off Oak st. Will be more on the high end.

-JSOR updated list of establishments for 2024 in the Dea, Long Branch area  Here 

- Hatzolah of Central Jersey going for approvals to build new headquarters off Cedarbridge Ave corner America way, hearing at the planning board July 9.

- Bnos Devorah application to build new school building and daycare behind existing property

-Garden State Parkway lane in Toms River that buckled is repaired in time for July 4 getaway
new wedding hall almost ready at the Meoras Rochel Leah girls school on Oak St

- Keren Olam Hatorah Rayze it page shows campaign at $83.5 million out of $107 million goal. Lakewood leadership circle raised $14.7 million donate Here 

- Leading Sefardi Roshei yeshiva including Rav Moshe Tzadka, Rav Reuven Elbaz are calling for a yom tefillah tomorrow with Selichos due to the gezeiras Giyus and potential gezeiras shmad on the weaker sefardi Bochurim who they feel will be the ones drafted in order to fill quotas 

 -AAA expects a record of almost 71 million people to travel around the U.S. for Independence Day July 4th holiday Some 60 million people will drive with nearly 6 million flying to their destinations, while around 4.6 million people will take buses, trains or cruises during the holiday period. 

-Group demands authorities begin drafting ultra-Orthodox as ordered by High Court
The Movement for Quality Government in Israel demands in a letter to the defense minister, the IDF chief of staff, and the attorney general that they immediately begin issuing conscription orders to ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students following last week’s High Court ruling that the state is obligated to being drafting such men.

-At least 25 House Democrats are poised to urge President Biden to withdraw from the presidential race following his performance in the debate,

-A plane heading to Uruguay in South America made an emergency landing in Brazil on Monday after sustaining damage during the flight.According to reports, the plane began to dive and lose control, nearly plunging into the sea. Harav Shevach Tzvi Rosenblatt, the chief rabbi of Bnei Brak, was on board with his son, en route to supervise shechitah in Uruguay. Rav Rosenblatt departed from Israel to Madrid, Spain, and from there took a connecting flight to South America.Baruch Hashem, the plane made an emergency landing in Brazil. According to reports, Rav Rosenblatt miraculously sustained only minor injuries, having hit his head and suffering from bruises.(Hamodia)

Vivek Ramaswamy
A lot of geniuses are coming out of the woodwork to predict that it won’t be Biden, but that’s been obvious for over a year. The real question is what’s going to happen in the next 4 months. Follow the incentives: the later the Dems make the switch, the more advantageous it actually is for them. Here’s why:

Israel At War Wednesday July 3

 Israel at war day 271

- Another soldier killed in Gaza bringing death toll to 223 Elay Elisha Lugasi, 21, from Kiryat Shmona

- Israel's Mossad says the Hostage negotiations mediators have passed on Hamas's response to the deal. Israel is now examining it and will respond to the mediators. 

- Heavy barrage of rockets over the northern border launched by Hezbollah. Over 50 fired into Kiruat shmona.

- A senior Hezbollah commander iwas killed n an Israeli airstrike in southern Lebanon earlier today. Israel is expecting a retaliation on the northern border 

- Hezbollah’s No. 2 says it will halt its attacks if Gaza ceasefire reached “If there is a ceasefire in Gaza, we will stop without any discussion,” Hezbollah’s deputy leader, Sheikh Naim Qassem,

- One person was killed in a terror attack that occurred at a shopping center in the city of Karmiel in Israel's North on Wednesday. The 21 year old arab terrorist was shot and killed

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Oif Simchas Tuesday 27 Sivan

Kleiner - Rubin Ateres Chana
Herzka -  Steinfeld Lake Terrace
Waxman -  Goldberg Cedar Palace
Soifer -  Goldenberg  Ateres Reva 
Miller - Hacohen kesser Moshe Yehuda 
Freitag- Luri Fountain Ballroom 

Hashkafa Q&A

 Hashkafa with Reb Gershon Ribner shlita 

"Halacha Headlines ": Twisting the Torah to conform to the secular public mentality

Tuesday July 2 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 82° Sunshine and a few afternoon clouds. High 82F

- Biden claimed the reason for his poor performance at last week’s presidential debate was due to being tired after traveling “around the world a couple of times” in the days before the deabte. The 81-year-old said he “almost fell asleep on stage.”

- TOMS RIVER - A portion of the Garden State Parkway has buckled, causing at least a 15-mile delay in the southbound lanes from about Exit 98 to Exit 82A on Tuesday evening, according to the state Department of Transportation website “The pavement heaved in the right lane of the southbound Parkway at milepost 82.7“The lane is closed. We’re assessing the damage now.”(App)

 - Judge Merchan has delayed Trump’s sentencing in the Manhattan case to September 18, 2024. Merchan said he would make a decision on if and how the immunity ruling affects the case by Sept. 6, and that the sentencing would take place Sept. 18 “if .. still necessary.”

- U.S. to pay Moderna $176M to develop an mRNA "pandemic vaccine" as bird flu cases in dairy cows "continue to rise" — AP

- Sleep away camp bus departure today at blueclaws stadium

- Some Democratic governors are seeking a meeting with the White House to discuss their concerns about President Joe Biden in the aftermath of his poor debate performance, multiple sources with knowledge of the discussions told CNN.

- The Manhattan DA will not oppose Trump’s request to file a motion arguing his hush money conviction should be tossed based on Supreme Court immunity ruling, a move that will likely delay his sentencing currently set for July 11.

- Tefilos for Rav Avrohom Shmuelevitz shlita on of Rav Chaim ztl who is in need of rachmei shamayim, Avrohim Tzvi ben Chana Miriam 

- Satmar womens Mikvah proposal faces substantial opposition from neighbors  at the Lakewood zoning board meeting more at Faanews 

- The Jackson Township Planning Board on Monday night unanimously granted approval to Bais Medrash of Jackson, led by Rav Chaim Lubin, to construct a shul and a connected house for the rabbi at 217 Brewers Bridge Road, near South Cooks Bridge Road.

-Amusement park open this week in HOweell at the escape theater location through July 6  Any child under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult all day wrist band from $25 - $35 
A maximum of three children are allowed to one 5 -11 pm purchase tickets Here 

- Several sleepaway camps re-enforce rules and crack down on parents sending packages to camp that it will not be delivered. 

- Chickies kosher takeout at six Flags Great Adventures is closed. They are working on negotiating a new kosher vendor and will announce when finalized until then you can bring two ziplocks per person and a sealed water bottle. 

- The Kosover rebbe ztl was personally involved in all aspects of the bais chinuch Lebanos  girls school in Lakewood. In a interview with Kol Mevaser school head said the rebbe would come  to Lakewood and go around fundraising for it which was against his nature. He was in charge of all chinuch aspects and was against schools sending home work.

- The liquor licenses at two of the three New Jersey golf clubs owned by former President Donald Trump have not been renewed,  The state Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control has issued temporary 90-day permits to allow them to continue serving alcohol until a hearing on the licenses is held on July 19 in Trenton, which will follow former President Trump’s sentencing on July 11.ersey State law, anyone who has been convicted of a crime “involving moral turpitude” is prohibited from holding a liquor license.(SSchorr)

- Hurricane Beryl is a monster storm, reaching Category 5 strength with 165 mph winds
Although Beryl poses no direct threat to the eastern United States, the hurricane could move into the southwestern Gulf of Mexico by Saturday and potentially take aim at southern Texas by Sunday or Monday, forecasters from AccuWeather said.

- Recently, Patis Bakery filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy as part of a strategic restructuring plan. At this crucial time for the company, Elon Kornblum of GKRF urged his followers to come out in support of the bakery. “By standing behind this Jewish-owned business, we can help them continue to grow and thrive,” “Without our support, there is a possibility that they could close their doors and I for one do not want that! Let’s rally together and support Patis, ensuring they can keep bringing kosher excellence to our communities.” the  lakewood location and others remain open for business 

- PSA staples has copy paper and school supplies 50%off with coupon in store only. Must activate coupon befkre purchase. (Submitted)

Israel At War Tuesday July 2

 Israel at war day 270

- 4 Islamic jihad terrorists eliminated by Idf  drone strike in the nur A Shams camp while they attempted to place and detonate a explosive device.

-IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi says troops have killed at least 900 terror operatives in southern Gaza's Rafah amid the ongoing operation there.

- Another 2 soldiers killed in Gaza by a explosive device bringing death toll to 322
Nadav Elchanan Knoller, 30,  from Yerushalayim 
Eyal Avnion, 25, from Hod Hasharon.

-Report: IDF brass now backing Gaza ceasefire even if it means leaving Hamas in power,army responds it is committed to all the wars goals

- Channel 14: The IDF General Staff is not denying that it is moving toward a ceasefire in Gaza.

NYT: Israel’s military leadership wants a Gaza ceasefire even if Hamas remains in power. They believe it will aid in freeing hostages and let the IDF prepare for possible conflict with Hezbollah.

- Netanyahu responds to report:
"Anonymous sources are briefing the 'New York Times' today. They are telling him that Israel will be ready to end the war before achieving all of its goals. I don't know who those unnamed parties are, but I'm here to make it unequivocally clear: it won't happen. We will end the war only after we achieve all of its goals, including the elimination of Hamas and the release of all our hostages.

- The main goals of the war have always been returning the hostages and defeating Hamas. Now it seems the IDF and PM Netanyahu feel differently about which of these goals to prioritize. jpost

- Liora Argamani mother of rescued hostage passes away after fight with cancer

-80% of American Jews opposed the suspension of arms shipments to Israel as a diplomatic pressure tool, according to a recent study by the Jewish People Policy Institute.

-On Monday, the Iran-backed Houthis claimed to attack four more cargo ships. They also alleged that the attacks took place on “three fronts,” according to Al-Ain media in the UAE.

- Top adviser to Khamenei says Iran will back Hezbollah with all means if war breaks out

- 1.9 million Palestinians out of Gaza's 2.3 million population are currently living in the Israeli-designated "humanitarian zone." A few hundred thousand remain in northern Gaza.
 Only around 20,000 Palestinians remain in the Rafah area.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Oif Simchas Monday 26 Sivan

Schwab - Eisenberg Bais Faiga
Landau - Fischer Ateres Reva
Bamberger - Dubovick  Kesser Moshe Yehuda
Frankel - Bangio Ne'emas hachaim 
Berger - Kizner Fountain Ballroom 

Monday July 1 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 82° Sunny to partly cloudy. High 82F

Tucker Carlson: Biden is done. Bet on it. Too many prominent Democrats have suggested he’s brain damaged. They can’t walk that back. They have to remove him, and they will. The only question is when. If they’re smart, they’ll do it immediately. If Kamala’s going to be the nominee, she might as well be the president first. That leaves the question of Trump, and his sentencing on July 11. Biden’s collapse makes this a much more perilous moment than it was. At this point Trump is not just the Republican candidate, but effectively the presumptive president. If you’re going to put him in jail, it had better be for a very serious crime that everyone agrees he committed. Otherwise you risk destroying the system completely and forever. We’re in legitimate danger. Democrats need to pull back.

- Israeli chief Rabbis Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef and Rabbi David Lau now officially concluded their 11 year roles as Israel's chief Rabbis.  Due to absence of appointed successors, Rabbi Eliezer Igra and Rabbi Yaakov Roza stepped in as interim chief rabbis. belaaz

-Trump: The Supreme Court totally dismantled most of the charges against me. Joe Biden should now call off his “dogs.” Our Country should now be focused on GREATNESS again!

-Obama: "With the Supreme Court immunity ruling, the president could decide to kiII any U.S. citizen without a trial!" 

-Steve Bannon just surrendered to federal prison while surrounded by fans and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to serve 4-months for ‘resisting a subpoena

- Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,l, has threatened to bring articles of impeachment against the Supreme Court after today's immunity ruling regarding former President Trump.

- Toms River reminder to pay the quarterly payment to Toms River MUA  for sewer charges as they are due today July 1st and could place a lien on your property for non payment.

 Campaign launched  for yeaomim donate Here 

- Keren Olam HaTorah: Organizers say there may be  30% drop of contributions to other yeshivos  and kollelim due to the campaign to raise $107 Million from an article in Mishpacha :
"Isn’t there a concern that a significant share of the foundation’s funds will come at the expense of longstanding donations to specific yeshivos and kollelim? This matter was considered from the outset, with the cutoff being set at a ratio of 70-30: “Rav Moshe Hillel emphasizes to the donors that the donations should not be made at the expense of existing commitments to yeshivos and kollelim,” an organizer told me. “But we calculate that even if only 70% of the funds raised are new money, it will still have been worth it.

"There’s a big difference between the American gvirim whose names we’ve known for years and the new faces,” one person involved in the fundraising effort told me in a call from America this week. “There are some for whom a request from gedolei Yisrael is sacred, and if there’s a statement that this is a time for mesirus nefesh, they’ll bring in millions from wherever they can.
“But there are others for whom philanthropy was until now, to some extent a ‘fad.’ And this is where we discovered, to our surprise, that despite or perhaps precisely because of the vicious attacks against Torah learners in Israel, the Jewish heart in America has opened up, and there’s a genuine desire to help.”

-The U.S. Supreme Court rules that Trump enjoys "absolute" immunity from prosecution for "official acts" during his presidency.  The justices ordered lower courts to figure out precisely how to apply the decision to Trump’s case.
Trump responds  Big win for our constitution and democracy" proud to be an American “I have been harassed by the Democrat party, Joe Bidən, Ob*ma and their thugs, fascists and communists for years, and the courts have spoken.”

-First day of girls camp begins today expect traffic at drop off and pick up times 

-Bais Medrash farher season continues this week for bochurim going into 1st year or 2nd year 

- Giyus: The National media in the US report in massive protest yesterday in Yerushalayim against Giyus law including extensive coverage in the Wall Street Journal 

-LSTA charges of $340 appearing on credit card statements for courtesy busing 

- Lakewood Zoning board meeting today, on the agenda Lake terrace banquet hall and application for a cell communications tower on the Georgian court property behind 14th street at Cedarview, a new mikva next to the Satmar B"M off E Kennedy Blvd under the leadership of Rav Aaron Teitelbaum 

-Dave & Buster's, arcades coming to Freehold mall  including five pickleball courts, to the lower level of the former Sears store, after the planning board gives the ok. 

-Tucker Carlson: from an unusually good source: Obama’s tweet supporting Joe Biden was disingenuous. In private, Obama is telling people Biden can’t win, and he is therefore in favor of an open convention.

-New Jersey Transit 15% rate hike took effect today Monday July 1st  and it will rise again by another 3% next July 1. For the first time in nine years, NJ Transit commuters are paying an increase on trains and buses after the fare hike went into effect at midnight.

- Gas prices in Lakewood jump up by 25 cents ahead of July 4th weekend

-A decision just released by the New Jersey Appellate Division highlights the importance of reporting hazardous conditions on the road such as potholes and broken sidewalk before you get injured by the hazardous condition, as otherwise the owner of the road will not be responsible for any injuries. Faanews 

-Money from the 2025 state budget passed by the democrats  some  of it will be going to Lakewood FAA reports.

• Garden State Parkway Interchange 83 Improvements - $3,200,000 in federal funds (Read more about this project here on FAA News)
• Township of Lakewood; Public Health and Safety - $7,000,000
• ShoreTown Ballpark blueclaws stadium Improvements - $4,200,000
• Jackson School District, Infrastructure Improvements - $2,500,000
• Beth Medrash Govoha, Security Needs and Anti-terrorism - $2,000,000
• Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce, Networking Events - $50,000
See more

- Menendez corruption trial defense lawyers will begin making their case today Monday.

Israel At War Monday July 1

Israel at war day 269

Heavy fighting and bombardment by artillery and air strikes tonight by IDF at the Shajaya neighborhood near Khan Younis in Gaza reports of injuries

- Blinken: Israel effectively lost sovereignty in north due to Hezbollah Blinken said that there is a “momentum” leading to a larger war between Hezbollah and the IDF, but that the paradox was, that no one really wants to see a a larger war break out.

- According to a German Report the war in Lebanon will begin in two weeks

-Netanyahu says Israel is approaching the completion of the phase of eliminating Hamas.”

- Another soldier killed in Gaza bringing death toll to 319. Nine others were injured in a booby trapped explosion
Ori Itzchak Hadad, 21, from Beersheva

-At least 20 rockets were fired from Gaza at Israeli border communities, marking the largest barrage in at least seven months.

-National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir on Monday demanded the ousting of Shin Bet director Ronen Bar, after Israel released the director of Shifa Hospital, reportedly along with some 55 other Palestinian detainees, back to the Gaza Strip. Responding to the uproar, the Shin Bet said that it had been forced to send prisoners back to the Gaza Strip due to a lack of space in Israeli jails and that it planned to phase out the use of the Sde Teiman detention facility.

-A ship carrying explosives from India's Visakhapatnam port to Israel was destroyed by Houthis.

- Gallant: 10,000 soldiers needed immediately
'The IDF is an institution that belongs to all of us and not to any political party. Unlike planes or bombs, soldiers cannot be brought from abroad, so we need to recruit more.'