Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Israel At War Wednesday Ne 19

 Israel at war day 257

- USS aircraft carrier Ford and its strike group are heading into the port of Chaifa, Israel 

- Nasrallah warns ‘no place’ in Israel will be safe in war, threatens to target Cyprus “The enemy knows well that we have prepared ourselves for the worst… and that no place… will be spared our rockets.” Nasrallah also threatens Cyprus for the first time, saying Hezbollah could consider it “a part of the war” and hit targets there if it allows the IDF to use logistical infrastructure in the country in case of a war.

- Gallant huddles with IDF generals, reiterating heightened war preparedness “We are completing the ground and air readiness, strengthening the intelligence systems, and preparing for any possibility,” Gallant is quoted as saying in a ministry statement.

- Lebanese media report several Israeli airstrikes in the coastal town of Borgholiyeh, just north of Tyre.

- Netanyahu said to have ignored warnings by ministers, aides not to openly criticize US

- Statement from the Prime Minister's Office: The US Ambassador to Israel Jack Lew told PM Netanyahu yesterday that the ammunition and weapons the Prime Minister referred to in his remarks yesterday are in the process of being delivered to Israel. Prime Minister Netanyahu said he expects this to happen and directed the Israeli teams to work with their American counterparts to make sure it does.

- Giyus:  Likud MK Nir Barkat: I, others will oppose Haredi draft bill without major changes

- After Ben Gvir demands spot on war cabinet, PM accuses him of leaking state secrets

- Egypt agrees to Arab security force in Gaza after Israel war - report

- National Security Minister MK Itamar Ben-Gvir refused an offer by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to become a permanent attendee of security consultations regarding the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, in exchange for Ben-Gvir's support for a controversial bill widely viewed as aiming to benefit the ultra-Orthodox Shas party, according to a spokesperson for Ben-Gvir.

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