Friday, June 14, 2024

Friday Isru Chag Shavuos 5784 Lakewood News Updates

 Friday, June 14, 2024 / ח׳ סיון תשפ״ד
ערב שבת פרשת נשא אסרו חג
Candle lighting 8:09 pm
Shkiah/Sunset 8:27 pm

Weather: 89° Mostly sunny skies early then heavy thunderstorms developing this afternoon. Gusty winds and small hail are possible. Chance of rain 100%. 1 to 2 inches of rain expected.
There is a marginal risk of severe weather today.

- Adirei hatorah will have a surprise  guest at the event

- Montclair Mayor and NJEA President sean spiller has announced his bid for the Democratic nomination for Governor of New Jersey. (NJ globe)

- Nshei Adirei hatorah will be hosting an event in Lakewood for all girls in shidduchim this Tuesday at the Lakewood high school Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky shlita and Rav Simcha Scheinberg shlita will be traveliong in from erets yisroel especially for this event. All those attending will receive a bracha from the roshei yeshiiva 

-Adirei Hatorah distributed to date $184,687,678 to pay youngeleit. 

- Trump tells House Republicans he's expanding presidential battleground to New Mexico, New Jersey, Minnesota and Virginia 

- Supreme Court rejects bid to restrict access to abortion pill The court found that anti-abortion doctors who questioned the FDA’s easing of access to the pill didn’t have legal standing to sue.

-BDE: Petirah of Rav Avrohom Yaakov Cohen Z"L of Brooklyn/ Lakewood at the age of 55 following an illness he is a son of Ybl"c Rav Nochum Cohen of Yerushalayim the levaya will take place today at the Lakewood bais olam at 2 pm

-Burglars ransacked a home in the Brooklhill neighborhood over yom tov

-Thieves stole catalytic convertors from school buses in Lakewood resulting in a loss of over $20,000

-President Joe Biden appeared to wander off at the G7 summit in Italy, with officials needing to pull him back to focus. As world leaders applauded a parachuting presentation, Biden could be seen trailing off and stepping away from the group, appearing to talk to an officer packing a bag.

- The Township of Lakewood and the County of Ocean are facing legal action over a lawsuit alleging they are liable for a pedestrian crash due to their negligent failure to maintain a crosswalk marking, FAA News has learned.

- Biden tweets: The horrific acts of Antisemitism this week – including a demonstration celebrating the 10/7 attack, vandalism targeting Jewish homes, attacks on Jewish faculty at college campuses, and harassment of subway riders – are abhorrent. Antisemitism doesn't just threaten Jewish Americans. It threatens all Americans, and our fundamental democratic values.


  1. Rather than bless these poor girls, the Roshey Yeshiva should tell their fellow Roshey Yeshiva in EY & here in the US to STOP the brainwashing of bochurim to marry for MONEY. Only then will the self made "SHIDDUCH crises" among Yeshiva lite go away

    1. As a father of a girl in shidduchim, money is not the source of the crisis. What I have seen is that none of the boys are quality, and the girls aren't interested in them. The boys have poor middos, no social skills, and barely have a real commitment to a torah life. Not going to work is not the same as being a true ben torah. The girls are seeing right through the facade.

  2. Look at the bright side. If I am being arrogant with bravado, and unfair in my comments about the people of Lakewood, then all the more they will be blessed with the state picking up the whole bill. But if it turns out different, and taxes skyrocket, which they will anyway because we are borrowing $100 million a year, then your last great hope will be remembered as just that.

    Anyway, why do people move to this cowardly town if they don't go to the yeshiva? Biggest mistake was not to move when I finished BMG. No, biggest mistake was working for the district thinking if I solve all their problems I would move up the company ladder. The smartest people in America are in our yeshiva and the minute they step out into real America, they are nothing but uneducated fools. So they have to create a fake America, that does not exist anywhere west of NJ or NYC, where people are actually told for whom to vote and they actually follow their marching orders. There is no greater injustice than a polity without accountability. Kind of like Gaza with Israel whooping them, the Iraqis under Saddam, with America beating them to a pulp . People are responsible for their own government, unless they are a bunch chicken $^%#a.

    1. I feel bad for you. I'm out of yeshiva for many years and am happy to live in a torahdig community. We have our issues here but there's much more positive than negative. You choose to be a very negative person and apparently you have nothing to do with anything yeshivish. There are other places that might cater your needs more

    2. This is not how the AL that I know speaks, so it makes me wonder if we have an imposter, or has the disgust towards the status quo hit a breaking point.

    3. Elections are dinai mamonos, see Ch. M. 163. There is dina d'malchusa in America because of the law of escheat. That means no hefker. Case closed. Obviously, this is me.

      Voting has nothing to do with religion. Voting as a bloc is old school, will not succeed in the 21st century, and produces poor governance. Me

    4. I apologize for any offense. I have written for decades about the harmful effects of bloc voting. It may increase favors, might work for a minority in a larger diverse community, and certainly misdefines hakaros hatov, which to me is just chanifa, but the ikur of elections is governance. Again, the purpose of elections is good government. I cannot stress that enough. And you will not have good government if you are told for whom to vote.

      The end result is a school district organization worth over $300 million a year that rewards mediocrity and subservience, while punishing merit, leadership and innovation. Now that I lost my job of 21 years, never rising higher on the company ladder than a 22 year old college graduate, having to answer to little children of higher rank in the administration, I have no stake in the corporation. The conduct of the Lakewood bosses during the last election, their caving in to the governor who of course is my adversary, the secrecy, the betrayal, and the pernicious effects of so-called achdus at the polls, they knew that it was my last chance to stay in the district, and their cowardly crying about the need for a seat at the table when they could have gotten their dunce in the assembly and I kept my job, when I already have the legislative leadership anyway discussing how to fix Lakewood due to our win in court, left me with no stake in the any future victory. I will forge ahead but don't really care so much. It will be the z'chus harabbim if we pull it off and certainly not my own ambition.

  3. Adirei will be a rich mans show as the hamon am was priced out and can't afford to go
    While the well connected get free tickets

    1. The well connected are those that support the system, so it's hardly free. Considering that they've given out 180 million, I'd say they're doing something right, and kol hakavod to them. I too was skeptical in the beginning, but the results speak for themselves.

    2. Thank them very much for their money.
      We are truly grateful, and we know how hard it is to give like that.

      What does all this have to do with the stadium event?

  4. Major surprise announcement by adirei stay tuned

  5. They will be increasing the checks to 2500 per month maybe? Or something other surprise?
