Monday, May 13, 2024

Monday May 13 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 72° Cloudy skies early, then partly cloudy this afternoon. High 72F

- Allergy sufferers high pollen forecast today in Lakewood at 9.4

- Monday of Behab minyan mincha with krias Hatorah of Vayechal at Rabbi Forcheimers shul 418 5th st 2:10 pm 

- Adirei HaTorah 3.0 event to take place Sunday, June 16, tentatively at Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia. Tickets will go on sale begging Lag Baomer.

- The John Bon Jovi rest area on the GSP (Cheesquake) will reopen May 22.

- Girls Schools and other schools notify parents that they will be raising tuition for next year.

- Menendez trial begins today May 13. Senator Robert Menendez and his wife, Nadine Menendez, are accused of taking part in a wide-ranging, international bribery scheme.
Tuesday, May 14th is the last day to register to vote for the June 4th Primary Election.

- A Traffic light. Was knocked down by truck  on CedarBridge and Swarthmore this morning. Expect back ups in the area

- Krispy Kreme donuts opening location and factory in Lakewood, NJ. It will be located at the Town & Country Shopping Center at 1900 Route 70 in Lakewood near Bingo on the former McDonald's. No word about any kosher supervision,  other branches that have a kosher supervision are not chalav Yisroel. 


  1. When is the free tuition coming
    The olam can't pay it
    Where's Avi Schnall

  2. Want Menendez the only gov official who helped Ostriecher? Why should we report anything negative about him???

    1. With your comment I finally understand why some people think that frum media is Anti-Trump. If you cannot report factual news because ho once did something positive ....

    2. It was Congressman Smith that helped Ostreicher get out of Bolivia. Menendez was not involved.

  3. The bored baalebatim on this blog should rent a stadium for an 'Adirei Hawork' event, with good food, boring speeches, and a long trip both ways. Maybe some spontaneous dancing and Chassidishe singers will round out the event.

    Because (read in a whiny voice), 'it's not fair that people respect yungeleit and not baalebatim, who are really much better by virtue of existing.'

    1. אם אין קמח אין תורה said someone wiser than you

  4. That is correct, much of the frum media is koffey tov to Trump! if not for him roboshkin and Pollard would still be sitting in jail! why do we need to report anything negative against him if not nogayah to us?? where is our hakara's hatove?? And menendez went out of his way to help Austriecher !!!

    1. Rubashkin and Pollard owe Trump gratitude. The rest of us, those not known by those names, have nothing to do with it.

      Stop confusing yechidim with the public!

      And news is news, whether you like it or not.

  5. That is so stupid. Trump ,& Menendez didn't just do "something positive", they mamash went out of there way for us! Even if they perhaps had their own interest in mind. So what


    1. Corruption wrecks every society & that's how they cover up for corruption.

  6. Shnall is just propaganda for the worthless Agudah USA

  7. They used to say crispy cream uses powdered milk for they’re donuts

  8. So what any erleche Jew will only eat chalov Yisrael powder dried milk

  9. Can't imagine that a donut shop in Lakewood can succeed without KCL supervision. But on the other hand, maybe its good that they won't, this way they won't impact Bagel Nosh or 4 corners.

    1. Judging by the number of yidden buying food and drinks from Wawa, Starbucks, Dunkin, 7-11, Quickcheck, etc, I'd say they will have nice traffic from Lakewood (formerly Ihr Hatora).

  10. The parking by the rest stop is opening. Not the building.
