Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Levaya in Lakewood Of Harav Mattisyohu Salomon ZTL

Levaya will be 12:00pm at BMG Bais Medrash Bais Yitzchok in the Herzka building at 605 7th st.  Kevura in Eretz Yisrael on Har Hamenuchos

- Replay of Hespedim at the Levaya in Lakewood Call the Chayeinu hotline 732-301-4043 press option 1 then 8 then 2

4:10pm Kayl Molei Rachamim levaya procession will go down 7th and down Forest avenue 
- 4:00 Rav Avrohom Gurewitz R"Y Gatshead
- 3:48 Rav Binyamin Jacobs  son in law
- 3:28 Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel
- 3:13 Rav Ephraim Wachsman
- 2:52 Rav Shmuel Yeshaya Keller
- 2:42 Rav Mordechai Yosef Yanovsky Mashgiach Gathead yeshiva
Due to mincha speakers were asked to keep hespedim to 5-10 minutes 
- 2:10 Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin
- 1:45 Rav Elya Brudny
Some of the maspidim will be speaking in English 
- 1:30 Rav Yisroel Neuman
- 12:55 Rav Dovid Schustal
-12:33 Rav Yeruchom Olshin
- 12:05 Rav Malkiel Kotler spoke first

-The levaya in Eretz Yisrael will be Thursday evening 7pm in the Mir Yeshiva

- There's water bottles and bathrooms set up along Forest avenue 

-Maspidim to speak: The 4 Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva, Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel, Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin, Family members

Phone hook up on the BMG conference line 347-202-0666, 732-645-9444, 857-347-0100, ext 125000,001,002,003,004,005,006
Audio hookup in the Yoshon B"M and Mizrach Maariv B"M and Bais Aaron on 10th st
There will be a video hookup in The Beren hall dining room of BMG,Ateres Esther hall and upstairs in the Herzka building
Erase Nashim in Herzka building and outside at the corner of 6th and Private way
There is no livestreamas of now

-The Lavaya will be aired live on Radio Kol Berama 107.9 fm Lakewood at 12pm or on 104.7 fm
Listen to audio HERE

- Bittul Melacha :Many Lakewood stores and businesses will be closed throughout the duration of the levaya.

- Elementary schools are sending kids from 7th grade and up
Over 50,000 expected to attend the levaya

LPD: Avoid the area of Forest Ave btwn 4th St & 14th St from 10am to 6pm for a funeral. Expect delays in this area as road closures will be in effect. Plan alternate routes. Buses should come down Forest Ave and drop off at 7th st. They can park at Blue Claws stadium while they wait

Talmidim departing from their rebbe
Agudas Yisroel of America:

Sar V’gadol Nafal Hayom Hazeh B’Yisroel.

With broken hearts and tear-filled eyes we must share the terrible news of the petirah of Rav Matisyahu Salomon, zecher tzaddik v’kadosh l’verachah. Rav Matisyahu, as mashgiach in Bais Medrash Govoha, and beforehand in Gateshead Yeshiva, inspired tens of thousands in their limud Torah and Avodas Hashem. Through his Matnas Chaim, he influenced many thousands more.
Mah nomar u’mah nedaber. Rav Matisyahu's impact cannot be captured in a few words; our loss is incalculable. This is a time for introspection, when each and every one of us should recognize the special achrayus we have to strengthen ourselves in mussar and avodas Hashem, to collectively fill in some small measure this terrible void created by his petirah.
T’hei nishmaso tzerurah bitzror hachayim.  


  1. When is mincha?
    If before the levayah, then the levayah may go on until 6.00 if not the levayah will need to be over by 4.00 or so.
    Was mincha overlooked?

  2. Shiur today from the mashgiach zt'l 's son-in-law:

  3. Family asked that the levaya should not be livestreamed. It would not be the kovod to the mashgiach, as it would go against what the Mashgiach gave his life for.

  4. Does anyone know which stores will close?

  5. Bad job by askanim and getting the olam to move
    There was no direction given and where to proceed just non stop yelling

    1. Undignified.
      Typical of their lowered attitude nowadays
      Bad optics on the goyishe media reporters there

  6. Screaming and pushing people around make the machers feel good

    1. Yep.Another ugly import.A decade ago that wouldn't have been tolerated, to get away with being like that in this town

  7. The absolute ineptitude of our office of emergency Management and all of their lackeys and hanger-ons was utterly embarrassing

  8. To be honest, when I was at the asifa a month or twoago at the public school, the shomrim or whatever name or banner they were operating under, were so rude, callous, insensitive, and truly unaware of the nature and hanhoga of the crowd they were serving, and how to be mechabed and treat the ppl appropriately.
    They were yelling at ppl indiscriminately, and many of them appeared by their looks to have just recently joined Lakewood, and they were clearly using the attitudes of different neighborhoods to our Lakewood that dosent match.
    Today, I smelled it, and stayed in my car near forest Avenue the entire time, lest these power grabbers push me around with the crowd again like chayos. I was not willing to endure.

    1. Had a similar feeling
      Something has got to change
      We can't have public gathering with the crowd getting pushed humiliated and yelled at by power-hungry bullies.
      It's insulting and degrading how powerful nobody machers use young nobody punks to tell off older chishuva youngeleit by yelling at them.
      This is an old problem in Lakewood and is only getting worse

    2. So nu,who is going to stand up?How are we going to be mocheh?When?

  9. Agree it was terrible to watch some of these machers act so callously and yell and the oilam for no reason. One guy decide to drive his suv while being surrounded by a very large crowd and when the oilam wouldn’t move as there was no where to go yet as the mitta still hadn’t left the bais medrash he started blaring his sirens and honking. He then got into a physical altercation with a Ben Torah with a white beard who banged on his window pleading with him to shut his very loud siren.
    It was terrible to watch.

  10. Yet not one person got hurt in a stampede, thanks to these Shomrim/Chaveirim misfits. If it wasn't them, it would have been the police making sure we wouldn't get hurt in a stampede.
    Stampedes do happen. Ask Rav Wosner Zatzal. Check out Miron.

    1. The crowd stood in orderly fashion and behaved the askanim yelling at them almost caused a stampeed as they pushed the crowds against the sidewalks with no where to go driving like mad men on a power trip. Stop taking credit and blaming others when it was just the opposite

      Very surprising to hear the Rabbi from Far Rockaway and the other individual making those remarks on the mike to the choshuva Lakewood tzibbur.
      It was a bizayon to the mashgiach to have the talmidei hayeahiva humiliated in front of the whole world in the presence of the roshei yeshiva and gedolei yisroel

    2. I don't know about you, but I heard exactly what he said. It sounded like there were a few idiots in the Bais Medrash who refused to move out of the way to let the Aron leave. They kept screaming at the same few people. At least that's what it sounded like to me from my perch near the steps of the Beren building. We were also able to see the screen and it sure looked like they were screaming at a few idiots who wouldn't move out of the way of the Aron.
      Don't worry, nobody was humiliated. Everyone knew it was only a few idiots who refused to move. Everyone else was calm and orderly (except for a few groups of teenagers who screaming and laughing as if they were by a party)

    3. Ya what was his point with exclaiming in the Mike that he’s not from Lakewood. Why the disdain?

  11. There's more to life than that . There's respect which life is made worthwhile . And besides this is not Israel . As important as it is that people shouldn't get hurt

  12. Unless we speak up and get our act together fast the new growing up dor will presume this is how it always it's supposed to be and was
    20 years ago when R' Shteinman came,they were making a little making a siyum. A big Chasidish guy was setting up and a beardless yungeman started asking questions about what's he up to. The guy was busy and got worked up that this fellow was in the way. I rebuked him. I told him you have to have respect. So he reacted - do I have to answer every yungeman who starts asking questions? I told him yes . So he just gave up & gave in. He may have not been happy about that. But at time it was still taken as understood .If you would speak up.

  13. Let's be honest, the office staff and knockers and Ry families really want like this. They used to be just equal run of the mill to the rest of us . Now this is one more silent way to build a big separation where it matters
    Unless we speak up

  14. Next time
    If their goal is to push the masses , we might as well Go the whole way-You really push hard against those shomrim

  15. If vilde meshugaim get to push this town(proxy for the bosses) stop the whole shebang while we are behind.
    Feinkeit is out the window. Take off the black hats & coats.The RY have been preaching to the wind.Either join the chassidim bulvanim or modernish roughies.

  16. Bottom line is that allot of the commonplace sensitivities and the eidelkeit of our community we cherish is eroding at a fast pace and we see it with the hanhogo of theses young machers. The fix?
    Its time for yungerleit and balibatim of our community and kehilla to actually step up in askonishe rolls and muster confidence when they are needed in such places as these and not relinquish these duties to troubled elements.

    It's the reality. As unpleasant as reality is to sum.
    Were not looking to be replaced by the hasids but we could learn some shtultz from them. We have enough talent within. Just some confidence and some doing on the part of our chevra.
    Confidence and taking charge within our chevra is lacking.

    1. If the yungerleit from hefkervelt are the ones who step up. we will have the same problem. Its the yungerleit who are in bais medrash who need to step up. We need YOU to go to the bais medrash and covince them to step up.

    2. Tried that. For years already. For a variety
      Most are intimidated or seduced by advisors to stay out of things. Even though they agree it needs somebody to step up
      So here we are
