Friday, December 1, 2023

Friday December 1 News Updates Lakewood

Friday, December 1, 2023 / י״ח כסלו תשפ״ד ערב שבת פרשת וישלח
Candle lighting 4:13 pm
Shkiah/sunset  4:31 pm
Weather: 51° Partly cloudy skies rain during the afternoon. Chance of rain 90%. friday night rain overnight  Shabbos day cloudy hi of 59 

- George Santos removed from congress

 - Republicans Urge Biden to Suspend China Travel Amid Uptick in Respiratory Illness

Men's MIkva on tenth st  vandalized with towels and objects thrown into the mikva 

- Motzei shabbos seder limud at Lutzk B"M lezchus acheinu bnei yosrael followed by melava malka at 9:30 

- Breadberry open motzei shabbos 

- Yat Kislev melava malka at Bnos Devorah hall

1 comment:

  1. A message directly from Hashem from Thousands of Years ago relating to the days of Parshas Vayishlach in history which happened over 3500 years ago. How many days are there in the Jewish calendar year? 354, the word Vayishlach is Gematria 354 how does that shock you? how does that grab you? so what's the message from Hashem? the message is that every person is sent-Vayishlach-down to this temporary physical world to fullfill a mission hopefully a full 120 years & not shorter. But every tiny step of the Vayishlach-sending-is a landmark of his mission in this temporary physical world to bring him up to the true world above. Not just the big landmarks of making a child's wedding or buying a home etc... but even the tiny 5 minute stop of driving your child to school is all part of a persons Vayishlach-sending-Mission in this world. Just like Yaakov Avinu who when Parshas Vayishlach happened in History had just left Lavan a multi-millionaire from all the years of working for him. & what did he do? he went back over the river to go get a few small jugs he mistakenly left behind & not to do Baal Tashchis. Do you think he needed those jugs? he was a multi-millionaire, but it was all part of his Vayishlach-mission-sending him down to this temporary physical world to complete it.
