Sunday, November 19, 2023

Sunday November 19 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 56° Sunny

- Elon Musk: This past week, there were hundreds of bogus media stories claiming that I am antisemitic. Nothing could be further from the truth. I wish only the best for humanity and a prosperous and exciting future for all.

- LPD has not issued any update on Gernade story but reports on twitter say PD have an idea of who did it

- Conservative ultra-libertarian Javier Milei wins the Argentine presidential election. Trump says Congratulations to Javier Milei on a great race for President of Argentina. The whole world was watching! I am very proud of you. You will turn your Country around and truly Make Argentina Great Again!

- Donald Trump beats Joe Biden for "first time in more than a dozen polls."

- Some schools will be off this Thanksgiving and so will the playgroups who follow that schedule Other schools will not have transportation

- Gov Murphy Administration asks court not to speed up the review on  funding formula fix for Lakewood schools after court ruling on Lang lawsuits.  Acting Commissioner of Education Angelica Allen-McMillan continues to drag her feet on her Court-ordered to render a final agency decision on a precise question - whether the denial of T&E was because “the funding structure of the School Funding Reform Act (SFRA) was unconstitutional as applied to Lakewood’s unique demographic situation.”
While this ruling does aim to bring more funding to Lakewood, a glaring issue is that the Appellate Division did not actually set any deadline for when this "thorough review" is to occur. Full story at faanews 

- TVOL came under criticism for the shared Simchos feature by of posting about wedding that costed over 300k, readers said it does not reflect on Lakewood and definitely not the voice of Lakewood  The editor simply stated that the goal  of the column is to showcase simchos of every range. This week's feature was a wedding that total cost from vort to chasuna cost $21,960 in a out of town location. The vort expenses in last weeks feature was $30,000.

Ocean county prosecutor on Gernade found near Satmar shul in Lakewood: "The device was found to be inert and nonexplosive. There is no danger to the public and this remains an active and ongoing investigation,” Ocean County Prosecutor Bradley D. Billhimer said in a statement released Sunday.

- One day sale today at Mefoar Judaica 20% off all Koppela toys and games located at Evergreen plaza in Lakewood

- Hatzolah expo taking place today at the convention center in Edison New Jersey

- Several prominent conservative figures have disseminated video footage from the Capitol Hill riot on January 6, 2021, just released by the new House Speaker, Mike Johnson. According to one commentator, this disclosure signifies the collapse of the “J6 Committee’s violent insurrection narrative.” On Friday, Johnson made approximately 90 hours of security footage from that day available on a committee website. Charlie Kirk, the leader of the pro-Trump group Turning Point USA, shared a 37-second clip depicting police officers and demonstrators in a congressional corridor without apparent conflict, declaring the demise of the J6 Committee’s narrative. Another snippet shared by Citizen Free Press suggested an arrested man being uncuffed by a police officer in a corridor, followed by a fist bump.
“The Capitol Police facilitated the protesters passage through the building. The vast majority of J6ers should be immediately released,” Kirk added.


  1. The controversy around the TVOL article are from people who are jealous. The fact is that today Lakewood is the center of rich frum jews, and it is they that enable this town to function. They are showcasing extremes, and no one is expected to follow suite.

    1. you're joking right?

    2. You know the world stands from the Bnei torah no one else and the town is the town because of them. Evreything else is a sideshow

    3. Evreything else is a sideshow

      Why, of all towns in NJ, is it Lakewood which became what it is? Why only Lakewood? Nothing to do with BMG, right 👀?

  2. So two big issues in Lakewood Reb Osher Eiseman and the funding formula both got no mention from Avi Schnall campaign and Murphy is fighting the lawsuit and did nothing to help Reb Osher
    Again what exactly are we sending Schnall to Trenton for?
    To do favors for a fee powerful rich guys?
    Oh free tuition for everyone which was a campaign promise that will probably not happen
    Oh he's good buddies with Murphy and texts him, so did he do anything about the funding formula or is the relationship with Murphy more important that Funding Lakewood and taking care of Reb Osher

    1. Schnall is going to widen the wine.

    2. We sent Schnall to Trenton so that Adirei Hatorah can spend Thanksgiving with Tammy Murphy. That helps, because when Adirei Hatorah are happy, they give more $ to the Bnei Torah.

  3. The article this week in TVOL was just as bad as last weeks.
    Why isn’t there any normal people paying for their own simchas within their budget?

    1. Why are you trusting them?

    2. There are no more normal people making simchas within their budget. That is so '60s and '70s This is Lakewood 2023!

  4. are jealous?small Simchas?

    So your fancy unworthy kids can dominate over the rest? Can get things that they are undeserving for?That it piles layers on layers.
    Been through that route before
    Ended badly
