Thursday, March 16, 2023

Thursday March 16 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Weather: 57° Plentiful sunshine. High 57F. tonight low of 39 tomorrow hi of 61

- At township meeting tonight committee passes ordinance still under review by planning board to lower setbacks by corners. Mayor says Menashe Miller would have to resign if he runs and takes  Ocean county commissioner seat. Mayor again blames County and state for traffic in Lakewood. Mike Delia was absent

- Belaaz scoop: Republican Presidential candidate Nikki Haley’s campaign is in discussion to hold a Jewish fundraiser event in Lakewood, New Jersey. The planning is still in the early stages and far from finalized. (Belaaz news)

- Pediatric affiliates Dr. Shanik announced a partnership with Webster Equity partners, an investment firm that partners with companies in the Healthcare industry to create long-term value through sustainable healthcare service with focused business models. The ad said all doctors and offices will remain the same while they plan on expanding and improving their services.

-Civil rights NJ will hold a educational panel on anti semitism and bias  in Lakewood at the strand theater at 7 pm 

- Today at 5:30 pm the Lakewood township committee meeting watch live stream Here 
See Agenda Here 
 the Committee is scheduled to vote on final reading to vacate the public right of way of Grand Avenue between Vine Avenue and Vermont Avenue, also a vote to lower setback requirements for corner lots on existing homes see more here,
Members of the public who wish to comment  may do so via email during the meeting via Please include your name and address for the record.

- APP reports on the new BMG campus approved for 600 units. There is no set rental price for the apartments, but the yeshiva will work to keep rates as affordable as possible for students, 
Beth Medrash Govoha expects that 90 percent of residents will commute to the yeshiva by walking. Georgian Court received $12 million for the land. In 2022, Beth Medrash Govoha received a $3 million federal grant for the construction of a child care center that will include rooms for up to 300 children. The approved plans show the basement what appears to be a banquet hall space with three rooms with over 2,200 square feet of space each, a 1,300-square-foot kitchen, coat rooms, a lobby and a separate entrance from the child care ground floor. Gleiberman did not answer when the Press asked for the purpose of the child care basement. He only said that it will "be used by the day care and potential residents."
As part of the development, the cul-de-sacs on Cedarview Avenue and Carey Street will be removed, as those roads are planned to become the entrances to the residential complex. 

- Lakewood residents will be hit with a huge tax increase after the BOE announced a $31 million increase in the school district budget from last year even as enrollment went down. Board members pressed district officials for a breakdown of the new increases but they initially did not have all the information on hand until midway through the meeting. At one point the board attorney, thinking his mike was off, was overheard saying "shut him down". To their credit board members brought up the Lang lawsuit ruling to push the state for funding as they ask for a loan the increases  over last year are 
$3 million charter school expenses
$9.3 million tuition out of district 
$5.7 million increase for health benefits (Which is costing a total of $30 million)
$2.7 million for loan 4 million payroll
$5.3 million transportation  and other costs watch replay here 

- R' Aaron Lang reacts:  Thank you all for writing in my favor but I must comment that Rabbi Weisberg is a good man who was on my side since the beginning. I do not know why he waited until now to issue a public statement in support of the litigation but he did put out a statement in my favor in 2019 when the district demoted me to the middle school. Also Meir Lichtenstein was on our side and listened to what I had to say at the disastrous 2014 political meeting while all other politicians and bosses were at best.  As for local support, Rav Zeev Rothchild z'tzal, was a patron. He advised me up until his tragically early p'tera during the pandemic. Finally, Rav Elyahu Levin did whatever he could to help us. Aaron Lang

- Bde: petirah of Rebbetzin Chaya Hilna Schlesinger a”h, wife of Rav Moshe Yehuda Schlesinger, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Kol Torah and member of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of Degel Hatorah. She was 86 and passed away at Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital in Yerushalayim. (Matzav)

Lakewood Rosh yeshiva Harav Malkiel Kotler shlita traveled to Ebgland to partake in a wedding of a Rav from Lakewood. Photo below of shachris today at Heathrow airport.



    From Agudas Yisroel of America :


    On March 27, 2023, over 20,000 people will gather at Prudential Center for the inaugural Shabbos Maamad event.

    The Shabbos Maamad event will be a maamad of Klal Yisroel celebrating Shabbos. Shabbos was given as a gift to Klal Yisroel at Har Sinai. Chazal tells us that when Hashem gave Moshe the mitzvah of Shabbos to give over to the yidden, He said “Lech Vehodiem”- Go and tell them. Shabbos needed to be explained to the yidden because it is such a precious gift, and without hearing about its depth we wouldn’t understand how to appreciate it properly. At the event, participants will be uplifted and inspired through the Shabbos Maamad experience to deepen their appreciation for the gift that is Shabbos, and to help each person understand just how tremendous this gift is.

    The Maamad will consist of Divrei Chizuk from Gedolei Yisroel, as well as inspirational speakers, stories and music. The crowd will fabreng and dance together with the flavors of a Shabbos tish, developing a greater appreciation for Kedushas Shabbos. All participants will walk away with true excitement and anticipation to experience Shabbos on a higher level.

    In recent history, Klal Yisroel has seen large scale events propel important issues to the forefront of our community’s consciousness. Hundreds of thousands learn Daf Yomi and more join every day as a result of the Siyumim. Adirei Torah put yungaleit on a pedestal by helping us recognize how those who learn torah lishma are our true heroes. The Nekadesh event at Citifield inspired thousands of people to live the life of kedusha. Shabbos is a vital part of yiddishkeit that happens each and every week. It is the yesod of our emunah, and thus needs to be on a pedestal as well. Under the guidance of Daas Torah, the organizers of this event are seeking to inspire people to understand the great depths of penimious of Shabbos in a whole new way.

    This event is for everyone who keeps shabbos. Men, women, children; anyone who knows what Shabbos is should come to this event. There are only 20,000 seats and they will sell out, so tickets should be purchased as soon as possible. The organizers hope this is the first of many such events, but it is definitely one you do not want to miss.

    1. It’s ridiculous nonsense, and doing it doing it Erev Pesach makes even more ridiculous. It will be packed with bochurim who are looking for some fun bein hazemanim. (Is this our way of giving the kids a kosher outlet πŸ€”) Have we become such ridiculous human beings that every few months we need some big event with singing and dancing in a stadium to get us excited for torah and Mitzvos?

    2. Doesn't Uncle Moishy do this kind of thing already?

    3. 1. How is success of the Maamad defined? The Maamad has a purpose, so the number of participants is irrelevant. They tell us ‘All participants will walk away with true excitement and anticipation to experience Shabbos on a higher level.’ How will that be measured? If the next week none of the participants treat Shabbos any differently, will that show their Maamad to be a failure?
      2. When they started this fad of big maamads, some said that we need one every short while, the purpose will come on its own. Those people were called cynics. Yet now the Aguda, with a straight face, is telling us ‘they did it so we can too’. Maybe the cynics are on to something.
      3. ‘Adirei Torah put yungaleit on a pedestal by helping us recognize how those who learn torah lishma are our true heroes.’ How do they know this happened? Before the Maamad, we were told that it’s going to, but no evidence has been shown that Yungeleit are any more respected than they were beforehand.
      4. When this Maamad was announced, everyone was puzzled as to its purpose. The Aguda’s press release has done a tremendous job adding to said puzzlement. The Aguda can take pride in itself as a political organization. It has succeeded in acting like politicians the world over, releasing press statements heavy on the ink and self-promotion, weak on the meaning, and absent on the purpose.

    4. Actually the supporters of the adirei Torah are being honored instead of the learners themselves. On Purim they are on the dais with the roshei yeshiva. Can Yankele who learns with hasmada daily get onto the dais? When the supporters are honored more than the object they are supporting, something has gone wrong.

    5. the adirei torah gevir has a chiyuv to support torah , but he has no responsibility personally to YOU, he can give pupa kollel or merkaz harav... hilchos tzedaka generally allows the nosen to choose with some general guidelines , it seems that u want to take his money yet you treat him like chometz baal yeroeh ubaal yimotzei

    6. Obviously there needs to be hakaros ha tov, but the wealthy in this town are not lacking prestige. Here is another instance where their money buys them perks that regular chosev bnei torah cannot get. One can argue that it is part of the Brocha of ashirus that Hashem has bentched them with so kol hakavod. But let’s just not forget about the kollel yungerman they deserve respect too , not just in theory but in actuality like when he’s trying to get his kids into school even though they won’t bring the big bucks.

    7. I have no problem putting the gvir on the dais, and giving him honor. As a thanks for his money. But don't put him on the dais and then tell everyone, "See! We put the Yungerman on the pedestal."
      Don't insult our intelligence like that.

  2. I hope they also do something to encourage frum people to reach out to their secular brethren about Shabbos


    Rav Yeruchem Olshin Shlit”a, Rosh Yeshiva of Beis Medrash Govoha, is calling for all to attend the upcoming Shabbos Maamad which will take place on Monday, March 27, 2023.

    Rav Olshin shlit”a writes in the name of the Chofetz Chaim ztk”l that in difficult times, strengthening ourselves in our appreciation and understanding of Shabbos is key to our salvation. Therefore, he writes, “It’s very important for everyone to take part in the Maamad.”

    The Shabbos Maamad will be a monumental event, at which all of Klal Yisroel will celebrate Shabbos. All participants will walk away with true excitement and anticipation to experience Shabbos on a higher level.

    The Shabbos Maamad will feature divrei chizuk from numerous gedolim, including Rav Yeruchem shlit”a, and is sure to uplift and elevate us all. There will also be inspiring singing, dancing and music featuring R’ Baruch Levine, Dovy Meisels, and Naftali Kempeh.

    To reserve tickets go to or call 212-797-7380.

    Tickets are being reserved fast, and you do not want to miss out. Be part of history at the first-ever Shabbos Maamad event and give yourself and your family the gift of a more meaningful Shabbos.

  4. Don't people have better things to do like prepare for Pesach than become a pawn for Agudah PR. Is this soooo important that klal yisrael has to drop everything and spend money to go fress shabbos food with singers in a stadium on a random night to promote agudah programs.
    Not everyone has the luxury to go away for Pesach to hotels like the rich ahudah boys. They can rather clean and cook for pesach and have their children help them instead of taking off a night to worry about shabbos when agudah supports the biggest low life mushcchasim politicians who fight against the torah each and everyday.

    1. what shtusim in one paragraph, 20,000 seats is not klal yisroel its bh a small sliver , if your schedule doesnt have room for this or you feel the timing is off fine ,there is no " fress" the organizers mean well and if u know anything about organising klal events the roller coaster of yes , no who what when where far outweighs any kovod - u have to look pretty hard on the poster to know its agudah and the lack of ownership on the event as a whole has been a problem
      hotels i would never go but thats a totaly seperate issue

    2. Does every issue require "AN EVENT"? I totally don't understand the reason for this Shabbos event. I never really got the purpose of the Adirei Torah event either. But if these organizations want to make events, they don't force me to attend. And I don't. I always think no one will attend because they might be busy as I am and not interested in everything becoming "AN EVENT.' But these "EVENTS" are well attended, so I guess I'm just way out of touch with today's way of doing things. Mitzvos are not an individual affair any more. They can't have a geshmak any more unless they're done with thousands of other people and there's a kumzitz and dancing. What do I know?

    3. This is lieu of the boys' concert they canceled a few years ago

    4. Is the letter from Reb Yeruchem shlita legit? It's very hard to believe he really backs this ridiculous fund raiser. They couldn't even get Reb Elya Brudny to sign on! After weeks with no endorsements, Reb Yeruchem actually put out this letter. This makes no sense.

  5. It's time for a township ordinance that will require all stores that create more traffic than they claimed they would on their zoning applications, have all of their deliveries exclusively during the night time hours!

    1. How much do store deliveries actually impact the local traffic situation? Have you studied it before your rant? Just asking

    2. Or maybe bmg should change their sched so as not to impact Your RH

  6. Is the Shabbos Maamad on the same night as Plotzker's concert?

  7. Asifos are usually first the idea of yechidim who then go to the gedolim to write letters in order to fill the stadium. The internet asifa and adirei hatorah asifa both used heavy handed tactics to convince and force the steeple to go and fill the stadium.
    Same plan is by this shabbos maaamad getting letters from gedolim to convince people to go.

  8. The only way Menashe has to resign from the Township Committee is if he WINS πŸ† πŸ‘ πŸ˜‰ πŸ‘Œ 🀣 πŸ™„ the County Commissioner seat. Just running for the position does not require him to resign.

  9. @anonymous 3:17 PM-Best comment!!
