Monday, December 5, 2022

Monday December 5th News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 49° Sunshine and clouds mixed. High 49F.

- Flu hospitalizations in the U.S. have reached the highest level in a decade, CDC says

-Moadim Lsimcha special chicken order pickup at Blueclaws stadium tonight 

- Real ID licenses to fly within the US has been postponed for 2 years to May of 2025

 - Tonight yahrzeit of the Bas Ayin Harav Avraham Dov Auerbach zatzal of Ovritch. Lev Rochel Bikur Cholim of Lakewood is hosting a special initiative on this auspicious day to provide meals for the sick and their families. The group's leadership,will IYH be personally traveling to Tzfas to daven for yeshuos on behalf of all who donate. Here

- "Reb Dovid" Book on the life and legacy of Rabbi Dovid Feinstein ZTL will be released tomorrow by Artscroll. Reb Dovid is a book about the many aspects of Torah greatness that a person can achieve. A book that helps us achieve greatness as well.

- KA"H For the first time ever, the amount of children born in one year in Lakewood topped 5,000, with 5,263 babies born in 2021 an increase of 7.1% from 2020. Statewide, there were 101,321 babies born in 2021. (Reporter Sschorr)
- Traffic alert james street backed up from Pine street after truck takes out traffic light
- Lakewood's property tax dollars went right down the drain this week, as Zoning Board Attorney Jerry Dasti admitted in court that the Board makes up their own rules. Faa 
- Lee Zeldin is seriously considering  to run for RNC Chair will announce his decision at 8am on December 7th, after the Georgia runoff.
Lakewood zoning biard meeting today see agenda Here
watch livestream Here 
- A frum Father & son shot with BB gun outside Kosher supermarket on Staten Island. Police are investigating the incident as a hate crime. -ABC7NY

 - The White House says Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff husband of kamela Harris will convene a roundtable on Wednesday to "discuss the rise of antisemitism and efforts to combat hate in our nation."

Photo: Reb Dovid Book cover released tomorrow by Artscroll publishers


  1. Resident that drives on Route 9December 5, 2022 at 10:08 AM

    At tonight's zoning board meeting River Equities, LLC (Appeal # 4261) wants to reduce their required front yard setback from Route 9 to only 24 feet where 100 feet for is the requirement. They want the Board to grant them a special variance, which would eliminate more than 3/4 of their obligation.

    Can someone please explain to us regular taxpayers who are forced to drive on Route 9 on a daily basis why Lakewood would ever grant this ridiculous request? After all, we keep complaining to the State DOT that we need them to widen Route 9 because the traffic is so crazy - but then we go and approve more development closer and closer to Route 9?! That means that it'll cost the State even more money to buy up all the newly built houses along Route 9 so we don't have to keep sitting on a state highway parking lot.

    The request should be denied immediately so we can leave some space for our infrastructure to grow. Why would our officials work to make our lives harder? Why would they make it impossible to widen the state highway??

    1. Why won't you go to the meeting and say it out loud, coward?

    2. Why do you think he is a coward? Maybe he is too busy to go? Maybe he has a chavrusa, to say a shiur, babysit while his wife goes to Mikva, mother in law visiting, haircut appointment? Why go negative?

    3. Anon 11:38,
      Stop getting so hot under the collar. The comment is 100% correct. The Board should know on its own how stupid it would be to grant this unjustified variance.
      Enough with the investors destroying the town at the expense of the tens of thousands of residents that have no choice about driving on Route 9. And enough with the threats too!

      Not everyone has the time to sit for an hour or more at the zoning board so they can knock sense into the members' decisions. Unfortunately, unscrupulous developers know that and take advantage. But it's still the Board's responsibility to be smart about what they allow and not make our problems even worse!

    4. I want to call the DOT and complain about this application. Is there a contact I can reach out to and explain how this proposed duplex is bad for the township and will exacerbate an already bad traffic situation?

      I want the DOT to ask the Township why their zoning board would grant unnecessary variances that make our traffic problem worse while at the same time they demand the State to fix the same problem? How is this not the very definition of hypocrisy?

    5. Resident that drives on Route 9December 5, 2022 at 4:45 PM

      Good news to report. We don't have to complain to the DOT about this duplex anymore. The Board unanimously voted to deny the variance request. They did the right thing! Maybe our officials are really starting to look out for the residents after all..

      Thank you Board Members. You did the right thing.

    6. Investor from JacksonDecember 5, 2022 at 6:56 PM

      I'm upset my application was denied. I knew that I could never get away with a proposal like this in the town I live in, but it's not right that Lakewood let many other wild west developments get approved and not mine.

  2. As it is, Route 9 is totally inadequate to handle the huge volume of traffic that has to drive on it. The Board must stop closing the possibility on any chance of adding more lanes. Let us breath!

  3. how many of the 5263 babies are me'am yisroel

  4. Go to the meeting and bring vocal Friend(s).

  5. That's amazing news because now we know in 3 years from now we will need 5263 kids to get into school which means if u have 30 kids in a class u need 175 classes and that's just for people born in Lakewood what about people moving here with kid to start school or kid delayed year so I need over 175 classes that's amazing
    And also that means that in 22 years we will have maybe over 2500 chasanas a year in Lakewood if u have 365 days minus 104 Friday shabbos and minus 3 weeks and 49 days of omer and yom tov u have less than 200 days so that means on 200 days u can have all those wedding so like over 10 every night so we need more halls in n town to hold this all
    Wait for the traffic then

    1. And what percent will go OTD? Seems like the numbers are rising.

  6. Skip it. Unlikely he's coming this round. tragically though that is.
    It's brought down, that for every generation there is one main crucial global universal decisive topic for which we must fight on all cylinders so that We could earn him and could bring him
    Which topic is that? Probably easy to assume

    1. Should we make plans on stayin in this worsening golus and civilization in decline for the next half century?

    2. Anon 5:16,
      Wouldn't you agree that to the extent we might be stuck here in golus for a long time, shouldn't we try to at least make our roads drivable by allowing the ability to widen them?

  7. Rav Avigdor Miller on How To Combat Antisemitism
    Is the recent rise in anti-semitism something to worry about?


    Absolutely! How could we not worry about it? But we have to know that there is a fundamental reason why it’s happening. It’s because Hashem is worried about us. ויט ישראל מעליו – Yisroel has to turn away from Eisav. We’re too much involved in gentile ideas, and it’s necessary to erect a wall. And that wall is anti-semitism. Always it happens, again and again in history – when Jews start getting lost among gentiles then it’s time for the gentiles to begin building a wall to prevent that.

    And the first reaction to anti-semitism has to be not to contribute to the Simon Wiesenthal Center or other organizations that combat anti-semitism. No, no! In most cases those organizations cause anti-semitism. The way to combat anti-semitism is to build more yeshivos where children will be taken in for less schar limud; tuition should be be made very low. The yeshivos should be so prosperous that they should be able to afford to take in children almost for nothing. That’s the ideal. And so, the Jewish child, sitting in the yeshiva, will be the one who is fighting against anti-semitism in the most efficient manner.

    TAPE # 592 (April 1986)
