Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Abandoned Trailer With Shaimos Going to Auction in Danger of No Proper Kevurah

 Update: Some selfless individuals have stepped up and took charge. The shaimos will get a proper kevurah. The auction has ended with a high bid of $170 and local authorities are looking into the background of the abandoned shaimos.

A trailer full of Shaimos in Lakewood is in danger of getting sold on auction and the shaimos will not
go to proper geniza or kevurah. The trailer was abandoned by its owners and is now going to auction in 5 days on the storage treasures website with a minimum bid of $10. Anyone can buy it and the contents are in a sakana of going to the garbage. The pictures show the contents in boxes from local Lakewood stores indicating that the shaimos originated in Lakewood but it is not clear  from which collection it came from or under which hashgacha or perhaps a private shul or yeshiva. Link for auction Here see photos


  1. This is not the first time with shaimos that gets thrown away and left for the garbage. Who was the rav hamachshir to oversee the proper burial. The companies charge alot of money per box or bag and people trust that it will be treated properly. How does this happen????

  2. What's the big deal just by it for 10 bucks and find the owner

  3. Replies
    1. Because in Lakewood everyone outbids each other

  4. LOL! It beats the kapparos that after recycling the same 50 chickens thousands of times they later also dump them off somewhere. Mee KeAm....😄

  5. Not sure which company? How many companies are there. One or 2 to the best of my knowledge in the entire tri state area.

  6. Will there be a public apology for the people who paid money to have their shaimos disposed of halachicaly anyone taking responsibility?

    Why are the rabbonim quiet?

  7. They are screaming so loud!! You don’t hear them?
    Such a dumb comment, what exactly do you want them to do at this point?

  8. Situation under control. Being taken care of

  9. Pretty amazing how quickly people came to conclusions that this was intentional, it's likely that what happened was the person's credit card didn't charge and they put it up for auction without notifying him, this has happened to me before. Shame on the author of this post for instead of doing your research or at least spending $10 to buy it you decided to publicly go after a shaimos company, shame on you.

    1. blame or no blame this is 5 months later why didn’t it go from the truck straight to the burial place why did it go to a storage locker

    2. Let the shaimos company issue an explanation after all people pay money assuming the shaimos would get buried right away. This stuff sat around

  10. Already taken care of

  11. There is a possibility that the person who took the storage got one month free and then after they didn't pay the bill on purpose to stay for time and then they try to bid on buying it back which would be cheaper than actually paying all the month fees until now since it's at least 5 months from when it got stored.

  12. Because if not just like in Brooklyn then dov hikind got involved and was able to actually crimilaze a person who dumped shaimos as it was cheating the customer who were told all will be done acc to halachah. So to here we can get the police involved and find out who rented the unit or check the items and call those customers and see who they gave the shaimos to and that's how they did it in Brooklyn. So hope all is done correctly. No matter what

  13. This is squarely on the consumer and not the Rabbanim. This has happened before, we should only be patronizing places with legitimate hashgocho, and not a place that pops up before pesach.

  14. I'm venturing a guess here, but I imagine less than half of it is actual shaimos requiring burial. Most are not familiar with what is actually shaimos, so everything gets put in. Naturally, the "Shaimos Compnies" have a personal negius to have EVERYTHING included as shaimos, because that is how they make their money. The more, the better. Time and effort must be put in to educate the tzibbur on what is halachically Shaimos requiring burial. Perhaps poskim could also find a way to be maikil, IF POSSIBLE as to what requires burial. The less that is helped to be actual Shaimos, the less the fraudsters will stay in business. It might be s horaas shah. Not claiming to be a posek, just my opinion.

  15. Can someone please post a list of verified places to give shaimos to in Lakewood?

  16. If someone pays to get his Sheimos buried .
    He is NOT paying for you to rely on Kulos to discard his Sheimos in the garbage . Or to leave it for five months .
    He wants it buried LHalacha .
    This is a SCANDAL !

    1. Kulos in defining what is or isn't shaimos will go a long way to prevent this type Fraud. Tzitzis shown in the picure are NOT shaimos. Any posek can say EVERYTHING is shaimos. We need a posek willing to pasken based upon the reality on the grounf that fraudsters exist who want to make a buck off of EVERYTHING being considerded shaimos.

  17. The pictures show Tzitzis, which is NOT shaimos. That is part of the problem. People assume evertything isdshaimos and of course the more shaimos, the more money for the fraudsters. The rabonim should educate people on what is properly shaimos. The less that is shaimos, the less motivivation for the fraudsters. Perhaps there is room to be maikil, if at all possible. Horaas shah.The poskim should be clear about the opinions on what is or isn't shaimos. Also- Doesn't the facility have cameras?? this can be used to identify the owners.

  18. Waterbury has a training vid on what is shaimos

  19. Tzitzs is shaimos the beged is not
