Thursday, November 25, 2021

November 25 News Updates Lakewoo

Weather: Sun and clouds mixed. High around 55F 

- Tonight watch Live RCCS auction HERE

-BDE: Mrs Pauline Berger A"H of Washington Heights, wife of R Avraham Berger A"H, mother of R Boruch, R Ephraim, R Aryeh, & Mrs. Rachel Berman of Lakewood, Mrs Shaindy Weldler of Monsey

-South Africa investigated a new COVID-19 variant, B.1.1.529, with a "very unusual constellation" of mutations. It's requesting an urgent meeting of the WHO 
-Portugal, one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, declares a state of emergency and imposes new restrictions to curb the sudden surge of COVID19 cases.

-- Jpost reports Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, said that children over age five should be vaccinated against corona After meeting with medical officials and doctors, who informed him of new developments regarding the vaccine, rising case numbers, and the recent approval by the FDA. He gave a blessing to those who vaccinate to be healthy, and a blessing for success for those working in the health system. See video below

- Thanksgiving day some schools have no bus transportation a few girls schiols are closed for teachers in service day. Banks, mail, libraries closed. Target, Walmart closed too will reopen early for Black Friday.

- Lakewood had 212 car crashes the first 2 weeks of November resulting in 19 injuries abd 10 pedestrians struck. (Lnn) The average monthlty crashes are at 500. 

- Agra D'pirka learning programs today.J Jackson at 146 south New prospect shiur by Rav Doniel Neustadt on Makom Kavus in a bais medrash if one can ask someone to leave 10:00 am. Lakewood at Kol Chaim 618 Caranetta shiur on when and where to light chanukah candles by Rav Simcha Bunim Londinsky 

- Gov Murphy was asked if he intends to follow that tradition of giving pardons during the holiday season “No news on pardons to make,” he said. “That doesn’t mean that I’m making a statement either for or against them. I am proud of the fact that we’ve expunged 362,000 low-end drug records.  but nothing beyond that to report.” (NJ Globe)

- CHEMED holds groundbreaking for a new facility in south Lakewood at a property along off Rt 9 near Chestnut st. They reportedly got a 1$ Million grant for the building. The township leased the propeety to chemed for $1 back in 2016. There are currently  3 urgent cares including Freindly, Asisa AFC, 2 pediatric offices and  a few general practices and a hospital within a half a mile. 

- Lakewood Judaica will be opening a second store at the cedarbridge mall next to the new Mikes Chicken location. Their other store is at James street shopping center.

- Bingo 3 day Chanuka sale starts today

- FDA says it wants 55 YEARS to process FOIA requests about #COVID19 vaccines - meaning data may not be available to the public until 2076 

 - Eric Adams took part in the Kuf Alef Kislev Yom Hatzolah celebration with the Satmar Rebbe last night in the Navy Yard.

Video: Rav Chaim Kanievsky responds to question on Children taking covid vaccine

Video: Frum Jewish life in the Lower East side during the 60's

Lakewood on a Map of  most populated Municipalities that voted for Trump in 2020

Video at the Jaf Alef Satmar event in Williamsburg
A bullet pierced through the sefer likutei sichos of Eliyohu Kay HYD who was murdered by a arab terrorist in the old city if Yerushalayim



    Where is the local leadership 馃

    1. just put a video camera and all will be ok.

    2. Busy stopping Shuls from being built...

    3. How can leadership take care of the OTD boys who go to Shuls that are having Kiddushim and steal the alcohol?
      It isn't 'boys stealing food', it's addicts stealing alcohol

    While Hamodia and other news outlets FALSELY claim that Rav Chaim Shlita has said that 5-11 year old kids should get “vaccinated” for corona, (see and
    we KNOW it’s IMPOSSIBLE that Rav Chaim was presented with the data and actually gave a psak, because his own daughter testifies that Rav Chaim no longer recognizes her. He is extremely weak, is not himself, and can barely say a word, ACCORDING TO HIS OWN FAMILY MEMBERS.
    Additionally, we DO have a recording from last December, when Rav Chaim was presented with the FDA’s own list of 22 possible deadly side effects of the shot, and he said NOT TO TAKE IT. See ALL THE EVIDENCE HERE:

    It’s halachically impossible that Rav Chaim said kids should be injected, because kids aren’t dying in our communities from corona, so what would be the heter to inject them with a product that many doctors are warning can cause death?
    If this question was truly and properly presented to Rav Chaim as they claim, let us see the detailed video of the dangers being explained to him as well, together with the fact of zero risk of death from the virus to healthy children, together with the effective available treatments for the virus.
    Let us see an explanation of why we would not follow Orach Chaim 618/4 that tells us that we follow even 2 expert doctors who are concerned against 100 who say no problem?
    This is not true.
    It cannot be true.
    Let them show a psak in writing.
    Someone tried reaching out to one of his family members and he ignored him.
    SOMETHING IS WRONG HERE. Pfizer is earning BILLIONS from the shots. Clearly there is a governmental financial agenda resulting in a tremendous distortion of the truth.
    We also previously spoke to someone VERY close to Rav Chaim, who testified that a letter proclaiming kids should get the shot was placed in front of Rav Chaim and he SAID NOTHING - and then the proclamation was issued in his name!

    1. Always an easy way out.
      Just say he is senile, and then you can make up what you want.

      The arrogance of this comment beggars belief. People with no understanding of epidemiology, virology, statistics, or even simple biology, have absolute opinions about this vaccine. Their arrogance is such that nobody in the world can be smarter than them, there are no Talmidei Chachamim who know better, and certainly no actual doctors.

    2. The recording that you link to is with Mrs Kolidetzky, not Reb Chaim. Yet you falsely claim that Reb Chaim said something.

      A quack 'major researcher', whose connection to Covid is surprise surprise, through giving precisely the medications that the consensus of world's doctors claim don't work. What a surprise!

      A liar came to Rebbetzin Kolidetzky, and lied to her, and she answered that Reb Chaim asks people who know, and trusts them. So Reb Chaim said to trust Rabbi Firer, but anonymous ladies on the Internet disagree with Reb Chaim.

    3. The 诪专讗讛 诪拽讜诐 from 讗讜"讞 转专讬"讞 讚 is totally phony. It has nothing to do with the vaccine and it is a nonsensical 爪讜砖讟注诇.

    4. The lady in the video is a mechutzaf. She yells at Rebbetzin Kolidetzky that she has to change her mind. She won't leave the room until Rebbetzin Kolidetzky agrees to her.
      She quotes 'Rabbi Carlebach' in America who holds that it's Assur. Who is this Rabbi? Who heard of him?
      The translator makes up stuff in her name, things that she didn't say.

      This video is doctored.

      Reb Chaim never said not to take the vaccine, he strongly believes that we should rely on the consensus of doctors.

    5. Why do people doctor videos?

      If the above poster actually had real information, they wouldn't have to use fake videos and 'pesakim' from Reb Chaim.

      砖拽专 讗讬谉 诇讜 专讙诇讬诐!

    6. Classic Modern litvisheh naaroinim.
      Classic Modern Chasisheh chachoomim.
      The Rosh hayeshivah is senile.
      The Rebbe vepped shoin.
      So they can justify their immature research as in asking around in the mikvah or in the coffee room vos titt zich hant.
      First step to otd since they have no one to ask their Shaul es.

    7. What medications do a "consensus of Dr's claim" does not work?

    8. What medications don't work?
      Horse de-wormers and malaria medication, for example.

  3. In terms of the accident rate in Lakewood, just in the past week, Ive seen pple speed up around others to turn in front of them, plus more. I could not believe my eyes. Its really bad what people do to get in head of others, They put their lives and others in such danger, just to save a few minutes.


  5. What’s this comment about stopping shuls? Who stopped a shul from being built?

  6. Please ask your Rosh Mosid how much he will be lowering your tuition because of the $51 million. If the answer is not satisfactory, ask him to please explain where the money is going, Thank you

  7. All of you who are writing against the person that posted the video, if you guys took the vaccine, I hope you and your children are alive and healthy in the next 10 years.

    It could be the greatest thing, but I need 10 years of data like all other vaccines before I put junk into my or my children's bodies.

    People, you need to use your seichel. Why would doctors or the FDA approve this "vaccine" (it isn't a vaccine for real) in a few months when all other vaccines took 5 - 10 years of follow up and tens of thousands of people who they tracked for years ???? And why the urgency to vaccinate if many who get the vaccine get covid anyway?

    IF there is no agenda, I would love to hear a logical explanation.
    Please, instead of knocking the guy, explain your view.

    1. We knocked the guy because the video was full of obvious lies. Whyd o they have to lie if they had actual facts?
      Obviously, they don't have facts.
      Because the research is all on the side of the pro-vaccines.

      People made up arbitrary ten years that they need to take a vaccine, with no understanding or knowledge of the sugya. We should ALL be fighting this concept.
      Stop ignorant opinions!
      In medicine, Halacha or Hashkafa.
      We are smarter than that.
      Stop accepting stupid ta'anos, not based on actual real understanding of the research!

    2. Agenda?!
      Sure there is an agenda, a clear and present one.
      What agenda?
      It is politically bad for them to have dead bodies piled up. They can't stomach the idea of millions dead from covid.

      That is their agenda, and funnily enough, it is mine too. I don't care politically, but I do care personally.

      No more dying! Death to death!

    3. why the urgency to vaccinate if many who get the vaccine get covid anyway?

      The funny part is, this claim has been answered countless times. Yet people bring it back, pretending nothing was said. Just like Lavan 讛讘谞讬诐 讘谞讬 讜讛讘谞讜转 讘谞讜转讬.

      The vaccine means less hospitalizations and less deaths, even if people still get sick. The data shows that.
