Saturday, November 6, 2021

Motzei Shabbos Toldos 5782 News updates

 Change clocks back one hour tonight as day light savings time ends 

-NYC marathon Verrazzano bridge upper level closed tonight 11:00 pm both directions lower level closed 7:00 am to 4pm

- New Sadigura rebbe of Bnei Brak will be in Lakewood tomorrow for a chanukas Habayis of the B"M in Lakewood in. The rebbe spent shabbos in Noro park aee video below and will be back in Lakewood for this xoming shabbos 

- Melava Malka Siyum at BMG  Yartzeit of  Rav Aharon Kotler ZTL (1892-1962) and The Mashgiach Rav Nosson Meir Wachtfogel ZTL Divrei Zikaron by Harav Aaron zuckerman shlita

Report: R"Y Reb Shaul Alter I shall not leave USA till every single girl that was expelled from the Gerer Beis Yaakov - because their family came here to me - will have a new school iy"H!!

- Shabbos in Boro park with Reb Shaul Alter an estimated 15,000 people came to the tish Friday night with people standing outside the tent that was full to capacity see photos below

-Infrastructure bill passes 228-206. 13 Republicans vote yes, 6 Dems no. Congressman Chris Smith of Ocean county voted for the bill saying there are 117 bridges in his district in need of repair. He made no mention of widening rt 9.  Jeff Van Drew of NJ also voted for it, The bill goes to Biden's desk to sign.

- 5th U.S. Circuit blocks Biden COVID-19 mandate pending further court order. Government must respond by Monday. Order:

- Tehillim: Harav Shalom Cohen, shlita, Rosh Yeshivah of Yeshiva Porat Yosef and Nasi of the Shas party’s Moetzet Chachmei HaTorah, was taken to the hospital before shabbos after feeling weak name is Shalom ben Tafuchah Malkah, b’soch she’ar cholei Yisrael.

Reb Shaul Alter in Boro Park Photos & Videos taken after shabbos

Sadigura Rebbe of Bnei Brak in BP


  1. Jeff Van Drew also voted for it, and some local Askanim are working on putting together a fundraiser for him 🤔

    1. Yes this makes it clear the whole drive to vote "values" wasn't about values, it was about their own power.

  2. 15 people by the zans zitchkov Avoidas Hakoidesh in west gate Jackson area

  3. In this bill the Dems rammed through:
    - Mass amnesty
    - 87,000 new IRS agents
    - Insane leftist mandates
    - Giveaways to union bosses
    - Natural gas tax that'll raise energy costs

    It's a socialist takeover of America.

    No wonder they did it in the dark of night.

    1. Thank the National Chaplains and their candidate Jeff Van Drew - a Democrat who decided to call himself a Republican because otherwise he would lose - and they come asking Lakewood people to give him money.

    2. Let's keep are facts straight.
      The 1.2 billion dollar Infrastructure Bill that Chris Smith and Van Drew voted for does not include any of this.
      That's included in the Build back better bill which is currently stuck in the Senate.
      The Infrastructure Bill passed the Senate with 69 votes.
      Stop spreading #Fake News.

    3. It also includes billions of dollars in payoffs, kickbacks and bribes. But of course they aren't going to tell you that. It's self understood.


  5. The Tish with Reb Shaul Alter was unreal!
    COOLEST THING EVER!! I emailed and I automatically received their catalog in seconds! I received these UNREAL banners with their great prices! The banners are super Yeshivish and awesome like A'freilichin Chanukah and Torah ones...

  6. Could I have the address where I could find the San zitchkov rebbe

  7. Is there any rosh yeshiva in lakewood that refuses to....until every girl/boy has a school???

    1. False analogy
      In this case, they were expelled thanks to him. He has a moral obligation to take care of them. And אשרי חלקו for living up to his moral obligations.
      In Lakewood, children not in school are not the fault of any Roshei Yeshiva.

  8. Is there any rosh yeshiva in lakewood that refuses to....until every girl/boy has a school???

  9. Back in the day, Reb Mattisyahu shlit'a, zol hubin a refuah shelaima, would say all schools must remain closed until every child is placed.

  10. Let Ger open in Lakewood a cheder/school for any child! Solve the crisis

  11. If you don’t like it in Lakewood you’re welcome to leave.

    1. If You do not like the complaints on this website you are invited to leave

    2. Even if you like it you're welcome to leave. Your attitude is what's wrong with this town.

  12. Why isn't anyone doing anything about the issue with thefact that our schools and yeshiva served non kosher food. Did you call anyone?? I spoke to a few rabbanim and they all said if the parents aren't doing anything then why we as outsiders sgould we be doing anything?? Where is our response and responsibility this is terrible how such a thing can continue going on

    1. How are parents supposed to know if the schools did not notify them and they dont go online to read comments

  13. Murphy's reaction to his slim victory

    "There's a lot of people we still need to touch, quite clearly," he said. "There's a lot of hurt. A lot of people screaming out, basically saying, 'I need help. I need government to step in, because no one else is stepping in.'"

  14. If this is true "Report: R"Y Reb Shaul Alter I shall not leave USA till every single girl that was expelled from the Gerer Beis Yaakov - because their family came here to me - will have a new school iy"H!!

    Every girl in the school should not go back and show achdus with their friends Until all the girls are allowed back nobody should go to school.

  15. why doesn't the gerrer bais yaakov in Boro Park allow the girls to attend the tisch of Reb Shaul Alter???
