Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Lakewood Township Upgrades Website

 The official govt website of Lakewood township received a facelift and has a more user friendly interface. The site has been outdated and not easy to navigate. Some new features are added such as a tab to report a Issue. The township board meetings are  posted by day the agenda is uploaded and not on the actual day of the meeting.

There is also an option with google translate to read the side in Spanish.


  1. I do not like the new website at all. The old site may have been less than perfect, but only the Lakewood planning board could ever approve the current site plan for the website. At lease it does a good job at discouraging traffic..

    1. member of the publicJune 29, 2021 at 10:54 AM

      The members of the planning board aren't interested in objector's comments even if they are valid. To use their own words at the last few meetings; "If you don't like it, then sue us in court. It's not like the lawyer costs us anything". The taxpayers will anyway keep picking up the legal bills as they are for all the other lawsuits.

  2. https://www.lakewoodnj.gov/faith

    ... this doesn't look right 🤔
