Thursday, December 3, 2020

Thursday December 3 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Except for a few afternoon clouds, mainly sunny. High around 50F. 

-More Tax Abatements: Lakewood's Township Committee just granted 5 years tax abatements to the new office building at 36 Airport Road (their 2021 taxes were $143,571.10) and the Pine Belt Subaru building at 1021 Ocean Avenue (their 2021 taxes were.The resolution passed by the committee states that these projects qualify “construction” ; that the construction will significantly contribute to the expansion of commerce within the Township. (LNN)

Food distribution:

-Mosdos Sanz Klausenburg "Shabbos Box" distribution today 5:45-7:15 Entrance  Corner Wadsworth & Argyle behind Evergreen
-Tehilas Chaya Sara Weekly Box Distribution tonight at 8:00 PM. 1115 Cross Street.
-Bnos Melech Weekly box from Bgan, weekend box from R&S 8:15 pm 
 -Bnos Yaakov at Pine Park 3:00 pm  (Boxes include chicken nuggets, hot dogs, buns, turkey, baguettes, french fries, sauerkraut, ketchup, mustard, apples, sterns roll cake and milk).
-Gelbsteins: 3:30 pm at Lakewood Middle school on Somerset Ave and Clifton Ave school
- Belz on Chestnut 5:45 pm

- 33 New Covid cases in Lakewood totals 6965/219

-New Jersey on Thursday reported 4,913 new coronavirus cases the highest number of positive tests in a single day and another 64 deaths as hospitalizations continue to climb following a brief dip over Thanksgiving.
Murphy: “This pandemic is nowhere near over,” Murphy said in a tweet on Thursday while announcing the latest numbers. “We can’t give up the fight now. Mask up. Social distance. Wash your hands.”

-Harav  Binyomin Finkel shlita "R' Binyomin Hatzadik"  has been crowned as new mashgiach of Mir yerushalayim at the Levaya of  Rav Aaron Chodosh Zatzal.
-This Motzei Shabbos Yidden in Chutz Laaretz begin to say ותן טל ומטר לברכה 
-Apartment shortage: Masa Umatan rental list only 2 pages not many basements listed
-Harav  Binyomin Finkel shlita "R' Binyomin Hatzadik"  has been crowned as new mashgiach of Mir yerushalayim at the Levaya of  Rav Aaron Chodosh Zatzal.


  1. With everyone moving to Jackson the apartment shortage was just a matter of time. One good but often overlooked option is Pinewood Apartments off Kennedy.

  2. The shortage is because couples are not going to live in eretz yisrael, there is no new construction and those moving to Jackson dont have basements also there are many more couples getting married.

    1. Halevei there was no new construction! Unfortunately, that point isn't true. They're still building & approving more & adding to Lakewood overcrowding. But your other points make sense.

    2. They are not building anymore for the litvaks all new construction is for chasidisha developments

  3. The shortage is because of hershel. If hershel wouldn't be against the developers, we'd be able to squeeze another couple thousand units in every development and you'd have more availability. Viva la developers!

  4. Tehilas Chaya Sara Weekly Box Distribution tonight at 8:00 PM.
    1115 Cross Street.

  5. And many basements are being taken by young couples from Brooklyn.

  6. The MUM rental list is smaller than what's really on the market. When there's a landlord's market, most landlords won't bother paying for unnecessary advertising. A couple of texts to the neighborhood chat, hang a sign in the local shul and a day or two later, the apartment is rented.
    Sad, though, how many landlords are taking advantage and reading the rent. I understand the temptation, but an extra $250-350 per month is very hard for most young couples or their parents to put together, but with such a tight market, many have no choice if they want a roof to live under once they marry. Let's get real here, the prices are very inflated for 2 bedroom underground apartments with minimal living space and windows. We aren't talking about prime real estate...


    Bme is the only school in town to cancel in person PTA

    1. You mean BEM..bnos esther malka...I think parents are trying to fight it..

    2. And if parents demand Chalav Stam or mixed dancing

      a few parents wish to be popular cheaply

  8. *Yud Tes Kislev in Lakewood*


    *Beis Medrash Chabad* 1309 Central Ave will have davening and farbrengen with the Rov

    *Rabbi Naparstek* _Chabad of Jackson_ will have davening followed by farbrengen 

    I will be hosting IYh *Reb Chaim Dalfin* who will farbgren shabbas after davening with a kiddush in _Toms River_ at Grande Woodlands Shteeble 117 Grande Woodlands Way

      *Motzie Shabbas*

    An all Yiddish event will take place at Bnos Devorah across the street from Neems Hachaim wedding hall. Event is Being run by *Rabbi Chaim Meisels* . *Rav Nachaum Greenwald* and *Rab Shalom Mordechai Rubaskin* will farbreng in *Yiddish* . Full sit down melavlah Malakah.

    *Rav Chaim Dalfin* will farbreng in *English* Motzie Shabbas in Toms River at 1285 Rolls Ct start 8pm sharp.

      *Sunday Night*

    Rabbi Naparstek of Chabad of Jackson is joining together with 3 other chabad communities in the Jersey shore area to do a zoom class/ Farbreng with *Rabbi Shais Taub* . RSVP 
