Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Wednesday September 2, Lakewood News Updates

Weather: Overcast. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 86F. Humidity 82%

-Chayeinu Elul Hisorerus HaRav Uren Reich Shlita Live at 8:30 PM Call-in: 339-209-6616
 Chayeinu Hotline: 732-301-4043 Option 6

-Oif Simchas- Chasunas:
Levy - Goldstone Lake Terrace
Willner - Hunger KMY/Cheder

-New Jersey Democrat-turned-Republican Rep. Jeff Van Drew will be in Lakewood tonight for a fundraiser, (Reporter Shlomo Shorr)

- 26 new covid cases in Lakewood +2 deaths totals 2898/198. (61 cases since Sunday)

-NJ 329 new cases  11 new  deaths all from the past five days hospitalizations topped 500 for the first time in 18 days.

-Murphy- This virus is not done with us yet – not by a long shot. But, today, we can say that New Jersey is one of the safest states in the nation.

-Apartment rentals go for record high 1400 -1500 range due to shortage other factors such as  couples not going back to EY staying in temporaries or moving back. for current list see Massa Umatan
-BDE: Petira of  R' Levi Yitzchok Monheit A”H, Belzer youngerman from Lakewood . He was  32 and niftar after a severe illness. Levaya at the B"M Harmony drive Kevura is in Long Island Machzikei hadaas chelka

-For a list of covid compliant minyanim in Lakewood send a email to:  Also Currently working on minyanim for the yomim noraim

-Girls elementary schools begin expect bus traffic to resume. All students must wear masks when getting on the bus.

-Israeli media reports Rav Chaim Kanievsky has told the yeshivos not to test bochurim  in yeshiva for corona since it will cause bitul torah by having them quarintin. In the last few days hundreds of bochurim tested positive even though they were in the capsule system. Under the new guidelines the bochurim will stay in yeshiva up to yom kippur older rebbeim will keep social distancing.

-BD"E: - (Hamodia) Petira of Harav Moshe Greenberg, zt”l, who served for many years as the Rav of Young Israel of Midwood in Flatbush. Rav Greenberg was a talmid of Hagaon Harav Aharon Kotler, zt”l, in the early days of Bais Medrash Govoha, as was respected as a great talmid chacham. His brother in law is ybl”c Hagaon Harav Dovid Feinstein, shlita. Rebbetzin Feinstein is sitting shiva nichum aveilim by phone only.

- Lakewood teachers union call last minute meeting attempt by boe officials a stunt.
"He called (Lakewood Education Association president Kim Strickland) this morning at 7 and said 'why don't we meet at 7:30?' When she asks to meet and sets up something formal, he can't do it. He likes to play these games where he puts people on the spot like that,"  Hiltner said. (Nj1015)
- Lakewood car crash report last 2 weeks in August. 210 crashes 10 pedestrians hit.(LNN)


  1. Rav Chaim says Don’t get checked !
    Now all the haters will need to change Leaders ..
    Just keep putting masks on your children,
    And watch them have mental breakdowns.

    1. Nu, won't all the peleg people need to too? Suddenly this decision will be pure daas torah that obligates everyone!

    2. How about having healthy relationships with your children so that you can have these conversations with them. Your children are stronger than you believe 👍

    3. Reb Chaim said to Yeshivos in EY 'don't get checked', or so the extremely trustworthy internet reports. And from there we decide that we should not wear masks. How does such a conclusion get reached?

  2. Phone number to reach Rebbetzen Feinstein for nichum aveilim - 212-677-3183

  3. You know what else is Bitul Torah, death.

    1. Anonymous Vs. R' Chaim on hichos bitul torah.

    2. Reb Chaims psak is for older bochurim who are not going home and were already on quarantine for 2 weeks there was no case of any hospitalization for them nor are they going back home to infect others.

    3. Is there a Video or letter from Rav Chaim or is this all from the Chatzer

  4. Why is there so much crazy traffic on Ridge Avenue lately?

    1. They’re building a huge 60,000+ square foot kaminetz school plus simcha hall on that narrow road without enough parking. How on earth the planning board allowed so many hundreds of students and buses on that tight stretch, defies all logic. And this is besides the entire row of houses totaling 32 families and at least 64 more cars that are being built so the school can make enough money to “afford” constructing this monstrosity.

      It’s crazy, because there’s simply not enough infrastructure to support all that heavy traffic.

      It’s so not right to force this on the neighborhood.

    2. Of course it was allowed - it’s not Westgate... no lawyer needed.

  5. Widening the road would be too basic of a thought process for them to have thought of before approving the building.

    1. That street could have been widened if the school would've given up a few feet along that stretch of road, for that purpose. But instead the school (together with its large housing development) is greedily trying to use every square inch of that land to maximize their profits - at the expense of the entire neighborhood. It's pashut not right!

    2. You seem surprised by this, it has been going on in Lakewood for at least a decade.Every development could have been built slightly less dense, or built with a slightly larger ingress to allow for widening streets, but every time, they were not only allowed to build the maximum, but were given variances and even zoning changes to squeeze every penny out of each plot of land.

      There was never any thought of compromise, balancing the desire of developers and investors with the benefit of the residents or the long term effects on the traffic and quality of life in this town.

      Similar to what went on in the Cedarbridge Development, it was bad enough that the town gave away land worth tens of millions for free, was it really necessary for them to give them tax abatement's on top of that?

  6. They are doing work on county line so traffic is detour to Ridge

  7. 26 new cases in Lakewood yesterday. And most likely many many unreported cases.
    Isn't it time that we start being careful so that we can continue life?

    1. Everyone but you is continuing with life.

  8. All non serious cases !
    Thank Hashem !

  9. The developers run this town through their agents in local government. They almost always get the variances & zoning changes that they request. If it doesn't happen at a public meeting, it somehow happens behind the scenes. Neighborhood residents may leave a meeting thinking they won, but somehow or another the developers & builders usually win in the end. Time to end the corruption & ruination of our quality of life!!

    1. I fully agree. It’s past the time to end the corruption already!

  10. What's with the guy that comments evey Day about his grant check from BMG. Did he get the check or did he figure out already that BMG keeps it

    1. Where is the 600000 million dollars grant . Why didn't Bmg give it out to the poor yungeleit ?
