Tuesday, September 8, 2020

NJ Earthquake Near Freehold felt in Lakewood

NJ EARTHQUAKE: A 3.1 magnitude 3 miles deep earthquake epic center in Freehold, NJ hit at 2:00 am just about a mile and a half near downtown in East Freehold, according to USGS The quake  lasted for 13 seconds. The epicenter is 15 miles from Lakewood 3.9 miles from Adelphia.
People report being woken out of bed. Some jolts were felt by residents in Lakewood for about 5 seconds. People in Manalapan, Marlboro and surrounding area said on Twitter they heard a rumble sound shaking the building or the house rattling for a few seconds, it was reportedly felt in NYC as well. Manalapan Police Dept "According to early reports an earthquake was felt in the area. We are aware of the incident and here to respond for our residents".


  1. Yossel with a coffee in his handSeptember 9, 2020 at 5:12 AM

    This is another hoax of the mainstream media to make the governor look bad. They are desperate to stay in power, so they invent earthquakes to stay relevant.
    I can prove it to you, four years ago they didn't mention a word about a fault line in New Jersey. It just shows that they have no idea what they are talking about.
    What? You mean that the geologists are working on it?! Ha! What do they know? They are all in the plot. Anyway, just because he has a fancy degree in geology means he knows better than everyone else? Anyone can put letters at the end of their name, it means nothing, I can also do it.
    These geologists also claim that there is something called 'climate change' and we know that is apikorsus. It is the rallying cry of liberals, who support abortion and gay marriage.

    1. Yossel, I guess caffeine is good for you! Your post is hysterical and really makes a great point! But don't spill that coffee if you're laughing too hard.

    2. We must prepare for the 2nd wave of the earthquake.
      Most scientists (who know everything that anyone will ever know) believe that the next earthquake will be much stronger and cause much destruction.
      Everyone is to find a spot outside at least 50 feet away from any structure. No matter how big that structure may be, 3 storey building, house, shed or swingset. Everyone should remain there for as long as there is a possibility of another earthquake, could be months or years.
      Additionally, everyone is required to wear a hard hat, even small children. Children under the age of 2 need to be kept in a steel, shockproof box.
      It is very important that everyone follows these guidelines as many lives are at stake.

  2. מי ברעש ומי במגפה

  3. We should call it 'The Aguda earthquake'. They are the ones pushing the leftist agenda of the experts, all over the country.

  4. It's the Democrats fault

  5. You people are nuts. Here's my take:

    I have no idea who's right and who's wrong. Maybe Covid-19 is one gigantic hoax. Maybe its a real mageifa. Maybe we should wear masks and maybe we shouldn't.

    What I do know is this: The day BLM started protesting and the Dem politicians and the Dem media immediately gave them a pass, saying that protesting is more important than social distancing, while forcing the rest of us to stay home and not work or daven in shul, the Dem politicians and the Dem media lost all credibility.

    Again, I don't know who's right and who's wrong, but Dems lost all credibility.

    1. Let us analyze your position. You cannot appreciate the idea that BLM protests were of supreme importance to some people. Fine. But can you not accept the idea that others disagree with you?
      Imagine you lived in a marginalized community, a community that you feel is disproportionately targeted by police, a community where mass incarceration makes children's chances at success much lower than that of their peers, and no hope for the future. Are their attempts at bettering their lives not of supreme importance?
      You may think that this is not true, their lives are not that bad, they are to blame for it etc. But that has no bearing on their narrative, the way they believe. If they believe so, their protests were understandable. You may disagree, but their credibility is still there. It is just a disagreement on certain interpretations.
      Unfortunately, certain outside forces have made it their job to foment extreme disagreement in American society, that each side should see each other as the enemy, instead of people with different opinions. The Republicans were the first to buy into this narrative, electing a president that pushes this agenda at every opportunity. The dangers of this are clearly visible to everyone from the outside, but Americans are still busy with his foolish tweets and his personal life, instead of this central issue. The Democrats have also bought into this narrative by now, albeit to a lesser extent. But this poison is dangerous, and if America is to last as a force for good, it must be stopped.
