Sunday, June 21, 2020

Sunday June 21 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Some decrease in clouds later in the day. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 84F

-5 new positive cases in Lakewood totals  2538/178
-Tehillim: A 15-year-old boy riding a bicycle near the intersection of River Avenue and Spruce Street in Lakewood, NJ,  was hit by a car and is now in serious condition. The victim was transported by Hatzolah to Jersey Shore Medical Center in Neptune. All are asked to daven for Yechezkel Shraga ben Esther. (Matzav)

-Tefilos Mincha  with Yom Kippur Koton in all Lakewood botei Medrashim 7:00pm
-Atzeres chizuk today at Breslov B"M of Lakewood for be able to have Rosh Hashana in Uman this  year. The atzeres will begin at 6:30 followed by Mincha with Yom Kippur Koton  it will conclude with dancing at 8:20 pm
-Yarchei Kallah shiur 12:00 pm HaRav Asher Weiss on אמירה לעכו''ם on Zoom or  call  1646-558-8656 log in #835-286-77424
-Lunch  distribution  at Vine street Park 11:00 am
-Box at Tiferes Bais Yaakov 4:45
-Gov. Murphy spending  the day at  Island Beach State Park, Seaside Park and seaside heights
-New Jersey is now in the second of three stages of its reopening Nail and hair salons, barber shops and spas will be allowed to open Monday.


  1. Yeshivos, chadarim, girls’ schools, parnossa? Who cares?
    Trips to Uman? That’s important!
    אמונות טפלות!

    1. You are clueless. Every thing that has happened in the last year was determined on Rosh Hashona. It’s so important to do what we can so there should be no repeat next year

    2. Right. So we all need to go to Ukraine, instead of opening yeshivos here and now.
      What religion is this? I want no part of it!
      אמונות טפלות!

  2. If you go to Uman then all boys and girls schools, all Yeshivah sand seminaries, will open quickly.
    And all Jews bresliv or not will have parnosah berevach.
    But it happens in Uman.
    I hope you’d now understand.

    1. So we don’t need to daven for anything, work, open schools, write tefillin, or tie our shoelaces. All we need to do is go to Uman.
      נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

    2. When Yaakov met up with Eisav, I don't know why he sent anything to Eisav or split up his camp - he should have just gone to Uman and everything would have been taken care of. At the very least he could have gone to Meron and lit a really big bonfire.

  3. You went last year to Uman and look what happened!

  4. As long as they concluded with dancing, they have Uman here and now. Who needs Ukraine when we have dancing in Lakewood?
    נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

    1. ק קו קוק קוקרי קוקריקו
