Friday, June 19, 2020

Post Covid19 Lifestyles: Liquor Store Will Stop Carrying Expensive Wines

Wine and liquor store in Lakewood will stop carrying overly expensive wines & whiskeys in an effort to reassess lifestyle values


  1. Very honorable. I wish them lots of continued hatzlacha

  2. New name for Wine-on-9

    Now named Zaddik-on-9.


  3. Why is he a Tzaddik. He is still selling them. Just not stocking them on the shelf (he might be a tzaddik for other reasons..)

  4. He is a tzadik for not promoting these items. No one has to say "I"m not selling expensive items", but it's nice that it's not in anyone's face!

  5. Those who buy $300 bottles will continue to buy them. Those who didn't buy them won't. So again, whats the big Tzidkus here?

  6. It's a nice gesture, but I think the wine stores are the least of the problems - if people want to buy expensive stuff that's their own business, but at least there's always a decent range of price options in any store I've been to.

    How about the clothing stores having lower priced options that are affordable for the average family? That's something that would make a meaningful impact

  7. His zitkut is very simple:
    Avoid temptation for regular customers who enter to buy “whatever”. If it’s not on the shelve they will go to the regular stuff.
    The fineshmekers will buy it elsewhere if not available there thus they’ll order it for you ( so he does lose that business). But the routine temptation is now gone.
    That equals a big zadddik.

  8. Its an indicator of a growing trend slowly taking hold of people coming to their senses about finance. Even though this move specifically won't make it or break it for anyone.
