Sunday, March 1, 2020

Video Of Rosh Yeshva is for General Israeli Elections, not pertaining to WZO

A video of Harav Shmuel Kamentsky shlita  on voting in the general Israeli elections taking place tomorrow, was used in a misleading way on social media and other platforms,  as a "bombshell" that the Rosh Yeshiva was referencing to the WZO elections. reports "The video and conversation were not referring to any other vote or issue as has mistakenly been alleged by some".
Regarding the WZO  Matzav posted  that, Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky wrote a detailed  letter to Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita regarding the question of voting in the WZO election."Rav Shmuel raised some of the issues that have been brought to the fore regarding this matter.
Rav Chaim responded  to Rav Shmuel, in writing, “Nechonim hadevorim. Kedai meod lehatzbia.” (What you wrote is correct. It is definitely worthy to vote.
The letter has not been made public.


  1. Of course it was about WZO. Why would Rav Shmuel decide that now Rav Shmuel would post about voting in elections in Israel??!! Is there something new going on with voting in the elections? You are spreading misleading information. It was bout the WZO. Very Simple.

  2. The releasing of this video was obviously meant to deceive and fool. When was the last timet Rav Shmuel shlita issued statements pertaining to the Israeli elections

  3. So far, nobody has paskened to vote. Internet videos do not count. When I see a letter from anyone about it, I will start thinking about voting. Till then, fake news.
    Bernie or Bust

  4. such a letter from r chaim is highly surprising. just a few years ago r elyashiv went out publicly against shas for joining the wzo. it was even printed in the israely yated. have things changed in the past 7 years? until the letter is publicized it doesnt have any trust.


  6. I don't believe there is a letter from Reb Chaim or any other gadol to vote for WZO for. I don't believe Rabbi Kaminetzky was for it. Let them show us the proof.
