Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Lakewood Siyum on Daf Yomi Maseches Brachos

In light of the success of the seudas siyum in Lakewood, as well as in celebration of the tremendous expansion of limud Daf Yomi in Lakewood and beyond, local askanim made the decision to organize another gala seudah for the completion of the first Daf Yomi masechta. The completion of Brachos also marks the beginning of Seder Moed, which will be celebrated at the seudah, as mesaymim will be inspired and encouraged to carry on through Shabbos, Eruvin and beyond.

The evening’s program will include a deluxe melava malka seudah with exquisite catering, as well as a moving roster of speakers and, of course, joyous music, singing and dancing.

All lomdei Daf Yomi are invited and urged to take part in the seudas siyum to share in the joy and gain inspiration to keep up their commitment to the daily Daf. Attendance is by free reservation only. Lomdei haDaf can reserve their seat by calling 732.366.3639 or emailing lakewoodsiyum@gmail.com.


  1. תלמיד ותיקMarch 3, 2020 at 7:25 AM

    Perhaps someone can help me out.
    The latest yeshivishe minhag us to daven shmoneh esreh and read along by kriyas Hatorah in an audible voice.
    Everyone knows תרי קלי לא משתמע is the halachah in all cases besides the megillah.
    It is disturbing to the people around you who also want to daven and hear kriyas Hatorah.
    This is a new innovation. The Gedolim of the past didn't daven this way and neither do our current ones. It's really disturbing, please stop.

  2. Go Kalyan Go! Keep up the good work!

  3. More annoying are the wannabe Chassidishe that daven in a unnaturally exaggerated Chassidishe havarah.

  4. Or litvaks who daven with moans,groans & animal sounds like it was Tisha bav every day
