Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Day of Siyum Hashas - Refresh post for updates

Watch the Siyum Hashas Live Stream HERE orHERE
5:50 Siyum concludes the 14th cycle of Daf Yomi will take place 2 Sivan yom Hameyouchus 5787 in Yerushalayim.
5:25 Marriv led by Rav Lazer Ginsberg
5:20 Kabolas Ol Malchus Shamayim
Chazzan Helfgot stiring rendition of Kel Malei Rachamim

Winds died down later during the siyum making it more calm with out wind chill.
5:05 Darkness descends over MetLife as Ani Maamin is sung lezecher the 6 Million kedoshim
4:35 Harav Uren Reich drasha
4:15 Harav Aaron Feldman Hascholas Shas Masechte Brachos
Crowd erupts in singing and dancing
3:45 Siyum Hashas by Harav Shmuel Kamenetzky
Video bracha from Rav Chaim Kanievsky
Cold weather taking it's toll people hanging out in hallways by coffee stations
Rav Aaron Shiff speaking in Yiddish
Music playing
Masmidei Hasiyum Rabbi Nosson Sherman
2:15 Rabbi Yissochor Frand speaking
Novominsk Rebbe Speaking
Standing ovation for a young boy on treatments who made a siyum
1:45 Governor Murphy arrived accompanied by Agudah of NJ representatives he gets a warm welcome and waves to the crowd.
Coffee stations inside keeping people warm
Rav Malkiel Kotler speaking in English We should see the continuation of Torah
Rabbi Zweibel spoke and gave over a message from R' Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz
 Mincha starting now 1:15 R Louie Scheiner davening at the Amud no tachnun was said
program begins now
Freezing Wind chills outside stadium

Bus on Parkway broke down all passengers picked up
Small Flurries at MetLife
- Siyum Scarves selling for $20
-Only cars driving on the Parkway are going to siyum
-Heavy Security checking the buses leaving Lakewood long lines at Blue Claws parking lot waiting to get on.
-Announced at Pre Siyum event: All seats in Barclay and Metlife have been sold out
GPS: 50 Route 120, East Rutherford, NJ 07073
- Remember to charge your phones

- Free complementary WIFI network in MetLife stadium MLSWIFI no password needed

-Parking will be available at Metlife and  at American Dream Mall $40 per car 
-Some Lakewood stores will be closed during the  Siyum from 12:00 pm and reopen at night

-Coming by Train from Secaucus Junction:
Rail Service TO Meadowlands Station FROM Secaucus will begin at 10:11 a.m.
The last train FROM MetLife Stadium will not depart Meadowlands Station any earlier than 7:40 p.m. $4.50 round trip 2 kids age 5-11 ride free on holiday Jan 1. (Tickets purchased on the train will include a $5 surcharge for each ticket.)
 Bus service TO Meadowlands Station FROM Secaucus will begin at 9:30 a.m. from bus platforms 9 and 10 in Secaucus.

Clear bags that are 12” x 6” x 12” or less size (1 per person)
Small purses or handbags that are 4.5”x6.5” or less in size (1 per person)
Binoculars, your still camera (without its case) as long as its lens is 6” or less, or a cellphone.

Food for personal use that is contained in a clear plastic zip-lock bag.
Hand-carried jackets, or blankets, which can be patted down or searched.
Factory sealed plastic bottles of water (or soft drinks) that are 20 oz. or less in size.
Any type of non-clear bag larger than 4.5” X 6.5”
Purses/handbags larger than indicated above
Dedicated video cameras or cameras with lenses longer than 6”
Camera cases, binocular cases, or fanny packs
Diaper bags, computer bags, backpacks, or briefcases
Umbrellas, strollers, selfie sticks or laser pointers
Seat cushions except for ones that are medically necessary
Glass bottles, cans (including soda cans), or thermoses


  1. why is phil murphy there

    1. Cause he is a democrat so he likes learning
