Thursday, May 2, 2019

Lkwd News Briefs May 2, 2019

-Gov. Murphy today- "We commemorate Yom Hashoah against a rising tide of anti-Semitism in New Jersey and throughout the country We must work harder to stand up to hatred".

-A Lakewood shlissel challah contest the nicest shlissel challah will be featured on the digital Billboards in Lakewood

-Lakewood's D'ozio Park at Locust & New Hampshire Avenue is currently closed for renovations.
Lakewood Township's DPW building an entirely new park that is expected to be ready in June. (LNN)

Road closures: nightly utility work that will close James Street between Williams Street & Powderhorn Drive until 5:00am. This work will continue through May 22nd.

- 2.6 million repaving project  by Ocean county freeholders:
 Central avenue will be repaved from Carlton Ave South up to Cross Street
Miller Road will be repaved between Lakewood New Egypt Road and New Central Avenue


  1. Not sure if Rav Aaron ztz'l would be prouder of the billboards or the shlissel challah contest

    1. Has anybody noticed the bill board on river Ave advertising toy traders?

  2. Disgusting and childish.
    This contest is against everything yiddishkeit stands for. Asking ladies to publicly display their baked challah is as absurd as it can get.
    This is an insult to everything lakewood stands for.
    Is this what the billboards were needed for (pun intended) Obviously follow the dough.

    1. The problem is that women are going around showing off their challot.
      Next week the single ladies are going to have to exhibit their challah baking skills.
      Definitely not tzniyut.

      Now shadchanim are going to ask about baking skills, require it on their resumes.
      Boys parents are going to taste test the challot. And criticizing the bais yaakovs for not teaching challah baking methods.
      Girls will be embarrassed to come to shul (sorry, forgot. In lakewood, women don't come to shul.). Solves the Westgate shul problem.

  3. This is what Rav Uren shlita was talking about. And all of this is under the approval of the vaad who preach Daas Torah when ut suits them.
