Thursday, April 4, 2019

New Address for Chinuch Questions

                             היו עיניך רואות את מוריך now you know who to ask gedolei ha'internet

Roshei Yeshivos and Rosh mesivtas need not worry any more who to ask shailos to about running their respective yeshivos. They can now turn to the websites and online commentators for daas torah and guidance. A Click bate story was published about a yeshiva that expelled 50 bochurim for going to the Levaya of the Skulener Rebbe Zatzal. The comments were quick to follow some calling for the yeshiva to be closed down.

The underlying story was that its a mesivta in the litvish city of Lakewood,  had the levaya been of a Litvish rosh yeshiva the bochurim would have for sure been allowed to go and a bigger chutzpah for the hanhala to expell them after they went without permission. Others made assumptions and  and rebuked the hanhala for their actions. First of all no one spoke to the rosh yeshiva before publicizing the story.  Secondly, this Rosh yeshiva  happened to grow up with the Skulenner rebbe and spend many summers with the previous skulenner rebbe zatzal. The assumption by others to insinuate  that this rosh yeshiva was unaware of the esteem of the skulener rebbe zatzal is baseless and factually wrong.  More so, the R'Y spoke in his yeshiva to the bochurim and cried before the levaya when news broke that the rebbe was niftar. The decision not to allow the bochurim to go or to expel them for going is no one else's business and its of that yeshiva alone. (and BTW the boys will all be back in yeshiva after shabbos)

In a letter posted on Matzav a Rebbe in the yeshiva said " Finally, the decision of a yeshiva is its alone. It shouldn’t be fodder for every person at a keyboard to chime in on. You don’t like a yeshiva’s rules? Don’t send your kid there. No one forced you. And if a yeshiva feels that it must apply certain rules or penalties, then either deal with it or mind your own business." 

Letter from Rebbe in the yeshiva
Dear Editor,

As a member of the hanhalah of a yeshiva that penalized bochurim for going to a levayah this week, I wish to share the following. Firstly, don’t believe everything you read. Certain things are misreported and misrepresented. So don’t take things hook, line and sinker. There’s much you don’t know. Don’t believe the so-called investigative reporting.

Secondly, when a bochur is suspended for going to a levayah, he isn’t suspended because he went to a levayah. It’s sounds sensational to say it and it works great for website headlines. But the truth is that he’s suspended because he blatantly violated yeshiva rules. If a bochur is explicitly told not to go somewhere and he still goes, he has ignored his rebbi and his hanhalah. Therefore, even if he went to visit Rav Chaim Kanievsky, for example, he should be penalized because he defied his rabbeim.

So of course, it sounds great to proclaim that bochurim were suspended for going to a levayah, and then all the brilliant pundits can comment about how the bochurim were not treated fairly and the mechanchim don’t know what they are doing. The truth is that the mechanchim do know what they are doing. Yes, a student will be penalized for ignoring the rules of his school or yeshiva, no matter how righteous his excuse is. If a bochur leaves yeshiva grounds without permission to daven or attend a shiur – and we know that Torah supersedes all – should he not be penalized because he was doing a choshuve thing? Of course he’ll have to own up to it. It’s not a free-for-all.

Finally, the decision of a yeshiva is its alone. It shouldn’t be fodder for every person at a keyboard to chime in on. You don’t like a yeshiva’s rules? Don’t send your kid there. No one forced you. And if a yeshiva feels that it must apply certain rules or penalties, then either deal with it or mind your own business.


A Rebbi


  1. It really all hinges on the machlokes of Reb Ahron and Reb Moshe re: when someone donates to a Yeshiva, is the yeshiva the sole arbiter of what to do with the funds?, or it belongs to the Bochurim, etc.

  2. My son was one of the 70 boys that got sent home. The yeshiva is 10000%%% right.....

  3. So let me understand this properly, if a bachur defies your orders Dass Torah is to throw him out to the street. I’m not taking any sides as I don’t know the details but if this letter is from the Rebbe which I don’t doubt, then this is what they are saying. Did I understand correct?

  4. Alumni Beis EliyahuApril 4, 2019 at 8:12 AM

    The Yeshivas were 100% correct .
    TeiAlmna Sifsei Sheker HaDovros Al Tzadik !
    The yeshiva made a decision, a Rosh Yeshiva made a decision and we let "frummeh" news rags belittle them without a machoeh ?
    Aside from the fact that the bochurim had zero chiyuv to go the Gemaras and Chazalin quoted prove the am haAratzus of their authors our bochrim have a din of tinokos shel beis rabban (they just proved it, again )
    We don`t need to start pointing fingers about how many chasidim came to the levaya of Rav Nosson Wachfogel or Rav Elya Svei zichronam levracha it`s irrelevant .
    A yeshiva made a decision and there is no reason for the internet to be the arbiters of chinuch
    I hope there are protests.

  5. Why is this on the internet ? Why would an Adom Gadol like the Bostoner Rebbe even address this in public? If you work for someone and the boss tells you not do something but you feel otherwise, you would be asked to leave.
    There is a Rosh Hayeshiva here in this Mesivta.If talmidum or parents dont agree with that Rosh Hayeshiva they have a choice . They can swallow what he told them or leave. Either way the Rosh Hayeshiva is the boss. I am shocked the Bostoner would even write such a letter, especially in public.

    1. The Bostoners letter was written as an open letter to the editors of the Lakewood scoop and its readers, we would assume that it was only done after first contacted the yeshiva and hear its side of the story before making assumptions and accusing of dictating others how to run their mossad..

    2. The Heilege Bostner Rebbe reads online websites
      i dont believe
      the letter is a hoax

    3. He opened his letter with "If....." so he did not know the facts. Secondly, he wrote a public letter to website undermining a Rosh Yeshiva and finally, he entirely missed the point, the issue is not whether the Yeshiva was wrong or write, the issue is the bochurim defying him. My Rosh Yeshiva was one of the Gedolim of the previous generation, I have no doubt, he would not have allowed bochurim to go in a similar situation. There are different m'halchim among different Yeshivas. Some were very makpid on being mivatil sedorim in the middle of the zman, regardless of what the reason was.

      I don't know the Bostoner Rebbe, but based I want others are saying, he is apparently an Adom Gadol, if that is the case, I can only assume he did not write the letter.

  6. Where is the seichel to publicize this story just to get clicks and create machlokes!!

    This is the Vaad backed media in Lakewood job well done. What RUOC could not do they managed to do even better to go ahead and bashmutz a rosh yeshiva and his yeshiva.

  7. Can we expect anyone to make a public machaah on the bizayon haTorah of this rosh yehiva, no way, because he does not toe the establishment line.

  8. Can we assume that publicizing the story was approved by the Vaad o

    1. Well considering the publisher is a member of the Vaad, that would appear to be a proper assumption.

  9. someones son was not accepted into that yeshiva hmm......

  10. Call the Wiesenthal center to arrange a press conference for the Hate that was spread.

  11. How come the self anointed websites didn't report when the yeshiva threw out litvish boys for leaving early from the zman last year.. oh because it dosen't fit the narrative

  12. The frum rag sites only care about the bottom line more hits more clicks more money. It's a shame that mosdos and yeshivos advertise on them.

  13. The Poop and yeshiva underworld our new leaders fighting for kavod shomayim


  15. Hey check out that letter the Rebbe even has a website "Ashrey Doyreinu"

  16. Unbelievable the frum media keeps sinking lower and lower from the gutter in the street they tell the roster yeshiva how to run the yeshiva.

  17. I took off from work to attend the levaya.

    Even so this issue reminds me of the guys who used to get into trouble for learning during English or similar breaking of rules.

    Of course they all said “why is English more important than learning? what kind of yeshiva punishes someone for learning ?this and that goes on and nothing happens but for learning there is a punishment? blah blah blah”

    In reality of course they all deserved the punishment. They weren’t learning during English because of Ahavas H’Torah but rather to show the English teacher who is the boss and who decides what will be done along with a general message to him that he isn’t important or worthy of their respect .

    The hanhala of this yeshiva is probably in the same situation as the English teachers were.

    Hence the reaction.

  18. לכבוד כבוד קדושת אדמור מבאסטין שליטא

    in response to your letter i mean no disrespect chas vesholom and just want to convey perhaps the other side of the story as we are well aware their are always 2 sides and though im not personally aware of how all this went down and am just theorizing im pretty sure this is roughly what transpired

    firstly for the record i personally went to the levaya though im not chasidish , i personally saw 3 of the lakewood roshe yeshiva at the levaya as well as one of the rosh yeshiva of mir yerushalyim at the levaya
    that being said a few points must be clarified
    A) this yeshiva is a mesivta-high school not a bais medrash as many may have misunderstood
    B) this particular mesivta is known for its intense hasmodo and level of learning . learns way past rosh chodesh until a few days before yomtov and starts before rosh chodesh as well
    to put this in the proper prospective the rosh mesivta didnt allow his talmidim to go to his own schvers levaya (RAV N V******L ZT'L) which was held locally in lakewood they were allowed to attend only bain hasdorim between 1-3pm but the bochurim needed to be back in time for 2nd seder
    THIS ROSH YESHIVA davend yomim noryim in yeshiva, very soon after suffering a major heart attack with an easy chair brought in to the bais medrash surrounded by curtains he is moiser nefesh and hard on himself when it comes to avodas hashem not only on his talmidim
    C)he doesnt chas vesholam have anything against chasidim or admorim , in fact he wears a gartel (and goes to the mikva every day as well as ON SHABBOS !) his agenda is only one thing HASMODAS HATORAH!!
    HE HAD NO CHOICE BUT TO SUSPEND AND THROW THEM OUT IF NOT FOR THEMSELVES FOR THE BOCHURIM WHO REMAINED.I suspect those who he asked not to return after pesach werent from the biggest masmidim in the first place and this was the proverbial straw that broke the camels back
    that being said im sure in hindsight had he known the boys wouldnt listen to him im sure he would have handled the situation differently perhaps allowing the boys to attend the levaya in monsey only missing 2nd seder etc
    but once the boys asked (which they shouldnt have asked if you ask a shayala its treif)and were told they dont have permission to go they shouldnt have gone. if going to the levaya was so important, their parents should have called up to speak to the rosh yeshiva and get special permission for them
    everyone going to this mesivta is aware of their intensity and frowning and how makpid they are about missing sedorim . no one is forced to go their, its obviously not for everyone and chasidim in general have a rule אין גא-ט און אין רבי
    as i said at the beginning i personally went and understand the boys for going, but from the yeshivas perspective ,they need to show who’s boss and theirs a price to pay when not listening to a rosh yeshiva . if you dont follow the rules of the yeshiva then leave and go to a mesivta which lets you get away with coming and going when ever and wherever you want hopefully this sheds light to the OTHER SIDE

  19. Will there be an official מחאה about the בזיון התורה perpetrated against the הייליגע ישיבה

  20. Why is the Bostoner's letter undated??

  21. Dear hefkervelt you just did the same click bait thing by Re-posting HYPOCRITE. At least the other websites have original content unlike this one
