Monday, February 4, 2019

Yom Kippur Koton Minyanim Erev Rosh Chodesh Adar 1 5779 Lakewood

Rosh  Chodesh אדר ראשון is this Tuesday & Wednesday
-Kol Shimshon
-Shemen L'Mincha 1:00 pm
-Lev Avos 14th street  1:20 pm
-Hearthstone shul 1:15 pm In upstairs beis medrash.
-Somerset Walk 1:25 pm
-Alumni 1:45 pm
-B"M Kelmwoods Westgate 2:45 pm (Ezras Nashim)
- Skulen 547 Park tehillim 3:55 followed by mincha
-Breslov 6th street 4:15 pm
-Bais Horaah upstairs 4:05 pm
-B"M Lutzk 4:00 pm
-Bais Mordechai 4:15 pm
-Satmar B"M  on Forest  every bottom of the hour
-Lakewood Courtyard shul 40 minutes before shkia (Ezras Nashim)

1 comment:

  1. "-Satmar B"M on Forest every bottom of the hour". on the half hour?
