Monday, July 31, 2023

Video: Heimish Resort in NJ

Discover The Malon Resort - Your Ultimate Heimishe Kosher Retreat in Florham Park, N.J.

Oif Simchas Monday Night 14 Av Lakewood

Garfunkel - Zions Ateres Reva
Soltan - Hershkowitz Kesser Moshe Yehuda 
Brody - Sonenblick Ne'emas Hachaim
Sobolofsky - Neuberger  Lake Terrace
Kagan - Landman Bais Faiga
Hauer - Mermelstein Cedar Palace/Toras Menachem
Goldstein - Fountain Ballroom

Monday July 31 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 84° Mostly sunny. 

 - House Committee on Oversight and Accountability  Chairman Rep. James Comer  "We completed a transcribed interview with Biden associate, Devon Archer. Archer’s testimony confirms Joe Biden lied to the American people when he said he had no knowledge about his son’s business dealings and was not involved".

- Memphis police say Jewish school shooting averted after officers shot gunman Officers shot and wounded an armed man who fired shots and was trying to gain entry to Margolin Hebrew Academy, police say  a white man with a handgun shooting outside the Margolin Hebrew Academy and trying to gain entry to the building. The main failed to enter the school as he was unable to get past the double security doors. “Thankfully, that school had a great safety procedure and process in place and avoided anyone being harmed or injured at that scene,” 

- Tonight Jackson Planning board will decide on dormitories and schools  Planning Board will consider amending its master plan as part of township officials' attempts to meet the terms of its settlement with the Department of Justice over a 2020 discrimination lawsuit that alleged a years-long attempt to dissuade Orthodox Jews from settling in the town. If approved, schools with dormitories  would be considered "permitted uses" in more than a dozen zones, including residential areas, along with shuls and Mikvaos

- BDE: Petirah of R’ Yitzchok Kupetz Z”L who was niftar early this morning after an ilness, He was 74 an old Lakewooder a talmid of Rav Schneur Kotler zatzal and previously a talmid of Torah Vodaas under  Rav Abba berman and Rav Elya Chazan zatzal. He was one of the early supporters of the yeshiva in his tekufah. He was not zoche to build a family but will be remembered for his family in Yeshiva for his hachzokas hatorah and chaverim in yeshiva. He is survived by his brother R' Moshe Levaya will take place today 10:30 am  in Lakewood chapel  7th street with kevura at the local bais hachaim Shiva is at 94 Roselle Ct Lakewood. At the Levaya divrei hashed we're delivered by Harav Yeruchom Olshin shlita Reb Baruch Manes shlita Reb Yehuda Levin shlita

- Lakewood Police Department National Night Out  will be tomorrow Tuesday August 1 from 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm at Pine Park there will be Kosher food with Pizza and BBQ in separate locations 

- Lt. Gov. Sheila Oliver has been hospitalized and is “unable to discharge the duties of acting governor at this time” as Gov. Phil Murphy is on vacation overseas with his family, the governor’s office said Monday morning. The order of succession means New Jersey’s top state lawmaker, state Senate President Nick Scutari, D-Union, is the state’s active governor.

- Check your car insurance rates some companies have been increasing the premiums significantly after the new term kicks in,

KCL Website consumer Information

 As part of the tebrand the KCL kosher dupervidion which is now called Kehilas Charedim of Lakewood a website is now livec and active with kasrus information for the extended Lakewood community. The website has a  section with consumer information. A list of kcl certified establishments and other info such as infestation what and how to check and for simchas how to ensure that all the food is just as reliable as the food at home. With a growing community there are establishments in the extended area with chasidishe and other hashgachos catering to the heimishe tzibbur you can also call the kashrus hotline 732-901-1888.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Oif Simchas Sunday Lakewood July 30

Sokol - Gramma Ateres Reva
Sambrowsky - Roberts Lake Terrace 
Fisch - Traub Kesser Moshe Yehuda 
Ginsburg  - Follman Fountain Ballroom 
Chouka - Zafrani Cedar Palace

Hashkafa Q&A

 Hashkafa with Reb Gershon Ribner

 Ingesting the yitzra d'arayos through music (listening to Shlomo"s niggunim

 The yitzra d'arayos of the righteous of today vs. times of old
Awareness of the rishus of a Zionist and his hate for Charedim(Reading the book The Empty Wagon

Sunday July 30 Lakewood Bein Hazmanim

 Weather: 82° Sunny. High 82F.

- kCL website Launched Here

-Bde: petirah of Reb Eliezer Miller z”l he was the oldest a son of Rav Avigdor and Rebbetzin Ethel Miller  Reb Eliezer raised a beautiful mishpacha and carried his parents’ illustrious legacy with pride and dignitiy. The levayah will be held tomorrow, Monday, at 11:30 a.m. at Shomrei Hadas Chapels, located at 39th Street and 14th Avenue in Boro Park.( watch levaya Here

- Trump: Joe Biden is the most corrupt president in American history,” Trump said. “The Bidens’ colossal scams, money laundering, and criminality make Hillary Clinton look like a very beautiful angel.” Trump called Biden denials “a big lie”.

- Cedar palace wedding hall on Swarthmore opens tonight with a chasuna.

- Lakewood Butcher says people should stock up now for Yom Tov. In an interview with the voice weekly he said the 7 fat years are over as the price of American beef has gone up drastically. Imported beef from South Anerica is not yet effected.

 Shloshim event tonight in Lakewood for Rebbetzin Chana Rochel Stern A"H of Miami. Opportunity to Donate for the family fund HERE 

- Despite plans to add another 20 paid Fire fighters in Lakewood over the next 2 years which will increase taxes. The LFD is still looking for volunteers and will host a recruitment BBQ today with kosher supervision  from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. at the Firehouse, 1350 Lanes Mill Road. No prior experience is necessary.

-Rav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi underwent a spinal surgery today and bhbwent well continue davening for Boruch Mordechai ben  Hinda Malka

Things to do

- Monmouth County fair open today children under 12 free Monmouth County Fair located at East Freehold Showgrounds, Kozloski Road, Freehold, NJ open until 6pm more

- New playgrounds at pine Park

- paddle Boating kayaking at Turkey Squan Park 15-20 minutes from Lakwwood/Jackson

- Mantoloking  playground by boat launch down Cederbridge 

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Motzei Shabbos Nachamu 5783 Lakewood

- Motzei shabbos Nachamu kumzitz at Motzei Shabbos 10:30pm at 40 Caranetta drive Lakewood with Dr. Moshe Rothkopf. From 10:15

-Mega million jackpot grows to $1.05 Billion after no winner Friday night. Next drawing I'd Tuesday.

- NJ had severe thunderstorm warnings issued in parts of the state as The National Weather Service warned of severe thunderstorms through 8:45 p.m. in parts of Ocean, Burlington, Monmouth and Middlesex counties, with wind gusts of up to 50 mph and potential of pea-size hail. Lakewood had a thunderstorm and downpour for 20 minutes at 8:00 pm.

-CNN covid19 summer surge but not as devere data posted this week by the Cdc shows that many Covid-19 indicators, including hospital admissions, emergency department visits and test positivity, are once again on the rise.

Joey Newcomb Nachamu 

Friday, July 28, 2023

Lakewood Zmanim עש"ק פר' ואתחנן שבת נחמו תשפ"ג

   Friday, July 28, 2023 shabbos Nachamu / י' אב  תשפ"ג ערב שבת ואתחנן/ נחמו 

 נַחֲמוּ נַחֲמוּ עַמִּי יֹאמַר אֱלֹהֵיכֶם. דַּבְּרוּ עַל-לֵב יְרוּשָׁלִַם וְקִרְאוּ אֵלֶיהָ כִּי מָלְאָה צְבָאָהּ כִּי נִרְצָה עֲו‍ֹנָהּ   

-Candle lighting: 7:56 pm
-Shkia/Sunset 8:14 pm
Weather shabbos day sunny high 95 with chance of Thunderstorms 

כִּי נִחַם ה' צִיּוֹן נִחַם כָּל חָרְבֹתֶיהָ וַיָּשֶׂם מִדְבָּרָהּ כְּעֵדֶן וְעַרְבָתָהּ כְּגַן ה' שָׂשׂוֹן וְשִׂמְחָה יִמָּצֵא בָהּ תּוֹדָה וְקוֹל זִמְרָה

New Release הדור נאה By Naftali Kempeh

Song from Naftali Kempeh, new Album Libi will be available to purchase motzei Shabbos Nachamu

Bein Hazmanim Begins in Lakewood for summer 2023

  For the kolell youngeleit of Lakewood, and Bochurim of BMG summer 2023 vacation begins now as they rest up before resuming to the shtender for upcoming Elul Zman. The learning of course continues in local Botei medrashim some with special bein hazmanim programs. During these weeks one experiences a feeling of relaxation and serenity in Lakewood. people will be heading out to vacation and while roads are usually empty and traffic eases during these weeks, as more people moved into the surrounding areas and neighboring towns the quiet streets may be something of the past.

Friday July 28 Lakewood

Friday, July 28, 2023 / י׳ אב תשפ״ג
ערב שבת פרשת ואתחנן שבת נחמו
Chatzos 1:03 pm
Candle lighting 7:56 pm
Shkiah/Sunset 8:14 pm

- Weather: 97° Abundant sunshine. Near record high temperatures. High 97F. 
-Excessive Heat Warning,  for western Monmouth and Ocean county dangerously hot conditions with heat index values up to 108 expected. Excessive Heat Warning, until 10 PM this evening.

- Shabbos day 95° Partly cloudy early with thunderstorms likely during the afternoon. Potential for severe thunderstorms. 
Chance of rain 60%.

Update: power has been restored at 3:45pm. Power outage in Central New Egypt Westgate atra

- LPD on ticket blitz also conducting Cops in Crosswalk campaign pulling over drivers on Clifton Ave for not stopping when pedestrian in crosswalk

- Bein Hazmanim begins in Lakewood for summer of 5783 traffic noticeably emptier on the roads.

-Mega Millions jackpot $910 million drawing tonight 

- The annual Skulen Seudas Hodaah on MOtzei shabbos Nachamu celebrating the release of the rebbe from Romanian prison will take place in Kuiryas Yoel Motzei shabbos at Bais Rochel auditorium 5 Kahan drive 

-Trump responds to the latest charges:  “This is prosecutorial misconduct used at a level never seen before. If I weren’t leading Biden by a lot in numerous polls and wasn’t going to be the Republican nominee, it wouldn’t be happening. It wouldn’t be happening.”

-  Former President Donald Trump says he will not stop his presidential campaign if sentenced.

-Mobile MVC truck coming to Jackson Library parking lot on August 1st you can schedule appointments Here 

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Motzei Tisha B'Av News Updates

 Kiddush Levan
 Daf Yomi
One hour learning seder at BMG after the fast

- UN chief claims "the era of global warming has ended, the era of global boiling has arrived."

- Report: Trump and two aides have been charged with attempting to delete surveillance footage relevant to the classified documents investigation

- Delaware-based Nemours Children’s Health,Dupont  announced that they renewed their contract with NJ FamilyCare, but only with Wellcare HMO. They are continuing to work with Horizon NJ Health and Amerigroup Community Care to come up to an arrangement. Families who currently have a Horizon NJ Health or Amerigroup Community Care plan can switch to WellCare NJ FamilyCare in order to continue seeing Nemours Children's providers. 

- 2 Lakewood bochurim were involved with a scooter accident erev Tisha BAv BH one boy was released from hospital the other has been taken off a respirator and responsive please continue to daven for Meir ben Nechama

The Lakewood Police Department has just been slammed with a lawsuit due to a crash allegedly caused by a Traffic Safety Officer while driving an unmarked vehicle FAA

- Due to backlog some local mokvaos are open in the developments inquire within

- Close to 2000 Jews ascended the har habayis on Tisha Bav which most halachic authorities forbid.

Halachos for Tisha Bav 5783

 Halachos for Tisha B'Av Thursday and Erev Shabbos this year by Rav Doniel Neustadt shlita Rav of Pine River Village senior community in Lakewood.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Tisha B'Av Lakewood 5783

 כל המתאבל על ירושלים זוכה ורואה בשמחתה          
Check this page for updated content, programing, and Tisha b'Av resources.

Zmanim for Lakewood 5783
Fast begins 8:16pm fast is over 9:03pm
Chatzos 1:03pm
Watch LIVE at the Kosel HERE or HERE
Livestream at the kosel end of fast

- Kiddush Levana beautiful moon

- Rab Gershon Ribner shlita will be speaking at KNA Robert's shul at 8:15pm followed by Maariv
- 5:00pm Tisha B'Av Hisoirerus at Khal Zichron Yaakov 175 Sunset Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen Rav Yitzchok Dwek Rav Nosson Levine Rav Dovid Merling followed by Mincha 7:30 watch HERE

-Lakewood grocery and takeout stores open today after chatzos and will close at the usual Thursday night schedule 

- Bde: Levaya of Mrs.Esther Stern a"h from Brooklyn/Lakewood will be 3:00pm at the chapel off 7th st in Lakewood kevurah in Deans she was 74 husband was R' Yaakov Z"L

- OU presents a video of the Bais Hamikdash what we had and what is to come HERE

- שועלים הלכו בו a fox was spotted today near at the kosel and near the ruins of the temple wall. Photo below

Torah Anytime all day Tisha B'av programming watch HERE  To listen live by phone dial 718-820-7284

- Tisha Bav inspiration from Oorah's The Zone camp 2023 Here

- Kinus for Women and high school Girls at Yeshiva Ktana hall 10:15 am- 1:15 pm to  Listen live call 712-432-6507  (additional call in 732-839-3003 ID 776-382-8466#)

- Khal Yismach Moshe will have Kinnos led by Rav Dovid Goldwasser Thuhsrsday day from 8:45 am - 1:45 pm followed by Mincha location at : 950 Massachusetts Ave

- Shachris in BMG botei medrashim is 8:25am

- Chayeinu kinus programming on phone throughout Tisha Bav for Men, Women & Children 712-832-5656
Phone for kids Rav Kolman Krohn ztl and Rav Aaron Burstowsky
712-832- 5656 400#
24 hour programing on Lakewood radio stations 107.9 & 104.7

-Audio Rav Gifter in English on Tisha Bav Here
- Replay kinnus 5783 with Rav Zev Leff Here
- Rabbi Milstein will be sharing periodic divrei hisorerus throughout davening andb kinus  at Ishay Yisroel 110 Miller Road

- Live Kinnus hookup from camp Agudah midwest led by Harav Yitzchok Margereten shlita 9:45 am Dial in 605- 313-5329 code 374200

Tisha B'Av night Tonight
Local Kinnus and Inspiration

- Tisha B'Av night Tonight
Local Kinnus and Inspiration

-BMG: Divrei Hisoirerus after Eicha Tisha b'Av night in the Beren building 11:00pm by Rav Osher Chaim Lieberman and Rav Meyer Eiseman

- KZY R' Gissingers shul kinnus tonight 10:15 Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin shlita 175 Sunset

- Ateres Yeshaya kinnus 10:15pm with Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen shlita Rav Yisroel Neuman shlita Rav Yitzchock Basser shlita 908 E. County line Lakewood (Ezras Noshim op
listen on the phone 712-.832-5656 600#

- Mordy's Shteible 15 Delaware Trail Maariv 9:00pm followed by Eicha and words of chizuk by Reb Yitzchok Fedheim with niggunim

Wednesday July 26 Erev Tisha Bav News updates Lakewood

1955 years since the churban bais Hamikdosh Fast of תשעה באב begins 8:16pm tonight is over 9:03pm tomorrow night

Weather: 90°  Areas of patchy fog early sunny skies for the afternoon. High around 90F. There is a marginal risk of severe weather today.

Tisha B'Av hi of 97 real feel over 100

Gourmet Glatt opn today until 6pm and on Tisha Bav from 1:05pm - 12:00am

 Bingo closes today at 5 reopen tomorrow noon at 1pm Tisha Bav stools for $3.99

- Evergreen open today until 7:00 pm tomorrow 1pm- 12am

The Fed has just announced a widely expected interest rate increase by 0.25%, which pushes the benchmark borrowing costs to their highest level in over 22 years. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said the US central bank’s staff economists are no longer forecasting a recession given recent resilience in the economic data.

- Heat wave in forecast with temperatures that will feel like 100+ degrees a heat advisory kick in at 11 a.m. Thursday and last until 10 p.m. Friday in Monmouth, Ocean, The top heat indices will range from 102 to 104.

- The Mega Millions jackpot climbed to an estimated $910 million after Tuesday night’s drawing produced no big winners

- Jackson township council bicker  regarding zoning board appointments  faa 

-Shiva for R' Yehuda Leib Kunda Z"L is at 213 Williams st Shachris 8am, Mincha 1:40 pm, Maariv 9:30 pm getting up Friday

Kinnus events tonight 

This should be the Last Fast of Tisha B'Av

 Another year we sit on the floor again.
Chazal say כל המתאבל על ירושלים - זוכה ורואה בשמחתה. ושאינו מתאבל על ירושלים - אינו רואה בשמחתה
Hopefully this will be the last tisha B'av we have. We await the geula and hope for the day to become a moed speedily in our days. It should be the last Tisha B'av because we don't know what to mourn and how to mourn.
Unfortunately we are at a time in history that the sad day of Tisha Bav is  sadly no more. Sitting on the floor reading the kinnus in shul is not what the children are growing up with today. The day has been taken over and abused. 
Ask a kid today what they know about Tisha B'av and see what the the first thing that comes to mind is. It has become a movie day of video binge watching, marketers use it as a release date for high end productions, premiers and to at times, to push agendas.

Halachos for Erev Tisha B'Av 5783/2023

 Wednesday, July 26, 2023 / 
ח׳ אב תשפ"ג ערב ט׳ באב Lakewood 
Chatzos: 1:03 pm  
Fast begins at Shkia:/sunset 8:16 pm

1. After Chatzos (1:03 pm) on Erev Tisha B'av some poskim hold the minhag is not to learn anything which is Assur on Tisha Bav itself. Only that which is Muttar to learn on the 9th of Av. (see below for permissible learning)
2. We do not say tachnun after Mincha on erev Tisha B'av. One may not take a leasurly stroll unless he does it commonly for health reasons.
3. It is prohibited to fast on Erev Tisha bav. We eat a  final meal before the fast, it is called the Seudas hamafsekes סעודת המפסקת the seudah which separates from eating to beginning the fast of Tisha b'av
4. It must be eaten after noon and before shkiah/sunset (at 8:16 pm) and no other meal may be eaten thereafter. One may drink water or eat if he did not assume the fast after the seudas hamafsekes.
5. The Seudas Hamefsekes may be preceded by a regular meal the minhag is to daven mincha in between the 2 meals.
6. The minhag  for the seudas hamafsekes is to eat only bread and water, and a boiled egg dipped in ash some dip the bread in Ash.
7. The seudah is eaten seated on the ground or on a stool within 3 tefachim, we do not socialize, we it alone and avoid eating three people together to not have  a chiyuv of zimun
8. If  One wants to drink water or eat after the seudas hamafsekes untill shkiah it is better if he stipulates his intent verbally to do so before bentching.
9. We may not sit on a chair after sunset. Shoes are to be removed before shkiah.
10. Individuals who will not be fasting should eat a Seudas Hamafsekes. 
11. Washing hands in full can only be done till shkiah after shkiah the laws of Tisha Bav begin one can only wash until the knuckles.
On Tisha B'av The 5 Inuyim (afflictions: eating & drinking, washing, Marital rations, etc.) are Rabbinically prohibited the whole day. There are other customs, such as not sitting on a chair, etc. and these are only customary until noon.

 See Halachos for Tisha B'av HERE Based on "A Summary of Halachos of the Three Weeks" by Rabbi Shimon D. Eider ztl

List of Torah Learning permissible on Tisha Ba'v

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Staying Hydrated for The Taanis

Proper Hydration from the new Product of the Week video series ahead of Tisha Bav fast day

Tuesday July 25 News Updates Lakewood Lakewood

 Weather: 87° Partly cloudy skies early with heavy thunderstorms developing this afternoon. Gusty winds and small hail are possible. High 87F.Chance of rain 90%.
There is a marginal risk of severe weather today.

Lakewood Planning board approves shul buildibg in Westgate and chavrei Hakollel building off W County Line rd more here

- 4:30 pm NWS A Severe Thunderstorm Watch is in effect until 8PM. Prepare to take shelter if necessary. 

- COVID-19 hospital admissions in the U.S. increased by 10% week-over-week, according to new CDC data.

Tisha B'av weather in Lakewood will be a hight of 96 with a real feel of 105 very humid

- Tips on how to prepare for the fast of Tisha B'Av according to Rabbi Yechezkel Aschayek author of the sefer  חיים בריאים כהלכה One should start preparation  from the morning 2 days before by drinking 50 % more water of his daily intake. Drink 20 before eating and after meals, don't  drink until the food is digested in order not to dilute the acids that digest the food. The food should be chewed well before swallowing in order for the body to digest it and not have it sit in the stomach. One should increase protein starting 2 days before, such as eggs fish etc. by the seudas Hamafsekes one should drink 20 minutes before  and no need to drink afterwards

- Mega Millions jackpot climbs to $820 million drawing tonight.
Two Mega Millions tickets worth $1 million each were bought in New Jersey for Friday’s lottery drawing at supermarkets in Monmouth Coun. One was purchased at ShopRite at routes 36 and 71 in Long Branch and the other was sold at Wegmans in Ocean Township, New Jersey lottery officials said Monday

- Tonight come and hear Daas Torah from gedolei  on parental alienation A event will take place in Lakewood today July 25 to hear daas torah regarding parental alienation following the visit with gedolei torah in Eretz Yisrael. Speakers include HaRav Moshe Tuvia Lieff  Rabbi Nechemia Gramma  and R' Yonasson Schwartz at Khal Ohr Yoel Meir 60 Williams street 7:30 pm the event is run by the broken ties organization

- Special Counsel Jack Smith Set to Indict Donald Trump Over January 6 ‘As Early as Tomorrow’

- Lakewood planning board meeting today at 6:00 pm  watch live stream Here 
see agenda Here  Ordinance to increase permitted wall sign area from 60 square feet to 100 square feet

- Bein Hazmanim construction  for the next 3 weeks on Massachusetts Ave between Cross St & Prospect to flatten a part of the roadway that is a hazard for drivers as they can't see the view ahead. Detours and closures will be in place

- Many Boys bein hazmanim sleep away camps made a no cell phone rule this year for bochurim.

- Caroline Glick: The Israel media became a sickening parody of its pathetic self this morning. That black on the front page of all the major papers is our fake journalists' effort to trample, bludgeon, demonize and silence the truth. It is an act of violence against the Israeli public.

- A groups of 15 chasidishe mosdos in Bnei Brak signed a letter that Bar mitzva age boys should only come to school wearing a Kasket instead of a hat as the price of hats has soared and young bochurim dont keep them in good shape forcing parents to buy new ones. Thwe price of a kasket is 100 shekel where a hat is over 1000 shekel

Monday, July 24, 2023

Monday July 24 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 87° Sun and clouds mixed

- Trump Could Be Indicted As Soon As Tomorrow In January 6th Probe

- Zoning board approves  cell tower application on route 9 south on Locust st. There was no opposition per faanews

- Adirei Hatorah fundraising events today in NYC

- Jim Jordan: We are entering the 'important final stage' of the Biden family probe and Impeachment is on the table for AG Garland and possibly Biden as GOP eyes millions racked up by the Biden family as ex-Hunter associate expected to testify on Joe's involvement

- Whitehouse criticizes Israeli vote today for judicial reforms:  “It is unfortunate that the vote today took place with the slimmest possible majority.” US will continue to support efforts for a broader consensus for political diolouge. 

- Faanews: The day when dormitories will be more legal in Jackson than in Lakewood has just gotten much closer. At a special meeting to be held next Monday, July 31, the Jackson Township Planning Board is set to formally recommend, by way of a Master Plan Reexamination Report, that the Township adopt an Ordinance permitting dormitories in certain zones, to comply with the Township's settlement agreement with the Justice Department, and also to expand the zones where shuls and mikvahs are permitted. More

- Off to camp second half starts today boys sleep away camps head out today expect traffic at the bus and luggage drop off locations aroundLakewood.

- Israel: Knesset drama Reasonableness bill passes, by a vote of 64-0 asopposition boycotts last vote. This bill restricts the Supreme Court from intervening in the government and laws passed in the knesset.

- Lakewood zoning board meeting today 7pm watch live stream HERE . see agenda HERE
Verizon Cell phone tower application on River avenue 140 foot cell tower at 1364 River avenue 
Washington and Spruce application for 6 family homes
Chestnut and Stradford to create 28 duplexes

- Daas Torah on parental alienation A event will take place in Lakewood tomorrow Tuesday July 25 to hear daas torah regarding parental alienation following the visit with gedolei torah in Eretz Yisrael. Speakers include HaRav Moshe Tuvia Lieff  Rabbi Nechemia Gramma  and R' Yonasson Schwartz at Khal Ohr Yoel; Meir 60 Williams street 7:30 pm the event is run by the broken ties organization

- Lakewood police conducted yesterday a 'Cops in Crosswalks' operation, which had undercover police officers posing as pedestrians at crosswalks. 52 people were stopped for 'Failing to Yield to a Pedestrian.' Some drivers were also given summonses for other Motor Vehicle infractions.

- Tips on how to prepare for the fast of Tisha B'Av according to Rabbi Yechezkel Aschayek author of the sefer  חיים בריאים כהלכה). One should start preparation  from the morning 2 days before by drinking 50 % more water of his daily intake. Drink 20 before eating and after meals, don't  drink until the food is digested in order not to dilute the acids that digest the food. The food should be chewed well before swallowing in order for the body to digest it and not have it sit in the stomach. One should increase protein starting 2 days before, such as eggs fish etc. by the seudas Hamafsekes one should drink 20 minutes before  and no need to drink afterwards

- Report: "Lakewood Zoning Board Attorney has failed to recuse himself from representing the Board in litigation which also involves his personal client". Faanews 

- Twitter owner Elon Musk announced Sunday that the app's world-renowned bird logo has been switched to an "X".

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Sunday 5 Av July 23 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 86° Mostly sunny. High 86F

Tisha B'Av Temps will be kn the low 90's

- Biden called on Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu not to move forward with the planned Israeli Knesset vote on judicial overhaul, saying he is highly concerned about the legislation and its potential implications. “ it doesn’t make sense for Israeli leaders to rush this — the focus should be on pulling people together and finding consensus“it looks like the current judicial reform proposal is becoming more divisive.

- House fire on Columbus Ave in Lakewood after fire broke out at 11pm in the old house behind the Columbus shul. Traffic blocked off on central Ave from Sunset to New Central in both directions. Fire brought under control at 12pm

- Self checkout kiosks now available at NPGS James St location 

- Hundreds of thousand right wing Israelis demonstrated today in Tel Aviv to rally for the judicial reforms the knesset is expected to  vote on it in the next few days. Netamyahu received a pacemaker and was hospitalized expected to return to the knesset on Monday.

-Thousands of Lakewood residents enjoying the new playgrounds recently installed in Pine Psek

- Bde: Petirah of 11 year old boy Avrohom Yosef Weiss a"h of Boro Park who passed away on shabbos at camp Krasna in the catskills after an allergic reaction. Levaya in Kiryas Yoel today 1pm.

-Shoppers are stocking up on local kosher meat in stores ahead of expected price increases across the board that will go into effect tomorrow July 24 for local beef. Imported meats have not formally anounced an increase.

- Nikki Haley will be in Deal, NJ  this evening at a fundraiser event hosted by the Syrian Jewish community 

- Charles Tyrwitt Lakewood now selling chasidishe style shirts with right over left buttons.

- BDE: Petirah of Habachur Yehuda Leib Kunda Z"L was in high 40's, a son of Reb Shmuel Kunda ZL. Levaya 11:30am at the Lakewood chapel with kevura in Eretz Yisrael

- Malon resort a kosher hotel with 130 rooms will be opening soon in Florham park NJ an hour from Lakewood it will have a shul mikva kosher food 365 days a year.

- Mega Millions lottery jackpot now $820 million agter no winner Friday night. Next drawing Tuesday night.

-Tick season there's been an uptick of tick bites in Lakewood make sure to check yourself and children after being in tick prone areas. Use tick repellent that’s at least 20 percent DEET.

- A Maamad Tikkun chatzos to cry over the churban will take place Sunday night into Monday morning at KZY 175 Sunset rd Lakewood with participation of the Mara D'asra Rav Dovid Merling shlita and a live hook up shmuz by Rav Gamliel Rabinowitz shlita followed by the recital of tikkun chatzos 

- Ocean County is considering buying three ambulances and staffing them with paid first aid squads to deal with a drop in volunteers and a slowed response time in Southern Ocean county towns and parts of Toms River at Ortley Beach.

- Rabbonim have signed a letter in support of a Dayan after a recent letter called into question arbitration deals that were implemented.

- Authorities announced today that Angel Garcia-Rodriguez, 26, of Lakewood, was charged with Leaving the Scene of a Motor Vehicle Crash, Resulting in a Death,  happened late Friday night in the area of James street in Lakewood. According to officials, responding officers found that a 2007 Honda Civic had struck a utility pole. Officers also discovered that the driver of the vehicle had fled the scene of the crash and located a critically injured male  who died later st Jersey Shore hospital more at NJ

construction moving along for seasons supermarker in Toms River video below  

Friday, July 21, 2023

Lakewood Zmanim עש"ק פר' דברים שבת חזון תשפ"ג

The Ohev Yisrael  the Opta Rebbe said Shabbos Chazon is the highest Shabbos of the year.
Rabbi Levi Yitzchok of Berditchov, said that on this Shabbos "Chazon" every Jew is given a personal vision of the 3rd Bais Hamikdash.

Friday, July 21, 2023 / ג' אב תשפ''ג ערב שבת פרשת דברים
Candle lighting: 8:03 pm
Shkia/sunset:  8:21 pm
-Weather shabbos day: Partly cloudy high 85

שבת חזון היא הפטרה השלישית והאחרונה מתלתא דפורענותא

יש הנוהגים לשיר את הפיוט "לכה דודי" במנגינה של "איכה", ויש שנהגו: לשיר במנגינה של קינת "אלי ציון", הנאמרת בסיום  קינות של תשעה באב (מנהגי פרנקפורט).ויש שלא נהגו כן, והטעם: כדי שלא להראות אבלות בפרהסיא בשבת (דרכי חיים ושלום)
וְאָשִׁיבָה יָדִי עָלַיִךְ וְאֶצְרֹף כַּבֹּר סִיגָיִךְ וְאָסִירָה כָּל בְּדִילָיִךְ. (הפטרת שבת חזון) שבת שלום

Video Kabolas shabbos chazon with nighun Eli Tzion

Friday July 21 News Updates

Friday, July 21, 2023 / ג׳ אב תשפ״ג Friday, July 21, 2023 / ג׳ אב תשפ״ג ערב שבת פרשת דברים
Candle lighting 8:03pm
Shkiah/Sunset 8:21pm
Weather today 81° Thunderstorms. Gusty winds and small hail are possible. High 81F Chance of rain 100%.
Shabbos day hi 85  clouds and sunshine

- לקיים בנו חכמי ישראל continued tefillos for gedolei Yisrael in need of Rachmei shamayim
Rav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi ברוך מרדכי בן הינדא מלכה
Rav Shmuel Deutsch ברוך שמואל הכהן בן לאה
Rav Shmuel kamenetzky שמואל בן איטא עטיל

- Bde: Petirah of R' Chaim Hersh Goldberger Z"L Boro park/Monsey/Lakewood he was a Hatzolah volunteer was I'll over last few years he was 52. Levaya in Kiryas Yoel today 3:30pm

- Eisemann defense reveals purposeful ‘Foul Play’ in Brief to State’s Supreme Court. The documents that prosecutors begrudgingly released last month after being forced to do so by a judge show that prosecutors willfully withheld evidence, lawyers for SCHI founder Rabbi Osher Eisemann wrote to the state’s highest court this week. Prosecutors were hit with a Brady Act violation for failing to disclose exculpatory evidence before the trial, evidence that was revealed to be in their possession when they included a single page in a post-trial filing. A intentional Brady Act violation can be grounds for not only the convictions to be dismissed, but for the entire case to be permanently dismissed, without the prosecutors being able to bring the case to trial again more Here

- Judge sets Trump classified documents trial for  May 2024, months before election The trial will take place in U.S. District Court in Fort Pierce, Florida, Cannon ordered. The ruling on a middle ground between the requests of Trump’s legal team and the Department of Justice, which had pushed for the trial to begin in late 2023.

- Mega millions jackpot is $720 Million drawing tonight 

- A Maamad Tikkun chatzos to cry over the churban will take place Sunday night into Monday morning at KZY 175 Sunset rd Lakewood with participation of the Mara D'asra Rav Dovid Merling shlita and a live hook up shmuz by Rav Gamliel Rabinowitz shlita followed by the recital of tikkun chatzos 

- Rav Moshe Shternbuch shlita was officially proclaimed as Gaavad Eidah hachareidis last night at Yartzeit event marking a year since the petirah of the previous Gaavad Rav Tuvia Weiss zatzal. The announcement was made by the zkan rosh hayeshiva and eidah member Rav Elyakim shlsinger shlita via conference  call from London. He said Yerushalayim needs a rav and gave the title of Maara Daara Dyisrael to Rav Shternbuch shlita who until now was serving as Raavad. The central committee has to formally vote on it.  

- A proposal to construct warehouses up to  one million sq feet  on a 100 acres site at the Lakewood Howell border t the intersection of Randolph Road and Oak Glen Road has been canceled as the property has ben sold faanews reports here 

- Lakewood residents received Several anonymous robo calls against Hotlines that deal with shalom bayis and marriage issues claiming the gedolim due not approve of it.

- Shabbos yerushalayim: Thousands of protestors are marching today on the Jerusalem Tel aviv highway to protest the government's judicial reforms. Those traveling to Yerushalayim for shabbos are making alternate plans to avoid get stuck on the highway

- Conservative pundits: Bill Barr knew about everything going on in the Hunter Biden investigation and did nothing about it

- NJDOH Commissioner Persichilli is retiring next month reports she was  N.J.’s public face of the COVID 19 and introduced by Murphy as the woman who needs no introduction

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Halachos for Erev Shabbos Chazon 5783

Halachos for Erev shabbos in the 9 days (Based partially on Rabbi Felder Sefer)

Erev Shabbos in the nine days (or Chazon)

-One may cut their Nails for Shabbos since it is not shavua shechal bo.

-One may polish their shoes only with liquid polish according to most poskim.

 -One may brush a hat on erev shabbos since it is not considered washing clothes.

 -Showering is a machlokes if you are allowed kol gufo, the minhag is to be meikel but to use warm water.

-Tasting food that is fleishigs, some poskim- Mekor Chayim 551:9 writes "A woman who needs to taste the Shabbos foods while cooking may do so on Friday afternoon after midday" others hold you can taste but not swallow and must spit it out. (Shmiras Shabbos Khilchasa 42:61 on Erev Shabbos during the Nine Days, you may also taste the food. However, one should try not to swallow food containing meat ingredients)

- Children may eat meat before Shabbos up to 2 hours before the zman according to Rav Moshe Feinstein in Igros Moshe, others (Eliyahu Rabba) hold they may start even from Chatzos. this year 1:03 pm

-If one makes an early Shabbos on Erev Shabbos Chazon he may eat Meat after  the Plag. Lakewood Plag is 6:49 pm.

- If one forgot to try on clothing prior to Rosh Chodesh he may put on the clothing on shabbos

- On Motzei Shabbos for Havdala it's preferably to have a koton drink the kois. If no koton is available one may drink by himself, wine if he does so every week ( Better not to get into a safek of Chamar Medina by drinking Beer or coffee) If he sometimes drinks Grape juice he should only make havdala on Grape Juice.

- Some Poskim (Chazon Ish) would take off their Bigdei shabbos after Havdalah.

This week at the Woodbourne Shul

Under the leadership of the Nikolsburg Rebbe Rabbi Mordechai Jungreis shlita

Thursday July 20 News Updates Lakewood

2 Menachem Av 5783
 Weather: 84° Sunshine and clouds mixed. Areas of smoke and haze are possible, reducing visibility at times. High 84F

- BDE: Petirah of Rav Avrohom Tzvi Kushner Ztl a talmid muvhak of Rav Aharon Kotler zatzal who ran the Lakewood Minyan in Boro Park and was a rebbe. He was ill recently and was niftar in Lakewood 
Levaya tonight at the chapel 11:00pm and tomorrow at the Lakewood Minyan in Boro Park

- Senator Chuck Grassley and Rep. James Comer have released the FD-1023 alleging a criminal bribery scheme involving Joe Biden and a Ukrainian executive.

- TAG clarification: A previously conducted interview has recently surfaced, which was recorded prior to the Gedolim's opinion on AI being made public. We remain steadfast in our commitment to following the guidance of the esteemed leaders in Klal Yisrael.

- New York City agreed to pay $13 million to about 1,300 people who were arrested or beaten by police during the summer 2020 George Floyd demonstrations.

- OU response on Sprite zero: "Specific ingredients are proprietary and confidential information. Any ingredient in Sprite or Sprite Zero will come from certified kosher sources". 

- Yated: Are Therapists Encouraging “Parental Alienation” therapists respond Read Here 

-Campaign in Lakewood to get the local weekly publications that are delivered free to the doors that they have a rabbinic supervision to ensure the ruchniyus level of our families and the community. The signs have contact info to reach the publications. 

- Brooklyn assemblyman and activist Dov Hikind has switched parties and is now a republican he wrote on twitter The time has come Because the Dems have turned their back on Jews & Israel, so it's officially done! 

- A Powerball player in Los Angeles California won the massive $1.08 billion jackpot. a $50,000 ticket was purchased at  7-Eleven on Route 88 in Point Pleasant
 The Mega Millions jackpot is at $740 million with the drawing this Friday night 

- Kosher meat prices in the US are expected to skyrocket beginning next week. One of the reasons for the price hike appears to be increasing cattle prices in the US. According to a Feeder Cattle price chart, the price per pound of cattle meat was just around $125 in 2005 and again in 2020 as opposed to the $248/pound selling today. Springfield Wholesale Meat, the biggest kosher meat distributor in the northeastern US, is increasing its prices accordingly. In a message addressed to kosher foods chains, the meat distributor wrote: “Regretably, we have been informed by Solomon’s of a drastic price increase on domestic beef that will be implemented beginning this week.” This price increase is expected to go into effect on Monday, July 24.(INN)

-A private fundraiser for Nikki Haley will take place this Sunday in Deal, NJ with the Syrian Jewish community. 

- Hunter Lodge hotel sent out a response defending their action to kick out a frum Lakewood  family on shabbos no mention of police escorting them and threatening to arrest
 "Unfortunately, there was an isolated incident over the weekend where a large party, including people not staying at the hotel, led to multiple complaints from hotel guests to the staff, including eight guests checking out early from the hotel and requesting refunds.... The hotel staff spoke with the parents nine times and advised that they would need to quiet down the children and supervise them to ensure everyone’s safety and if they were unable to comply, they would be asked to leave the property.... Given the lack of response from the parents and continued disruption, the hotel staff made the difficult decision to evict the group. They felt they had no choice. The hotel issued refunds to the guests who checked out early. They wrote that they are meeting with local leaders to ensure that this community knows they are welcome and feel comfortable at the property in future.’

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Events Wednesday 2 Av Lakewood

Annual reception for Yeshiva Bais Yosef, Horav Yaakov Nekritz Rosh Hayeshiva, 7:30pm at 30 Sherie ct, Lakewood Donate Here 

- Fundraiser campaign for the Nachshon of chasidishe chinuch in Lakewood the original satmar cheder donate HERE

Ohel Pessil Shidduch gathering event

Wednesday Rosh Chodesh Av News Updates

 Weather: 82° Thunderstorms likely this morning. Then a chance of scattered thunderstorms this afternoon. Areas of smoke and haze are possible, reducing visibility at times. High 82F Chance of rain 90%.

- Shiva for Hatinok Yaakov Z"L ben Reb  Moshe Mordechai Weinreb shlita (Chicago) is at 65 Drake Rd Lakewood. 
Shachris 8:00, Mincha 7:30, Maariv 9:30

- 6:30 update Power outage in Jackson East Veterans and S. Hope Chapel area 500 customers affected JCPL restoration time 8:30 pm 

- Light at New Central and Central Ave is out

- Daas Torah on parental alienation A event will take place in Lakewood next week to hear daas torah regarding parental alienation following the visit with gedolei torah in Eretz Yisrael. Speakers include HaRav Moshe Tuvia Lieff  Rabbi Nechemia Gramma  and R' Yonasson Schwartz. Details tba

- The Lakewood Police Department would like to announce the arrest of 67-year-old Ivan Sevastianow in connection with the June 30th robbery of a local TD Bank and the unsuccessful attempted robbery of a local Wells Fargo. It was learned that the Old Bridge Township Police Department had arrested a man on July 7th in connection to a bank robbery that the man identified as Ivan Sevastianow was also responsible for the crimes in Lakewood.  

-Kollel Chazu opens for bein hazmanim with learning programs at neighborhood shuls including a complimentary breakfast

- Fleishig  Stores with full parcel menus for the 9 days

- Powerball jackpot $1 billion drawing tonight. Mega Millions jackpot jumps to $720 million after no winners in Tuesday's drawing next drawing is Friday night 

-  NJ state officials halt Lakewood townships plans for new hatzolah garage  and waste transfer station until township implements infrastructure improvements on 29  remaining items in the master Plan implementation agreement. Faa
-Yartzeit of Bobov Rebbe zatzal today Rosh Chodesh Av Minyanim will take place  at the ohel in the bais olam Deans, NJ.

-Kahal Chakal yitzchok  Spinka Lakewood anounce purchase of 3 properties for the grand Bais Medrash

-Wawa opening new location tomorrow near Manchester  at  Pine Street off Route 70 in Lakehurst

- Gov Murphy announced  plans to ban the sale of all new gasoline-powered cars in the state by 2035. The plan, which adopts the standards implemented by California, will begin to take effect in 2026.

- School supplies will soon be tax-free in N.J. for 10 days beginning in August 26 to Sept 4 

- Solomons anounces increas in meat prices with whole prime rib going up 79% and Flanken 44%

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Laws and Halachos of the 9 Days

 Laws of the nine days  Based on "A Summary of Halachos of the Three Weeks" by Rabbi Shimon D. Eider ZTL according to the Ashkenazic custom

 Article from Ohr Somayach Institutions

In addition to the restrictions that apply to the entire three-week period, during the nine days between the 1st of Av until after Tisha B’Av the following restrictions on pleasure and joy also take effect:

(The following is according to the Ashkenazic custom, for the Sephardic custom please consult an appropriate rabbi.)

Activities of pleasure and joy

Tuesday Night Rosh Chodesh Av

 יעלה ויבא
- Annual Dinner Yeshiva Emek Hatorah R"Y Rav Yaakov Weinberger shlita at Lake Terrace hall

Minyanim Mincha with Yom Kippur Koton ערב ראש חודש מנחם אב תשפ"ג

Minyanim for Mincha Yom Kippur Koton Erev Rosh Chodesh Av 5783 Lakewood

 Please add times or corrections in comments section

Tuesday July 18 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 87° with a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon. Chance of rain 40%. Humidity 70% UV Index 8 of 11

- Tehilim 4 year old Lakewood boy fell out of a 2nd floor window with serious injuries name is Yehuda Leib ben Rochel Chana

- The 9 days begin tonight at shkiah 8:23 pm  rosh chodesh Av 
minyanim for Yom Kioppur Katan erev Rosh chodesh 

- BMG registration deadline today for winter zman

- Mega millions drawing tonight jackpot $640 Million. Powerball jackpot climbs to $1 Billion drawing tomorrow night

- Price of Kosher meat is expected to soar next week Springfield Wholesale Meat Distributor announced steep price hikes on their products, most by double digits and some by over 50%, citing increases by their supplier, Solomon’s Meats. The move is expected to lead to major price increases in Kosher stores. (Kol Haolam)

- Schools raise tuition again after last years  steep increase parents were hopeful that this year the tuition would not go up but as the campaign to higher teachers salaries continues  schools  told parents they will keep raising it but not at the same rate that they did last year.

- LPD daily safety tip: Never leave your child in a vehicle, not even for a few minutes. Heat stroke can damage the brain and other body organs. It can even lead to death. Drive safely, Lakewood

- The TAG mobile will be on the South Side of Lakewood every Tuesday from 2-5 at Todd Plaza 1091 River Avenue.

- Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday said he has been told he is a target in the Jan. 6 criminal investigation by special counsel Jack Smith. Trump  he may soon face indictment for the Jan. 6 probe, “Deranged Jack Smith, the prosecutor with Joe Biden’s DOJ, sent a letter (again, it was Sunday night!) stating that I am a TARGET of the January 6th Grand Jury investigation, and giving me a very short 4 days to report to the Grand Jury, which almost always means an Arrest and Indictment,” Trump wrote on his Truth Social site.

-BDE: Petirah Harav Yosef Chaim Moskowitz, zt”l, of the Shotzer Rebbe of Williamsburg at the age of  78. He was a son in law of the Deszher Rebbe of Miami ztl The Rebbe,led his renowned Beis Medrash Kehal Da’as Shalom Shotz, located in the heart of the Williamsburg  He was widely recognized as a talmid chacham who authored numerous sefarim. The levayah today will be at from his beis medrash in Williamsburg. with kevurah in Monsey.

- More Sickened By Parasitic Stomach Bug In NJ The CDC and New Jersey health officials are monitoring intestinal infections caused by the parasite Cyclospora cayetanensis, which is typically spread by eating food or drinking water contaminated with feces. Cyclosporiasis cases are monitored by federal health officials to detect outbreaks that may be linked to a common food source.

Photo: HaMekubal Rav Michoel Burnstein shlita on a recent visit in Lakewood/Toms River with Rav Yeruchom Olshin shlita

Monday, July 17, 2023

Events/Simchas Monday 29 Tamuz Lakewood

- Yeshiva Nachlas Yisrael parlor meeting R"Y Rav Yerachmiel Ungarischer shlita at 5 Champlain court Lakewood 7:45 pm

- Parlor meeting for Bais medrash Ohel Torah R"Y Rav Yaakov Harari shlita at 17 Garfield Lakewood 6:30 pm

- Keren Even habochen 1437 Towers street 7:00 pm

- Yeshiva Gedolah Amudei Ohr R"Y Rav Eli Zoberman shlita at 16 Windemere street Lakewood 8:30 pm

- Parlor meeting to benefit Bina at 3 Mimi court Jackson 8:00 pm

- Rebbetzin Nechama Karlinsky will speak  for ladies and girls at 606 9th street Lakewood 8:30 pm

Leifer - Dick Rav Forcheimers shul 418 5th street
Kugler  -Sussman Kahanows  Shul Miller rd
Landau - Schonbrun Gratter Building Park Ave
Reinman  Bnos Devorah

Monday July 17 News Updates Lakewood

-Weather:  90° Sunny to partly cloudy. High near 90F.

- Speaker McCarthy on Rep. Jayapal’s calling Israel a 'racist state': "This isn't the first person in the Democratic conference that has continued to make anti-Semitic comments...they've defended these individuals time and again...this is a role for the Leader, Hakeem..."

- Kol Mevaser interviews a vacationer in Hunter: Hotel management asked the family to leave on shabbos afternoon around 3 pm they walked a half a mile to a family that took them in for the rest of shabbos he's been coming up for 40 years and remembered stories about people who were asked to leave that hotel when they violated hotel rules for bringing in food but it stretches the imagination that kids could make so much noise and be thrown out on shabbos, had it happened during the week it may not have been anti semitic but doing so on shabbos is different hopefully this does do not happen again he said. 

- BDE: Petirah of HaMekubal  Rav Aharon Mordechai Rotner Zatzal, at age 96. He was one of the Rabonim at Yeshivas Hamekubalim ‘Shaar Hashamayim’ and ‘Kochav MiYaakov’ Tshibin, and one of the elderly Rabonim in Belz.

- Powerball jackpot $900 million  drawing  tonight Monday 11:00pm

- Mega Millions jumps to $640 million Next drawing is tomorrow Tuesday night

-- White House condemns RFK Jr’s ‘vile’ antisemitic Covid conspiracy claim calling it “false” as well as “vile,” and said they “put our fellow Americans in danger”.

- Updated: 1 passenger killed another critical after rollover accident on Brewers Bridge rd in Jackson, NJ

- N.J. weather: Air quality alert issued as smoke, haze from Canadian fires returns Plumes of smoky, dirty air from still-burning wildfires in Canada have drifted back into the New Jersey region, prompting health officials to issue air quality alerts for all of the state’s 21 counties Monday afternoon.

- Jewish organizations jave been silent after 2 high ranking  democrat lawmakers made comments which many claim are antisemitic and caused an outrage by on social media by bith conservatives and Democrats. Top progressive Dem Rep. Pramila Jayapal Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair declares 'Israel is a racist state' in a speech. And RFK Jr  Dem. presidential candidate said covid19 was targeted to spare Ashkenazi Jews. Agudath Israel and ADL have not issued any statements, critics point out that right wing politicians including Peesident Trump were quickly called out by Jewish organizations for comments they made.

- Change of routine don't forget baby in car
Morning traffic with Boyd day camps starting 
Mesivtas and Bais Medrash end summer zman today with Friday schedule 

- The tax increase in Lakewood that was voted on by the township committee and Mayor Coles will equate to an $848.49 increase to the average new duplex homeowners' property tax bill. Faanews breaks down the tax increase from last year to this year
The total annual tax bill for FY '23 for a similar new duplex will be $13,898.976, which represents a $848.49 increase. Of this total amount, $4,450.21 will fund the municipal budget (an increase of $288.60 from FY '22), $5,945.16 will fund the school budget (an increase of $51.95 from FY '22), $577.20 will fund the fire budget (an increase of $109.67 from FY '22), and $2,926.40 will fund the county budget (an increase of $282.83 from FY '22).
Had the township not granted tax abatements there would have been a decrease in taxes. not only was there a 4 million increase  but the township is also giving away #5 million to the BOE which it is not obligated to do for transportation and after school programs.

- In the month of  June there were 107 arrests in Lakewood  Since January 1, 2023, the Lakewood Police Department has arrested 471 individuals including 13 juveniles as young as 14 years old.
TRUMP: “The people of our country get it. As far as I’m concerned, I consider it a badge of honor. To be indicted, I would consider a badge because I am doing it for the country and I am doing it for the people.”

- Lakewood Chaveirim alert motorists who fill up air for the tire ar Quickcheck or Wawa not to pull the hose too tight when it is attached to the valve as there are cases of cracked tire stems from it.

-  PPP Fraud Is ‘Worst In History’: $200B Stolen and Blown On Lamborghinis, Beach Houses and Bling. Tens of thousands of individuals engaged in fraudulent activities, using the ease of the COVID loan program to exploit it and acquire extravagant luxuries such as Lamborghinis, vacation homes, private jet flights, and Cartier jewelry, resulting in a staggering $200 billion heist, the NY Post reports.

- BDE: Petirah of Mrs. Ruthy Stefansky, a"h wife of Reb Yitzchok shlita. The Levaya is scheduled for 10:00 AM Monday at the Lakewood Chapel,  off 7th st. Another levaya at the Lakewood Minyan in Boro Park 16th Ave & 52nd st at 12:45pm Kevurah in EY.

- 11th Yartzeit today 29 Tamuz of Rav Elyashiv zatzal seen here leaving the home of his Son in law Rav Chaim Kanievsky zatzal who escorts him

Sanz klausenberg Rebbe on vacation in Toms River visits the Skulen Rebbe of Lakewood

Philadelphia Rosh Yeshiva Released from Inpatiemt care

 Chasdei Hashem Harav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita returns home and stop by the Yeshiva update from Philadelphia yeshiva

Sunday July 16 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 80° Thunderstorms likely. Potential for heavy rainfall. High around 80F. Chance of rain 80%.

- BDE: Petirah of Mrs. Ruthy Stefansky, a"h wife of Reb Yitzchok shlita. The Levaya is scheduled for 10:00 AM Monday at the Lakewood Chapel,  off 7th st. Another levaya at the Lakewood Minyan in Boro Park 16th Ave & 52nd st. Kevurah in EY.

- Catskill social media reporting a extended family from Lakewood of 40 ppl were kicked out of a hotel they were staying at during shabbos in Hunter, NY after hotel reps said they received several noise complaints. 35 police and sherrifs showed up threatening they will arrest all including the kids if they don't vacate the premises. They forced the group to be מחלל שבת as they called a Bus put all the Kids on the bus and dropped them off a few miles down the road at a frum family where they hosted them with unbelievable Kindness for the remainder of shabbos. The name of the hotel is Bluebird Hunter lodge in Hunter, NY. Customers who left bad reviews ad over the last 24 hours saw them removed More details TBA

- Gov Murphy declares state of  emergency "I have declared a State of Emergency due to severe storms throughout the state causing hazardous weather conditions, including: Intense rainfall Flash flooding  Dangerous winds" We urge everyone to remain vigilant around flooded roadways and downed trees and power lines.

- Slippery roadways due to rain this afternoon cars hydroplaning several accidents a rollover at New Hampshire and Cedarbridge 

- Boys day camps begins tomorrow, last day of yeshiva for Mesivta and Bais Medrash age yeshivos tomorrow.

- Democrat presidential candidate RFK Jr. suggested COVID is a Chinese bioweapon “ethnically targeted” to “attack Caucasians and Black people” and to spare “Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese” people. Critics responded to his conspiracy  to the sad fact that many Jews who died from Covid, especially the majority right wing orthodox Jewish population of Lakewood, NJ with the highest per capita of deaths in the USA.

- Powerball jackpot grows to $900 million next drawing Monday night.
- Mega Millions jumps to $640 million Next drawing is Tuesday night

- The man who said he would burn the Torah and the Tanach outside the Israeli Embassy in Stockholm gave up his plan and instead held a one-person demonstration

- The fierce storms and high winds that pounded New Jersey on Saturday and resulted in thousands of power outages continue to cause problems Sunday. More than 11,000 homes and businesses were without power across the state on Sunday morning — about 4,000 fewer than figures seen late Saturday. As of 9 a.m., there were 11,817 outages reported statewide. Most were concentrated in areas served by Jersey Central Power & Light.(NJ)

- 44th yartzeit today of Rav Shmuel Rozovsky zatzal 27 Tamuz

- Israeli prime Minister Bejamin Netanyahu back home after he was hospitalized  over shabbos when he collapsed. Doctors said it was from dehydration.

 - A gas line was hit early morning in Lakewood after a lightning strike during a severe thunderstorm in the area of 7th and Madison several homes were evacuated briefly.

This was mailed out to residents about signing up to arbitration.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Zmanim Lakewood עש"ק פר' מטות- מסעי חזק מברכים חודש מנחם אב תשפ"ג

יחדשהו הקב״ה עלינו ועל כל עמו בית ישראל לחיים ולשלום, לששון ולשמחה, לישועה ולנחמה ונאמר אמן. שבת שלום,  חזק חזק ונתחזק

Friday, July 14, 2023 / כ״ה תמוז תשפ"ג ערב שבת פרשת מטות-מסעי

-Candle lighting 8:07 pm
-Shkia/sunset 8:25 pm
-Rosh Chodesh is this coming Wednesday
-Molad: Tuesday morning, 20 minutes and 16 chalakim after 4:00 am.
-Weather shabbos day: High around 90F Thunderstorms possible in the afternoon
מפטירין הפטרת פרשת מסעי מס׳ ירמיהו ״שמעו דבר ה׳ הפטרה השנייה מתלת דפורענותא

האדמו"ר בעל 'תפארת שלמה' מרדומסק אומר: השבתות של 'בין המצרים' - גדולים ועצומים במעלתם יותר מאשר שבתות השנה הרגילות הוא מסמיך לכך את הפִסקה מ'לכה דודי' בשינוי ניקוד קל: "רב לך שַׁבָּת בעמק הבכא"; השבת שחלה בתקופת בין המצרים, עמק הבכא - רבה ועצומה מכל השבתות

Friday July 14 News Updates

 friday, July 14, 2023 / כ״ה תמוז תשפ״ג ערב שבת פרשת מטות-מסעי
Candle lighting 8:07 pm
shkiah/sunset 8:25 pm 
The 9 days begin Tuesday night Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av is on Wednesday
Weather:There is a marginal risk of severe weather today with thunderstorms during the afternoon. Gusty winds and small hail are possible. High 89F.  Chance of rain 90%. 
shabbos day hi 89 with chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon 

- NJ State Police are using helicopters to monitor vehicles speeding on the Garden State Parkway and then relaying that information to officers on the ground to pull over and ticket offenders.

- רחמנא ליצלן שאלי שרופה באש
 Swedish police authorize a planned burning of the Torah and Bible outside the Israeli Embassy in Stockholm on Shabbos.
Israel’s Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef even implored Sweden's figurehead king to intervene, condemning the planned event as well as the recent burning of the Quran in front of a mosque in Sweden. “By preventing this event from occurring, you would send a powerful message to the world that Sweden stands firmly against religious intolerance and that such acts have no place in a civilized society," he wrote. The Council of Swedish Jewish Communities deplored the police decision to allow the protest, saying, “our tragic European history links the burning of Jewish books with pogroms, expulsions, inquisitions and the Holocaust.”

- Rav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi shlita was awake and talking to family members doctors are hopeful he can return to say shiurim in yeshiva name is Baruch Mordechai ben Hinda Malka

- Lakewood Rosh Hayeshiva Rav Yeruchom Olshin shlita went yesterday to daven  the Kever of Rav Yaakov Yosef ztl in NYC on his yahrzeit.

- Sanz Klausenberg rebbe will spend shabbos in Toms River

- Trump: President Trump said he is the peace candidate! "Joe Biden's decision to mobilize reserve forces proves that his reckless escalation in Ukraine is straining the U.S. military to the point of disaster."

- Eruv trucks noticable around lakewood trimming trees and constructing eruvin in certain areas

- Rav Nisson Kaplan shlita will spend shabbos in the Caskills at the Tribecca estates bungalow colony 

- The Powerball jackpot grows to an estimated $875 million after no winner in Wednesday’s drawing next drawing. Mega Millions jackpot is $560 Million drawing Friday night.

- BMG will receive $2 million from the NJ state budget for security and anti terrorism measures.

Lakewood Residents Decry Tax Increases, call to Restructure Local Govt

 At the township meeting last night residents sent in public comments that took up more than 10 minutes to read. 

The meeting started with the committee wishing condolences to the mayor on the loss of his mother and took a moment of silence. The mayor was appreciative of the response and outpouring of support from the community over the last week. The meeting is still only online and several members refuse to show their face only participating with audio.
Then it was back to business as usual as the township adopted the annual budget with a $4 million increase over last year. 

Residents questioned why the township has had an empty seat for over a year and the committee is only functioning with 4 members a suggestion was made to drop 2 seats and have the committee operate with only 3 members  as the  meeting have been reduced to a consent agenda with a rubber stamp of 3 yes votes.

A point was made that Lakewood needs to restructure the govt body with splitting the mayor from the council just like neighboring Jackson and Toms River. The town is too big to have the current form of government. There needs to be transparency and more accountability by splitting the legislative from the executive having a mayor with a council..

Several comments were sent regarding the tax increases stressing that  over-development only leads to an increase of property taxes and questioned why  they are giving out tax abatements at a time  when you can't afford any more tax cuts and have increased taxes.
Local business owners can't compete with the tax abatements given to new projects.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Events Thursday Night 25 Tamuz Lakewood

 - Yeshiva Heichal Hatorah annual reception R"Y arav Mottel Dick shlita  at Bais Faiga hall program begins 10:00pm

- Chumash shiur by HaRav Yeruchum Olshin shlita live at B"M Ateres Bracha 11:30 pm call in 646-726-9977

- Yeshiva Gedola of South Lakewood is in the mountains the Chumash Shuir of the Rosh Yeshiva Rav Yosef Dovid Korbman shlita will be available on conference call at 11:00 pm Thursday the dial in number is 848-220-3300 and the conf ID# 114715

Video: shabbos prep at Crunch Time Lakewood

Thursday July 13 News Updates Lakewood

- Weather: 92° Sunny to partly cloudy. Hot. There is a marginal risk of severe weather today.

-Biden signed an executive order Thursday that will allow the Pentagon to send up to 3,000 reserve service members for deployment to Europe as part of its NATO mission which grew in reaction to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

- Township pulls back from adding 4 way stop sign at Clifton & Courtney intersection after opposition from neighbors 

- Powerball jackpot grows to an estimated $875 million after no winner in Wednesday’s drawing next drawing. Mega Millions jackpot is $560 Million drawing Friday night.
- Gas prices go up by 20 cents
- Sale 140z Tasters choice coffe at Bingo $10.99

 - Last day of school for most boys elementary  chadorim
 - Lakewood township committee meeting today 5:30 pm virtual only watch livestream Here 
 see Agenda Here
On the agenda Adopting the 2023-222 Lakewood Township Municipal Budget total appropriations  $128,308,144.78  amount to be raised by taxation for municipal $78,472,923.6
 tax abatement for building at 1515 Pine
4 way stop sign coming to the  Clifton Avenue & Courtney Road intersection
The public can email comments during the meeting  via:

- Jackson resident mentions criticizes article attacking Republican council leaders faa 

 - A  Facebook post by a Lakewood media site triggered a slew of anti semitic comments and disparaging remarks about the Lakewood orthodox Jewish community and other frum communities posted on its facebook page. The post was not relevant to Lakewood at all it showed a picture of 2 cars smashed into each other at a toll booth with a chassidishe yid standing in front. The caption read "Don’t know about your state, but here in New Jersey, we cannot wait to pay that toll on the GSP". The comments were quick to come with age old antisemitic  drivel such as  "Dirty jersey" "I see a quarter" "The Jeep was not at fault, the minivan of course!!switched lanes going very fast!! Roaches" "Just your typical Lakewood resident that shouldn't be allowed to drive" "Hate to sound racist but in the 732 and 848 I’m sure we know by the medic present at the scene who caused that accident and most of them in that area". 

- Chasdei hashem family of Dovid Arye thank everyone for all the tefilos and say that Dovid is doing good b"h.

- A social media influencer pulled a video and ad campaign for Lakewood area investment firm after his followers alerted him that now is not the time as there seems to be a distrust for investing. He said the firm he promoted is very high ranked and has a great record but for now will pause the campaign.

- White House closes cocaine probe  since it will not be able to single out a person of interest from the hundreds of individuals who passed through the vestibule where the cocaine was discovered the investigation is closed due to a lack of physical evidence."

- Epoch times reports “New York City health officials regularly overpaid a contractor to administer COVID-19 tests and vaccines, paying as much as $14,050 for a single COVID-19 vaccination, an audit shows. “Officials let... a contractor awarded a contract early in the COVID-19 pandemic, to set its own staffing levels, leading to uncontrolled costs, New York City Comptroller Brad Lander found.

- Procedure for Rav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi shlita was successful doctors are happy with the progress please continue davening for   רבי ברוך מרדכי בן הינדא מלכה

121st Yartzeit of Rav Yaakov Joseph ZTL

 Large crowds are expected to visit the Kever of the Rav Hakolel and chief rabbi of New York city, Rabbi Yaakov Joseph Zt'l on his 121st Yartzheit - 24 Tamuz 

He is buried in the Union Field cemetery in Ridgewood, NY at the Brooklyn/Queens Border close to crown heights and Williamsburg. He was niftar in 1902 (5662).

Rav Yoel Teitelbaum, the pervious Satmar Rebbe, would encourage his chassidim to daven at the tzion of the Rav Yaakov Yosef. It is reported that many people have found a yeshuah after visiting the tzion.

 Driving Directions to the kever:

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Events Wednesday 23 Tamuz July 12 Lakewood

-Zichron Mattel keren chasanim The Shadchans Tzedaka parlor meeting 320 Van Buren N 7:30 PM

Wednesday July 12 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 93° Sunny to partly cloudy. Hot. High 93F.

- Tesla snubs Lakewood and anounces charging station in Brick. Although Lakewood was voted 2nd place to have a Tesla charging station, the company announced it will have a charging port in Brick, NJ at 2736 Hooper Ave
Brick, NJ 08723
1 Tesla Connectors, available 24/7, up to 13kW
Available to the public. Self park.

- Property taxes keep rising in Lakewood, right after many residents got sticker shock with tax increases above 10% the Fire dept now announces they will add 20 new paid fire fighters and will spend close to 800k to renovate the Monmouth avenue garage. They did not say how much it will affect taxes but the numbers are expected  to go up astronomically. Township officials remain mum about this as they are expected to officially adopt the budget tomorrow evening.

- Trump in his speech sunday to a group of Orthodox jewish supporters mentioned the strong support he has from the frum community, noting that he had 100% of the vote from the chassidishe community in Brooklyn,  In an interview with Kol Mevaser one of the attendees said he came early to the golf club in NJ and went to the side near a tree to learn gemara the president noticed him sitting and reading  and came by with his golf cart asking him why he's not playing golf. He showed the president that he was learning from Hebrew text. The president looked on and asked him what it was he joked if those are classified documents to which he responded that it was given 2000 years ago for everyone.

- Chasdei Hashem Lakewood boy who choked on candy last week has returned to yeshiva today

- Lakewood township to grant 5 year tax abatement for property at 1515 Pine street pending the state expansion of the UEZ map. This property has previously applied for a 30 year tax exemption by connecting to the cedarbridge corporate park, that ordnance never passed. first reading is tomorrow at the township meeting

-Doctors will perform a procedure tomorrow on Rav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi that will allow him to talk while connected to a vent please keep davening for Baruch Mordechai ben Malka Hinda

- Powerball jackpot $725 Million drawing tonight 
 Mega Millions jackpot rises to  $560 million with no winner last night next drawing Friday night.

- Jackson: At the township meeting last night residents got up to complain about the overdevelopment and crowding that is coming to some areas with the approval of school buildings 

- Check your gas cap to make sure it is secure as several local attendants in Lakewood/Jackson are not closing them properly after filling up causing check engine lights to go on and a smell of gas in the cars.

- Tehillim for אברהם יוסף בן צירל גאלדא רבקה a child in critical condition following an allergic reaction in the Catskills

- Despite heavy opposition from neighbors and a online petition of 1000 signatures the Garbage solid waste transfer station has been approved by the state to be built at the current DPW off America way and Nw Hampshire ave in Lakewood, Asked about the potential smell with 300 tons daily of garbage sitting in the facility the mayor responded that it won't smell as he is originally from Staten Island and know a thing or two about landfills. more at faa

- New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman  wrote that  the US has begun to “reassess” its relationship with Israel based on the recent events as  US continues to snub the current Israeli government, with President Biden refusing to meet with its senior members and labelling it “one of the most extreme” Israeli cabinets he’s seen.

- Lakewood DPW announces on twitter a online portal or QR code for residents to fill out requests Here you have to create an account 

- Satmar business expo taking place today at the exposition center in Edison,NJ

Tuesday July 11 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Weather: 89° Sunny. High 89F. 

- Crowds daven today at the kever of the Stretin Rebbe in Deans NJ on his 76th yahrtzeit one of the oldest Ohel's in the USA. The Satmar rebbe would send people to daven there 

-Satmar business to business networking event will take place tomorrow at the expo center in NJ

Application for James & Cross will not be heard tonight at the planning board (Faa)

7-11 Free slurppee day at participating locations

- Trump on cocaine in White house:  "If they don’t release information, it means they destroyed the tapes & the Cocaine was for use by Hunter, & probably Crooked Joe, in order to give this total disaster of a President a little life and energy!"

- Tax dollars increas the LFD will be hiring an additinal 20 paid fire fighters for Lakewood over the next 2 years due to the growth of the Township. The budget is already over 10 million with several newly created jobs and salary increases. Officials did not disclose how much this hiring spree will cost the taxpayers.

- Prime Day is Amazon's annual deal event on July 11-12 exclusively for Prime members

- The White House urges Israel to respect the right to peaceful demonstrations and to reach a comprehensive agreement on justice reform.

- The Mega Millions drawing is tonight Jackpot is at $480 million The Powerball jackpot  went up to an estimated $725 million after no jackpot winners last night, next drawing is Wednesday night. 

- Lakewood Planning board meeting today 6pm watch live stream Here
On the Agenda Chemdas Hatorah educational campus corner James and Cross st with another 500 cars reconsideration.
1626 Massachusetts Avenue  Block 524.27, Lot 74.02 Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan for a boys’ high school

- LPD: Distracted walking incidents are on the rise, and everyone with a cell phone is at risk. We are losing focus on our surroundings putting our safety at risk. Drive safely, Lakewood.

- Jackson: A Superior Court judge has just ordered Jackson Township Mayor Mike Reina to sit down for a deposition in response to a lawsuit filed by a former employee of the Township. More 

- Bank of America was ordered to pay more than $100 million to customers  for doubling up on some fees, withholding reward bonuses and opening accounts without customer consent.

Video: Mashgiach Rav Don Segal shlita saying Tehillim for Rav Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi

Monday, July 10, 2023

Trump Gifted with a "Kesser Torah

 Former president Donald Trump was honored tonight at a event in his Bedminster,NJ golf club by the Israel Heritage foundation event  an Orthodox-run Israel advocacy group launched last year. The president was gifted with a silver Torah crown. Belaaz news reports it was inscribed "Give thanks to Hashem for He is Good, for His Kindness endures forever."Presented to President Donald J. Trump — for his extraordinary and heroic efforts to help the State of Israel and the Jewish People He and his family should be blessed eternally.” photos video below

Events Monday July 10

-Parlor meeting Mesivta Ahavas Torah R"Y Rav Yaakov Lazewnik shlita at 8 Fillmore Ave Lakewood

- Parlor meeting Yeshiva Noam Hatalmud R"Y Rav Uri Meir Kanarek shlita at 44 Kings court

-Parlor meeting yeshiva Nezer Hatorah R"Y Rav Refoel Brus Shlita at 5 Primrose Drive 

Stefansky - Lichtenstein Ateres Yeshaya
Biegeleisen - Silverstone KBT 3rd & Monmouth