“Murphy’s Law” – If Anything can go Wrong, it Will

 By: The Vaad of Central New Jersey

“Murphy’s Law” – If Anything can go Wrong, it Will 

Never mind Halloween’s mishegas. Someone else is gonna haunt us for four more years – he’s got skeletons in the closet.

History plays tricks on the dead – witness the elderly nursing home people no longer with us; victims of Covid 19 rehab policy.

What of the video of his campaign staff revealing that Murphy will implement broad vaccine mandates soon after the election?

Your quality of life will be gone, with police and firemen manpower shortages, as people opt to stay out of work, rather than submit to forfeiting their right of choice.

The governor signed a law, making New Jersey the first state to require students to learn the historical contributions of LGBTQ figures as of the 2020-2021 school year. “Building a stronger and fairer New Jersey starts with ensuring that every individual is given the right to live their truth, openly and freely.” 

Insanity means doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. These people are social outcasts, no matter how many times they repeat their “truths”.

This man signed S864 which prohibits the use of single use plastic and paper bags in all stores. Does that mean I’ll have to bring a suitcase to Gelbstein’s to buy Challos for Shabbos?!

Sunday Oct 31 News Updates Lakewood

 - Partly cloudy skies during the morning giving way to a few showers late. High 64F. Winds W at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 30%.

-White House press secretary Jen Psaki is Covid19 positive. She last met with Biden on Tuesday

-Tehillim:  Yeshiva Torah Voddath: The Rosh Yeshiva Rav Schorr is ill name for Tefillos Yitzchok Meir ben Shifra.
Rebbetzin Belsky wife of Rav Yisroel Belaky Zatzal is in critical condition name is Miriam bas Rochel Leah

- Vizhnitz Rebbe will be staying at w. kennedy Blvd

- Hachnosas Sefer Torah in memory of Mr. Jeffrey Zell ZT"L today at 38 Drake road procession will leave at 12:30 pm to Mesivta Tiferes Lipa at Cheder Toras zev 110 Newport

- Levaya in Lakewood for Rebbetzin Miriam Dessler A"H 4:30 pm at Yeahiva Beer Hatorah R" Y  Rav Avrohom Grubner shlita a grandson, 961 E. County Line watch Live stream Here (Cleveland levaya 11:30 am Here)

- Gourmet Glatt sale Gefen noodle soup 12 pk for $12.99 limit 3

- Article in Lakewood shopper: Ciattarelli has said from day one that he would drop the case agains ROBCF and allow the origional ruling to stand. Many Roshei Yeshiva and Rabbanim the writer spoke to have expeessed the sentiment that this issue is enough of a reason to vote for Ciattareli

- Audio: Testimony at Bais Din meeting on corona/vaccine losten Here

- Two days to elections and still no campaign or message to Lakewood residents from the incumbant candidates for township committee. 

- Last day of early voting before the elections in Lakewood polls open at Lakewood town hall until 6:00 pm

- LPD It is with sad and heavy heart to share the passing of Captain Joe Goertz #251. He passed away at home this morning.  He leaves behind 4 children and his wife Elena. Funeral arrangements notifications to follow.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Motzei Shabbos Chayei Sara 5782 Lakewood Updates

Weather tonight light rain. Low near 50F. Chance of rain 100%.

- BDE: A Levaya for rebbetzin Miriam Dessler a"h Wife of Rav Nochum Velvel ztl will take place tomorrow morning in Cleveland and in the afternoon in Lakewood 4:30 pm at yeshiva Beer Hatorah 961 E. County Line Rd. kevura in Eretz Yisrael

- Robo call wars: Residents in Lakewood and surrounding towns are getting inundated with robo calls pushing for and against candidates for NJ governor as elections take place this Tuesday.

- Israel sets clocks back tonight, US will do so next Motzei shabbos

- Vizhnitz Rebbe Reb Srultche from Bnei Brak will be arriving in Lakewood tommorrow and will stay for the week

-Rav Shaul Alter will be visiting Lakewood
- New Sadihura Rebbe of Bnei Brak coming to Lakewood to the new Sadigura Bais Medrash

- Average of 50 covid cases a day in Lakewood. Several local doctors and pediatricians have recovered and returned from quarentine after testing positive

-Kevias Mezuzza tonight for new building at Cheder Bais Yisrael of Lakewood 1 South Bell Ave 9:30 pm

- Ohel Pessel shidduch event Melava Malka for men and women with Shadchanim at 32 Caranetta 9:00 pm

- Lakewood supermarkets roll out Chanukah merchendice a month in advance

 - 26 FDNY firehouses out of servi ce due to vax mandate staff shortage 28% of FDNY, 24% of DSNY, 16% of EMS and 16% of NYPD are set to be placed on unpaid leave on Monday after missing Friday’s Covid vaccine mandate deadline.

- Ciattarelli’s campaign said the candidate has logged more than 10,000 miles in October, making stops and meeting with people in more than 100 towns across the state. It’s been a different approach than Murphy, who has relied more on big-name Democrats."

Vizhnits Rebbe at the airport on way to Lakewood

Friday, October 29, 2021

Lakewood Zmanim עש''ק פר' חיי שרה מברכים חודש כסלו תשפ''ב

אִם אֵין בָּנוּ מַעֲשִׂים זָכְרָה יְשֵׁנֵי חֶבְרון. וְהֵם יַעֲלוּ לְזִכָּרון

Friday, October 29, 2021 / כ״ג חשון תשפ״ב ערב שבת פרשת חיי שרה

- Candle lighting 5:39 pm 
- Shkiah/sunset 5:57 pm
- Netz 7:23 am
- Rosh Chodesh Kislev is Friday Nov 5
- Molad is Friday morning, 55 minutes and 13 chalakim after 12:00

- Weather Friday night Chance of rain 100%. Rainfall around a half an inch. Shabbos day  Overcast with rain showers at times. High 66F.

מהמגיד הירושלמי רבי מרדכי דרוק זצ"ל בת ק' כבת כ' - הכוונה היא לפרק כ' ופרק ק' בתהילים כאשר יהודי נקלע לצרה - הוא פותח תהילים בפרק כ', ובוכה בפסוקי "יענך ה' ביום צרה"...אבל כמה יהודים זוכרים לפתוח גם את פרק ק' בתהלים ולומר "מזמור לתודה" בת ק' כבת כ'

Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America call for a Yom Tefillah Ne

 Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America released a Kol Korei calling for a Yom Tefillah next week

23 Cheshvan, 5782

To our dear brethren:

The Jewish people in the land of Israel are in great distress – may Hashem help us! – because of the government in our Holy Land which wishes to impede Torah learning and fulfillment of the mitzvos.

Friday Oct 29 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Cloudy with rain developing this afternoon. High near 60F.  Chance of rain 80%. Higher wind gusts possible. rain tonight Shabbos day Rain showers high 66
 עש''ק פר' חיי שרה /מברכים Candle lighting 5:39 pm Shkiah/sunset 5:57 pm

- 42 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 16715/324
- 12 in Jackson + 1 death 7972/122
- 16 in Toms River 13265/345

- BDE: Rebitzen Miram Dessler a"h wife of Reb Nochum Zev Dessler ztl Mother in law of Rav Ely Brudny Shlita

- New York attorney general Letitia James announced she is running for governor of New York

- Murphy: Periods of rain will impact New Jersey throughout today and tomorrow, with possible thunderstorms this afternoon and evening. We’re monitoring the expected high winds and flood potential.

- Another 12 nursing home deaths reported (100% of today's total deaths). That makes 568 LTC deaths in the last 74 days. Not a single mention of it by the media, the DOH, or the governor. LTCs are running at near 100% vaccination rates. (Murphy critic woke zomby on twitter)

- Keep in mind it is Holoween weekend

- Rebbes in Lakewood for shabbos:
Krula Rebbe at Miller/New Central area
Bohush Rebbe at Maayan Hatorah 101 Milton
Kapizhnitz rebbe at Hearthstone 55 Finchley
Sanz Zitchkov rebbe in the Somerset area

- New pizza shop: Chai Pie Pizza Station now open inside the 7Eleven at 200 River Avenue, Lakewood, NJ. It is kosher certified by Lakewood Kashrus Organization (LKO). All cheese is Cholov Yisroel.(ytk)

- Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita making A double kiddush at his home for granddaughters born to his son in law and daughter R' Yehuda Klein and to his son R" Yosef Chaim Shneur and daughter in law  the babies are both named after Rebbetzin Rishel a"h

- Shabbos Chevron thousands gather to spend shabbos Chayei Sarah in the city of Chevron.
- Off Shabbos for some yeshivos this week

-  Murphy interview with  Hamodia:
“blessed to enjoy extraordinary relations” with the Garden State’s Orthodox community. On Jackson Eruv ban "“That’s unacceptable … we have been very strong, not just in words, but in action, and we will continue to be. We’re the most diverse state in America,. On school funding and busing “We’ve been there for Lakewood and we will always be there,” " The Jewish community, broadly, the Orthodox community more specifically, and Lakewood in particular, are three levels of the community that I am blessed to enjoy extraordinary relations with. 

-Bais din in US issues psak after listening to covid  vaccine testimony see below

- 2 accidents with serious injuries in last 12 hours 

- New York State will divest over $100 million in securities from conglomerate Unilever, after its ice cream subsidiary Ben & Jerry’s said it would no longer sell its products in “occupied Palestinian territory.”

Photo: Admorim Kapishnitz, Bohush with Skulen Rebbe of Lakewood

Thursday, October 28, 2021

JHS: According to Rav Tikochinsky…. The Live of Rav Yechiel Michel Tikochinsky

 Jewish History Sound Bites 

One of the leaders and influential poskim of the Old Yishuv in Jerusalem, Rav Yechiel Michel Tikochinsky (1871-1955) had an outsized impact on the world of halacha, especially in regards to zmanim-  halachic time. As the long-time administrator of the Eitz Chaim Yeshiva and accompanying

Respect For The Tzibbur

 There is an election coming up this Tuesday November 2, as usual the community is told who to vote for without much explanation, Local media have articles about the civic duty to vote and the importance of having a unified bloc vote for the unique needs of the community which is beneficial to all. 

Besides for the governor candidates who actually came to campaign in Lakewood (one more than the other) The local incumbents  for township committee and others candidates have been silent. They have not engaged or spoken to the local residents whose votes they seek. People have legitimate concerns about quality of life sitting in daily traffic frustrated for hours, high property taxes, affordable housing, zoning, Bussing, dangerous roadways with accidents and injuries, safe play areas for children, safety for pedestrians on township roads, transparency in the local govt with spending tax dollars, the list goes on. The Vaad ignored most of the pressing issues and mentioned pot holes and snow removal they take the olam for granted.

On to the governor's race again people's concerns were not addressed. People rightfully  have worries of what the future may bring  from mandates to vaccinations to liberal agendas and public safety. Seniors could be affected with new nursing home rules, children could be priced out from daycares if they are not eligible.  Don't they have a right to have these concerns addressed?

 Lakewood voted for overwhelmingly for Trump, to ask everyone to change on the whim for a liberal democrat should be done with more than just a robocall or flyer on the windshield.. 

Thursday Oct 28 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: A mix of clouds and sun. High near 60F.

- 50 new covid cases in Lakewood +1 death totals 16673/324

- Tehillim: A yeshiva bochur was hit by a car yonight  at prospect street and Rt 9 taken to the hospital with serious injuries. Name is Dovid ben Aidel

- Hamodia: Gov. Murphy responds to project Veritas video: He said that the views expressed in the recording did not represent his administration’s plans and that he had not discussed the topic with either of the operatives that spoke in the recording.
“I’ve made a lot of tough decisions that were extremely unpopular politically during this pandemic,” he said. “I have no qualms about making tough calls if, regardless of the politics, if it saves people’s lives. The fact of the matter is, we are where we are. And I’m extremely comfortable with where we are in terms of that combination of vaccination requirements, testing, and masking where it’s required. And that’s the way as far as I’m concerned. That’s the way it’s going to stay,” he said.

-  Virginia: Glenn Youngkin +8 over McAuliffe in Fox News poll of likely voters

- NJ:  Phil Murphy leads Republican challenger Jack Ciattarelli  ny 9 points 50% to 41% when voters leaning toward a candidate are included, according to a Stockton  university poll 3 percent are undecided. The poll of 522 likely voters was conducted Oct 17 - 26

-- Daf Yomi- Audio-visual presentation 'Avenues of the Sky' which covers the positioning of the constellations, moon, and planet sightings will be presented live and in person by Rabbi Shea Hertz Ostreicher,  today Thursday, October 28:
5:40 PM Kollel Mechanchem Daf Yomi, Lakewood Commons Shul.

- Cuomo to be arrested next week for misdemeaner charge 

- Facebook to change company name to "Meta"

- Kabolas panim for Rav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi shlita today as he returned today to his Yeshiva Ateres Yisrael after he was hospitalized

- Bais Medrash Khal Ginzei Yosef Mihalovitz under the leadership of Rav Levi Yitzchok Greenberg shlita will open their new bais medrash this shabbos parshas Chayaei sarah at 614 Ocean Avenue Lakewood 

- NJGOP: Phil Murphy "I would never say “heck no” to vaccine passports, still “on the table."

- Letter what Murphy did during covid LNN

 - The FDNY faces a possibility of 20% of Fire Trucks and 20% fewer Ambulances on the road by Monday over the COVID-19 mandate. 

- Rav Shaul Alter of Ger will visit Lakewood next week to deliver a shiur and raise funds for his mosdos. He is arriving in the US on Monday

- A Yeshiva in Passaic sent this out: As per the new state mandate, all staff members are required to either be fully vaccinated or to submit to weekly or biweekly testing (frequency of testing would depend on the county’s positive Covid rates). Full vaccination is two doses of Pfizer or Moderna, or one dose of Johnson and Johnson.

- New ALDI supermarket now open at the Toms River/Lakewood border on Rt 70 and Massachusets ave next door to the Wawa. Address is  86 Route 70, Toms River, NJ 08755 grand opening is on 11/11/21.

- Kabolas panim tonight for the Bohush rebbe at the Skulen Bais medrash on Park Avenue at 9:30 pm. The rebbe will spend Shabbos in Lakewood.

- Bingo crazy deals 2 starts today

A Yeshivah Bochur Like No Other

Mishpacha- How a factory worker from the Bronx became a beloved patron of the Torah world

His love for the beis medrash wasn’t limited to one yeshivah; he searched out the other places where Jewish youth were being trained in the untouched framework of authentic Torah study. In time, Riverdale led to Peekskill, to Long Beach, to Philly. Paterson would follow, along with Bayonne, Edison, and Torah Temimah, Roosevelt, Monroe Township, and a few more

Mishpacha.com - You may have met him on occasion — maybe it was in shul, or Minchah at work, or in the dining room of the yeshivah where you had gone to visit your son. A hunched man with a bushy gray beard, wearing an old and very faded black suit. In recent years, he walked slowly, leaning on a cane and clearly in a great deal of pain. If you did in fact have the privilege of making his acquaintance, he probably asked you for a donation — “a dollar or two was just fine” — to support a certain kollel in Israel or a yeshivah he’d been donating to for years.

Wednesday Oct 27 News Updates Lakewood

- Weather: Partly to mostly cloudy. High 62F. Winds N at 15 to 25 mph. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph.

- 49 new covid cases + 2 deaths  in Lakewood totals 16623/323

- Rav Uren Reich writes letter specificaly  responding to his talmidim to vote for Murphy out of Hakoras hatov see below courtesy of Blaaz he notes it is not a psak for the public and not his place to hove advice to the broad tzibbur but he is mechuyav to respond to his bnei yeshiva.

- Trump: "$7.59 gasoline in various parts in California—a record, and going higher. All over the Country gasoline is spiking. If the Trump Administration were in there, it would right now be $2 a gallon or less."

- The Moskowitz family is requesting that anyone that has stories or memories of Rabbi Mordechai Moskowitz Z"L to please share them with the family at: RabbiMoskowitzStories@gmail.com (Lnn)

- Please daven for Rebbetzin Denah Weinberg, the wife of R' Noach Weinberg zt'l.  Denah bas Esther She was not feeling well and was taken to the hospital today.

- Murphy: as of November 1st, will be increasing the reimbursement rate for child care providers through the state’s assistance program by an average of 25% – a total $83 million investment in child care.

-The United States has issued its first passport with an “X” gender designation — to accommodate those people who don’t identify as male or female — and expects to be able to offer the option more broadly next year, 

- New Monmouth poll (before veritas videos) Murphy has 11 point lead over Ciattarelli but poll shows race could be as close as 8 points depending on turnout."Ciattarelli has chipped away at Murphy’s lead but hasn’t delivered the knockout he needs,"(NJ12)

- FDA panel approves Covid vaccine for kids aged 5-11  Pfizer’s own data show up to 2% of kids get a 104F fever

- Watch live Hakomas Matzeiva for Harav Dovid Feinstein ztl in Eretz Yisrael 8:00 am EST Here

- United States is considering adding four countries to its visa waiver program that allows citizens to come to America without a visa for a stay of up to 90 days.

- Lakewood in play for NJ gubernatorial  race as both campaigns reach out to voters. Murphy giving exclusive statements to Lakewood local media while Ciattarelli campaigned again in Lakewood and Toms River. Murphy has so far not posted about his visit to Lakewood bit does so daily of his campaign stops.

-  Pundits say the Murphy  "denial" about vaxx mandates  the wording actually confirms his intentions do inact mandates but no "blanket" mandates.

- Bais Faiga said to possibly open a elementary school  for children of alumni students

- General Motors will start making Chevy Bolts again on November 1st, after shutting down production in late August following a global recall of the electric vehicle due to battery fire risk. 

- kashrus reform approved by the Knesset  Chief Rabbinate will no longer be the sole provider of kashrus certification, and will instead serve as a regulator for a number of independent kashrus organizations, which will provide certification to restaurants and products. The United Torah Judaism faction said: “The kashrus reform approved today by the Religious Services Committee constitutes a complete value collapse carried out by Bennett-Lapid-Liberman-

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Video of Murphy Not Answering vax mandate question

Gov Murphy's office  issued a late night statement to The Lakewood Scoop website as more  Project Veritas videos drop showing staffers talking about vaccine mandates after Re-election. "the administration has never had plans, nor is it making plans, for a blanket Covid-19 vaccine mandate". Read the statement. 

Save Jersey reports-  Project Veritas dropped a third New Jersey video on Tuesday evening, that shows  Phil Murphy power-walking at high speed away from one of Veritas’s journalists. The journalist in question tried to ask him about a viral undercover video of top allies conceding a not-so-secret Murphy Administration plan to enact a vax mandate only AFTER reelection is in hand.

Photos: Ciattarelli Meets Community Members In Toms River , Misameach

Jack Ciattarelli  met with Jewish community members in Toms River and then to Lakewood a visit at the Misameach organization.

 He wrote "This morning, I attended a roundtable discussion with members of the Jewish community in Toms River. As Governor, I will lower property taxes, support local and state police, have zero tolerance for anti-Semitic acts, and get our schools back to basics".

Tuesday Oct 26 News Updates Lakewood

- Weather: Periods of rain. High 64F. Winds W at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 90%. Rainfall around a quarter of an inch. Localized flooding is possible. Multiple flash flood warnings were issued overnight and continue into the Tuesday morning rush as a powerful nor’easter continues to dump heavy rain throughout New Jersey with storm totals above 6 inches now expected. 

- 43 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 16574/321
 - 16 new cases in Jackson 7936/121
- 26 new cases in Toms River 13196/345

- Reporter @OneJerseySchorr:  Murphy's office statement to the Lakewood Scoop website
 responds to the Project Veritas video by saying "the administration has never had plans, nor is it making plans, for a blanket Covid-19 vaccine mandate.

-  FDA panel votes 17-0 to endorse COVID19 vaccines for kids 5-11 years old in the US.  Dr. on the FDA panel: "We're never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it. That's the way it goes."

- New - A number of chasidisha rebbes from Eretz Yisrael  will be coming to spend time in Lakewood over the next few weeks among them are the Vizhnits rebbe from Bnei Brak Reb Srultcha, the new Sadigurer rebbe from Bnei Brak, The Bohush rebbe, the Bishtona Rebbe, Clevelander Rebbe, Seret Vizhnitz rebbe and others.

- New changes to NJ Family Care from Gov Murphy new cover all kids initiative for eligible children . 1. Children do not need to be uninsured for 3 months before enrolling. 2. There is NO monthly premium 

- Nusach Ashkenaz- As of Mincha today, 90 Shemonah esreis will have been said with the inclusion of משיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם therefore bend this point one who is unsure if he added Mashiv Haruach can halachicaly be presumed to have said it and need not to repeat shemonah esrei for (nusach Sefard never needs to repeat) (one who served as a shliach tzibbur during this time period may count his chazaras hashatz toward the count of 90. (Tidbits by Klal Govoha)

-Jack Ciattarelli will be in Lakewood again today to visit Misameach, volunteer org at 1880 w county line Rd at 11:15 am. Open to the public. He was in Toms River earlier today.

- Rav Shaul Alter the Ger Rosh Yeshiva will be coming to the US next week and spend Shabbos in Boro Park.

Photo Bohush Rebbe arrived in Lakewood this morning from EY

BD"E: Rav Mordechai Moskowitz ZT"L

Levaya at Lakewood Cheder today 1:30 pm
Live stream Video hookup


Statement from Lakewood cheder: 

- Baruch Dayan HaEmes - it is b'lev nishbar that we report the petira of our beloved Rabbi Moskowitz. The levaya will take place in the Cheder this afternoon. There will be an early dismissal for the entire school. Please call the snow number after 10:30 for levaya and dismissal information.

 Matzav.com - with great sadness that Matzav.com reports the petirah of Rav Mordechai Shmuel Moskowitz zt”l, longtime rebbi at the Lakewood Cheder in Lakewood, NJ. he was 67 years old.

Response to Video Murphy would Mandate Vaccine Passport

A Top Murphy ally recorded by Project Veritas: Governor’s vax mandate is coming post-Election Day. Project Veritas released its latest undercover video on Monday evening, this time featuring prominent New Jersey allies of Governor Phil Murphy suggesting that the Democrat incumbent can be counted upon to implement a COVID-19 vaccine mandate AFTER the November 2nd election.

“He [Murphy] is going to do it [COVID vaccine mandate], but he couldn’t do it before the elections. Because of the independents and the undecided,” Democrat strategist and activist Wendy Martinez appeared to tell a member of the James O’Keefe-led organization. Pomosing that Murphy “will [implement COVID vaccine mandate], but right now is about him winning. It will be fine.”

The Murphy campaign in response released a exclusive scoop to Lakewood political News reporter for the Lakewood Shopper shlomo Schorr that  two staff members of the Murphy campaign were "lured into a parking garage" and "ambushed and harassed by a team of six far-right extremists, including disinformation specialist James O’Keefe," earlier today. Ans called on Jack Viatarelli to denounce it.

The Ciattarelli campaign responded to the video release.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Rav Dov Landau Visits Lakewood

Rav Dov Landau shlita the Slabodka Rosh Yeshiva made a few stops in Lakewood today on his first visit to the US. He was supposed to visit a cheder but due to time constraits it did not pan out. He made a brief stop at the homes of some gevirim to raise funds for Kollelim in EY. Afterwards a visit to the home of the Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Harav Malkiel Kotler along with the other Roshei Yeshiva. They proceeded to the Yeshiva where  thousands stood outside of BMG welcoming Rav Dov Landau to the

Monday Oct 25 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Cloudy this morning followed by isolated thunderstorms this afternoon. Storms may contain strong gusty winds. High 78F

- Flash Flood warning for Ocean county from 8:00 pm tonight until Tuesday 5:00 pm 

- 71 new covid cases in Lakewood since Friday totals 16531/321
- 33 new covid cases in Jackson 7920/121
- 53 new cases in Toms River  13175/344

- Murphy to Mandate Vaccines? - Project Veritas undercover video Exposes Murphy campaign
Senior Advisor Reveals Gov Murphy
 to Impose State-Wide COVID Vax Mandate AFTER Re-Election “He [Murphy] is going to do it [COVID vaccine mandate], but he couldn’t do it before the elections.  He will mandate vaccines like California right after the election. He is holding off now in order to win he needs the undecided and the moderate vote.

- 6:45 pm Thousands outside of BMG welcoming Rav Dov Landau to the yeshiva heavy police security on hand. Fathers brought children to see the Rosh Yeshiva. Do to the large crowds speakers with set up in the hallways and outside. The R"Y spoke for 40 minutes and was escorted out by the Lakewood Roshei yeshiva and the large crowds with singing. police formed a protective ring around as they walked back to the cars 

- Murphy: In preparation for the Nor’easter, I’m declaring a State of Emergency beginning at 8:00 PM tonight. Severe weather conditions will impact the state starting tonight through the next several days.

- Early voting is now open in New Jersey, In Lakewood, you can vote at the Lakewood Municipal Building, 231 3rd Street. Polls open 10:00 am - 8pm. In Jackson, at the Ocean County Library, 2 Jackson Drive. In Toms River, at the Ocean County Library, 101 Washington Street. If you are a resident of ocean county you can vote anywhere in the county  (SSchor)

- Update Rav Dov Landau shlita will deliver a shiur at BMG 6:35 pm today in the Beren hall on the sugya of אמירה בקידושין

- Kavod Hatorah: A school in Lakewood sent a text message that talmidim should wear white shirts for the visit of Rav Dov Landau, somehow the message went out to a database of thousands of people and parents with kids in other schools and cities sent their children with white shirts thinking it was their school. 

- Harav Dov Landau will be in Lakewood today visiting several chadorim. Boys were asked to wear white shirts for kavod Hatorah.

- Hamodia Prime magazine article in the rental apartment shortage in Lakewood. Masa Umatan has never had so few pages continuously. The shortage is causing prices to go sky high. Factors for shortage, less building, covid, high demand as couples not moving to EY,  high construction costs. Lakewood has room for only another 2000 units according to some in the industry. A recent survey of chadarim and Bais Yaakovs in Lakewood counted 40 eighth-grade classes each, which amounts to approximately 1,000 14-year-old pairs of chil dren. If we project ahead, this means that in eight years from now, when this class will be in shidduchim, there  should be 1,000 couples getting married and looking for their first apartments. Adding 1,000 apartments to Lakewood per year is really unsustainable. Suggestions are to keep moving to lower exits on the GSP.

-  First Lady Jill Biden spoke at the Yeshivah Beth Yehudah Detroit Dinner  “And that’s especially true as we come out of this pandemic - Our students are back in their classrooms, teenagers can be vaccinated, and soon young children will be able to get those shots as well…” (Belaaz)

-For the first time the Israeli Govt allocates 40 million shekel to the reform judaism and conservative movements sponsoring the ongoing provocations at the Kosel.

- Biden to visit NJ today at Kearny and campaign with Murphy

- Yeahiva Bais Meir corner Miller and Hope Chapel held a groundbreaking hanochas even hapina event yesterday.

- Today 19 Cheshvan is 5th yartzheit of Ren Bentzion Shenker Z"L, 1st yartzheitnof Barav Dovid Feinstein zatzal

News photos

Ciattarelli Meets with Chasidisha Rabbonim in Linden

 Jack Ciattarelli met the Rabbonim in Linden, NJ and posted it on his instagram page

"jack4nj - Honored to be surrounded by Rabbis from various Chassidic communities of Union County, including Kossoner Rebbe, Rabbi Rottenberg, during a Meet and Greet in Linden this afternoon".

Sunday Oct 24 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Cloudy with occasional rain showers. High 62F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 50%.

- Harav Dov Landau shlita will be visiting Lakewood tomorrow stopping by at several chadorim.

- Hespedim tonight for Rav Yehuda Goldberg Zt"L in Riverdale 7:30 pm call in 857.356.3300. In Telz Cleveland 9:00 pm call in 202-926-4500 pin 4846273

- Shkia 6:01 pm

- Fauci: Vaccines for children ages 5 to 11 in the U.S. "may become available" in early November.

- @Shidduch Alerts: PSA: There is an event at Bell Works Today! Plan your dates accordingly.

- Video : Rav Dov Landau speaks to balei batim in Monsey Here

- Rav Dov Landau shlita, 93 old R" Y of Slabodka arrived in the US this morning and went to Monsey were he will be based for the next 4 says. He will visit Lakewood and other communities to raise funds for kollelim  and give chizuk. He will deliver a shiur at  BMG. He is also scheduled to travel to Brooklyn, Far Rockaway and  Philly to meet Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita

- Joint Base MDL conducting military training the entire weekend. Those nearby, expect to hear and feel the ground shake at times this week.

- Shiva for Rav Boruch Saks ZTL at 28  Goldcres in Pine River village Lakewood, Shachris 7:30 am, Mincha 1:35 pm, Maariv 10:00 pm getting up Tuesday morning

- HH on twitter "Dear Lakewood voters. Just a little FYI. There is no longer a VAAD. They are now just some random guys making suggestions who to vote for. The head of the VAAD has been fired by BMG.  Time we all decide for ourselves".

News photos

NJ: Why Both Murphy and Ciattarelli Are Campaigning in Lakewood

"Singer, who represents Lakewood, predicted the Orthodox voters will once again reject the Vaad’s advice.“I think family values will win the day,” he said

But in Lakewood there are 30,000 or so residents who are true swing voters. They can go for or against a candidate and they turn out at a higher-than-average rate. That is the rarest and most valuable type of voter out a politician can hope to find. Expect both Murphy and Ciattarelli to keep looking hard for them till a week from Tuesday

 NJ.com -  In case you’re wondering why Jack Ciattarelli spent all of Thursday campaigning in one town, state Senator Bob Singer has the answer: “Donald Trump carried Ocean County by 100,000 votes last year and 25,000 of those votes were from Lakewood,” Singer told me.

Azkarah Today: First Yartzheit Of Harav Dovid Feinstein זצ''ל

 A Azkarah will take place today 2:30 pm at Yeshiva Mesivta Tiferes Yerushalayim MTJ Hespedim and Siyum to commemorate the first yartzeit of the Rosh Hayeshiva Rav Dovid Feinstein zatzal. Address is 145 East Broadway, NY, on the lower East side of Manhattan see schedule below

There will be a livestream video hookup scroll to bottom of post

Saturday, October 23, 2021

JHS: 10th yahrtzeit of the Mir Rosh Yeshiva Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel

Jsoundbites: Commemorate the 10th yahrtzeit of the Mir Rosh Yeshiva Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel

Motzei Shabbos וירא 5782

 - Rav Dov Landau left EY earlier tonight for a 4 day chizuk tour in the US including a kabolas panim and Shiur in Lakewood

- The polls in New Jersey are now open and people are voting in-person in the 2021 General Election 9 days to election

- Lakewood shopper article endorses Jack Ciatarelli for NJ gov mentioning his support for private school vouchers, lower property taxes, not beholden to the extreme left, opposition to gov mandates, not hesitating to call out anti-semitism

-  Lakewood had 253 accidents from October 1-15 resulting in 29 crashes with injuries 10 pedestrians srruck (LNN)

- Ciatarelli  campaigned today in Toms River and went  door-to-door knocking in Brick. Obama campaigned with Murphy in Newark today, Biden will campaign on Monday in NJ.

- National media reporting on  5 school bus accidents in Lakewood within a month NYP headline This NJ town has a problem with its school buses, "This NJ town needs a tutor for its school bus drivers"

- Phil Murphy reportedly raised $100,000 at Lakewood fundraiser last week, has yet to ppst about the Lakewood campaign visit on social media

- Jack Ciattareli tweets" It’s official, folks, Gov Murphyi s coming apart at the seams. He’s telling donors the race is a dead heat and tripled down on his ‘if you don’t like high taxes, leave’ comments with this doozy: ‘We are not going to be the low-cost state to live or work in’ - who says that?!"

- Bais Faiga sends out letter to parents updating on the new high school. They will initially only accept Bais Faiga girls who have no siblings in other schools. Eventually the plan is that every girl that wants to continue the bais faiga chinuch will have an option to join. The classes will be limited to 25-30 girls pee class with the school having 4-5 parallel   classes. The plan is to open 2 highschools eventually will be build on 32 acre property in Jackson.

Rav Dov Landau at Ben Gurion airport (Photo courtesy of Belaaz)

Friday, October 22, 2021

Lakewood Zmanim עש''ק פרשת וירא תשפ''ב

 Friday, October 22, 2021 / ט״ז חשון תשפ״ב ערב שבת פרשת וירא

Candle lighting 5:48 pm
Shkiah 6:06 pm
- Shabbos day weather: Cloudy skies early will become partly cloudy later in the day. High 62F. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph.
מנהגו בקודש של רביה"ק ר' ישעי'לע מקרעסטוער זיע"א לטבול פרוסת המוציא בדבש בש"ק פרשת וירא שקוראים קריאת  התורה של ימי ראש השנה 

               כִּי בָרֵךְ אֲבָרֶכְךָ וְהַרְבָּה אַרְבֶּה אֶת זַרְעֲךָ כְּכוֹכְבֵי הַשָּׁמַיִם וְכַחוֹל אֲשֶׁר עַל שְׂפַת הַיָּם וְיִרַשׁ זַרְעֲךָ      אֵת שַׁעַר אֹיְבָיו

Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva Protest Bizayon Hatorah Of Poltical Campaining in Yeshiva without Reshus

 The roshei yeshiva of Beth Medrash Govoha have penned a letter strongly protesting those who recently brought politicians to the yeshiva. Yesterday republican Candidate for Governor Jack Ciattarelli  was in Lakewood and was brought inside yeshiva to interact and meet the talmidim and youngeleit, a practice that has been done  prior with other politicians throughout the years.

 Apparently it was done without permission of the hanhala. Governor Murphy was in Lakewood earlier in the week and met with the roshei yeshiva at a private event.

Translation from Matzav.com

“We hereby protest, with all our strength, the chillul Hashem and disgrace to the honor of Torah and the honor of those who learn is, as several people, without the consent of the hanhalah of the yeshiva, brought politicians to the holy yeshivah,” utilizing the yeshiva, a makom Torah, as a place for these people to campaign for their political interests.

20th Yartzeit of Harav Lazer Shach Zatzal

 Today ט'ז חשון marks 20 years since the passing of The Ponovezh Rosh Yeshiva הגרא''מ שך זצוקללה''ה

Friday Oct 22 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Sunshine and clouds mixed. High 71F, Shabbos high of 63:and clear
עש''ק פרשת וירא Candle lighting 5:48 pm, Shkia/Sunset 6:06 pm

- 29 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 16460/322

- Bais Faiga sends out letter to parents updating on the new high school. They will initially only accept Bais Faiga girls who have no siblings in other schools. Eventually the plan is that every girl that wants to continue the bais faiga chinuch will have an option to join. The classes will be limited to 25-30 girls pee class with the school having 4-5 parallel   classes. The plan is to open 2 highschools eventually will be build on 32 acre property in Jackson.

- Gas in Lakewood averaging $3.45 a gallon, Basement apts if available going as high as $1800
- Rav Dov Landau  Slabodka R"Y will be in the US for only 4 days, coming this Sunday will stay in Monsey with visits planned for Lakewood, Philly and other communities.
- Hespedim this Sunday afternoon at yeahiva MTJ first yartzheit of Harav Dovid Feinstein Zatzal

- Ciattareli press conf yesterday in Lakewood
" Very much like my trip to Israel two months ago, I’m here today to show solidarity with the Jewish community of New Jersey,”
- Not concerned about Vaad endorsing Murphy I’m not at all concerned about that endorsement, quite frankly,” he said. “We’ll just going to continue doing what we’re doing at the grassroots level and I’m confident it’s going to work out just fine.”
- He later attacked the governor, charging he only came to Lakewood because of political expedience. “The best way to develop goodwill and community is by coming here repeatedly, listening and engaging with the people who live here,” Ciattarelli said. “Here in Lakewood, I’ve done that numerous times over the past 22 months.”

- Tehillim Name added to Rabbi Moskowitz Refoel Mordechai Shmuel ben Miriam

-  Some GOP senators question Bob  Singer’s ties to Lakewood Vaad. "Bob is beholden to the Vaad, and the Vaad is beholden to the governor for state funding,” one GOP senator told the New Jersey Globe on the condition of anonymity.  “Does that mean at the end of the day the (governor’s) chief of staff can pick up the phone and suddenly influence the Senate Republican leader? If it does, that’s a problem. That’s a big problem.” Singer responded  “I’m not controlled by them. I’m influenced by them.  We all have groups in our district that influence us.” (NJ Globe)

- Park East Synagogue pushes out assistant rabbi, sparking protest more

- BDE: The Sephardi Torah world mourns the petirah of Harav Machlouf Fahima, zt”l, senior Rav of the North African communities in Israel (Hamodia)

Thursday, October 21, 2021

LIVE: Reb Shlomo Carlebach's 27th Yahrzeit Kumzits - TONIGHT

 LIVE: Reb Shlomo Carlebach's 27th Yahrzeit Kumzits - TONIGHT 9:00 PM - 11:30 PM Livestream with Yehuda Green and special guests and friends, including Shlomo Gaisin from Zusha, Srully Williger, Shloime Dachs, and many others

NJ GOP: Murphy’s lead rapidly evaporates in new poll. “

 Murphy leads Ciattarelli by only 6 points as N.J. governor election nears, new poll shows The Emerson College/PIX 11 survey released Thursday found the Democratic incumbent leading Ciatarelli 50% to 44% as he seeks a second term in the Nov. 2 election, while 7% of voters remain undecided. 

Jack Ciattarelli Visits Lakewood

NJ Republican Gubernatorial candidate Jack Ciattarelli campaigned in Lakewood today   which has overwhelmingly voted Republican in past elections and for Trump in 2017

Election Notice Omits Traffic Woes

 The Lakewood Vaad Election notice makes endorsements for the upcoming general elections, As for local elections in Lakewood no mention of Traffic woes, quality of life, housing costs, high property taxes, busing issues, Instead highlighting snow removal and pothole repairs for incumbents. For governor, no mention of the republican challenger or vaccine and other mandates. Acknowledges Murphys progressive  liberal agenda. The notice is not signed by any individuals or members.

Partial Text of notice below

Governor - Phil Murphy

Thursday Oct 21 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Partly cloudy. High 78F.

- 31 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 16431/322

- Jack CiattarelliI tweets "it was my honor to be with friends and supporters in Lakewood today" and thanks local media for the coverage. Murphy has so far not mentioned his lakewood campaign stop.

- BDE: Habachur Aharon Arteh Lauer Z"L Matzav 

- Update Slabodka Rosh Yeshiva  Rav Dov Landau Shlita will leaving to the US this Moztei Shabbos for a 4 day first ever Chizuk visit in the United States. a kabolas Panim is planned for Lakewood 

- Rav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi is B"H feeling better and will be released from the hospital shortly

-Jack Ciattarelli visits Yeshiva  BMG 7th street campus and meets with Bochurim and Kollel youngeleit he stopped in at the Mizrach/ Maariv bais medrash.

 - "Governor Murphy is forcing vaccines on all companies with state contracts, but he’s part of secretly busing/flying untested and unvaxxed illegal immigrants into our state? Can he get any more of a hypocrite?" (Murphy critic Woke zomby on Twitter)

-  Gubernatorial candidate Jack Ciattarelli was at the Lakewood MVC meeting with citizens who are frustrated of the long lines to get services, he met with lakewood committeeman Issac Akerman and Bob Singer and headed to Clifton avenue at 12 pm 

- Jack Ciattarelli will campaign in Lakewood today at Clifton Ave 12:00 pm will hold public rally 1:30- 2:30 pm in town square see full schedule below. He will first srop at the Lakewood MVC on Airport rd.

- Gov Phil Murphy has not yet mentioned or posted on social media about his 7 hour campaign visit to Lakewood

- Another new fleishig restaurant, Flysh, opening in Lakewood. On the menu are appetizers, sandwiches and burgers, as well as Thursday night chulent specials. Located at 32 Cross street.

- Reports: Harav Dov Landau shlita Rosh Yeshiva of Slabodka will be making a historic visit to the US in a few weeks time with a kabolas panim In Lakewood

- New boys Mesivtas opening in Lakewood Yeshiva Tiferes Yerachmiel RoshbYeshiva Harav Shlomo Feivel Schustal shlita will be opening a mesivta, Naos Yaakov, Menahel רב יהודה וועקסלער.

-Yeshiva Ohr Shraga Vetetzky will be opening a New boys high school mesivta Orchos Tzvi  for next year under the leadership of the Rish Mesivta Rav Henoch Shachar shlita

- Lakewood Cheder/Bais Faiga announce the opening of Bais Yaakov girls High School for next year under the leadership of Mrs. Chana Gordon. Not clear of it will be one or multiple classes for 9th grade

- Trump announces the launch of his new social media platform, which he is calling, “TRUTH social.”

- New variant in Israel the AY4.2 sub-strain of the COVID Delta variant, was discovered with five cases, the Health Ministry reported on Thursday. Five 

Application Info for Mosdos

 Updated: List of Lakewood Boys and Girls schools for 2022-23 to help those applying for next year. Printed in TVOL

Wednesday Oct 20 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Abundant sunshine. High 77F.

- 52 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 16400/322

- Lakewood Cheder/Bais Faiga announce the opening of Bais Yaakov girls High School for next year under the leadership of Mrs. Chana Gordon. Not clear of it will be one or multiple classes for 9th grade

- Traffic: Heavy traffic continues tying up the main arteries of Lakewood during school dismissal  due to wires down earlier today on New Hampshire

- Gov. Phil Murphy said Wednesday that he has no immediate plans to issue a vaccine mandate to teachers and other public workers without the option of weekly testing at the moment we like where we are but we don't rule anything out," Murphy said at a briefing.

- Jack Ciaterelli Republican candidate for Gov  schedule for Lakewood campaign visit tomorrow Thursday  he will beat the  downtown on Clifton ave with stops at local stores, bagel osh, Pizza Plus, BP Graphics, Gelbsteins. He will hold a rally and press conference for the public at Lakewood town square 1:30 - 2:30 pm 

 - Tefilos for the Skverer rebbetzin who has corona and in need of rachmei shamayim Chaya Chana bas Leah Esther 

- LPD: New Hampshire Ave btwn Cedarbridge & Pine St shut down both directions due to an MVA w/wires down. Unknown time frame to reopen. Avoid area.

- New York City will require all public employees including police officers, firefighters and other municipal workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or be placed on unpaid leave. No testing option

- Agudah convention will take place in Parsippany, NJ this year 
- Ahead of a tax increase on disposable goods, yeshivos in Eretz Yisrael are stocking up on plasticware enough to last for 6 months 

- CDC Dr. Rochelle Walensky says that even if kids get vaccinated (per FDA approval) schools should still have mask mandates "As we head into these winter months, we cannot be complacent."

- Murphy spent 7 hours in Lakewood yesterday

- IDF Giyus law placed by the knesset for a 2nd and 3rd vote includes quotas for yeshiva bochurim and economic sanctions on yeshivos. According to the law, in 2021 the quota will be 2,123, of which 1,566 students will be enlisted for regular service and 557 students for national service, so the target will increase gradually until 2037, when the quota for yeshivah students will be 9,105 students, 6,715 for regular service and 2,390 for national service. If in three consecutive years the quotas are not met, and less than 85% enlist, the law will expire within a year and that every 18-year-old yeshivah boy will need to enlist in the IDF.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Murphy Campaigns in Lakewood

 Gov  Phil Murphy was in  Lakewood today visiting and meeting with various community organizations capped by a election fundraiser event at a private home. His wife Tammy Murphy held a meet and greet in Lakewood for Orthodox Jewish women who work with the community. There were a few people with Trump flags standing near the motorcade. Republican challenger Jack Ciattarelli will campaign in Lakewood on Thursday. 

Photo: Gov Murphy With the Rosh Yeshiva Rav Malkiel Kotler

Tuesday Oct 19 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Sunny. High 68F. 

-  48 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 16348/322

- At the Levaya and Kevura of Alta Fixler A"H tonight at Har Hamenuchos Belzer R"Y Rav Aharon Direnfeld shlita said in his hesped that the story created a huge kiddush Hashem as the world media reported on it,the court battles and hindreds of thousands of dollars to save a life.

- Murphy in Lakewood visits Hatzolah headquarters meets volunteers, holds meeting with Igud hamosdos members

- After pushback from parents a girls school withdrew their plan to randomly test kids for covid

- Jack Ciattarelli:  "Gov. Phil Murphy, who is running for reelection, continues to wreak havoc in New Jersey... NJ now has the second-highest all-time number of COVID deaths per 100,000 residents, but also ranks seventh in the country for total number of COVID deaths."

- Gov Murphy visits Lev Rochel Bikur Cholim and compliments them for being huge all throughout covid officials responded "we knew from day one that the gov was watching us" 

- Murphy was presented with a signed Chai Lifeline t-shirt at his stop in Lakewood with  he thanked those present for arranging the visit and fitting into his schedule. 

- Murphy is brought to the Belz development in Lakewood to campaign this afternoon

- UK reports 223 Covid19 deaths, the highest daily number of deaths since March. 79% of the population aged 12 and older is fully vaccinated.

- Russia reports 33,740 new coronavirus cases, the biggest one-day increase so far, and a record 1,015 new deaths

- TRUMP: “Wonderful to see Colin Powell, who made big mistakes on Iraq and famously, so-called weapons of mass destruction, be treated in death so beautifully by the Fake News Media. Hope that happens to me someday...He made plenty of mistakes, but anyway, may he rest in peace!

- Gov Murphy coming to Lakewood today for a private event and pick up endorsement from Lakewood Vaad. 

- לקיים בנו חכמי ישראל Update: Rav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi who is hospitalized has responded and is alert continued tefilos ברוך מרדכי בן הינדא

- RWJBarnabas health system in NJ has fired more than 100 workers for failing to comply with its vaccine mandate policy.

- Lakewood planning board meeting today 6:00 pm agenda Here 

- Jack Ciattarelli: Phil Murphy was warned. He knew forcing COVID-19 patients into veteran and nursing homes would result in countless preventable deaths - and yet, he did it anyway. Now, Biden's own administration is investigating Phil Murphy's disastrous policies.

- Agudah holds Moetzes meeting with newly appointed members and national officers

- Shiva for R' Hertz Frankel ZL at 646 Fourteenth sr Lakewood Shachris 8:00 am, Mincha 5:30 pm, Maariv 7:30 pm getting up Friday/Sunday morning. Replay of Levaya in Lakewood Here

Monday, October 18, 2021

Monday Oct 18 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Mostly sunny skies. High 62F

- 1:15 AM Tehillim for Harav Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi who is hospitalized on serious condition. Name is ברוך מרדכי בן הינדא

- 131 new covid cases in Lakewood + 2 deaths since Friday totals 16300/322
- 34 new cases in Jackson  7823/121
- 54 new cases in Toms River 13030/341

- Tehillim: All are asked to daven for Rav Mordechai Moskowitz, longtime rebbi at the Lakewood Cheder, who has suffered a heart attack last week name id Mordechai Shmuel ben Miriam לרפואה שלימה

- Israel Will Remain Closed To Most Foreign Nationals Through At Least November 15th

- On Twitter "The Jersey city Jewish leaders just came to the decision to endorse "Jack Ciattarelli" for the next governor of our great state of "new Jersey" Phil Murphy broke our state with-high crime-high taxes- and many more problems!

- The levaya of Alte Fixler a"h will take place at 11 pm in Manchester's Belzer shul, and she will then be flown to Eretz Yisroel for kevura.

- BDE: Sad ending hospital in England disconnect 2 year old Hayalda Alta Fixler  a"h from the life support Machines R"L. Minyan present during the process. Full story at Hamodia

- Live stream 11:45 am  Levaya in Eretz Yisrael of Rav Yehuda Goldberg Zt"l of Riverdale yeshiva Here

- Selichos of בה''ב today There will be a minyan mincha at 2:10 pm with קריה''ת of ויחל at Rabbi Forcheimer's shul 418 5th street Lakewood 

-BDE: Matzav petirah of Rav Baruch Saks ztl was Magid shiur in Yeshiva staten Island for 50 years ,rav of Tzeiri Agudah in Boro Park and recently sfard Minuan at Pine River Village shul in Lakewood. Levaya today at PRV shul in Lakewood 12:00 pm  and Levaya at 2:30 p.m. in Yeshiva of Staten Island 1870 Drumgoole Rd E, Staten Island, NY 10309 kevura in EY. Phone hookup 3518886265

- Update Murphy coming to Lakewood Tuesday, Ciattarelli will campaign in Lakewood on Thursday 

- Colin Powell former Sec of state and Shabbos Goy in the Bronx died of covid complications was fully vaccinated he was 84. 

- Jack Ciattarellii Residents who have called New Jersey home for decades shouldn't be forced to flee to more affordable states. As Governor, I will freeze property taxes for homeowners at age 65 and make all retirement income tax-free so that seniors can afford to retire here.

-Tammy Murphy: Honored to be a part of TRU Birth Center’s grand opening in Lakewood! With innovative care centers and committed partners like this, we’re well on our way to becoming the safest and most equitable place in the nation to deliver and raise a baby. #NurtureNJ

- Lakewood township added revenue of  $7 million dollars into the 2021 budget year from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 the $7,000,000.00 funds being made available from the US Department of Treasury.

- Lakewood Township approves $96,650 of UEZ funds for "consulting services"  for the revolving loan program mention who will provide the service 

- Belzer Rebbe shlita sends a letter of chizuk to the morning Kollel on Belz Kehila Ohr Shmuel congradulating them on the siyum of maseches Beitza and how learning early in the morning has a positive impact on the day ahead


BDH: Rav Boruch Saks ZT"L

Matzav.com- It is with great sadness that Matzav.com reports the passing of Rav Boruch Saks zt”l.Rav Saks was a maggid shiur at Yeshiva of Staten Island for over fifty years and the rov of the Agudah Zeirei minyan in Boro Park for many years. He also served as the rov at Camp Magen Avrohom.

The levayh will take place at the Pine River Village Shul, located at 38 Goldcrest Drive, at noon. and Levaya at 2:30 p.m. in Yeshiva of Staten Island 1870 Drumgoole Rd E, Staten Island, NY 10309. The kevurah will take place in Eretz Yisroel.

 The aron will be flown via United Airlines at Newark Airport, Cargo Area, at 7 p.m.

Sunday Oct 17 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Sunny to partly cloudy. Cooler. High around 65F.

- Israel is "making preparations" for Iran to become a nuclear threshold state amid stalled negotiations 

- Republican candidate Jack Ciattarelli will campaign in  Lakewood this week, while Murphy will come on Tuesday (Kol Haolam)

- BDE: Petirah of Rav Yehuda Goldberg zt’’l, R’’M at Yeshiva of Telshe Alumni of Riverdale. The levayah will be held today at 530 p.m. at the Yeshiva of Telshe Alumni of Riverdale, at 640 west 249th St Riverdale, NY. going to JFK cargo area 9pm, Kevura in EY call in number (712) 832 - 5656 pin 500# (857) 356-3300 (612) 398-0330 More at Matzav.com

- Phil Murphy coming to Lakewood this Tuesday October 19 to pick up the Vaad endorsement (Blaaz)

- Crazy deals at Bingo Large tasters choice $9.99, Ground beef $4.99 a lb, Brick of American cheese $11.99, dove hand soaps $3.89

- Yartzeit of Rochel Imeinu 11 Cheshvan

- Replay of Mir Yeshiva siyum Hashas last night with Rav Chaim Kanievsky Here

 - Formation of 4 Blackhawk helicopters sewn flying over Lakewood at 10:00 am

- Tomchei Torah campaign launched for all Lakewood area kehillos to support the kollel youngeleit of Bais Medrash Govoha to raise funds bringing the monthly checks up to $1000

- Jack Ciattarelli: I will continue to stand against anti-Semitism in our state and with the people of Israel. New Jersey and America have a very important relationship with our sister nation, Israel, and my administration will be fully committed to our mutual success. @Jack4NJ

- Lakewood Vaad to Endorse Murphy: Gov. Phil Murphy will be endorsed by the Lakewood Vaad on Tuesday, giving him the support of hugely influential religious leaders from the Orthodox Jewish community as he seeks to become the first Democratic governor since 1977 to win a second term. (New Jersey Globe)

- Hamodia article Rabbi Hertz Frankel, Z”l, Legendary Satmar Principal and Spokesman

- Today: First lady of NJ Mrs. Tammy Murphy will be in Lakewood this Sunday  morning at the grand opening event if the TRU Birth Center on Lanes Mill Rd under direction of Dr. Clara Surowitz,in attendance many local politicians as well 

- New kosher steakhouse "Tomahawk" opening in Lakewood at Cedarbridge and Ave of Americas

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Motzei Shabbos Lech Lecha 5782

 Weather tonight: Cloudy and damp with rain early...then becoming clear overnight. Low 49F Chance of rain 100%. Rainfall around a quarter of an inch.

- BDE: Rabbi Naftali Hertz Frankel Z"L of BP/Lakewood principal in Satmar schools for 70 years and noted askan he was  90 years old.  Sons are R' Duvie, Reb Menashe of Lakewood noted askan and baal chesed.The levayah will be held tomorrow at 9 a.m. at B"M Bais Mordechai in Lakewood Heathwood and county line The aron will then be flown to Eretz Yisroel for kevurah on Har Hamenuchos in Yerushalayim. See more at Matzav

- The Chinese military just launched a hypersonic nuclear-capable missile into space that circled the entire globe at low orbit US intelligence agencies stunned.

- Delta airlines drops mandated covid vaccinee

- Photos Video Rav Chaim Kanievsky historic visit to Mir Yeshiva Siyum Hashas for Tenth yartzeit of Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel

R' Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz reciting the Hadran for the siyum Hashas

Alexander Rebbe shabbos hisvadus in Connecticut after spending the week in Lakewood

Friday, October 15, 2021

Lakewood Zmanim עש׳׳ק פרשת לך לך תשפ׳׳ב

 Friday, October 15, 2021 / ט׳ חשון תשפ״ב ערב שבת פרשת לך לך

Candle lighting 5:58 pm
Shkiah/sunset 6:16 pm

-weather shabbos day Partly cloudy skies during the morning hours. Thunderstorms likely in the afternoon. Chance of rain 80%
"וקוי ה' יחליפו כח יעלו אבר כנשרים ירוצו ולא ייגעו ילכו ולא ייעפו" ישעיהו מ' הפטרה פרשת לך לך"

There is מחלוקת  between the  אבן עזרא and the רד"ק how to pronounce the pasuk in the haftorah this week, either with a Tzeiri under the Yud as in וְקוֹיֵ or with the Tzeirei under the vov as in וקווי

NJ Gov Candidates Courting Lakewood Voters

 Lakewood is Trump town, coined the Trumpiest town in NJ where he won the Lakewood vote by 50 points over Hillary in the 2016 presidential election. In 2017 Murphy won the Gubernatorial election in Lakewood by 114 votes over republican Kim Guadango, receiving a total of 5,704 votes. voter turnout was low despite the vaad endorsement of Murphy after they initially endorsed Guadagno in the primaries. 

This year 2021 the NJ gov race has both Murphy and Ciatarelli campaigns vying for the Lakewood orthodox vote as census numbers show a huge voting bloc in Lakewood and the surrounding towns. The climate is different now 4 years later due to the covid pandemic and left liberal policies passed by the murphy administration. Both campaigns are advertising in local Lakewood media publications attacking opponents and highlighting achievements.

Friday Oct 15 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Sunshine and a few clouds. High around 80F. Shabbos day high of 79 with Thunderstorms.
ערב שבת קודש פרשת לךלך
Candle lighting 5:58 pm Shkia/Sunset 6:16 pm

- 65 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 16169/320
- 15 new cases  in Jackson + 1death   7789/121
- 18 new cases in Toms River +1death 13016/340

- New kosher steakhouse "Tomahawk" opening in Lakewood at Cedarbridge and Ave of Americas

- A few Lakewood girls schools elementary and high school have begun testing kids for covid19 with a cotton swab. One school began enforcing the vaccine mandate notifying all staff members who do not have a vaccine card of weekly mandatory testing via swab each Thursday 

- At township meeting Lakewood mayor says they will look into not allowing construction on roadways to begin before 10:00 am., currently they cant start before 9.

 - Former president Bill Clinton was hospitalized earlier this week for an issue not related to covid-19 and is recovering, 

-Property at 920 Central Ave, Lakewood, NJ corner of Regent dr listed on the market for $,6000,000 includes 5 lots, main building sanctuary There are 3 auxiliary buildings consisting of two residential homes.

- First lady of NJ Mrs. Tammy Murphy will be in Lakewood this Sunday at the grand opening event if the TRU Birth Center on Lanes Mill Rd under direction of Dr. Clara Surowitz

- Asked why the bus crashes LSTA says in interview with the Voice of Lakewood that the driver shortage has caused more private cars to be on the roads during the school commute times and that high volume leads to bus accidents


Today: Lakewood Township Committee Virtual Meeting

 Lakewood township committee virtual meeting today  October 14 at 5:30 pm
Watch live stream Here
See Agenda Here
To comment during the meeting email  
comments@lakewoodnj.gov. Please include your name and address for 
the record.

Items on the agenda

Thursday Oct 14 News Updates Lakewood

-- Sunshine and clouds mixed. High 79F.

- 49 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 16104/320
- 22 cases in Toms River 12998/339
- 12 in Jackson 7774/120

- Tehillim: All are asked to daven for Rav Mordechai Moskowitz, longtime rebbi at the Lakewood Cheder, who has suffered a heart attack. Rav Moskowitz, is also the leader of the bi-annual Chol Hamoed Greater Adventure learning program. He is presently undergoing a triple bypass surgery. All are asked to daven for Mordechai Shmuel ben Miriam. {Matzav.com}

- Gas at Exxon in Lakewood $3.69 with credit elsewhere $3.30

- New kosher restaurant opening in Howell "Ha'misada" Mediterranean kitchen Israeli style located on Rt 9 North at the Greenleaf shopping plaza in fron of BJ's see photo below 

- This weeks Ami magazine an in-depth look at the booming Lakewood housing market.

-  American Airlines had 938 flights cancelled or delayed yesterday

- Lakewood township to appoint new CFO position for the town to be voted on at tonight's committee meeting (Updated)

- LIC officials- The new park and ride in the industrial park  will be finalized and ready for an approval by next month there will be reserved spots for businesses in the area and shuttle service to events at night. Township expected to restrict on street parking in some areas of industrial park.

- Harav Ahron Yoel Sorscher shlita of Lakewood/Detroit has been appointed as posek and moreh tzedek at yeshiva kollel of Waterbury Connecticut.

- Selichos of בה''ב today There will be a minyan mincha at 2:10 pm with קריה''ת of ויחל at Rabbi Forcheimer's shul 418 5th street Lakewood 

- Supply chain issues continue to hit US stores as shelves are stripped bare with shortages of just about everything, from computers and furniture to household items. resulting from Bottlenecks and backups at some of the nation's busiest shipping ports.

-This past Sunday was supposed to be the wedding date of  Habachur Pinchas Knoblowitz z"l, who was killed in Meron,. his father and the father of his kallah, from Lakewood arranged a hachnosas sefer Torah in his memory  a private setting for both famalies, in a emotional ceremony. The Sefer was given to yeshiva yagdil Torah.

- Israel reports zero covid deaths yesterday, 403 hospitalized in serious condition, 168 on respirators.

News photos

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Lakewood Township Committee Hold Virtual Meeting after Reopening Municipal Hall

 Earlier this week Lakewood gov buildings reopened to the public since the onset of covid. The Lakewood township committee meeting  is scheduled to take place tomorrow  online and not at the township municipal building. The next scheduled meeting is in a month from now after the general elections. 

Two committee members are running for reelection  for a 3 year term. On the republican ticket is Menashe Miller and his running mate Hector Fuentes, on the Democratic ticket Meir Lichtenstein and james Esposito. No public reelection campaign has been launched yet. 

Wed Oct 13 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Mostly cloudy. High 74F. 

- 86 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 16055/320
- 22 new cases Jackson 7762/120
- 16 new cases in Toms River 12976/339

- HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita will travel to Mir Yeshiva in Yerushalayim this motzei shabbos to attend the Siyum  On Fifty-one times Shas learnt by the Talmidim of The Mir Yeshiva in memory of the Late Rosh Yeshivah, HaRav Nosson Tzvi Finkel zt”l honoring the tenth yartzheit.

- The Belzer Rebbetzin is currently visiting the US and was in Boro park today for a tour of the new buildings of the mosdos
- Federal judge halts United Airlines' vaccine mandate

- Lakewood Township seeks county approval for shared service  for Traffic light at James & Williams intersection

- Smokey Hill southern comfort kosher restaurant soft opening taking reservations located near Ritas Spruce & Rt 9 Lakewood

- First Lady Jill Biden will be campaigning with Phil Murphy on Friday in Edison. (NJ Globe)

- The U.S. will reopen its land borders by Canada & Mexico all international visitors are to be vaccinated against the coronavirus.

- LPD 10:00 am Avoid the area of Prospect St & Williams St for a watermain break. Expect delays.

- The Lakewood mayor comments on bus accidents to APP "It is always a concern, but we have to remember we are transporting 50,000 kids a day by bus, "One accident is too many. From the township end, we have to make sure they were trained properly. I don't know if there is anything more we can do to make sure they are not a danger behind the wheel."  The LSTA  are going to make sure they are doing everything in their power to make sure it doesn't happen again," he said.

- Inflation was just reported at 5.4%, which is a 13 year high.

- White House: LA port going 24/7 to ease shipping backlog

- Kashrus alert from Machzikei Hadas Belz Hashgacha  for Simply Lev regular packaged flour the wording  was mistakenly written that no sifting or checking is needed, that is only for the vacuum packed flour however the regular flour was not sifted or checked those who regularly check should be aware.

- Gubernatorial debate: statement by Republican state chairman Bob Hugin: Tonight, we saw Phil Murphy once again dodge his record and attempt to deflect responsibility for his many failures of leadership. The bottom line is this: Murphy is the only person on the stage tonight whose policies contributed to the deaths of thousands of seniors and veterans and whose lockdowns led to the demise of a third of New

Tuesday Oct 12 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Overcast. Slight chance of a rain shower. High near 70F. 

- 235 new covid cases in Lakewood since Friday totals 15969/320 (numbers were not updated over the holiday weekend)
- 44 new cases in Jackson+2 deaths 7740/120
- 71 new caaes in Toms River+1 death 12960/138
- 98 cases in Brick, 39 in Manchester

- Murphy keeps bringing up trump at the debate trying to attach Ciattarelli  with the former president. 

- LAKEWOOD: Following months of negotiations, BMG CEO & President Rabbi Aaron Kotler has announced this afternoon that he will officially be stepping down at the end of December. An Exploratory committee will decide in the coming weeks who will be replacing him. (Belaaz) see more at Matzav

- NJ Governor Phil Murphy was caught maskless at an indoor ball this Friday night, weeks after imposing a mask mandate for young children in school. Senator Michael Testa said this was "another example of Murphy’s hypocrisy as he continues to force pointless pandemic mandates on regular New Jerseyans that he and other elite Democrats cavalierly ignore when they think nobody is watching." The Gov's office declined to comment (Foxnews)

- Pelosi: There will be new IRS bank reporting requirements but $600 amount negotiable
Banks currently report transactions in accounts that are over $10,000 Biden wants teporting to start at $600.
- Southwest Airlines CEO Says No Employees Will Be Fired Over Vaccine Mandate

- LSTA releases a statement on negativity  surge against bus drivers and companies which is causing drivers to not want to service Lakewood which is experiencing a shortage of drivers and mot enough bus routes. The statement says the highest priority though is the safety of students and the LSTA will add a extension to report safety issues and concerns. LNN

-The Wawa on Rt 70 in Brick  has for the month of October $0.15 off per gallon if you pay through the Wawa app bringing it down to $3.02 a gallon. (Submitted)

- Supply chain issues some kosher products are out of stock in stores such as Gefen instant Noodle soup. White House officials have warned that supply chain issues may lead to Americans having to go without some  toys and gifts this holiday season.

- New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy, Jack Ciattarelli Set To Take Place In Final Gubernatorial Debate Tonight. Voter registration deadline today for NJ

- After CA mandates covid vaccines for school children, NJ Gov. Phil Murphy said last week he doesn’t expect New Jersey will take that step, though he also didn’t rule it out.“ I don’t anticipate we’re gonna need to do that, in terms of mandating the kids to have it, “But it’s an option, I think, we leave on the table.”

-Charedi MK' Call on Prime Minister Naftali Bennett to Apologize or resign after he made a provocative speech revealing his stance against the chareidi sector. Bennet called for action to restrain chareidi political influence We need all three vectors,” the Right, the Left, and the chareidim.“We are a Jewish State, and I’m happy that there are chareidim, but we need to limit their political influence. And I wouldn’t want an Israel without a left-wing,” Bennett continued.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Lakewood - Manhattan Bus Running Again

 Lakewood - Midtown Manhattan bus is now running again after a year and a half break due to COVID. The bus starts on Rt 9 and Rt 70 at 6:35am, travels through Lakewood and leaves Dorado park and ride at 7:00am. In Manhattan, the bus travels east on 34th street and then north on Madison to 47th St, making stops along the way. In the afternoon the bus leaves from 46th and 5th Ave at 5:50pm. There is shachris and mincha/maariv on the bus.

Monday Oct 11 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Cloudy. Slight chance of a rain shower. High 71F

Video below Hesped from Rav Avrohom Yehoshua Soleveitchik at the Levaya of the Birchas Acrohom

- "Bitcoin is worthless and government regulation is coming for cryptocurrencies", says CEO of JPMorgan Chase.

- Rav of bais Nochum in the Brookhill neighborhood said he originally signed on a letter against covid vaccine but now has withdrawn and no  longer has a a opinion on the matter
- Southwest CEO says they are short on workers, especially flight crews after pilots refuse vaccine mandate 

- Elections: Lakewood township will have all buildings open to the public since the start of the covid pandemic. 2 township committeemen arr running unapposed in next months general election  

- Columbus day local state and federal offices are closed no USPS mail, most banks are closed.

- Selichos of בה''ב today There will be a minyan mincha at 2:10 pm with קריה''ת of ויחל at Rabbi Forcheimer's shul 418 5th street Lakewood 

- Hanochas Even Hapina for Mosdos karlin Stolin of Lakewood with the stoliner rebbe attending  today 3:30 pm -4:45 pm at 1640 west county line rd Parking at Pine park

- Thousands gathered in Yerushalayim  for the Levaya of Harav Avrohom Erlanger ztl at kikar hashabbos with kevura at har hamenu hos

- Gas in Brick (rt 70 gas stations) 15 cents cheaper than Lakewood at $3.17 a gallon costco $3.09

- Ben & Jerry founders in interview say they are not boycotting Israel just disagree with govt ocupation. Asked why they dont sell in Texas and Georgia due to voting rights policies they did not have an answer.

News photos

Sunday, October 10, 2021

ברוך דיין האמת: Hagaon Harav Avraham Erlanger, Zt”l

Hamodia.com is saddened to report the petirah of Hagaon Harav Avraham Erlanger, zt”l, Rosh Yeshiva in Kol Torah in Yerushalayim and mechaber of Birchas Avraham. He was 90 years old. Harav Erlanger took ill on Erev Yom Kippur with COVID, and was hospitalized in at Shaare Zedek Medical Center, where his conditioned deteriorated.

Rav Erlanger was born in Switzerland on 6

Sunday Oct 10 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Showers this morning, becoming a steady rain during the afternoon hours. High 68F. Winds ENE at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 70%. Coastal flood warning issued for Ocean county until 5:00 pm 

Report: Southwest Airlines Cancels 1000s of Flights Due To Air Traffic Control Walkouts Over Vaccine Mandate

-3:30 pm traffic Faraday off whitesville not allowing cars

Bde: 16 year old yeshiva bachur from Givat Shaul neighborhood in Yerushalahym tragically killed after he was hit by a bus returning to his yeshiva Ner Zorach in the town of Otzam. He was on his way back from taking a test for Dirshu

- First time ever agudah will feature Neshei HaDaf Women's Program for the wives of the lomdei daf yomi for siyum on Beitzah. The women’s-only broadcast will be hosted by Mrs Charlene Aminoff with a exclusive video on the topic of ‘Nashim Bmai Zachyan’, featuring Rav Aharon Feldman, Rav Yisroel Reisman, Rav Nissan Kaplan, Rav Yitzchak Berkovits, and many others.

- Anti vaxx event today in 5 towns and Brooklyn  watch live 4 pm here with Del Bigtree more 

- Positive covid cases continue to rise in the Lakewood area mostly mild cases doctors say that people are getting the monoclonal antibody therapy right away which is helping keep hospitalizations low.

- Chavrusa Tumul continues today at BMG for the 6 months winter zman. Seating and assignments of chaburos will take place tomorrow. 

- BDE: petirah of Rebbetzin Esther Rivka Zacks, a”h, the almana of Hagaon Harav Amram Yitzchak Zacks, zt”l, Rosh Yeshivas Slabodka, at the age of 88. The Rebbetzin was born in Lithuania, the daughter of the Rosh Yeshivah of Slabodka, Hagaon Harav Mordechai Shulman, zt”l, and her mother, Rebbetzin Chayah Miriam, a”h, the daughter of the Rosh Yeshivah, Hagaon Harav Isaac Sher, zt”l. Harav Sher was the son-in-law of Hagaon Harav Nosson Zvi Finkel, zt”l, the Alter of Slabodka. (Hamodia)

- Netz/ sunrise today was 7:03 it will continue to Nov 6/3 Kislev at 7:32 am when the clock is changed back an hour.

- Trump at the Iowa rally: Here’s the difference, Hillary conceded. I never conceded — Crowd: cheers.

- Gas in Lakewood at $3.37 a gallon

- Egg throwing incidents  reported over shabbos around Lakewood near coventry and other areas LNN reports.

- Registration for boys elementary schools is in full swing with parents called down for interviews as chadorim looking to speed up the process. If you do not hear back after sending an application it is important to call the school and follow up to show you are interested.

- Bais Yaakov D'rav Meir opening a new elementary girls school  in Lakewood this coming year with kindergarten and primary under the leadership of Rabbi Michoel Levi.

-The Bespokery costum clothiers open today in Lakewood at 130 first street

- Lawsuit dismissed against Lakewood residents Jnews

- The Bahush Rebbe from EY will be visiting Lakewood parshas Chaya Sara
- The Sadigura rebbe of Bnei Brak will be coming Lakewood next month and visit the new Sadigur Bais Medrash in Lakewood

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Song of Beitzah

 Songsofshas.com  Lyrics Here 

Daf Yomi will be finishing מסכת ביצה today.

 "Almost every halacha in Baitza , is a point of contention, ,Machlokes Machlokes too many to mention, 
On talmidei chachomim marbin shalom , the Chasam sofer offers a unique explanation,

Friday, October 8, 2021

Lakewood Zmanim עש''ק פרשת נח תשפ''ב

 יום שַׁבָּתוֹן אֵין לִשְׁכֹּחַ זִכְרוֹ כְּרֵיחַ הַנִיחוֹחַ יוֹנָה מָצְאָה בוֹ מָנוֹחַ וְשָׁם יָנוּחוּ יְגִיעֵי כֹחַ הָעָם אֲשֶׁר נָע וְכַצֹּאן תָּעָה יִזְכּוֹר לְפָקְדוֹ בְּרִית וּשְׁבוּעָה לְבַל יַעֲבֹר בָּם מִקְרֵה רָעָה כַּאֲשֶׁר נִשְׁבַּעְתָּ עַל מֵי נֹחַ

Friday, October 8, 2021 / ב׳ חשון תשפ״ב ערב שבת פרשת נח

Candle lighting: 6:09 pm
Shkia/sunset 6:27 pm 

- Weather: Friday night low 61, Cloudy skies with a few showers later in the day. High 69F. Chance of rain 40%.

-מברכים בה׳׳ב

 Who was the mother of נח? It is not mentioned in the Torah by there are 3 different names brought in a sefer from Harav Chaim Kanievsky

Friday Oct 8 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Sunshine and clouds mixed. High 76F.
ערב שבת פרשת נח 
candle lighting 6:09 pm Shkiah/sunset 6:27 pm

- China: The U.S. must withdraw troops from Taiwan.

- US oil price tops $80 a barrel today

- A Mezzuzzah shortage, is preventing people from moving into their new homes is there is  a very limited supply of quality mezzuzos on the market. Some factors are that sofrim are opting to write sifrei Torah which is in very high demand and more profitable for them. Covid, Inflation and stimulus checks are also a factor for not having people starting to go into safrus. Those that started out recently are writing tefilin parshiyos which cost more, leaving the mezzuza industry with a shortage.

- Plans for the first authorized shul in Jackson hit another snag Wednesday after zoning officials sent the project back to the drawing board. Bais Medrash of Jackson was instructed to come back to the zoning board with more details about its proposal to turn a single-family home on South New Prospect Road into Bais Medrash of Jackson.  (App)

- Jackson community gathered to discuss importance of viting in  upcoming general election with participation of Rabbonim and Rav Elya Brudny

-Jack Ciattarelli blames Lakewood school board for its $1M lawyer That’s excess compensation and that Board of Education needs to be held accountable,” (App)

- R' HH on Twitter: The powers that be in Lakewood spent over 250 thousand dollars to sue me for articles that were not written by me. And I did not endorse or support. Because they assume nobody else is bothered by corruption.

Covid Continues To Wreak Havoc on Kosher Industry

 Koshertoday.com - New York…The kosher food industry continues to suffer from the repercussions of the ongoing Covid-19 saga. One issue that is creating the greatest headache for the industry is the manpower shortage. Kashrus agencies are encouraging mashgichim (kosher supervisors) to get vaccinated especially since a growing number of food plants are requiring all workers to be vaccinated. Rabbi Moshe Elefant, the COO of the Orthodox Union, said his agency is urging vaccination but that there are still many employees who oppose the vaccine. The manpower shortage is having a huge impact on kosher restaurants and caterers who face staff shortages in the kitchen and the waiter staff.  

Thursday Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan Oct 7 News Updates

 Weather: Some sun this morning with increasing clouds this afternoon. High 74F

- 68 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 15666/321
- 14 new cases in Jackson  7685/118
- 17 new cases in Toms River 12868/337

- Biden says the Labor Dept. will soon issue his rule to require all companies with more than 100 employees to ensure their employees are vaccinated or submit to weekly testing 

- Video footage released today shows police barrier in Miron at the steps and walkway 30 minutes before the tragedy took place. No evidence if it was still there when the human crush unfolded R"L 

- More Americans have died from COVID-19 this year under Biden with vaccines available than from the virus in all of 2020, according to newly updated data from Johns Hopkins University.

- LPD on bus crash: The driver, a 58-year-old Eatontown man, "may have had a medical episode that contributed or may have caused the incident," Staffordsmith said.

- Winter zman begins today at BMG with chavrusa tumul a record number of new talmidim will be joining the yeshiva

- Yeshiva in Brick, NJ has agreed to remain closed and will not start the zman until the site meets building, fire and safety code standards.Brick officials insist the congregation needs municipal Planning Board approval to change the building’s use from a house of worship to a private school. (App)

- Provocation at the kosel as Reform MK Gilad Kariv Thursday morning  using his immunity as an MK smuggled a sefer Torah into the ezras nashim  of the Kosel plaza, where the women of the wall hold their monthly rosh chodesh provocation.

- News media reports on Lakewood school nus accident driver has been released by bus company

- The Lakewood-Manhattan minyan kollel bus has resumed its daily route to the city since it stopped last last year due to covid.

- Khal Vayoel moshe of Lakewood "Eizikovitz" shul on 7th street next door to BMG received approval from the zoning board to construct a new shul building that will have minyanim and accomadate chasidishe bochurim learning in BMG.

- Lakewood BOE attorney billed $170,000 from Lakewood taxpayers over the summer, according to records reviewed this week that showed he received more than $100,000 in August alone. (APP)

Why we Add ולכפרת פשע on Rosh Chodesh of a leap year until Chodesh Nissan

On Rosh Chodesh  of a leap year we added in the Shemona Esreh of Mussaf  the words  ולכפרת פשע
In a Leap Year, in addition to praying for good and for blessing, for joy and for gladness, for salvation and comfort, for sustenance and maintenance, for life and peace, for pardon of sin and forgiveness of iniquity”, we add a 13th request in respect of the additional month: “ולכפרת פשע-and for atonement of transgression”.

A possible reason suggested is that in case the Leap Year was mistakenly designated, and in consequence Chametz was eaten on Pesach, we pray for forgiveness. (טעמי המנהגים)
The 13 pleas are corresponding to the 12 expressions of praise “הללוי’ה-הללו-הללוהו”, and the last sentence “כל הנשמה” is said twice, in respect of the Leap Year. (תהלים קנ – תניא רבתי)