Thursday, September 19, 2019

Lakewood News Briefs 9/19/19

-Tehilim: please daven for Baruch Nachman Ben Chana a youngerman who had a aneurysm l"a and is in need of rachmei shamayim
-Prosecutors in the case of Rav Asher Eiseman requested a second extension to file an appeal. Defense attorneys believe that indicate that the prosecutors are having difficulty in appealing
- The zoning board denied an application for a shul and bais havaad with 4 duplexes on Pine street. The board also denied an application to lift the age restriction for 150 apartments at covington. (LNN)
- GL reports Lakewood township officials met with merchants of the downtown to clean up the streets from loitering and rehab the area with traffic fixes

-APP: Lakewood BOE attorney should not be allowed to run a private practice on the side due to the high salary and hours spent. Senate President Steve Sweeney, called  $600,000 salary "outrageous," and that paying him that much while the district was begging for more funding was "rubbing it in our face."
-Lakewood kids still out of school are invited to The Paintbrush for free canvas painting  today to all children who do not yet have a school to attend. This initiative is being offered L’zecher nishmas R’ Gissinger, who loved and cared about each and every Lakewood child. The studio is located in Gourmet Glatt plaza.

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